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Posted By: Patriotlad
Date: Monday, 16-Mar-2015 23:45:50

Originally As Posted By:

Patriotlad ~ Wednesday, May-9-2001 at 16:08

Propaganda And The Rise Of Secret Armies

"If you had territory, as I hope you will soon have New Orleans, I should prefer to insist upon the cession of that province as a separate article than ... as a principle of negotiation." -- Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington in a letter of November 9, 1814.

Early on in the 1958 version of "The Buccaneer," starring Yul Brynner as Jean Lafitte, British officers come to visit the notorious pirate leader at his island stronghold of Barataria. They offer him, in writing, many inducements to join their cause, and to provide pilots who will help British ships navigate the bayou streams and river approaches to New Orleans.

A pardon for his previous acts of "piracy" is included, as is the offer of some $30,000 in gold. Lafitte, despite being at odds with the governor of the newest American State, and despite operating a "free trade zone" where no duties or tariffs are collected and no taxes paid -- takes these letters to William Claiborne. He does so deliberately to inform this unhappy leader that the British are preparing to attack and capture New Orleans, and to obtain a dispensation for himself and his pirate companies.

Like any of the renderings of American history concocted by Hollywood, "The Buccaneer" -- based on a novel written by Lyle Saxon in 1930 -- is accurate only in its details and its costumes, and not in its facts or even its fictions. True, there was a meeting at Barataria on September 3rd, 1814, where British officers led by Captain Nicholas Lockyer offered the cash bribe and unspecified "lands," to be awarded later, to Lafitte.

However, the British were also demanding from Lafitte the return of British and Spanish merchant ships seized by his pirates, or at least compensation for their merchandise. And, the British wanted the "instant cessation of hostilities against the Spanish government," and the command of all vessels then operating as privateers! In return, Jean Lafitte would be appointed a Captain in the Royal Navy and when the British took New Orleans, his brother Pierre would be released from its municipal jail.

All of these points and more were summarized by Lafitte in a letter which he wrote to a close friend in New Orleans, a man who happened to be the rightful owner of some of the ships sought by the British ( and a member of the Legislature ). Contrary to the presentations and portrayals of Lafitte in either the 1938 or 1958 versions of the movie, both the American and French-speaking social leaders in New Orleans were entangled with the Brothers Lafitte.

The New Orleans Association was intimately involved in raising money and supplying arms to Mexican patriots, seeking their independence from Spain; and the principal carrier for these supplies was the eldest Lafitte, known as Dominique You.

So, too, their cousin Renato Belouche sailed as a privateer for the rebel Republic of Cartagena, bringing more than $1,000,000 in prize ships as captures to Barataria and thus, to New Orleans. The Lafittes had been born and raised in Haiti, and their hatred for the Spanish government, including its colonial governors, was exceeded only by their avarice and their love of luxuries.

So, it is a measure of the desperate motives animating British leaders of that time, to see that they would attempt both to threaten and to cajole Jean Lafitte with their promises of land and gold coins. Although Napoleon Bonaparte had been beaten, thoroughly and finally beaten, and the war in Spain was done, it remained a fact that the war with the United States continued as an unpopular and expensive enterprise.

Yet Great Britain had long aspired to claim ownership of New Orleans ( for Spain, if not for itself ), and had made plans for its occupation as early as 1813. Lafitte was not surprised when, a few days after meeting Nicholas Lockyer, he received word from Havana, Cuba, that the British expedition was intent on raising an army of Creek and Seminole warriors to help them seize Mobile and New Orleans.

"The Buccaneer" does accurately recount the able assistance of Lafitte and Belouche's artillerymen at the Battle of New Orleans. It does reflect the decision to "throw in" with the Americans, despite being betrayed by them when U.S. forces raided his storehouses at Barataria, and captured Dominique You.

But no movie made in Hollywood, and none of the prominent histories written about the War of 1812, can illustrate the ripples in the political and diplomatic circles that this bloody British defeat caused in 1815.

