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Britain’s “Institute for Statecraft” Finally Exposed, Top Secret ‘Integrity Initiative’ Blown Wide Open

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:19

In Response To: The Crown, Tavistock, and the Overthrow of Donald J. Trump (RumorMail)

Like so much of what goes on in the United Kingdom, producing naked propaganda is one of their many dubious specialties. Generating volumes of war propaganda has been a particular focus of the British government for centuries so they have become quite skilled at it.

Their current campaign of misinfo, disinfo and false info is directed at the Russian Federation. In this regard, the Brits spare no truth or fact from being completely distorted or maligned, twisted or misrepresented. Toward that end, there is a highly classified London-based network of spooks, journalists, politicians and military men that has perfected the art of outright lying like no other nation on Earth. And Moscow is their main target.
Why the Anglo-American Axis is so determined to wage war against Russia

It’s entirely true because of the extraordinary size and reach of the British East India Company (officially incorporated in 1600), the English felt a great need to protect their growing corporate empire of international commerce and trade. In so doing, they established the most sophisticated spying and surveillance network in the world at that time. Of course, the Romans had done the same over centuries before, but the Brits took it to a whole new level. The key product of their global information-gathering network is that they could then weave plausible plots and conspiracies in a web of propaganda to be used against their competitors… and perceived enemies.

Because Russia has always been their biggest perceived enemy, and especially because it’s an extremely large country with lots of land and natural resources to steal, the Russians have been the object of the most war propaganda in history. The Brits are so obsessed with stealing Russian land and wealth that they initiated what is known as The Great Game, which is really the Great Never-ending War—economic and financial, political and military, social and religious. Truly, the Brits just can’t keep their hands of the Russian Motherland.
The NYC and London Banker who financed the Bolshevik Revolution

The Bolshevik Revolution was actually a foreign-directed insurrection plot that was hatched in London. Widely acclaimed British economist John Maynard Keynes was a leading academic pushing for a Russian Revolution as demanded by his illuminati masters. See JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES: How the West’s Keynesian Economic Model Was Built by a Socialist Fabian Pedophile Who Supported the Bolshevik Revolution

In point of fact, what the whole world is witnessing today is an immense and ongoing war propaganda campaign by the UK against Russia. The British perpetrators have been extremely successful at enlisting the support of the American mainstream media to carry out this blatant psyop. Many other nations throughout the European Union, as well as Australia and New Zealand, also chime in when ordered to by the banksters (i.e. the 5 EYES).

The banksters always call the shots regarding these highfalutin campaigns of British prevarication and equivocation as they have from time immemorial. When the banksters decide that it’s time to wage war, there’s practically no stopping it…unless We the People simply fail to show up on their manufactured battlefields.

With this significant historical understanding, it’s quite easy to comprehend the massive and monolithic war-making machine that the British government has become over the centuries.

The Millennium Report
December 26, 2018

N.B. The excellent exposé posted below fleshes out the skeleton of this multi-decade scheme to transform the United Kingdom into the spying and propaganda capital of the world. Of course, they are greatly aided in this covert activity by the United States, Israel and, as always, their Jesuit masters of propaganda in the Vatican.


Inside the Temple of Covert Propaganda: The Integrity Initiative and the UK’s Scandalous Information War
The Grayzone entered the carefully concealed offices of a covert, British government-backed propaganda mill that is at the center of an international scandal the mainstream media refuses to touch.

Recent hacked documents have revealed an international network of politicians, journalists, academics, researchers and military officers, all engaged in highly deceptive covert propaganda campaigns funded by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), NATO, Facebook and hardline national security institutions.

This “network of networks”, as one document refers to them, centers around an ironically named outfit called the Integrity Initiative. And it is all overseen by a previously unknown England-based think tank registered in Scotland, the Institute for Statecraft, which has operated under a veil of secrecy.

The whole operation appears to be run by, and in conjunction with, members of British military intelligence.

According to David Miller, professor of political sociology in the school of policy studies at the University of Bristol and the director of the Organization for Propaganda Studies, the Integrity Initiative “appears to be a military directed push.”

“The most senior government people are professional propagandists and spooks,” Miller explained. “The ‘charity’ lead on this [Chris Donnelly] was also appointed as a colonel in military intelligence at the beginning of the project — a truly amazing fact that suggests this is a military intelligence cut out.”

A minister for the UK FCO has officially confirmed that it has been funding the Integrity Network.

