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EXCLUSIVE: The Real Reason Why New York City Can Mandate Vaccines

Posted By: tonzal
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:17

In Response To: NYC measles-vaccine order on Orthodox Jews tests city's power (tonzal)

Reader bel..., thanks.


EXCLUSIVE: The Real Reason Why New York City Can Mandate Vaccines

The recent outbreak of Measles in New York City has led to a mandatory vaccination order by New York City Health officials. Every “person” shall be vaccinated, with a $1000 fine for not following orders and possible imprisonment/quarantine.

That medical tyranny is taking place in New York City, State of New York, of all places, is no coincidence. New York City is crossing the Rubicon, medically…. legally… against basic human rights, for the “good of the globalists-collective.” The medical leap can happen only because of the Legal Discontinuities of the United Nations.

New York City is a sovereign City-State separate from the United States, such that it is exactly like The Vatican City, City of London, and Washington DC. New York City, as the Sovereign City-State of the UN, has complete control over New York City Residents… and they are now exercising it through medical tyranny. The basis of separate legal control, by the UN, over New York City is found in many places, such as that New York City issues Birth Certificate separate from the State of New York; just like DC issues b-cert separate from Virginia and Maryland. (aka birthed from “Virgin Mary”). The City-State status of New York City, under UN control, is directly found in the International treaties between the United States and the United Nations.

As the United Nations Headquarters Agreement Annex 1 states:

The area referred to in Section 1 (a) (1) consists of (a) the premises bounded on the East by the westerly side of Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive, on the West by the easterly side of First Avenue, on the North by the southerly Bide of East Forty-eighth Street, and on the South by the northerly Bide of East Forty-second Street, all as proposed to be widened, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York,

The United Nations has exercised the proposal to widen the UN Headquarters District…

The UN HQ District has taken over the Borough of Manhattan… they allow infinite rehyothecation. It is a separate international jurisdiction, and reason why the US cannot hold the bankers accountable to US laws.

The UN HQ District has taken over the City of New York… The UN Building is owned by the City of New York. The City of New York issues their own birth certificates separate from the United States. People born in DC are not eligible for Presidency, and neither are people with New York City birth certificates for not having one of the 50 state birth certificates.

The UN HQ District has even taken over the State of New York. Only people with New York City Birth Certificates are considered default New York State Citizens…. where people with State of New York Birth Certificates must have a Certificate of Residency to be considered “IN-STATE.” Otherwise, the State of New York exists only as a corporate fiction, owned and operated by the United Nations within the city limits of New York City.

New York State Law requires that New York State residents who do not reside in New York City (any of the five Boroughs) must file a County Certificate of Residency certified by their home county to qualify for the in-state tuition rate. The certificate is issued by the student’s County Administrative or Treasurer’s Office, not by FIT.

New York State (non-NYC) residents are billed the equivalent of the out-of-state tuition rate. Students will receive a credit for the difference in tuition rates once a completed Certificate / Affidavit from the student’s home county has been submitted to the Bursar’s Office.

That the United Nation has legally taken over New York State and New York City is why medical tyranny is starting there. That is the globalist headquarters test bed. If it can be exercised in the United Nations/United States/New York City, it can be promulgated by governmental attorneys across the entire globe. This applies through every country being a UN member-state.

One of the easiest ways to deal with the fines of such medical tyranny is by issuing our own negotiable debt-money instrument to pay their fictitious fines/bills with our own issued fictitious debt/money orders. By law, we are allowed to create IOUs of any amount of debt with our signature, as documented here. You may even use those templates to pay the fictitious medical tyranny fines, fees, and bills.

It also must be realized that these “medical orders” only apply to “legal presences.” These are corporate entities that represent us but are NOT us. A really good way to think of it is like this….the government controls their own game board. For anyone to be playing their game of government we must be given one of their game pieces called a Legal Presence. Their legal presence represents the human in their game. The game piece is considered a “person” in the game. It is also called an “international legal personality.”

Only the game piece can be fined for not following orders… and only the game piece can be forced to be vaccinated… even though the game piece isn’t a physical being and only a representative thing. by confusing the human player with the game piece is the only way that any kind of government action can take place.

The United Nations is the single global issuer of legal presences for all member-nations…. they have superseded the US Constitution with the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the definitive document of human slavery.

Given that everyone on the planet is a UN National, and not their own country citizen (as per UN Paris Peace Treaty of 1947 Article 78, defining “UN National”), New York City is a perfect place to exercise medical tyranny and start ordering those UN global citizens around!

Forced Medical Vaccinations is a rule for game pieces…. For self-defense, our own non-legal lawful identity is required…. that is to say… and identity for the human player that is NOT part of the governmental game must be provided.

Using Common Law Identities is a great start. Another solution is the World Government of World Citizens and joining the law society (that it outside the UN BARs), as that activates Title 8 USC §1481 (a) (1), (a) (2) and (a) (4) (A).

By becoming a World Citizen at the World Government of World Citizen, when an officer demands that you produce your identity papers… you can produce your World Citizen paperworks and then not be party to their medical tyranny.

Judge Joseph F Burke P-33801 stated for record on/or-about June 17th, 2015, “You [world citizens] are not party to the law!” If you have questions, please email or call him regarding his statements at and (734) 794-6764.

As such, Vaccinations cannot be legally mandated upon world citizens because world citizens are NON-LEGAL Lawful de jure government officials of our own government acting in official diplomatic capacity at all times.

So, now you know why New York City is starting the Medical Tyranny… and what you can do about it.



: Re: NYC measles-vaccine order on Orthodox Jews tests city's power
: article highlights the measles outbreak in the area – on
: the corner of Bedford and Division avenues in Brooklyn, the
: heart of the New York borough’s Orthodox Jewish community
: where men in black hats and suits rushed in and out of
: their neighborhood stores and women can be seen with
: headscarves pushing strollers or carts filled with
: groceries, not eager to speak with an outsider.

NYC measles-vaccine order on Orthodox Jews tests city's power. Autism:

NYC measles-vaccine order on Orthodox Jews tests city's power. Autism

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Articles In This Thread

NYC measles-vaccine order on Orthodox Jews tests city's power
tonzal -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:17
Excellent Information in tonzal post Above--Must READ! *NM*
CrystalRiver -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:17
CDC admits measles outbreak is caused by people from other countries who enter the United States and spread the disease..
Watchman -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:17
EXCLUSIVE: The Real Reason Why New York City Can Mandate Vaccines
tonzal -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:17

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