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Anna Von Reitz: "Remembering Where We Are In Time"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "Again, About the Arbitration by Phil Hudok and Others" (hobie)

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Sunday, October 6, 2019

Remembering Where We Are In Time

By Anna Von Reitz

Today was memorable for many reasons, not the least of which was an extraordinary conversation I had with a man who actually thought that The Treaty of Paris, 1783, was the Founding Document of our country.

I had to tell him that no, The Treaty of Paris, 1783, is not our Founding Document.

Our Founding Document is The Unanimous Declaration of Independence, published in July of 1776.

The Treaty of Paris barely mentions us for the same reason that the Constitutions barely mention us.

Neither the Treaty of Paris nor the Constitutions are about us -- they are instead Power Sharing Agreements between European Principals, sorting out what they will do and what their responsibilities are going forward.

Look at this circumstance again--- there are four separate entities operating under confusingly similar names.

The United States --- the proper name of our soil jurisdiction states acting as a Union of republican States.

"the" United States -- the name of the Pope's Municipal United States Government.

The United States of America -- the proper name of our land jurisdiction unincorporated Federation of States.

"the" United States of America -- the name of the British Territorial United States of America.

As you read The Treaty of Paris, 1783, you will note that the bulk of whole thing is about "the United States" --- that is, the Pope's Municipal Government, and "the United States of America" --- that is, the British Territorial United States.

Both these entities were to receive specific "Delegated Powers" from us as a result of the peace treaty; they were to exercise these delegated powers for us and in our behalf, so they were both allowed to operate "under our names".

So, from 1783 onward, when you see references to "the United States" you have to read the context of the document in these early years to know whether they are talking about The United States or "the" United States.

Past about 1790 when all this got consolidated, you can reliably assume that any reference to The United States is about our soil jurisdiction Union of republican states, and any reference to "the" United States is about the Pope's Municipal United States Government.

The same process applies to the use of The United States of America. When you see it presented as The United States of America without the word "Incorporated" you may assume that our Federation of States is being discussed unless there is a specific agreement otherwise defined by the text. When you see "the" United States of America it refers to the British Territorial United States Government.

The Treaty of Paris of 1783 set up and defined what was being agreed to between the British King and the Pope, and who was responsible for what in the new Power Sharing Agreement coming into effect; the Constitutions then implemented these agreements.

From 1781 to 1787, our own States of America Confederation provided all the Services and exercised all the Delegated Powers.

After the original Constitution was adopted in 1787, specific "powers" that had been exercised by the States of America, were split off and exercised by the British Monarch and the Pope, instead.

The States of America continued to exist and function as our American Federal Service Provider until 1860, when the Civil War resulted in splitting the original Confederacy in half --- what remained were the Northern members of the States of America, and the Southern members now functioning as the Confederate States of America.

See the similar names now?

The bunko artists have tried to obscure these facts and prevent them from coming to public knowledge, but praise God, we now know.

When the Constitution of 1787 was adopted, the State of America confederacy lost many vital powers which it had hitherto exercised for us; it was obliged to turn these enumerated powers over to the British King of the Commonwealth (King John's heirs) and the Municipal Government of the Pope, respectively, according to the agreements reached as part of The Treaty of Paris, 1783.

The States of America continued to function in this lessened capacity until 1860, and was never reconstructed after the so-called American Civil War, mainly because the two foreign subcontractors secretively usurped upon their employers--- the American States and People and our unincorporated Federation of States, dba, The United States of America.

So the States of America has been awaiting "Reconstruction" all these years, and generations of clueless Americans have been left unaware that this job has yet to be done.

It is important to understand that our Government "of the people, for the people, and by the people' is a living government operating in an independent and sovereign capacity. It is summoned into being when necessity demands, and it is being summoned now to assemble the State Citizens who are the "People" who are Party to the Constitutions and who are enabled to enforce them.

Thanks to General Ignorance and various actions undertaken by our Federal Subcontractors in Breach of Trust we have had a long journey home and have been forced to remember exactly how we got here and who we are.


See this article and over 2000 others on Anna's website here:


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Anna Von Reitz: "Why No Excitement Here Over Arbitration Awards"
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18
Anna Von Reitz: "Again, About the Arbitration by Phil Hudok and Others"
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18
Anna Von Reitz: "Remembering Where We Are In Time"
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18
Anna Von Reitz: "Notice to Pope: Babylon is Fallen, is Fallen"
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18
Anna Von Reitz: "The Revolving Door"
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18

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