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*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 25-Feb-2015 16:40:29

Hi, Folks -

Found at


2-25-15 TNT DINAR CC (Notes by Adept1):

Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#

Tony: Good morning, TNT! Today is Wednesday, February 25, 2015. Glad to see everyone is here on this fine morning. Someone told me last night that they know what I would say: I never expected to be here on this call today, thought it would be done and over with by now. I don’t know if DC can be on the call, because he is tied up with meetings.

I will give you the facts, east to west, and we might get a little more in depth. The fact is that we are not at the bank. Yesterday you saw the budget was fully publicized. We got the same information: it is fully publicized, and it was signed off two weeks ago. We had a guy who actually walked over, took a look at it, and said this: Just reviewed the Budget that was published today. We are getting closer. It is not yet complete. At least the portion put out for the public today was not complete. The number of subsections that are not publicized is down to 17 – they have been signed off, but not put out for the public yet. Sections not published include the HCL, tariff law. Articles say they want it to take effect by 1. March, but it’s not publicized in this Budget, even though the Budget itself has been signed off. These sections could come out any time between now and Saturday.” It could happen at any moment.

On television, they are telling the Iraqi people that this will be completed this week, and that is all we can really go by. They also told them that when the banks re-open, they can exchange their currency at the new rate. Our guy on the ground says that no banks are open in Baghdad at all, although a few are open in Kurdistan. They are scheduled to open tomorrow. All we can do is go by the moment and tell you what we hear.

Our banks in the US have put their people on notice. This could happen at any moment. It is done; it’s just a matter of what time they will put it out. Iraq had their meetings yesterday, and everyone is in agreement. Iraq was supposed to get their payment today, so we wait.

In Iraq right now, they can only take out $3,000 if they are leaving the country (down from $10,000). They cannot use dollars in-country; they are buying stuff with dinar only, and change is only being giving in dinar. They are de-dollarizing now. They might be doing that for up to ten days, in which case that would be complete Thursday night or Friday morning. Everyone is agreeing, no one is complaining. They may be using the tariff laws as an excuse to prolong this process. The tariff laws were supposed to go into effect 1. January, 2014, then they got an extension to July 2014. The Budget isn’t required for the RI, the RI may be required to activate the Budget, but they are just doing a few things until the perfect timing comes in. It could be they want this over a weekend, or Friday morning in the mosques, or 1. March, which is Sunday morning.

We know we are that close to this happen. The rates are on the bank screens, the numbers are what they should be. No one is depressed (apart from us). People in Iraq are voicing their opinions. They are tired of this dragging on, as they should be… tired of being told ‘imminent, when the banks open, by Friday’, which is what they are hearing right now. That is the update, to the minute, what is being said. There we go.

239 caller: First time caller, long time listener. I am so confused about the zim and what I’ve been reading. There was an article that Zimbabwe was allowing one dollar for 35,000 zim, but there are also rates of $0.05 to 0.16, and then DC said that the rate was four times what he thought it would be. I don’t even know what the symbol will be! Can you straighten out some of my confusion?

Tony: You are not the only one who is confused. We dug into this yesterday so I can answer some of these questions. However, if I answer these questions, you will not be able to afford the zim 30 minutes from now. It will probably quadruple in price, Are you sure you want me to answer?

There are four codes: ZWL, ZWN, ZWRa... there are three different rates on the various codes. They are trying to go back ot their own currency, and they set a different rate to exchange each of those currencies, when the time comes. You can do the math yourself. If 35,000 = $1, you know exactly what it should come out to. If they take off extra zeros, you can do the math. Last fall, IMF put out a document saying they would revalue the Zim in January 2015. They were supposed to do it in January 2014, and then in July 2014. Articles came out yesterday saying that they actually did it, and some banks said that it is on their screens. Some took it off their screens because they don’t know what to do with it – they think it’s too much and they will try to change it. I know one person who has actually exchanged their zim.

Caller: What are they actually looking up on the screens?

Tony: This is what I was told by the bank person yesterday: If you ask for the wrong one, they will not process, or you will get the one you asked for. The 2008 notes will fall under the ZWN or ZWL. Pam says that this is One-question Wednesday.

Caller: I’m a first-time caller, Pam. If you cannot exchange zim at a bank, will I have to go to a banking exchange place or investment house?

