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*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 11-Mar-2015 16:34:09

Hi, Folks -

Found at


3-11-15 TNT DINAR CC (Notes by Adept1):

Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#

Tony: Good morning, TNT! Today is Wednesday, March 11, 2015. We didn’t expect to be here, or we did but expected to have a different conversation.

DC: Everything is incredibly awesome. We have a lot of guesses on time, but that hasn’t been firmed up. Everything is ready to go and we’re waiting on the exact time.

East to West, in Iraq everybody has… security forces have done a phenomenal job in Tikrit, and we’re excepting an announcement about that. That helps the story that Iraq is looking good there. The CBI has all technical and legal processes loaded and ready. They are up and running. Laws and regulations are all where they should be. On television they have been saying to get ready for the economic reform, and “currency will have a higher value than ever before.” Contractors are set up, ready for this to go through, with checks going on in contracting departments on what is owed. Rebuilding plans in Anbar province are set up, and key figures have extra-tight security. They are just waiting on the moment. Anything else on Iraq that we can say?

In the mosques, they said to be prepared for it, that this is really coming, no kidding. Everyone is getting excited with lots of wonderful expectations that this will go down in the next day or so.

In the US, everyone is ready, in lockdown and on call; they were just going to call people in later, but they’ve pulled in more staff now so that is a much bigger tell than it was. Quite a few are still on call, but they called in more because they feel this is a about to happen.

Tony: What used to happen is when we got really close, they called everyone in and they sat around twiddling their thumbs. Then they said they wouldn’t do anything until after the fact. This morning…

DC: They dragged in everyone and their mother!

Tony: So we are there, numbers are there, it’s all out there and everyone’s discussing it. All we’re waiting for is the moment of truth. Iraq is the only ones to get their people hyped up saying “It’s here!”

DC: There is a super-positive text about what was said in the mosques today. It’s public information – I’m just driving, and I don’t’ want to read it while I’m driving.

Tony: “Shouting form the mosque Allah is great! Change is coming! Winds of time flow slowly, beware of pirates, follow your future to its ending. Save your wealth and be thankful to Allah!” This supposedly refers to the RV and currency reform…

617 caller: Will this still be after 4pm and before 6am EST?

DC: I believe they scrapped all that. They wanted to get this done on Sunday night, and since then they decided it could happen at any hour, not the middle of the night.

Tony: If everyone could ask ONE important question, like she did, we could talk to a lot of people this morning!

734 caller: Good morning!

Tony: Are you a member of the forum? Do you know anyone who is a member of the forum? If so, ask them to send you a link to the deer video!

Caller: I don’t have questions, just wanted to get on to know that this is real. I’m in it to win it! [Appreciation] I know this is real and I’m just waiting.

Tony: It is real, and I’m glad. The last call is going to be so great, I just can’t wait. There is something I want to tell you guys, so bad. [DC: Tony!] Pam sent me a message, someone thinks I won’t do a last call, but I know I will!

Sir, forget about the deer video – you don’t want to see it! Next caller – one question…

404 caller: I’m intrigued that the Swiss franc is on a par with the dollar and the Euro is $1.06… What indicators should we be looking for?

DC: The world is going nuts – a lot of the world financial rules are suspended because of the QE and extra liquidity. If you are just looking for it to go, stick with Yahoo Finance or your favorite app. Nobody expected the dollar to be so strong, which will kill our exports, while the Euro and Swiss franc are both down. They thought the dollar might lose 1-3% over a couple months. They did think the dollar would weaken, the Euro would strengthen, the Swiss franc would skyrocket, etc., but with the dollar being so strong, that changes the whole predictive dynamic. It’s such a bizarre mixture, we don’t know what is going to happen. We’re talking about the Euro-dollar pair, which was 1.40:1 a few months ago, and now it’s 10.6:1. The reason is that Euro is struggling and Russia’s economy is in free-fall. China and Africa have slow growth, but in general we are looking like the best horse at a glue factory!

Tony: Why is it important that we have a weaker dollar?

DC: A strong dollar sounds sexy, but for the last 100 years, it’s been a race to the bottom in terms of dollar value. The weaker dollar promotes more exports from the US because if you export a truck or any other goods/services if they are cheaper. Right now the dollar is so insanely strong, you cannot afford to buy US goods and services. Every other country’s exports are on sale by comparison. The US dollar going down now is good for the US. But with what’s going on, it doesn’t look like the dollar will drop much at all, and that changes the whole picture.

