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Anna Von Reitz: "Regarding All Federal Retirees --- Civil and Military"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:07


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Sunday, August 4, 2019

Regarding All Federal Retirees --- Civil and Military

By Anna Von Reitz

Anything that the PERSON is owed as a result of service or labor is still owed regardless of where that PERSON is domiciled or what law that PERSON lives under after retirement.

Our veterans earned their pensions and services in terms of medical care, etc., so their situation is entirely the same as a person who worked and vested in the Social Security system and retired.

Imagine that you went to work for a foreign corporation in a foreign country ---- say, for example, that you went to work of a Target store in Morocco. While in Morocco, you have to follow the law of that country, right? And while working for that employer, you have to follow their corporation's rules, too? Well, that's what happens when you join the Armed Services or the Federal Civil Service, either. You subject yourself, temporarily, to the rules of a foreign corporation and enter the foreign federal jurisdiction, which is the equivalent of a foreign country.

When you come home ---- and that is what they call it, too ---- "going home", you have to set aside Federal Citizenship in order to receive back your natural birthright political status. This is the equivalent of leaving Morocco and moving back to Columbus, Ohio. Suddenly, you are no longer living in Morocco --- or in this case, "the US" anymore, so you are no longer subject to the laws of that country. You are back home living under American Public Law. And, you have retired, so you are no longer living under corporate rules and regulations, either. You no longer have to punch their time clock or wear their uniform.

Just like the example of the Target store, any employee pension or retirement or service benefit you earned while employed by the Federal Government is still owed to YOU, and is still due and payable as a Priority Debt of the corporation, even if it goes bankrupt.

So, military retirement benefits, like earned Social Security payments, like Federal Civil Service pensions ----are "earned dividends" that are still owed to you, wherever you choose to live and whatever law you choose to live under after your retirement. You can leave Morocco. You are not obligated to stay and live there after you retire. And once you stop receiving a current-duty paycheck, you aren't obligated to follow the rules and regulations of any corporation, either.

It used to be that when our men and women retired from the military it was "assumed" that they returned home to the States and took up their natural birthright political status again, but after Korea, the "presumption" was changed, so that our retired military personnel are assumed to stay in Federal Territory until and unless they specifically tell their branch commander that they have returned home to their State of the Union.

The DOD should be automatically issuing them the correct ID when they leave the service, but that hasn't been done, because the corporation is trying to protect its bottom line and trying to retain coercive control over the veterans ---as if they stayed in Morocco and are still working for Target, long after that is no longer the case.

As military personnel our veterans carry many burdens that civilians don't have. By pretending that our veterans haven't "officially" returned home, the rats have continued to impose military law and military discipline and military service obligations and have deprived these Americans of the very freedom they fought for. They have also imposed unfair taxes and deprived them of benefits that they are in fact owed.

Americans are owed the National Credit by "the US" and its corporations. US Citizens are not eligible to collect on the National Credit. This is another reason why it is to the advantage of the Federal Corporations to "presume" that you all stayed in Federal Territory once you left the service. It renders you ineligible to execute Mutual Offset Credit Exchanges with the US Government and claim against the National Credit that Americans are owed.

By returning home to the States and expatriating "your" Federal PERSONS to Ohio, for example, you make it clear that you are no longer in Federal Territory. You become eligible for all the protections of the Constitutions. You become eligible to claim against the National Credit you are owed. You are set free of military obligation, regulation, and discipline and have to be treated as a civilian again.

The advantage of this is self-evident. Who wants to claim "civil rights" that are dependent on the whim of a corrupt Congress, when you are owed your "natural and unalienable rights"? Who wants to carry the burden of the US National Debt, when you are in fact owed trillions of dollars as an American? And you are owed access to all that credit, too?

You can have your cake --- your freedom and ability to access the National Credit --- and eat it, too, by retaining all earned dividends and services that are owed you as a result of your military service, simply by expatriating back to your home State of the Union and waiving all "unearned" benefits. It takes a little paperwork, but the rewards are well-worth it.

As a US Citizen, you have to struggle to pay back the mortgages that the Territorial States of States have placed on your home and land. As an American, after you have given notice to your Branch of Service of your decision to return home and done the paperwork to expatriate back to your home State of the Union, you can claim your exemption under Title 50, Section 7 (c) and (e), 2012, and then execute a Mutual Offset Credit Exchange to pay off any mortgage, hospital bill, college loan, etc.,etc., that is addressed to the federal PERSON.

So, yes, Virginia, you can collect any earned Federal pensions and pension services owed to your PERSON, without any obligation to live in a Federal Territory or subject yourself to Federal regulation. Once you expatriate back home to your State of the Union, you also become eligible to receive access to the National Credit and can use the process of Mutual Offset Credit Exchange to pay off any debts addressed to your PERSON.

For millions of American Retirees, especially military retirees, this news is the difference between scraping along, barely living---- and enjoying life. It's the difference between being a free man and a slave to autocratic Federal demands. It's the difference between being a "Freeholder" and standing on your own two feet and being considered a Pauper and a Ward of the State of State.

Some people are alarmed and afraid to claim back their birthright status. They are confused because they don't understand the difference between a "US Citizen" and an "American State Citizen". Others think that we are doing something wrong or obtaining some unfair advantage or taking some form of welfare by claiming and accessing the National Credit. Nothing could be further from the truth. Our National Credit has been bought and paid for with honest goods and services, by us and by our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. There is nothing dishonorable or shady about exchanging our credit for THEIR debt. In fact, this is the only realistic way that the US National Debt can ever be off-set and reduced back down to reasonable levels.

So both as a former "US Citizen" and as an American, our veterans can best serve this country by returning home to their birthright political status, expatriating back to their State of the Union (where they were born), and exercising their ability as Americans to offset the debts of the US with credit that is already earned.

That's right --- already earned credit. All our debts are pre-paid. We simply have to return to and act in our proper political status to access this credit and apply it. The IRS is responsible for crediting any ACCOUNT that belongs to an American State National or American State Citizen.

The difference between an American State National and an American State Citizen? A National owes no service or obligation to any government. A Citizen owes a duty or service obligation to uphold the State Government. So, upon your "return home", you can choose to join your State Assembly, which I highly recommend, and engage actively in the necessary task of self-governance, or depending on your own needs, you may choose to be a State National with no obligation to the government at all, beyond maintaining the peace and not causing damage to other people and their property.


See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here:


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Articles In This Thread

Anna Von Reitz: "Regarding All Federal Retirees --- Civil and Military"
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:07
Anna Von Reitz: "The Municipal Debt Scam"
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:07

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