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SORCHA: "Mysterious Warplane That Stopped 9/11 Obliterates CIA-Amazon Cargo Flight Over Texas"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:12



February 25, 2019

Mysterious Warplane That Stopped 9/11 Obliterates CIA-Amazon Cargo Flight Over Texas

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A beyond shocking new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today having the highest classification rating “Of Special Importance”, states that the mysterious American warplane that ended the attacks occurring on 11 September 2001 by its blowing from the sky the believed hijacked United Airlines Flight 93 before it could plunge itself into the White House, was “visualized” by at least two highly advanced military satellites (launched this past November-2018) orbiting over North America when it appeared over the south-east region of the State of Texas on 23 February 2019—whereupon it completely obliterated a Boeing 767-375ER (BCF) cargo aircraft owned by Atlas Air Worldwide upon its approach to George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) suspected to be carrying a CIA arms shipment bound for the South American nation of Colombia—a disaster US intelligence operatives operating within the mainstream media corridor first tried to claim was caused when this aircraft nose dived from thousands-of-feet before it crashed—but whose lying narrative was quickly exposed by flight tracking analysis showing that this aircraft was traveling at 254 knots at an altitude of 1,325 feet when its radio transmissions were jammed—and in the moments before it was destroyed, was captured on video flying a level path barely 200 feet above land—that exactly conforms to its final moments as evidenced by a computer flight simulation based its available flight metrics. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to the only portions of this highly classified MoD report we’re allowed to reveal, and virtually unknown to the American people, one of the main United States surveillance targets for Russian military intelligence analysts is the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)—the most secretive and largest of this nation’s intelligence agencies whose main building in Washington D.C. is larger than the US Capitol and CIA headquarters—and is believed to be under the firm control of President Trump.

At the height of the 11 September 2001 attacks on the United States (known simply as 9/11), this report continues, MoD analysts detected a highly encrypted radio transmission being sent from NGA to the mysterious Area 51—a highly classified remote detachment of Edwards Air Force Base located within the Nevada Test and Training Range—whereupon a believed to be TR-3 Aurora experimental fighter aircraft took flight racing itself at “unbelievable/unknown” supersonic speed to the State of Pennsylvania—where dozens of eye witnesses than reported it fired upon and destroyed United Airlines Flight 93—and was an obliteration so complete, even the multi-ton engines of Flight 93 weren’t able to be discovered in the debris field of this passenger airliner that covered over 100 square miles.

Only known photograph (above) of mysterious “white plane” (but believed to be TR-3 Aurora) flying over Flight 93 debris field on 11 September 2001

On 25 January 2019, this report details, President Trump appointed Elliott Abrams as his Special Representative for Venezuela—who, during the late 1980’s, was the US Deputy Secretary of State who facilitated the arming of anti-communist rebels in Central America with US arms shipments smuggled to them via aid shipments—now known as the Iran-Contra Scandal—but whose crimes were never prosecuted because Abrams received a pardon from President George H.W. Bush that was ordered by then US Attorney General William Barr—who just happens to be Trump’s new US Attorney General, too.

On 7 February 2019, and just like Abrams had masterminded in the late 1980’s, this report further details, a known CIA affiliated air cargo company named 21 Air LLC was discovered having made repeated round-trip flights between Miami-Florida to both Colombia and Venezuela bringing in arms disguised as aid shipments—and one of whose arms smuggling shipments, yesterday, was caught on video being firebombed by US-backed opposition protestors before its weapons could be discovered.

Upon the discovery that US weapons shipments disguised as humanitarian aid were again being deployed by Abrams, this report states, the MoD tasked their intelligence satellites orbiting over North America to begin surveillance of all aircraft owned by Atlas Air Worldwide—specially their Air Flight 3591 that made daily round-trips between Miami-Florida and Houston-Texas—its last one being on Saturday (23 February 2019) when it was blown out of the sky.

Atlas Air Worldwide cargo fight for Amazon (above) takes off from Miami-Florida on 23 February 2019…

…than falls to Earth in massive debris field near Houston-Texas (above) exactly resembling what happened to Flight 93 on 11 September 2001.

As to why Atlas Air Worldwide was targeted for satellite surveillance by the MoD, this report explains, was due to its 2016 purchase of Southern Air—whose cargo planes operate under contract with the global shipping company DHL that makes daily flights to the South American nation of Colombia that borders Venezuela—and all of whose aircraft were acquired on 10 March 1999 when they bought Southern Air Transport—that was best known as being a front company for the Central Intelligence Agency (1960–1973) and for its role in the Iran-Contra Scandal—during which Southern Air illegally transported arms to Iran and to the contra rebels in Nicaragua.

Why exactly forces loyal to President Trump targeted for obliteration Atlas Air Worldwide Flight 3591 on Saturday remains more highly classified than we’re allowed to reveal—but whose essence of that can be gleaned points towards Trump giving a rogue faction of the CIA just enough rope to hang themselves—and is exactly what President John F. Kennedy had done by allowing the CIA to conduct their Bay of Pigs fiasco of invading Cuba—after which Kennedy promptly fired CIA Director Allen Dulles and vowed to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind”—but before he could, saw Dulles publically executing Kennedy—and after which saw President Lyndon Johnson appointing Dulles to head the assassination investigation into the president he had just murdered—and is a path Trump appears more than able not to repeat this time around as he battles to the death against these same monsters Kennedy failed to destroy.

You can't be scared. You do your thing, you hold your ground, you stand up tall, and whatever happens, happens.

45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump

February 25, 2019 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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SORCHA: "Mysterious Warplane That Stopped 9/11 Obliterates CIA-Amazon Cargo Flight Over Texas"
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RumorMail -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:11

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