252 caller: I hear so much about “Tony said this, Tony said that”, that he is the prophet. They won’t let DC be the prophet. We all love Pam,, but we know that no woman is holding back this situation! I don’t even know what you look like, but I love that you are here, three times a week, it’s crazy, and I think you should make a movie. Other people, I say “If you don’t believe this, give my your currency, and I’ll take care of it.” If there is not another call, can I be sure you will be on Twitter, etc? I’m in North Carolina.

Tony: That’s close to where Ray lives – go straight to his house.

Caller: We’re not from Texas, we don’t have our busload yet.

Tony: We will absolutely be able to do a tweet and a last call. As long as you have been getting the tweets, you will get one, plus we will post it on the other sites. The other guys will post it as well, so you will get it one way or another, saying it is here and this is the time and number.

Caller: Sounds good to me – I am secure, you have told me what to say, and it’s a big difference between those who have knowledge and those who don’t. Pam, you keep those fellows in line. Tony, your wife is a great woman, and I know she is ready to stand in line. I have spent a lot of time defending her husband. You just have to say 1-800, and I’ll know!

Tony: My wife only has to put ice on the lumps on my head!

323 caller: Is the dong still about a dollar?

DC: Yes, maybe a little north of there!

410 caller: It’s a magical day! I think this is a last time! I get that you guys will be able to do a call very soon. If that is not the case, and we just get a tweet, and I trust we will see you somewhere, sometime, because we have enjoyed this.

DC: Go to MacDonald’s in Sacramento!

Tony: How do you know we’ll be doing that call?

Caller: I just have that feeling! So thank you!

Tony: I thought maybe you had special information – and I prefer Jack in the Box!

636 caller: Another call said that dong will be useless and another call said that the general public will never take part in this exchange.

DC: That comes out of fear, and they’re trying to enroll you in their plan. The simple matter of the fact is that the US public must now be a part of this, because that is how the oil credit system works. The oil credits have to be from the general public – 35% or more. China wants those oil credits and they have to buy them from us, from the groups, or the public. The second point is one that has aggravated a lot of us is the early exchanges, but that is in fact our insurance because no way will they let that many go through, with documentation, without letting the rest of us go through. How would that look, if a lot of influential people got rich with very little outlay while they stamped on the necks of the rest of us? Although annoyed because I’m not yet at the bank myself, I’m happy for them, and happy because it means that we will go through, because if not, the people with the documentation will send it to the NY Times and other media.

Tony: That is the answer we’ve given for the last 3-4 years, about the oil credits. Yes, you should listen to other people. I do! I don’t rely just on DC, and he doesn’t on me, and I expect you all to listen to other people. But also ask if they have an agenda, and where they get their information from. DC doesn’t say what I have said lately: that they are idiots (although they are, because we have all the documentation). He explained the situation, and you need to ask those other pundits why they think you’re not going to exchange, or not for two years unless you join their group. If they are saying that, then ask to see the documents that show what their agreement is with the banks or the UST, and where it says that no one else will get paid. What we know is that privileged people have already been paid, that the groups are next and that the general people (who are not paying attention) may not get paid for months or years because they may have completely forgotten about their dinar. But that does not apply to you!

406 caller: You asked for only one question so… on the dong – that is part of the first basket, and over a dollar? And is that the international or contract rate?

DC: Don’t know – that’s what is showing on the bank screens right now.

571 caller: I’m superfantastic, and although I’m calling from Virginia, I am not one of those agency guys, although I have a few friends who work for those guys. I do have one question and a request. Have you heard anything related to taxes? I did go through My Big Fat Wealthy Life; do we have to fill out a FinCen form?

DC: The banks fill out the FinCen form, and make sure it is marked “exchange”. As for taxes, we are hearing from two camps that we respect: 1. Long-term and short-term capital gains (23.8 or 43% respectively like normal taxes). 2. Flat tax percent off the top. Both come from people we respect and we don’t know how it will shake out.

Tony: Or it could be zero tax because we don’t know how you will explain it on your tax return! Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.

Caller: That ‘s what I heard as well, because otherwise they might have to tax the VIPs who have already exchanged.

DC: Yes, but many of them exchanged through blind trusts so it would not come up on their tax returns and asset statements anyway.

