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Reader, fwd: Anna Von Reitz - "Make No Mistake" / Alaska earthquake

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:08

(Thanks, G. :)

Reader G. forwards to us:


Friday, November 30, 2018

Make No Mistake

By Anna Von Reitz

Two days ago I released an article that exposes the criminality that has plagued the British Monarchy for the last 150 years.

Yesterday, I exposed the guilty banks that have appointed Kim Goguen as a "bank trustee", and given her control of private "Special Deposit" accounts ---also known as "Off-Ledger" accounts that contain actual assets.

This morning, my hometown, Big Lake, Alaska, was targeted by a Resonance Energy Weapon, more generally known as a Directed Energy Weapon.

Big Lake sustained a direct hit and was the original epicenter of a 7.0 Earthquake.

We saw the "Green Beam" from Elmendorf Air Force Base just prior to the event.

Big Lake is not located on any natural fault line.

Let's make this perfectly clear:

Any member of the U.S. Military targeting our soil is a criminal and a traitor.

Anyone giving such an order or obeying such an order needs to be pre-empted with deadly force and removed from command, court-martialed and shot. Period.

The "Nuremberg Defense" --- "I was just following orders!" --- has already been tried and failed and will fail again.

Any member of the UN Military targeting Big Lake, Alaska, is committing a crime and violation of the United Nations ENMOD Treaty. They also need to be removed with deadly force, arrested, and remanded to their country of origin for prosecution.

Big Lake, Alaska, is not a "domestic target" and has never been incorporated as a franchise of any Territorial United States or Municipal United States corporation.

This craven and criminal attack on our civilian population as retaliation for my exposure of the bank's colossal theft of private assets now being offered as a bribe to the military leadership neatly demonstrates the corruption of elements within our military -- in particular elements of the US Navy, DOD, and Air Force.

As the lawful Fiduciary for The United States of America I am asking all military officers to honor their Oath to protect America against all enemies both foreign and domestic, and I am asking them to assist in the recovery of our assets and the return of these assets to our lawful civil control.

The banks have robbed us and defrauded us under the watchful eye of our own military forces, and this has been the long and short of it since the 1860's.

Officers---you can deal with crooks and middlemen and act as crooks yourselves, accomplices and promoters of crime, or you can arrest those responsible for the theft of our assets and return our assets to our control-- and thereby earn both honor and reward.

Most if not all that gold that Kim Goguen is showing the military leaders as a sop rightfully belongs to the American States and People, or to private trusts and foundations like the Ford Family Trust, the D'Avila Family Trust, the MacArthur Foundation, and others, that are also willing to support our military without being coerced.

So if the American military takes money freely given from our hands to protect our nation, they have honor and righteousness. But take that same money ---our money--- from the hands of thieves, and they are accomplices to crime, no better than any penny ante street thug from here to Thailand.

The money Kim is showing off is all commandeered, stolen by the banks who are trying to bribe American military leaders to take the bait ---and then also take the fall for the banks.

Men---some of your Superiors, who are criminals themselves, will try to justify this theft as a "National Security Issue", but in fact, that is just more B.S. to excuse more crime.

The U.S. Army has been playing fast and loose with our assets ever since the so-called Civil War and the U.S. Navy has been taking its orders from the Queen, who is guilty of gross Breach of Trust.

The cruelty, disloyalty, and dishonor of all these people, their abject and stubborn criminality, is now made manifest and exposed for all to see. You all know that it was no "Act of God" that just happened to pinpoint Big Lake, Alaska, as the epicenter for a 7.0 earthquake.

The entire command structure at Joint Base Elmendorf needs to be relieved of duty immediately. An investigation needs to be launched by the Inspector General responsible and by the Office of the Provost Marshal.

This part of the Mess also needs to be cleaned up --- because it is not "just" the banks responsible for and colluding to create all this rot, it's the rotten elements within the military playing along with the banks.

Without a criminal military, the criminal banks have no enforcement.

So it comes down the military having brains enough to know who they really work for and whose gold it really is.

General Dunford? General Mattis? General Kelly?

Commander-in-Chief Trump?

We are all still here, in Big Lake, Alaska, broken dishes, sink holes, cracked bridges, collapsed expressway ramps, broken gas lines, darkness, cold, terrified pets and all.

All hail the filthy corrupt banks, corrupt military leaders, corrupt political leaders----exposed for the world to see.

And if the American military doesn't clean some clocks for this, then we can add them to the "Worthless and Useless List" along with the banks that rob their customers and the governments that prey upon the people they are supposed to protect.

See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:


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Articles In This Thread

Reader, fwd: Anna Von Reitz - "Make No Mistake" / Alaska earthquake
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:08
Jim Stone With A Short, And Concise Comment On The Alaska Earthquake
Watchman -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:08
Reader: "The good news is they can't stop the destruction that they themselves have coming to them"
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:08
Response by Kim Possible
Mr.Ed -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:08

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