In addition to conducting diplomacy, the FCO oversees both the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) the UK equivalent to the National Security Agency, and the Secret Intelligence Services (SIS) commonly known as MI6.

The think tank that oversees the Integrity Initiative, the Institute for Statecraft, has also received funding from the British Army and Ministry of Defense.

This is pretty major. UK govt admits that not only the Foreign Office but also the Army and the Ministry of Defence have funded the Institute for Statecraft, the body behind anti-Corbyn propaganda.

— Mark Curtis (@markcurtis30) December 14, 2018

The entire extremely shady enterprise, as Miller explained, is an elaborate front for the British military-intelligence apparatus. Its covert coordination with friendly politicians and mainstream journalists recalls the Cold War-era intrigue known as Operation Mockingbird.

That scandal involved the unmasking of “more than 400 American journalists who…in the past twenty-five years have secretly carried out assignments for the Central Intelligence Agency,” as Carl Bernstein revealed in a 1977 Rolling Stone report.

The exposing of the Integrity Initiative has just scratched the surface of what appears to be a much more sophisticated, insidious, and extremely online version of Operation Mockingbird. With new internal documents appearing each week through a hacker’s organization called Anonymous Europe, the revelations are yielding one of the most potentially explosive national security scandals in recent times.

But even as members of Britain’s parliament thunder with demands for official accountability, the UK and US mainstream media still strangely refuses to touch the story.

Smearing left-wing political figures in NATO member states

The Integrity Initiative claims that it is “counter[ing] Russian disinformation and malign influence,” and indeed, the main players behind it appear intent on hyping the Russian threat to justify ramped up military budgets and a long-term war footing.
Above: An Institute for Statecraft memo emphasizes the need for “ramping up” anti-Russian messaging

But the Integrity Initiative has also trained its fire on perceived subversives inside NATO member states, including the UK.
An article attacking left-wing activists that was listed in the “Recent Posts” section of the Integrity Initiative website

The Integrity Initiative waged a successful covert campaign to destroy the appointment of Pedro Baños to Director of Spain’s National Security Department on the bogus grounds that he was “pro-Kremlin,” thus interfering in the affairs of a fellow EU and NATO member. It carried out the hit job through a hand-picked “cluster” of Spanish politicians and operatives to flood social media and sympathetic outlets with messages demonizing Baños.
Above: an Integrity Initiative document detailing how the group’s clusters destroyed a Spanish national security appointee.

The Integrity Initiative appears to have employed the same tactics to smear left-wing journalists and political figures across the West, including the leader of the UK’s Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn.

This UK government-funded, bogus McCarthyite "monitoring group" the Integrity Initiative repeatedly smeared Jeremy Corbyn, while it claims to "defend democracy against disinformation."

These are effectively state-sponsored attacks on Corbyn and the left.

— Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) November 27, 2018

Member of Parliament Chris Williamson – a close ally of Corbyn – is now openly and indignantly calling for “a public inquiry into the Integrity Initiative and similar information war efforts being funded by our government.”

It is not necessarily illegal for the FCO to direct propaganda towards its own citizenry, according to Miller of the Organization for Propaganda Studies. However, he said that “it is not legal for ministers to effectively direct a charity. Thus, if the MoD through military intelligence are effectively running a charity, that would be contrary to law.”

An abandoned mill in Scotland covers for an active office in London’s “Temple”

To conceal its potentially illegal activities, the Institute for Statecraft has employed a web of deceptions. Not only did they hide their government funding, the outfit listed a fake location as its address.

Mohammed Elmaazi, a co-author of this piece, discovered the elaborately hidden location of the Institute for Statecraft inside a posh warren of barristers’ offices in London. Elmaazi’s swift ejection from the premises confirmed the lengths that this shadowy organization continues to go to to avoid public scrutiny.

The Institute for Statecraft, is a registered charity in Scotland, whose registered office is listed as being an old mill in Fife Scotland involved in the “manufacture of wood and other products.” David Scott of UK Column news, visited the registered office in Fife only to find a “an empty, semi-derelict, partly demolished, building.”

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Articles In This Thread

The Crown, Tavistock, and the Overthrow of Donald J. Trump
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:19
Britain’s “Institute for Statecraft” Finally Exposed, Top Secret ‘Integrity Initiative’ Blown Wide Open
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:19
Whenever the British press hypes an illegal alien story, you have to believe it was set up to push the globalist agenda in USA.
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:19

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