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*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conf. call Cliff Notes version

Posted By: hobie
Date: Saturday, 21-Feb-2015 03:28:39

In Response To: *** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long) (hobie)

Hi, Folks -

Found at


2-20-15 Sunny: TNT Tony Conference Call Cliff Notes, Friday, Feb 20, 2015.

GREAT NEWS: IRAQ TV and Mosques telling people the restructuring is coming; to listen to the media for directions and in the Mosques saying when they go to the bank tomorrow they will see the new rate!

Tony clarified that by saying the banks open tomorrow, Saturday morning. (our Friday night) Tony was extremely excited because this information is public, in the mosques, on TV, etc. It is not coming from his "super secret intel sources."

DC: It will be an RI! Expect between $3.40 - $3.95.

Tony: Be cautiously optimistic. Keep a level head and stay positive. It looks really good. They are saying it will be an RI. An RV could be days to months, but I don't believe the month part.

CURRENT WINDOW: Saturday into Monday and could go to Tuesday.


Budget to be public and published in the Sunday Gazette and in the law library. They have 24 hours to fund it.

Parliament – all banking laws have been passed

CBI Visa and Mastercard testing completed successfully.

TV is saying "be patient" and all economic reforms will happen next week.

Tony: Their week starts tomorrow.

Provinces are receiving the new lower denoms.

What is different this time? DC said budget passed this time was very specific regarding departments, projects, ISIS. Lower denoms have been issued to the provinces. Then there are the banking laws in place, and cards tested


Rates: The RI will reinstate the currency to the $3.22 level and then add for inflation and it's expected to be anywhere from $3.40 -$3.95. range. An RV could follow anywhere from days to months although the guys did not think it would be long. After all, a higher valued dinar to to Iraq's advantage. Dr. Shabibi wants it in 4 -7 days. US is saying wait because of ISIS and saying let the market set the value - whatever it rises too.

For the 1st time Iraq is saying there will be a "short window" to exchange/redeem the 10K & 25K notes


US will be advised by Iraq when it's done. The US is not expected to hold this up once it's published in the Gazette

Banks: People on standby and could take 8 hours to a day for the banks to be ready to process people.

800#’s/NDA: Tony will tweet out a bonefide 800#. It will not be 580. Seems some people have sent out Okie's 580# as the 800# and he can't sleep for getting phone calls in the night.

Groups: Tony issued another warning to BEWARE! of the groups especially the new ones just now recruiting. You DO NOT have to be part of a group to exchange. Tony: If someone is telling you that you have to be part of a group they just want part of your money. The only legitimate group Tony knows of are the Generals64 and Admirals group.

NOTIFICATION: Still no set instructions or formal plan. Tony has not seen nor signed an NDA yet. He also said it could go 1 of 2 ways. Either he will be doing a good bye call and letting the banks do their own thing or he will be doing 4 -7 days of calls. Tony: We will let you know when we get the info . . . Do a call. Send out a tweet to let you know we have the package and reviewing it.

EXCHANGING: Cap on dong of 20 million and 25 million on dinar is for the contract rate. Unknown if that is still valid information. There is no cap known for the International rate.

PLAN WISELY: One of the callers today was someone who had been very successful and quite wealthy and was getting a 2nd chance with the dinar. This call said at one time he was living on the fruit in the jungle on Hawaii. Tony cautioned everyone to plan wisely with generational wealth as your goal, sharing it with family, children and grandchildren and you personally would never want or outlive your funds.

TNT POST EXCHANGE EVENTS: There is still a chance we will get together for our Celebration. Tony said Chase and Wells Fargo have both said they would like to make presentations. Oh, I'll just bet they would like to talk to hundreds of new affluent people in one spot!


PAM: . . . make sure you designate who you want your money to go to . . . (the replay is garbled) when donating . . . only a few cents out of every dollar to go to the system. You can change that. Build your own foundation first first. Take care of your family and then give it away and space it out. . . . Be careful where you make your choices. Listen to professionals. Do your home work.

RAY: Finally going to see it Friday. I believe we are finally going to see it Friday.

TONY: The news in the mosques, they are telling them this is it. Currency about to be reinstated – told them where to go to get the information – rate should be effective next time there banks open or it’s on TV, when the banks open Saturday morning. Their week starts on Saturday. . . . saying Sunday the law will be published for everybody to see. . .be in the paper . . be in the law library. Have 24 hours to implement it. Hearing we will see and RI. Rate $3.40 to $3.90.

Hearing, we will see an RV after that . . . could see an RV, 10 days to 10 months and after that the rate goes up from there.

So, we have gone through it enough times. We’ve given you different scenarios to be prepared to use. Typically getting info from over there before we get it here.

We will let you know when we get the info . . . Do a call. Send out a tweet to let you know we have the package and reviewing it.

Call will either be good bye, they are doing there own thing or 4-7 days of instructions of what is going on. I’ve not signed NDA yet. Don’t know what it says. . . pushing to do 4 events so you can meet each other for a day or two. Have the banks there. Heard WF would so something. Someone said Chase would do something. They should do that. New millionaires. Have some fun afterwards.


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Articles In This Thread

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)
hobie -- Friday, 20-Feb-2015 18:00:03
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conf. call Cliff Notes version
hobie -- Saturday, 21-Feb-2015 03:28:39

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