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Investor Lobbyists, Senators Demand More Imported Workers

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18

Well of course they do.. Lobbyists and Sin-ators both get their moolah from Corporations who want cheap workers. .. At the expense of American workers.

American jobs lost: Roofing, Construction (painters, drywallers, etc)Landscaping, nursing is importing from the Philippines, Drs (importing ever more) Factory workers of all kinds, IT techs, computer work force, meat packers, phone call centers, and on and on it goes. Jobs that USED to be held by Americans. Millions of jobs!


By Neil Munro

Business groups and cheap labor advocates are denouncing President Donald Trump’s plan to shrink the inflow of invited refugees down to 18,000 in 2020.

“Slashing the refugee program goes against both our national values and our economic interests,” said John Feinblatt, the president of billionaire-backed New American Economy advocacy group. “Refugees help reverse population decline, start new businesses that create jobs, and boost tax revenues,” he said. His group claimed that “between 2016 and 2018, the number of new refugee arrivals to Salt Lake City dropped by 70 percent, creating major problems for local ventures.”

The existing population, 2.3 million refugees in the United States, had $56.3 billion in disposable income in 2015, Steve Hubbard, a data scientist at New American Economy, told a sympathetic Newsweek reporter. He continued:

“In a community, you want to make sure you have workers … employers want to see that and people who work in economic development want to see that there are plenty of workers in the area, because it attracts business and entrepreneurship,” Hubbard said. “With communities like Salt Lake City, they have seen a decrease in the number of new refugees arriving … and that’s creating problems of finding enough workers for future ventures and for entrepreneurship and things like that.”

Mike Bloomberg founded the NAE network, and the members include Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, Jamie Dimon at JPMorgan Chase, and Laurence Fink at BlackRock, Inc.

“The Trump Administration’s continual efforts to gut the refugee and asylum systems harkens back to the worst moments in our nation’s history,” said Todd Schulte, director of another investor-funded lobby group. “America has been made stronger, more prosperous, and more vibrant because of the contributions of people seeking refuge and asylum,” said Schulte, whose wealthy investors — including Zuckerberg — gain from higher inflows of workers, renters, and consumers.

Trump’s new goal of 18,000 invited refugees is far less than President Barack Obama’s 2017 push to invite more than 100,000 refugees from Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and South America.

Throughout his eight years, Obama worked with several government-funded groups to send new refugees into town with labor-intensive meatpacking plants — usually without any regard for the wishes of the local Americans.

So Trump’s 18,000 goal was released with a new policy that would give Americans the authority to block the drop-off of new refugees into their communities.

The drop-off policy does not try to prevent settled refugees from moving to other towns and cities, but still denounced it:

Further, the idea that we would allow states or localities to block people who have been vetted and approved to live in the US, from resettling in certain communities is wrong. Segregating immigrant populations will only serve to further divide our country.

Trump allowed up to 30,000 refugees to be imported into 2018. So, the new goal of 18,000 is a drop of just 12,000 refugees, or maybe 5,000 workers.

That is a tiny number in an economy of roughly 165,000 million workers, so the complaints by businesses are part of a broad public relations pushback against Trump’s overall immigration policies.

Since 2016, business groups have set up a wide variety of legal, activist, legislative, and public relations efforts to block and frustrate Trump’s planned immigration reforms, which are expected to boost wages for blue-collar Americans.

Some GOP politicians joined the public relations chorus.

“I’m disappointed to see that the Administration has once again decided to decrease the number of refugees we allow into our country,” said a statement from Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford, whose state includes many meatpacking plants.

Neil Munro


A lawsuit claims the nation's chicken-processing industry colluded to suppress wages for hundreds of thousands of American & migrant workers nationwide, to spike CEO salaries and stock prices. Same goal as Apple & Google's collusion vs college grads.

Imported H-1B visa workers also nudge down salaries for Americans. “Foreign workers on H-1B visas offer employers many advantages: they cannot typically quit the employer who hires them without losing their status, their opportunities in their home country often are substantially worse than these U.S. opportunities, and so forth,” according to Peter Cappelli, Wharton management professor and director of the school’s Center for Human Resources. He continued:

Wages do not rise to reflect the shortfall [of American workers], U.S. employees do not pursue these fields because of that, and employers then become completely dependent on H-1B workers to fill them. We have seen this play out in earlier periods where nurses and mid-level programming jobs were almost completely filled by foreign workers on these visas.

Neil Munro


DHS exposes trafficking of Indian graduates to US jobs via B1 & H-1B visas. Smuggled B1s are paid Indian wages so they help Indian CEOs grab white-collar jobs from US grads & companies. Crappy jobs for you & your kids if @SenMikeLee's @S386 becomes law.

Each year, roughly four million young Americans join the workforce after graduating from high school or a university. This total includes about 800,000 Americans who graduate with skilled degrees in business or health care, engineering or science, software, or statistics.

But the federal government then imports about 1.1 million legal immigrants and refreshes a resident population of about 1.5 million white-collar visa workers — including approximately one million H-1B workers and spouses — and about 500,000 blue-collar visa workers. The government also prints more than one million work permits for new foreigners and rarely punishes companies for employing illegal migrants.

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