Caller: My request is this. A few weeks ago a gentleman from Texas wanted to start a nonprofit to help single moms. I have been a single parent since 23, and my son turns 18 this weekend; I would to be involved with that charity, and also with DC’s museum. I’ve had a nonprofit of my own, and would love to help.

Tony: Hopefully he will hear this and be in touch, because I don’t have his number.

423 caller: I’m standing out in the rain under an umbrella! I hope you cannot hear that. [Appreciation] I feel a little funny about signing the NDA although I would like the higher rate. If I had a wealth manager who could exchange a little bit and then wait until it goes up on Forex, do you think we could make close to the contract rate?

DC: We have differing opinions on that. I don’t think so, unless you are one of the few people who can maximize this through some financial tricks. That is tricky and high-risk, and you have to financially sophisticated to do that. I’m just going to take the contract rate and have a happy life –done.

Tony: We don’t differ on that, actually. You shouldn’t do it if you don’t know what you’re doing. There are a whole different contract rates, and I think the top Forex rate will only be half of the top contract rate. If you miss the timing, the day, out partying… if you miss the peak time, you may miss it all because it will go down fast when it goes.

DC: If you are trying to juice the returns, you probably won’t take straight Forex contracts, but more risky contracts where you could lose it all. There are a lot of ways you can risk it. The NDAs are not scary; if you can keep your mouth shut, sign the NDA.

Tony: If there are people on Forex betting it will go up, there are others betting it will go down, and forcing it because they will make money. So it’s very risky.

Caller: I’m not experienced, so I don’t want to take too many risks.

Tony: Also, if you exchange at the bank, you have the money in your hand. If you hold back and just wait to see if the remainder might go to a higher rate, that is not as risky.

DC: Many of us are not too clear on what Forex means. Most think it will come out and be pegged at (say) $3.90. It could come out fixed on Forex, or it could ride the roller-coaster, or it could be a managed float, like China has. The original plan was to peg it to the dollar for six months to a year, but we don’t know if that’s happening or not.

Tony: If you have never heard it before, this is where a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. [The actual line is “A little learning is a dangerous thing…”]

DC: I have to go pick up my little guy… So, you all have a great day. I hope we are done with this. I expect we will be done in the next few days or less. Even the information we have got during the call has been positive. Everyone is just ready and waiting. We’ve never had certain commitments and actions that have now taken place. I pray to God this is it.

Tony: And DC, I congratulate you on no earthy words today!

775 caller: You guys have mentioned to shop around, and Pam said that the closest bank to us is in Carson City. There is only one bank there, and that’s not competition.

Tony: How far from Reno? Twenty miles or so? You’ll have plenty of options, either the main banks or their sister banks. Wells Fargo will definitely exchange in Nevada, so I think you are asking the wrong people. Don’t ask the banks, ask the people at the casinos, because a lot are dinarians waiting for this to happen. Listen for out-of-town accents, because they are there!

Caller: How do people text you when I’ve never heard your number?

Tony: No, I never shared it the first time. I don’t answer a call if I don’t know who it’s from, or if it’s a blocked call. Someone posted something about the RV being announced, telling people to call 800 numbers and also giving my number and Okie’s number, and then people get all excited. It just shows what idiots these people are.

Caller: I’m excited. You told us to keep up the Christmas tree, but it’s wilting, and so are my Valentines, and I think the Easter rabbit’s going to pee on the tree… Hope to hear from you later today…

919 caller: I wish you pass some of that superfantastic around. I’ve been in this about two years, and when I called last April, you thought the back wall was Easter. We know that there are multiple agendas behind this release. Today, it took you all about ten minutes to tell us the good news. I admire you being out on the limb, where I have been myself. Now our currency is asset-backed and hopefully that will keep the cabal under control… do you have an opinion about that? You don’t talk about the Creature from Jekyll Island anymore.

Tony: The RV could have been done a year ago, two years ago, and everything doen up to today could have been done after the RV. It might have been more dangerous, but that was the plan until those in key positions didn’t do what they agreed to do, once they were in power. We report what is happening right now, what we see and what they are trying to get accomplished. The world continues to turn while they were doing that, and new obstacles were put in the way. As DC said, we have NEVER been in this position. Even though we were within ten minutes of the RV happening, we were never in this place before, with all these parts done. People tell us not to say this or that because they want everyone to be surprised! They want those who want to bring money across the border or hack the banking system or play Forex to be surprised. I said what I did about the banks so that people listening can be excited even though we don’t know the exact moment… at least you can be ready. You can believe us, read articles, watch the television and it tells us that this time is like no other.

