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Dorothy Stratten a Possible Victim of DRUG-DEAL Gone Bad - Movies are Art

Posted By: Infoeditor
Date: Tuesday, 7-Oct-2014 16:27:46

In Response To: Reader C sends - Most of them ended up ragged, if not financially, then internally (Infoeditor)

Re: - Most of them ended up ragged, if not financially, then internally

Dorothy Stratten a Possible Victim of DRUG-DEAL Gone Bad - Movies are Art

Glad that something really hit you as you said, "Something really hit me about Hollywood and the stores and all the true life stories...." It appears you had your sobering moment.

Part of my philosophy is that nothing you do for others is ever wasted. Although many of the lives of entertainers and Hollywood celebrities were destroyed, the works they created did serve to accomplish the purpose of entertaining audiences, viewers, fans and onlookers. Some of those works were quite good, artistic, and held some positive content while others were/are tawdry, unnatural and a bit ugly, etc.. For example, many films would be good films without the unnecessary bad, vulgar language and cursing, etc.. So the general conclusion must be that, yes, some of these artists died miserably, but their works live on for people to view, use, etc., and be entertained by and are not wasted.

Your statement "And all your 'free movies', 'the classic films' -- all of it -- were a sorry waste of time by perhaps genuinely talented people, who sold their looks and their abilities" is a bit ambiguous. If you mean my posting them for entertainment purposes is a waste I disagree with you. If you mean that some of those works those artists created were efforts wasted on trivial scripts which were somewhat empty and devoid of good content, I would agree with that to an extent, but one must admit they do cause people to think, investigate and look for meaning,

Your statement "Sorry, but I have truly ESCAPED THE FICTION NOW" indicates you may have been taking that fiction all too seriously in the past, so good for you! Those works of fiction are just that, fiction, regardless of implications and similarities. I never suggested to anyone to take films seriously to themselves as if they were to be lived by. However, if there is some good principal illustrated by a film then it is okay to point it out and it is also okay to take a lesson. The films I have listed are there if anyone chooses to investigate them. If viewers have time they can see what they are about. If you choose to view documentaries, instead, then that is certainly your prerogative.

Remember Rand Quaid's statements and warnings about 'STARWHACKERS' and read what he actually said and went through and you may conclude that he is on to something that is real.


I did not intend to start a blog on Dorothy Stratten, but to help clarify a few things - as for the unfortunate Dorothy Stratten, a very attractive girl, she may actually have been the victim of a drug deal gone bad which she may not have had anything to do with. She may have taken that thousand dollars over to her husband and thought she was helping him and getting on with a divorce.

Although the deaths of Dorothy and her husband are forever blamed on the jealous husband routine there are several things which indicate they both may have been killed by a third party. For example, if it is true that all the bad write-ups on her husband say he considered Dorothy his big paycheck source, would it fit that he would completely destroy that money bag on the very day she even brought him another thousand dollars? No, absolutely not. People who accept the 'standard line' that the jealous husband did it on the death of Dorothy are not thinking straight and not doing any independent thinking.

Some claim that her husband had been blowing a lot of her money, but what was really in the background eating up all the cash? Her husband had rented or leased out his house, where they were killed, to a doctor and/or medical people. Those are persons who have access to drugs and prescriptions and can obtain lots of dope in several different ways.

Even in a high state of mind and under the influence her husband might have attempted to continue bilking Dorothy for money, but probably would not have discontinued his paycheck, even if he was jealous over her. For example, he could have sued her for alimony, and could have attempted other things to get Dorothy's funds, etc..

The general conclusion is: there were no eyewitnesses to the killing if it was a murder-suicide. Someone could have killed both of them, left the gun on the husband and left the scene for many hours. In fact, the 'medical people' who rented upstairs there stated they gave them plenty of 'privacy' and did not discover the bodies for some time.

There are some other factors about the incident which don't fit, but I am not going to drag all that out of the closet. At this point it wouldn't seem to serve any good purpose.

The only thing to remember now about this incident is that the 'jealous husband' routine was used and has been increasingly used for so-called murder suicides within America since then. The fact is that important persons sometimes unwittingly get involved with seedy operations and circumstances - another reason one might not want so many of those things called 'friends'. Dorothy might have been trying to keep her act clean, but simply appears to have been used and literally used up before she could manage it.

As far as getting over it, as you put it - there's nothing for me to get over, as I don't regard movies seriously, but enjoy the artistic aspects of some of them.

Thanks for your interesting, albeit condemning comments.



In response to:


: Re: Lighter Side - Dorothy Stratten on Johnny ....

: Hi Infoeditor,

: Something really hit me about Hollywood and the stores and all
: the true life
: stories.... and most of my life I realize I have absorbed this
: 'lore',
: internalized certain concepts about love and relationships and
: values....

: I now understand that I have been 'played' - just like most
: people.

: This is a pill from the Matrix, my friend.

: It is not 'pure escapism' - far from it.

: And all your 'free movies', 'the classic films' -- all of it
: -- were a sorry
: waste of time by perhaps genuinely talented people, who sold
: their looks and
: their abilities.

: Most of them ended up ragged, if not financially, then
: internally.

: Sorry, but I have truly ESCAPED THE FICTION NOW.

: I hope you do also, one day, for your own sake.

: ***************************************************************************

: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Lighter Side - Dorothy Stratten on Johnny Carson - Rare Interview - VIDEO

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Lighter Side - Dorothy Stratten on Johnny Carson - Rare Interview - VIDEO
Infoeditor -- Tuesday, 7-Oct-2014 01:36:32
Reader C sends - Most of them ended up ragged, if not financially, then internally
Infoeditor -- Tuesday, 7-Oct-2014 16:15:33
Dorothy Stratten a Possible Victim of DRUG-DEAL Gone Bad - Movies are Art
Infoeditor -- Tuesday, 7-Oct-2014 16:27:46

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