Tony: If a bank won’t take it, put it into an investment company and they will figure it out and make it happen. They want your money.

574 caller: Are there contract rates on all four currencies?

Tony: Not so far as I know.

707 caller: It seems like this is slipping away again. We were supposed to see something on the 22nd, and that has passed. Is there any moral pressure that China can get this done? Where is the accountability to get this done?

Tony: It does seem like one excuse after another, but there has to be a reason for it. The other countries aren’t upset, so there must be something behind the scenes. Parliament met and the other groups came back. They wanted Parliament to be all on the same page. They needed 7-10 days to de-dollarize. Could it be they needed the lower denoms to be delivered? They had a training day yesterday so that all the Iraqi banks know how the exchange works. It could be something totally different. They are saying this will happen sooner rather than later. They are saying ‘by Sunday’, that this will be done. They have said that before. The latest thing is that ‘when the banks open you will have a revalued currency’, and apart from three banks in Kurdistan, the banks haven’t opened yet. How long can they hold up the economy? If I thought it was an extended period time, I would be just as upset as you are, but everyone is saying “this is about to happen”, including our banks being put on alert again. This is not just us but their entire country.

Caller: You have said that after the fact [can’t hear] it was supposed to go on Friday and Saturday, but it didn’t. Do you know anything in advance of Friday’s call, about today? What is your source of information? How do you know?

Tony: Someone tells me. The bank says “this is when we are gearing up for” or someone in Iraq says, “it should be this time”. I get it from a bunch of sources. I got a phone call this morning and was told the timeframe. If I say it more exactly, it may not happen and/or someone might get pissed off and it won’t happen then. They had meetings at 11pm last night, and they thought something would happen at 7am this morning. It didn’t happen, but it could happen in an hour from now. I think it will be a little longer than that. I don’t know why it didn’t happen at 7am. Certain people say they need it done by X time, and could you do it? Yes, and Iraq will pick the time. By the way, we are back to one call after this pops. We’ll see.

423 caller: I left my notes in the office. I only have one question but I want to say something. “Idiots” means unknown, as in idiopathic, or of unknown cause. So ‘idiots’ just don’t know. It’s not something bad. Now, my question is about trusts. We would love to hear RayRen talk about trusts.

Tony: We were talking about that the other day, and he wants to do some classes after this happens. Why would he want to do that, once he has all that money? Because that is what he does.

Caller: I will email him at

Tony: I don’t think Ray wants you to broadcast that to 30,000 people. I don’t know how he promotes his classes. I know he has OpenMike, but that is a closed community.

Caller: My question is this: we want the cheese factory. We want to play it cool. We won’t tell the bank our total amount, and we hope the wealth manager will help us set up an MCA.

Tony: I am not a financial adviser or an attorney, but I would set it up to have the exchanger sell at the rate I think it should be changed at. Otherwise, I would put the money in an MCA and have the wealth manager exchange when it reaches the rate I want. He should be able to do that in his own bank, right away.

Caller: [Appreciation] You’ve been great, do what you want to do.

Tony: I would like to do what I want, but Pam sends me texts to do X and Y.

617 caller: An extension of the previous question about zim…

Tony: ZWN and ZWR are the ones you want to ask for. I do have the rates, but if I say them on this call, no one will be able to afford them. After every call, the price doubles!

Caller: Should we ask to see both the ZWN and ZWR rates? That will help us…

Tony: Yes. And that reminds of what I wanted to tell you. This is how to do it. We don’t know how this is all going to shake out, 800 numbers or call each bank, because they keep changing it. At least two banks told their people they would be in competition with the other banks, so their rates have to be similar. They will be competition, which I don’t understand because that is creating a ball of confusion. If they are in competition, why wouldn’t I call all four of the main banks, to see what they will offer me? They want to do get all of us through in 72 hours, but now I need to call all four because they are in competition? Even 1% difference could mean an extra 100K! If it truly comes out like that, sit down and think about what you want to do because this is your own opportunity to get this right. They could be offering different percentages or incentives. So look at what each bank is doing.

909 caller: I had a question about the zim and that was answered. You would look at both screens? Would it be better to go to an investment team than the bank?