Caller: [Restated her position] That’s awesome but I don’t want you to come back on Friday and say it’s been delayed again! That’s got to be frustrating for you and us…

Tony: I might have to! The banks were told to be ready to exchange people starting 10am Monday, but it didn’t happen. Iraq decided they were not ready! They felt that if they just added this or that, it would be even better.

Caller: I don’t want money to be released into the system if it’s not going to be safe.

Tony: We hear it time and time again, we are constantly told to be ready and then it hasn’t happened. I have a problem with the fact we are not going; I never have problem doing another call. I tell the truth and those who can handle it will do so. I do have a problem figuring out how to say what I can say and NOT say what they have asked me not to talk about. I can still find a way to say it didn’t happen but it’s still happening, that we are truly that close. It could be over today, or in 3-4 days, depending on when they are happiest or can get the biggest bang for their buck.

Caller: I don’t care about the NDA or the taxes because I’m prepared for that. I’m pretty smart, and I’ll have this money 20 years from now, me or the mission I’m going to establish. I’m one strong broad, and it’s still hard for me. If you could just come up with some direction, I don’t care about the details. Let’s just have the results so that we can affect the world in a positive way. It hasn’t been that way for a long time. We have a great country and I’ve travelled all over the world, and am so thankful to get back home.

479 caller: First time calling here in Arkansas. What bank can I go to here?

Tony: Do you have Wells Fargo or Bank of America in Arkansas? Yes? Then you’ll be fine. Your bank managers there really won’t know until it’s announced. They will be just as shocked as you when this happens. Just keep your notes and be prepared.

Caller: I only found out about this in January…

Tony: Two months and you’re about to get paid? People have been in this for 11 years! We don’t know if they will give us one for all banks, or a number for each bank, but we’ll send out the numbers we get with instructions for how to exchange.

Two months and he is about to get paid – can you believe that?!

843 caller: You keep saying HCL is done, but every other guru and site says that HCL is not complete. They may be 3-4 days behind, but this has been weeks.

Tony: Abadi has agreed 17% with Kurdistan, and the latter have put out articles and announcements that they have been paid. Planeloads of cash have been received, and Kurdistan says they have no issue with Baghdad at all. Everyone has been paid on their Qi cards – we have talked to people who have been paid, including contracts. That’s talking to actual people, not articles. All I can tell you is what I know.

Caller: Do you know anything about this indictment of Maliki? Some think M has been screwing up this RV, and now he is under wraps…

Tony: He has been under wraps for months, and they would not have published this indictment unless this was already done.

Caller: Dealer sites have increased the price of dinar, too, so I hope this is it.

Tony: Transcribers are done at 1.5 hours. Pam?

Pam: I am prepared today. First, I want to read you something they put out in evening prayers today…

Tony: Pam, I already read it!

Pam: That was what we need to do, especially ‘beware of pirates’. DavidM reminds you all that the best thing you can do it to seek out tax and investment professionals with proven track records. It took you a long time to get the RV, and it only takes a minute for a charming con man to take it away from you. Also, it’s easier to protect your privacy beforehand than recover it. I love the Mods and transcribers, especially Daz, who has really run the TNT website for a long time.

Ray: Where is it Wednesday… continue to enjoy it. Pam said a mouthful. Thanks to everyone who had to do with this ride from beginning to end.

Tony: Everything is good, no bad news. Everything we are not supposed to say was good news – they just don’t want everyone to know the exact day and time. Everyone is calm and on track, all laws have been done, notifications are being made, the announcements in the mosques are preparing people for the change. If you are not ready, get ready right now. Don’t get over-excited; don’t spend your lunch money on more dinar, be happy with what you have. Everyone in key positions in the US and in Iraq are very excited today, and you should be too. If it happens, you know I will tweet it out to you. Enjoy your day!


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Articles In This Thread

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)
hobie -- Wednesday, 11-Mar-2015 16:34:09
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conf. call Cliff Notes version
hobie -- Wednesday, 11-Mar-2015 16:35:48

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