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To Vaccinate Or Not

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Thursday, 19-Feb-2015 22:49:56

I've noticed a lot of articles and letters to editors recently concerning vaccinations. Most seem to be making parents out to be villains if they do not follow in lockstep with the medical profession and agree to a plethora of vaccinations for themselves and their children. That same medical profession seems to want to ignore any evidence that calls for caution about putting these substances into a healthy body. However, not all doctors are in favor of wholesale vaccinations. Recently Dr. William Thompson Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control publicly admitted, in August 2014, the CDC covered up data linking the MMR vaccine to Autism in 1998 -- and yet nothing has been done about this ongoing tragedy that apparently will never end. Each side of the debate uses statistics to prove their position is the correct one. Someone can always find a study to back up their point. I would be far more interested to learn who funded the study? What was their agenda? What did they have to gain?

Let me say right up front that I got the polio vaccination in grade school and a small pox one in high school due to a trip to Mexico. My daughter and son received far more. I thought I was caring for them. However, even as a senior citizen, my immune system is far stronger than theirs. Even at my age, I am able to ward off nearly all of the germs I come into contact with doing home health care. I recently found out from my research that my son's ADHD is possibly from vaccinations. Nice. We aren't told that though, are we? I also recently found out that the polio vaccination we received in the fifties was tainted with live cancer cells, and they knew it at the time and didn't pull it off the market until 1961! Is that the reason for such an increase in cancer today?

Like so many children in the fifties, I got, as my mother would say, 'everything going around'. I survived it and most of us did. So, ask yourself why is it that a child today by the age of four, has to have, what is it up to now? 49 vaccinations? Is it really to eradicate disease or is it to fill the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies? Why does a baby need a Hepatitis B vaccination, a sexually transmitted disease, on the day they're born? Really? Why are doctors pushing the Gardasil vaccine even for boys now, in spite of evidence of sterility and possible birth defects from it's use? To date, 44 girls have died after being vaccinated with Gardasil.

I'm not so upset with doctors who jump on the vaccine bandwagon. They don't know any better. It's what they were taught in medical school. That would be the same medical school that used to teach that nutrition has nothing to do with your health. And, yes for many decades, that was the standard thinking. Doctors don't have time to do much research on every drug and vaccine that the pharmaceutical companies push on them. They take their word for it that it's been tested and is safe for their patients. After enough people have died from a drug and it's pulled from the market, they find out otherwise.

I have to say that I wish all vaccines were safe and effective because I like the idea of being able to avoid disease, save lives and eradicate diseases. But has that been the history of vaccines? According to whose study? I have a lot of questions about that. If autism has become epidemic, what is causing it? Could it be the huge increase in vaccinations given to children before they're even in school? When parents see their children withering right after their vaccinations, never to return to the happy healthy child they were previously, what has caused this change? Why are drug companies still using Thimerosal (mercury, a heavy metal and poison) in their vaccines?

As for the flu vaccination, how many strains of flu virus are there? Why is it that year after year the CDC 'guesses' wrong as to which flu to vaccinate for? And while everyone is hyping Bill Gates, why is he quoted as saying, “We can bring about a decrease in world population through more vaccines, birth control and health care.” His words, not mine. Say what? Excuse me, but if vaccines are beneficial wouldn't that increase the population? Https://wwwyoutube.comwatch?v=gROhNaJoGzI

What about medical mistakes? You know what I'm referring to. What was the number last year, 400,000 deaths from doctor/hospital/drug mistakes? Let me cite just two examples of problems with vaccinations, then you decide if I have a right to say no for myself and my children to something I consider potentially dangerous.

In 2009 charges were filed by a medical researcher and journalist at the World Health Organization, the United Nations and the F.B.I. against several pharmaceutical agencies, one of them Baxter AG. In her filing she showed that they had sent 72 kilos of live bird flu mixed with swine flu and regular flu to 16 laboratories in four countries. One of the lab assistants in the Czech Republic decided to test them first before administering them to people. All of his ferrets got so sick they had to be killed. Alarmed, he ran tests on the vaccines and found out that it was a 'cocktail' of avian flu (deadly) swine flu (easy transmission) and regular flu. He hurriedly sounded the alarm. Do you have any idea what a pandemic that would have created? Accident? I certainly hope so. Did Baxter get fined or reprimanded for this 'accident'? Of course not. The CEO was given a cushy job in Washington by Obama.

As for those who are pushing for forced vaccinations on the public, shame on you! If vaccinations really work, people and their non-vaccinated children should pose no risk to you or your vaccinated children. That is the lamest excuse I've ever heard as a reason to take away a parent's right to protect their children. We as parents, are responsible for our children until they are of an age to make their own decisions. They do not belong to the state. That is a Nazi/Fascists philosophy. “Giving the government the power to override parental decisions regarding vaccines will inevitably lead to further restrictions on liberties. After all, if government can override parental or personal health care decisions, then what area of our lives is off-limits to government interference?”

I know doctors are busy, but if they are going to jump on the 'forced vaccination bandwagon', they need to do their homework first. If they had, they would have found, as I did, the 2010 False Claims Act filed by two former Merck scientists about how the company fraudulently added rabbit antibodies to blood samples to show that their MMR (measles, mumps & rubella) vaccines were 95% effective. Merck scientists were pressured to go along with this fraud by their top management. They were also promised very large bonuses by then vice president Emilio Emini of Mercks Vaccine Research Division. Why? Since 2000, the CDC has paid Merck more than $700 million for its MMRII vaccine and that's only one vaccine. The only way Merck was able to gain this monopoly, for actually the last forty years, to demonstrate to the FDA that their vaccines are 95% effective, was to falsify the test data according to Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski, former scientists who were pressured to 'go along' with the fraud. So, one would have to ask, if in the last ten years measles has killed 0 people, but the MMR vaccine has killed 110, what is the agenda for pushing it?

I guess my question would be, how can my refusing to vaccinate myself or my children be any more dangerous to the public than a pharmaceutical company engaging in fraud for profit? But that is the latest propaganda I'm hearing. I think we need to remain very vigilant about forced vaccinations. I look for people to begin losing jobs and their children if they refuse vaccinations. Will insurance companies one day drop you if you refuse vaccinations for yourself or your children? These are all questions we need to seriously consider and be prepared to deal with.

How about losing your doctor if you refuse the annual flu shot? My granddaughters pediatrician told my son up front they wouldn't take his kids if they refused vaccinations. I know what my response would have been but it wasn't my call. They were intimidated and agreed to the regular schedule of vaccinations. I can tell you that both my granddaughters are constantly sick. But my great grandson whose mom refused any vaccinations from day one, is bright and healthy and thriving. He rarely is sick. Success leaves clues.

Am I telling people not to get vaccinated? Absolutely not. That would be irresponsible and not my place. I am saying, before accepting vaccinations for themselves or their children, people need to do their own research. Then, if they are convinced that vaccines are safe and effective, by all means, get vaccinated. It probably wouldn't hurt for stupid to be removed from the gene pool. That is certainly their choice. My choice will be different. And to anyone looking to force a vaccination on me, bring lots of reinforcement with you.

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Articles In This Thread

To Vaccinate Or Not
Liberty_Lady -- Thursday, 19-Feb-2015 22:49:56
Not (my two cents)
Dquixote1217 -- Thursday, 19-Feb-2015 23:01:19
OpEd: To the Parent of the Immunocompromised Child Who Thinks My Kid is a Threat
NaturalWisdom -- Thursday, 19-Feb-2015 23:18:01

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