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Fulford preview: "Khazarian mafia play Trump blackmail card in final bid to avoid extermination", and rebuttal by David Wilcock

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:11


Khazarian mafia play Trump blackmail card in final bid to avoid extermination
By Benjamin Fulford Weekly Reports 37 Comments

The Khazarian mafia is in a state of deep panic as more and more people, including many Jews, wake up to their horrors. That is why they are playing their trump card by blackmailing U.S. President Donald Trump into sabotaging the restoration of the U.S. Republic and preventing the start of military tribunals, say Pentagon and MI6 sources.

Trump is also going along with his son-in-law Jared Kushner’s Chabad plan (2,800 goyim slaves for each Jew) to start World War III with a war on Iran, the sources say. The result is that U.S. military intelligence are coming to the conclusion that Trump must go.

“Donald Trump is a Pentagon peacetime president, so there is a significant military intelligence presence around him. Really, we didn’t want either him or the other one, but we had to put in one so the Bush stuff could come through,” was what a high-level military intelligence source explained. The result was that Barbara Bush and George Bush Sr. were executed for treason, the source said.

However, now that Trump has placed Bush Sr.-era Attorney General William Barr as Attorney General again, he has let out a sign for all to read that he will not be going after the perpetrators of 9/11 or any more members of the Bush/Clinton crime family. Trump also has been blocking military tribunals and other forms of justice from moving forward, Pentagon sources say.

Many people, including this writer, hoped Trump would be the liberator of the U.S. However, Trump’s hiring of radical neocon warmongers like Jeff Bolton and convicted criminals like Elliot Abrams have forced us to realize that Trump is damaged goods.

If you want yet another sign that something is seriously wrong with the Trump presidency, ask yourself why Trump is trying to transfer nuclear weapons technology to the rogue state of Saudi Arabia.

Pentagon sources say he is doing this on the part of his Chabad masters in order to start a nuclear world war by having Saudi Arabia nuke Iran.

The reason for these unnatural Trump actions is serious blackmail, both Pentagon and MI6 sources say. Specifically, they say “Trump is on film …

~~~~~ END OF PREVIEW ~~~~~

Check back Thursday for full report.


David Wilcock posted this response in the comment section:


Wow. I will have to sharply disagree with Ben and his alleged insiders on this one.

Remember, folks, Ben passes along information from sources who give it to him, and lets us decide.

It wouldn’t be hard for someone to give Ben something that wasn’t true, and sadly we have seen this many times in the past with things that did not happen.

This new data very much looks like a deliberate, coordinated hit job against the president by people who may have earned Ben’s trust by passing along real information, only to abuse it by disinforming the public at a critical moment through this avenue.

Never have my sources heard any intel suggesting that Trump bashed in the head of a child. If the loyal opposition had anything like that, they would have used it a long time ago, and particularly in the election itself with all the leaked emails.

Believe me, if this was true or if I had heard anything like this suggesting it was, I would fearlessly pass it along. In this case the whole thing absolutely smacks of another case of insiders getting to Ben and weaponizing his platform against the Alliance.

The president DID admit to having gone to Epstein’s island through various venues in the past, before the election. He also very clearly indicated that once he found out what was going on there, he STOPPED GOING. This was clearly and repeatedly presented by Alex Jones while he still had a platform.

If there was data like this available, it would have been weaponized against the Alliance a LONG TIME AGO.

Sorry Ben. If these accusations are not true then it is massive slander and betrayal of the Alliance agenda. And guess what? Your most recent post was an apology to ‘Cobra’ for publishing things that were not true and thereby committing slander. Here is what this individual just had you publish:

“This article has come to my attention:

It contains a false statement that I am wanted by the law in my home country. That statement is NOT true and is actually slander.

I am NOT wanted by the law, neither in my country nor anywhere else.

Please add a correction to that article ASAP.”

It is up to this audience to discern and compare what Ben is saying with what else is available.

The content and timing of this “New Intel” is extremely suspect, as is the complete lack of any mention of Q Anon as the authoritative source of Alliance briefings.

The reason I say it is suspect is that the Alliance is finally getting the job done and moving into a phase where we could be right on the verge of major public disclosures.

Anyone who joins this administration is going to have to be Alliance. There is no other way. The cards are completely stacked against you. It would be deadly not to play along or to otherwise attempt to bribe or blackmail.

Plus, there is such secrecy around these operations that we cannot assume to know anything. Real leaks are very, very hard to come by since we are in a final phase.

We have very good intel that the tribunals began as of January 2nd, so the idea that they have not yet begun or are trying to be delayed is incorrect.

Analysis and deciphering of the latest Q posts is of critical importance right now in gaining understanding as to what the Alliance is doing.

I have recently become active with live video streaming on, as you may know. There is a much bigger story going on.

In particular, two new whistleblowers came forward just as of Wednesday, February 20th (well, one of the two) with Linda Moulton Howe regarding the Antarctic Atlantis and the secret space program. The other, Spartan 1, appeared in a video from January.

This is incredible stuff, giving full confirmation of what we have been reporting now over many years… with stunning new details as well.

I rushed to get out a video about this the very day after I heard about it and watched Linda’s videos. This is where things are going from the briefings I am getting. It is the length of a full movie, but do please watch, as THIS is the hot insider story of the moment:

We are at high risk of another 9/11 false flag event to try to throw off the tribunals from continuing. You are advised to stock up on two weeks’ worth of food, water and basic survival supplies.

This very likely fake briefing Ben just got is completely in keeping with the idea that the Deep State is going for as many all-or-nothing kill-shots as they can at this moment.

Additionally, just since this video went live, we have gotten additional briefings that the Deep State folks are apparently indeed moving forward with the plan to do the Antarctic Atlantis and undersea ruins disclosure in the near future.

We heard for some time that they might do this when they are really in trouble, and that time is now. If they can’t get the false flags to work, they need to do something to try to distract the public enough that the information about the tribunals gets overwhelmed by other, much more compelling material.

A release of the Antarctic Atlantis material could keep us completely riveted to mainstream news for months. It dwarfs the excitement of the Apollo missions or anything else you can think of by orders of magnitude.

Again, if there was any information that the president did these sorts of things, it would have come to my attention a long time ago. The Alliance would not have used someone who was that blackmailable.

I call BS. Trust the Plan.

David Wilcock

RMN is an RA production.

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