By the close of the Congress of Vienna, the terms of the Treaty of Ghent -- ending the War of 1812 -- were known to both the leaders and the general public in Europe, as was the size of the disaster at New Orleans. The British defeat there was not just a loss of over 2,400 veteran soldiers, including two generals, eight colonels and the commanding officer, Sir Edward Pakenham, killed outright. It was dynamic proof that even the disciplined military forces of Great Britain, with an excellent navy and their advantage of great wealth, could not subdue those pesky American colonials, either in Canada or Louisiana.

Because of the great distances involved, the British people had borne a great expense for prosecuting the war with the United States. And to their surprise, the end of hostilities with both Napoleon Bonaparte and their American cousins brought social unrest and an economic depression to England, not prosperity.

With the conclusion of these wars, and the final defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo, there were only two real powers left intact in Europe: this was the protestant oligarchy of Great Britain, and the Catholic leadership of Austria. Russia, though a victor, had been badly ravaged by Bonaparte's invasion and its own "scorched earth" defense. Spain was crippled for years in recovering from the effects of the war, and it lost most of its colonies in the Americas; and then, the various regions of Italy lurched from being in a state of war to being in a state of revolution.

And oft times, in revolution against Austria.

That does not mean, however, that either the British or the Austrian royals gave up their enmity towards the United States, or their designs and their plots against this union of free republican States. Quite to the contrary!

Both nations learned that the United States could not be beaten by military forces, given the distances involved, and so each set about pursuing their goals by indirect means. Wellington's words were heeded, the Treaty of Ghent was approved and the dream of conquering New Orleans, and setting up a British fiefdom there, was discarded.

By the use of their financial powers, by their networks of international spies and informers, and by the formation of secret armies, both the British and the Austrians were to deploy the oldest and the newest weapons in their world -- bribery and propaganda. Curiously enough, with their own relatively "free" press, the British chose to employ bribery and financial tricks.

That left it to the Austrians to find new ways to walk their money into the new weaponry of propaganda: the molding of public opinion by voting and by scolding or controlling the free press.

Eighteen years after winning the Battle of New Orleans, Andrew Jackson was entering into his second term as President of the United States, intent on facing down the British financial titans who controlled The Bank of the United States. Travelling in Europe, a prominent American artist ( the son of a noted protestant evangelist who rebelled against Harvard College ), was learning first-hand that the Catholic leadership of Austria had designs against the liberties of the United States.

He returned to the States and commenced to write a series of articles, which were published in the New York Observer, on the perils inherent in the unlimited immigration of Catholics from Ireland and Germany. He called himself "Brutus," and his articles were later collected and published as -- Foreign Conspiracy Against The Liberties of the United States ( Leavitt, Lord & Co., 1835 ).

"Foreign influence," writes Brutus, "cannot find its way into [this] country through any of the Protestant sects, to the danger of the State. In this respect, Catholics stand alone. They are already the most powerful and dangerous sect in the country, for they are not confined in their schemes and means like the other sects, to our own borders, but they work with the minds and the funds of all despotic Europe."

"The conspirators against our liberties", says Brutus, "have been admitted from abroad through the liberality of our institutions" -- "and the whole Catholic church is thus prepared to throw its weight of power and wealth into the hands of Austria".

Brutus, known to us today as Samuel F. B. Morse -- American artist, Yale graduate, and the inventor of the telegraph and Morse code -- asserts that the prosperity of this union of free republican States was the source of Austrian and Catholic royalist animosity. To wit: "the crusade against the liberties of the country ... by its simple existence in opposition to their theory of legitimate power, is working revolution and destruction to their thrones."

"The mutual jealousies of the different [Protestant] sects," writes Samuel Morse, "is a weakness boasted of by Catholics .... that they can play off one sect against another, for in the petty controversies that divide the contending parties, the pliable conscience of the Jesuit enables him to throw the weight of his influence on either side".

Elsewhere, Morse ( as Brutus ), specifically states that the Jesuit conspirators are organized "like the sub-officers of an army, up to the commander-in-chief at Vienna ( not the Pope, for he is but a subordinate of Austria ). In such clear and unmistakable language, Morse says that the Jesuits move among the Catholic immigrants of these United States like the soldiers of a secret army, using the freedom to travel and to associate, the freedoms of religion and the press, to press forward on their own agenda.

