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Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:08


After watching all the political soap operas coming from Washington, recent mid-term elections, military movements in Europe and the Middle East, and the international meetings between world leaders, it is obvious that the globalists want war with Russia. In every front NATO, the US and European nations have made blatant moves to move against Russia whether they want war or not.

The leader in Ukraine is up for election in the next year and has only a 5% popularity rate. He had his Navy send in three military ships into Russian controlled waters without going through the standard procedure of notifying the Russian government of their schedule and purpose, but instead rushed into the controlled waters beyond the Kerch Bridge that goes to Crimea. Russia stopped the three ships and arrested the sailors and hold them in custody. Ukraine then announced a state of emergency and told their army to start digging trenches for war with Russia, and sent more tanks and military equipment to the border to prepare for war. At the same time NATO sent in a huge number of tanks from Poland into Ukraine. The US also started preparing US Navy ships to go into the Black sea for purposes that were not announced. At the same time Trump cancelled a major meeting he was supposed to have with Putin during a recent multi-nation conference. Keep in mind that while this is going on the US Congress has been enforcing an economic embargo against Russia and make daily announcements to the public about how aggressive and evil the Russians are today. And, the big issue that has been on everyone’s mind, is the change in a missile treaty that was made between the US and the Soviet Union decades ago. The US is accusing Russia of violating that treaty when in fact it was during the Bush, Sr. administration that the US stopped abiding by the peace treaties with Russia. Their excuse? “The Soviet Union no longer exists, so we no longer have to honor the agreements with a non-existing government”. From that time the US has broken every promise made by the Reagan administration with the Russians. The US stopped dismantling the older nuclear warheads they possessed, and also made the buffer nations into NATO partners and shipped in NATO troops and missiles close to the Russian borders. Then they built mid-range missiles and drones that were both forbidden by the treaties. Then they have the audacity to accuse the Russians of breaking the missile treaty! The level of dishonor and lies being told by the US government and NATO about this issue is astounding. And yet, the US public is scarcely aware of what is going on. People want to believe their leaders, they can’t imagine they would do something so dishonorable. But they have. And the next event will be sudden war and the masses will wonder how in the world it happened. While everyone was busy fighting about silly things in Washington DC, Congress passed a huge increase in the military budget, which means they already have the money to go to war. This also means the government has the finances to go to war against China and also Iran, if and when those hot spots break out into a war. China is a communist nation that has been anti-American for many years. There are plenty of reasons to oppose Chinese politics, including lack of the freedom of the press, human rights violations, abuse of prisoners and slave labor, removing organs from prisoners for profit, stealing intellectual properties from the US companies, stealing defense secrets and sharing weapons with enemies of the US to name a few things. But who made this possible? Our ‘honorable’ politicians like the Clintons. Our nation helped China do these things and become powerful for decades under the guise of free trade. It was the merchants of the earth, the international bankers and globalist corporations that empowered China all this time. And now the same globalists want to go to war with them? It is all a scam, we have been taken for a ride. They create our enemies, then send our children to fight a war to sell more military equipment so their stock goes up - and if we complain we aren’t patriotic enough. Who benefits from these wars? Answer: The military industrial complex and the politicians that pass the laws to make it all happen. The same thing is happening in the Middle East and in Ukraine. It is all contrived and manufactured and we are the victims. How do our politicians justify this activity? They tell us “It is a complex world and we have enemies over there that we have to stop before they come Over Here.” They also pontificate on how wise and educated they are and that the common person simply can’t understand why they do these things. These activities get lost in the fog of high finance and political wrangling to the extent that the common man can’t ever comprehend or understand what is going on. And, that too is also by design.

The bottom line is we are being lied to and taken for a ride. The simplicity of defending our own borders and culture is being set aside for a globalist agenda of promoting the “international man”. Our own independence and sovereignty is being vilified as racists, xenophobic and imperialistic. Those are common communist terms and words used to demonize the America way of supporting Liberty, Freedom and Christian family values. Keep in mind that Putin stood against homosexuals being promoted openly in society. He told Americans to be careful with socialism because it can lead to a disaster. He told Americans not to give up their guns. Putin was standing for the national strength of his nation and supported religious freedoms and yet our politicians call him evil and the new Hitler. Do you see a pattern here? The globalists have an agenda, and that is to steal resources, land and labor from the Russians and accept nothing less than total, unconditional surrender. There is nothing that Putin can say to dissuade them from this path, no form of diplomacy, and no political placating will sway the globalists from their agenda. They are committed 100% to their goal of subjugating Russia and seizing their oil, gas, gold, and their land for colonizing and even their lives as human resources. Keep in mind as you see this unfold that what you hear about Russia will be a lie. The news media is not trustworthy or honorable. Our job as free Americans is to tell the truth as we see it and stay independent from the system as much as possible. America can never be defeated as long as the spirit of America is alive in the hearts of its citizens.

George Eaton

Note to readers: I have been writing a new book about the possibility of a pole shift and global tidal waves hitting coastal areas. The title of this fiction book is: The Atlantis Equation. It deals with the 5,125 year returning cycle of an asteroid called Wormwood that destroyed Atlantis, then other kingdoms about 5,000 years ago which was recorded as the great flood. I plan to get it printed next year. My books available now, postage paid: Project Genocide $10. Earth on Fire $15. Son of Nibiru $15. Thrones of Draco $15. (Special prices for December at my cost)

Payable to: George Eaton, P.O. Box 127, Ponderay, ID. 83852

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