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Reader: The Bipartisan Sanctuary City Shell Game

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:17

In Response To: Dealing With the Democrats' Migrant Invasion (RumorMail)

: Sent to us from reader Kevin...


Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) is trying to do Americans disgusted with rampant lawlessness a big favor. He is introducing a bill called “The Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act.” “The legislation creates a private right of civil action for the victims of sanctuary jurisdictions, allowing them to bring an action for compensatory damages against the sanctuary jurisdiction as a result of a violent crime committed by an illegal immigrant,” a press release explains. “Any sanctuary city or jurisdiction that refuses to waive its immunity as it relates to sanctuary-related civil action would be subject to the withholding of certain Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding.”

Sanctuary jurisdictions epitomize the Democrat Party’s odious belief that they can ignore any law that doesn’t comport with their worldview. Thus we have hundreds of locales around the nation that knowingly obstruct immigration enforcement and shield criminals from Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE), using a variety of methods to do.

Tillis was motivated by the machinations of several sanctuary jurisdictions in his home state, and he supplied an anecdote revealing what it’s like going against a bankrupt ideology that supports anarchism to sustain itself:

Earlier this month, the Mecklenburg County (NC) Sheriff’s Office refused to notify ICE and comply with a lawful detainer request when it released a dangerous illegal immigrant from county jail who was charged with multiple domestic violence charges for strangling a woman and threatening to kill her. This was only one of more than 20 troubling instances this year of the Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Office releasing potentially dangerous individuals after refusing to comply with detainer requests. The reckless sanctuary policy prompted criticism from the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina.

Criticism is not enough, and Tillis makes it clear why his bill is desperately needed. “If politicians want to prioritize reckless sanctuary policies over public safety, they should also be willing to provide just compensation for the victims,” he said in a statement.

Tillis’s bill is co-sponsored by Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), and Ted Cruz (R-TX). “If state and local public officials jeopardize the safety and security of the American people by refusing to comply with federal immigration law, they should be held to account by our citizens when such reckless endangerment leads to more violent crime,” Grassley asserts. “We are a nation of laws.”

Are we? In Maryland’s Prince George’s County, Police Chief Henry Stawinski and FOP president John Teletchea have released an instructional video that teaches police how not to cooperate with federal warrants, if those warrants are for “civil” matters related to illegal aliens. “Let’s be clear,” Chief Stawinski asserts, “the intent of this policy is to keep both you, and our community, safe.”

Pure nonsense. What these ideologically compromised hacks are saying is that illegals must commit a criminal act before they will deign to follow federal law.

National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) President Brandon Judd notes the infuriating double-standard. “If you, as an American citizen, don’t pay your taxes or don’t pay a civil traffic fine do you think you’re going to be given a free pass?” he asks. “Not likely. Since traffic infractions are mostly ‘civil’ offenses, does this mean that residents of Prince George’s County don’t have to pay the fines and can ignore court appearances? And if not, why not?”

Because illegals have garnered special privilege, among Democrats determined to “fundamentally transform” the United States — or eliminate the nation state altogether. That project requires millions of illegals who can be used as canon fodder for the wholesale and purposeful breakdown of law and order, and the precipitation of a demographic shift aimed at entrenching progressives in permanent positions of power. Pathetically, Democrats are aided in their efforts by Chamber of Commerce-beholden Republicans, more than willing to provide their campaign donors with cheap labor.

Nothing speaks to this bipartisan sellout more forcefully than the reality that each party had control of the House, the Senate and the presidency for two years — Democrats from 2008-2010 and Republicans from 2016-2018 — and neither did anything to address what is now a nonexistent border, nor the most blatant form of selective law enforcement that sanctuary cities represent.

In short, the members of our Ruling Class are shameless shills for the globalist agenda. The one where America is just another nation (or no nation at all) and its workers — and citizens — are no more worthy of consideration than any other group of people, anywhere else in the world.

It is also why five equally disingenuous Supreme Court justices somehow determined that the “intent” of putting a question about citizenship on the 2020 Census transcended the legal ability to do so, even though the question has been included in the past with no problem — and despite the fact that a substantial majority of Americans support including it.

Unfortunately, in a rather uncharacteristic display of weakness, Trump has let SCOTUS get away with it.

Moreover, despite Tillis’s efforts, it is apparent that both parties remain steadfast in one overriding effort: They are desperate to prevent the public from knowing how many illegals reside in America. For decades we’ve been told it’s 11 million — and virtually everyone who uses that figure gets it from the Pew Research Center, which gets it from the Department of Homeland Security — the same DHS that has never conducted a census.

The other government entity charged with determining the number of illegals in the United States? The U.S. Census Bureau, which hasn’t posed the question to all U.S. households since 1950. And since 1970, when the agency began sending out long- and short-form questionnaires, the question was included solely on the long form that was only sent to a sample of one-in-six households.

Since neither the DHS or the Census Bureau have done anything remotely resembling a genuine effort to determine how many illegals are here, the notion that it’s 11 million, and has remained on or near that total for over a decade — even as the most dedicated leftists now admit the border is “in chaos” — is utterly absurd.

Why the subterfuge? Because 20 million or 30 million illegals would wholly alter the parameters of the “comprehensive immigration reform” debate that inevitably ends with a “pathway to citizenship.” Even “worse,” real numbers would seriously jeopardize the entire sanctuary-supporting apparatus and the complete debasement of citizenship it represents.

In a better nation, Tillis’s bill would be a no-brainer. In fact, it would also include criminal liability for politicians and law-enforcement officials willing to allow Americans to be raped, murdered, and otherwise victimized to preserve a wholly corrupt status quo.

In this nation? Once can expect this bill to quietly die, courtesy of Democrats who care more about illegals than Americans, and Republicans who always promise to do the right thing but never follow through when they can actually do it. Thus, while Democrats control the House, Tillis, et al, will take a “tough” stand against sanctuary cities.

It’s what “business as usual” — better known as ruling-class-orchestrated anarchy — is all about.

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Articles In This Thread

Dealing With the Democrats' Migrant Invasion
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18
Reader: The Bipartisan Sanctuary City Shell Game
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:17

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