This secret army, says Morse, "has allied itself with the Democracy of the land, [and] it is the loudest in its denunciations of tyranny, the tyranny of American patriots!"

Morse means that the Jesuits were seeking control of the Democratic Party, and he asserts that this secret army "puts itself forth as the most zealous guardian of civil and religious liberty!"

"They live surrounded by freedom," writes Morse in a manner which seems quite bitter to modern sensibilities, "yet liberty of conscience, right of private judgement, whether in religion or politics, are as effectually excluded by the priests [Jesuits] as if the code of Austria already ruled the land."

What can be deduced from scathing comments of Morse, in this modern era, is that many lives and much treasure have been expended in the pursuit of destroying the United States from within. That means that even if the Vatican in Rome had a deal with the oligarchy of Great Britain, to act as "operating agents" for the colonies, somewhere along or about 1780 the wagon got unhitched.

They have been trying to put the American people back in the traces ever since -- otherwise, why bother to invade New Orleans? Why bother to seek to suppress the only section of the Constitution -- the original Thirteenth Amendment -- ever written to deliberately frustrate, block and counter-act the operations of secret armies, agents-provocateur, and foreign spies?

Perhaps some Agents who contribute to Rumor Mill News would be inclined to substitute "Jews" for Jesuits, in the preceding commentary by Morse. For the Protestant or Catholic Christian who feels, instinctively, that abortion is a crime against humanity -- or at least against human nature -- the resolute defense of abortionists and the doctrine of "abortion rights" as espoused by a legion of Jewish lawyers in Congress and the ACLU rests upon the same foundation.

So, too, advocates of the right to keep and bear arms are baffled, nay, mystified by the inability of Jewish lawyers in Congress or the ACLU to read and understand the simple words of the Second Amendment.

Then again, once the good citizen enjoys a well-made propaganda piece like "The Buccaneer," they can set their thoughts on what plans the British have executed against the United States since they lost the War of 1812 !! Then, once a citizen ( one who still cares about the country ), understands that the British money infiltrated into this country, in the decades following their bloody defeat at New Orleans in 1815, went into bribing and corrupting the American legal establishment -- who then obligingly worked to suppress the original Thirteenth Amendment by deleting it unlawfully -- then that citizen may understand for himself or herself what the implications of the term, British Zionism, really are !! No other person can make that call.

Then each individual can ask, for themselves and for their own understandings -- who are the Jesuits and what do they want here? Which banking houses have helped them to operate their secret armies? What royal families have they corrupted, infiltrated, or suborned?

And what, exactly, does this all mean for a world poised on the brink of retrieving 25,000 years of previously forgotten human history, poised to "remember" the technology of civilizations long lost?

How can ancient or newly-discovered machineries help save a humanity which has never yet shed the wanton greed and the avariciousness of "human nature?" What does it mean, to know that British Zionism and the Roman Church have both operated secret armies, actively hostile to this union of free republican States, for at least 160 years?

Precisely who are the Jesuits, what do they want, and where in this scheme of things does a citizen find the modern, literate, electronically equipped, and wealthy nation of Austria? Be they Faction-friendly, or be they NWO?

What are the ramifications of such a long-standing plan of betrayal, for a modern world which may be poised on the edge of a titanic, life or death struggle with a hostile and seditious alien race?

Does it call for Christian forgiveness, or for the unforgiving militancy of a party Purge !?

[The articles written by Brutus, or Samuel F. B. Morse, for the New York Observer -- were published by Leavitt, Lord & Co., 182 Broadway, New York City, N.Y. in 1835.]

"The Buccaneer" as made in 1938 is available via Netflix and stars Frederic March and Walter Brennan in an all-star cast.

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Patriotlad -- Monday, 16-Mar-2015 23:45:50
Swami -- Tuesday, 17-Mar-2015 02:07:00

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