Tony: The article was talking about the ZWL, but I don’t think anyone is exchanging that. I think we are looking for the ZWD and ZWR. Call one of the exchangers and give them each symbol/code and ask for their rates. Do the same with the banks. They want your business, so call each bank and see what they are offering before you make an appointment. If they cannot give you the current rate, make an appointment at each bank and see what they offer you, because they are now in competition with each other.

I am telling you what I am hearing, we don’t have the package yet; they were saying we would have four days, then seven days, and now we are back to one call. I’m just trying to give you the options because I may not have time to tell you all this afterwards.

740 caller: I’ve been following you for some time. I’m wondering about the stability of our own currency, which you haven’t addressed for some time. Some say we may lose 50% of the value of the dollar. Would it be better to pay off the mortgage, invest in gold, etc?

Tony: We’ve been talking about loss in value for a while, but I don’t think anything like 50%. This administration stopped the RV several times when it looked like the dollar would lose too much value. People blamed the President when he was just protecting the US economy and the dollar. Putting money into foreign currency is a good idea because diversity is always good. If you have foreign currency, and the dollar does go down, then it’s better to buy dollars then because you will have more dollars when the value comes back up. Hard assets are never wrong, so real estate and such are good. Silver and gold are too volatile for me, although Ray won’t agree because he is a silver guy. I like to put my money into industry or an IPO because I can get in and get out quickly. If you have money to pay off the mortgage AND enough to create an income, then that is great. You want to have enough left over to invest. So paying off the mortgage is not the best choice for everyone.

301 caller: I have a dilemma that only someone like you can fix. If I promise Ray not to ask any questions, if you change the time of the final call, I won’t know because I depend on OpenMike to tell me whenever you change your time schedule. He didn’t respond to my last message. If I could get on OpenMike, and ask that question… he can count on me not saying the wrong thing.

Tony: So you are not on OM, and you want to be on OM. I am right now texting Ray your phone number; this is between you and him. I sent him your number, and he is as bad as Pam at returning phone calls, so… Also, you can sign up for TNT tweets.

636 caller: Easy question for you. DC hit on this on Monday’s call with all the banks being closed and laws being passed… until Maliki is out of the country, this thing is out of the question, true or false?

Tony: False. With all the new laws, delivered lower denoms, and they said to the Iraqi people they will see it this week. Yes, we have heard that before, but we are looking good. Yes, there could be an other assassination, but Abadi and Maliki had a meeting and we are looking good. Yes, I think the situation is under control. I think everyone is agreeable once again, the Sunnis are back in Parliament, they published more of the Budget, and they cannot publicize the critical conditions until they can see this.

Caller: But Maliki is going to benefit from this, yes? He is VP…

Tony: The reason they wanted him to stay is so that they could deal with that later, after people have money and can buy food and such. After everything is going in the right direction, then the new leaders can deal with him. Pam said this is One-question Wednesday.

323 caller: My question was answered and I’m waiting for the RV. My brother wants to know, What is HCL?

Tony: It’s the Hydro-Carbon Law. They came to an agreement on that months ago. I understand they are making the payment to Kurdistan today. If so, our chances of seeing this increase 100%.

732 caller: I saw an article about the Parliamentary meeting. Did the Sunnis make that meeting? The article said they would make the meeting next Tuesday. This date was last Monday.

Tony: That means it was Tuesday (yesterday)

Caller: They did make it then… great. We’re still waiting on this to invite you to our wedding. At least the weather should be warmer. We are ready to move from NJ! We are thinking of moving to Texas – warner weather here I come!

Tony: I do have fun with Texas, but only because I like them. Three of my intel people are in TX, and DC was the first to tell me that they take buses to the banks!

702: After the RI, will we have to wait a long time for you to get the package and get trained before we get the information. Will the US hold this up here?

Tony: All I know is that there is a package, we are supposed to get briefed as to how many days we can have calls for you, whether there is an 800 number or four different numbers and you should call each bank. I know they will not give us the information until it is time, for legal reasons. They may just tell us “it’s live, go to this website” and I’ll see you at one of the events. As soon as it is done in Iraq, we will have the option to go to the bank or the airport exchangers right away – other countries will do this right away. Someone in Dubai went to the airport exchanger and they just wired him his money.

954 caller: Do we know anything new about taxes on the exchange?

Tony: I don’t know anything new; we’ll just have to wait and see.

