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Long-time Reader: "Smart homes, Control and Evil people. Bogus social accounts. Important info."

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:04

(Thanks, J. :)

(Some similarities here to things I know Rayelan has gone through.)

Long-time Reader J. writes:


Smart homes, Control and Evil people. Bogus social accounts. Important info.

I am compromised and am learning that the person who killed my husband, and or was responsible for setting things up so he would die in 2012 is now after me and has been. I was being watched through ceiling devices. I know mind manipulation has been going on too putting thoughts in your mind that you would not have. Not sure who this is. Someone we know just not sure who.

Whoever they are is working the controller for this home and knows electronics. This is why cell phones and everything else keeps pinging off. This person was watching me via computer before I moved here to Oregon too. That is why I kept feeling like I was being watched. So everything in my house is being controlled by whoever killed my late husband. So I am not crazy someone did kill my husband in Phoenix, Arizona.

I have been researching this for weeks trying to learn what is really happening here. I was so sick before and finally have been well enough to begin figuring things out. Whoever controls your smart home is controlling you. Make sure you are doing this and no one else.

Whoever is now controlling my home electronics has killed my husband through manipulation layers and is now doing everything possible to come after me and in the process do everything possible to mess with anything I do or like. I have been through 3 cell phones, toaster oven would heat by itself until unplugged. Shredder (new) died. Washer locks by itself. New home, 3 major leaks.

This person had to be controlling my old house too in Arizona. That is why everything kept falling apart there and the smart meter almost burned down the house. It is the reason nothing we did helped my husband and also the reason my heart kept stopping and I would pass out and fall. The injuries have been huge.

I believe they have also used electronic mind manipulation on me and my late husband as well. The mind manipulation has been used to cause issues with friends so they back off too and you now have no one. Now it is finally all making sense what has been going on for so long. Anyone who does not like you can control and kill you if they have control of your smart home or computers. He is doing everything to make me look bad and or crazy to everyone.

When you buy a new home you are supposed to be given access to a controller to set and control your privacy settings. Controller is in the ceiling and controls everything electronic in your home. Before you live there all info is removed, reset and you set the controls. This info needs to be out there and given to new homeowners as this aspect is so important and controls your security. This is a smart home yet was not sold as such. When the embedded features are in series meaning more than one device is connected they become smart features so can control everything. Yet we were never told nor given any info on this.

People need to know they control their home and my life has now been hell from this person since 2010. Watching and setting up things so my late husband would die, then watching me and now controlling my home for 4 + years in Eugene, Oregon. This person also was able to post photos of me in my home to the local social site Nextdoor and has caused endless grief then reopened an acct in another email address of mine at the site and I had no idea. Person has been posting as me and I had no idea. So neighbors think I am posting shots of undress or medical treatment. No wonder I have felt so insane at times, nothing has made sense. Trying to reach this company has been impossible. The person controlling my home has been doing this not me. Now I know how he is getting into and controlling my computer too. Everything electronic in my home is being controlled by some psycho. He has taken pics of me in the privacy of my home via embedded smoke detectors. Very, very, creepy what is happening here.

Racking my brain trying to figure out who would hate us that much or if this is someone who is just very twisted. Whoever they are well connected to be able to cause so much grief and have products I use removed from store shelves on a regular basis. That aspect has been happening regularly for a long time.

People need to know the importance of controlling their smart homes. This information is vital for security. The person controlling my home right now killed my late husband by design and is now working to do the same to me. In the process I have all but lost my mind, especially the effects from the smart meter and endless falls. Hope this info will wake folks to the importance of smart home control and dangers of smart meters too.

Glad to finally know I am not crazy. You cannot be too careful about home and computer control. Thanks.

Longtime reader.


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Articles In This Thread

Long-time Reader: "Smart homes, Control and Evil people. Bogus social accounts. Important info."
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:04
Long-time Reader, Update
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:04
Reader: "You are being psyoped by the us government."
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:04
Long-time Reader: "Reader R thank you and you are likely very close."
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:04

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