208 caller: Happy March Birthday to you, Tony! And also to PaperBoy in March.

Tony: Thank you. March is my birthday month, so I can start celebrating on Sunday.

Caller: DC said that he hoped you’d be able to post the exchange locations in the forum. Is that possible? Many of us would be willing to type that up!

Tony: No, I don’t think so. There are too many variables, too many banks… all the major banks will be doing it. I don’t see us ever posting that, no.

Just in from Iraq: nothing new, same as always, everything is done. Nothing specific about the timing. You got it when I got it, fresh from Iraq.

208 caller: What are the pros and cons of buying currency online?

Tony: I purchased my dinar and dong from Sterling, and other currency from ebay. It’s what you feel comfortable.

Caller: I have purchase quite a bit from ebay and checked them with a black light. Will the banks care where it came from? What about the various denominations?

Tony: I don’t’ think they will care, especially if you have receipts. It’s just like if you bring back Canadian dollars or Mexican pesos from a trip. So long as it’s currency, they will exchange it. All the denominations will be good, just like here. You just won’t carry the larger denominations around with you over there unless you want to buy a high-value item like houses or cars.

239 caller: My question was answered; I forgot to put my hand down. [Appreciation]

Tony: Anyone who doesn’t have a question, press *2 to put your hand down, please.

281 caller: How is everything in California?

Tony: The sun is shining, it will be about 70 degrees – perfect day to enjoy outside.

Caller: Bond trading and such – they have been put on 24-hour watch, and I think that is a confirmation of what you have been saying because it’s somewhat connected to our blessing. What do you think about the connection with the RV?

Tony: We heard they were being processed over the weekend in anticipation this would go on Monday. Many SKRs were processed as well, anticipating they would be wired out on Monday and Tuesday. Those wires have not been sent, but they are ready to go.

Caller: The bottom line is we win. Blessings on you all.

Tony: The key thing is that this is NOT weeks or months away; it’s come down to hours and days, and that is it. They are telling their people to get ready to go to the bank, and this is what to do when you get there. Ray says a lot of airports now have their exchange ports inside security, so only passengers can exchange. Call first!

503 caller: What is your impression about the US banking system being Basel III compliant from Tuesday morning. Is that causing interference or is it a non-factor?

Tony: They are not even being included in the discussion. It’s a non-factor.

Caller: I keep hearing they want the US dollar to be asset-backed first. Your opinion?

Tony: I’m sure everyone wants Treasury vs. Federal Reserve notes, they wanted that last year. Treasury notes are not the ones, fives or tens, they are country to country notes, like mortgages. They can do that without Basel III compliance.

Caller: Are the contract rates still there?

Tony: I don’t know how much but they have to give you some. DC said they will allow a max of 50 million dinar, then they lowered it to 25 million so they can spread it to more people. Some people don’t want the contract rates because they don’t want the NDA and its restrictions. Those are all things you have to look at and make your own decision. No guts, no glory, but the payoff will be greater. It’s not for everyone [holding onto your currency until the rates go up.] Hopefully it will last and you guys can take advantage. A little learning is a dangerous thing; unless you are knowledgeable and in there already, and look at it historically…

I’ve been here for an hour and a half, by myself. I think everything is great. The budget is fully published apart from the parts that will not be publicized until this happens. They are telling their own people it is about to happen. Everyone expects it by Sunday. We are looking very, very good in the next 72 hours.

Pam: You can do a search on the Internet for the Zimbabwe currency and see exactly what you have. We are here, we know we are here, you know more than you think you know. Relax and be flexible. You will know what to do.

Ray: Transitioning to “Finally see it Friday”, meanwhile enjoying today and Thursday.

Tony: They are waiting for the RI to pay people’s salaries. They have de-dollarized and stopped the auctions. They have changed the bank procedures, which is why the CBI is not selling currency any longer. The payment is going to Kurdistan today. All these things should tell you this is about to happen. The time is here. If something happens, I will tweet the good news. I am not planning on a Friday call, but if we have to be here, we will. Enjoy the rest of your day!


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Articles In This Thread

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)
hobie -- Wednesday, 25-Feb-2015 16:40:29
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conf. call Cliff Notes version
hobie -- Wednesday, 25-Feb-2015 16:45:59

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