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Knock Knock...Tick Tock...The Anasazi...The Hollow Earth...More Pieces of the Big Puzzle...

Posted By: Valiant
Date: Thursday, 19-Feb-2015 13:35:06

Tick Tock…Something is Brewing…

First, a word…Now, I’ve mentioned this before
But apparently I need to be more clear.
Crystals…So many varieties, each endowed with
Their own magic, a voice or rhythm of the Earth.
Sapphires…stones, gems of truth…
Now there’s a reason why the Ten Commandments
Were carved on Sapphire Tablets…
There’s a reason why these jewels turn black
In the presence of evil or dark energy, emotions…

Paired with a Diamond, an Amplifier of utmost degree…
Is very dangerous in the wrong hands…
More than pretty jewelry…
Worn by someone deceitful, wicked or by someone
Committing a crime, a crime against nature…
Or something just plain wicked…
Well, that’s like putting a stick of dynamite
In a food processor.

Let’s say, for example…if these were worn by
A government official or political leader and they were
To do something…stupid…greedy…diabolic…
What you would get is trouble…War.
But then again, wars are fought for all sorts
Of reasons…it varies so much…
But it somehow always comes down to territory…
Occupation of land…who’s there, what’s there…
Or rather what’s below it.

If a war erupts this year, Big Brother.
Do not expect it to go your way…
In fact, expect a huge mess…beyond your control.
There won’t be any distractions…
Blood and truth will be spilled…like it or not.
And by he way, any dark magic ceremonies
Will be rendered…spoiled…let’s say.
Why? I’ll get to that in time.

When will you learn you shape your own defeat.

Now on to other things…

Long ago…in an age when Stonehenge was nearly new…
There was a clan in the Druidic lands, descendants of an
Ancient Star Seed, keepers of secrets, even in their DNA…
As their tribes and people change, corrupted by newer ways…
They sought to leave their homeland…led by dreams
They traveled abroad…
Some were drawn to the Far East, led by a young man
Whose heart led him to an Asian Princess.
Her heart the lock, his the key…
They would have an affair…the magic DNA to be born
Secretly into a child that would one day create a
Secret Society…that still exists today…
But that’s another story…

Other members of the Clan went South…
To Africa and were consumed by what would be the Egyptian Empire
And disappeared…

While the rest made the biggest journey…
Guided by a dream…by the Stars
They crossed the Atlantic and found the New World…
First to land in North America…they met the
Indians of the Great Lakes…and were very happy
With these people…they shared a common love
Of Nature, the Earth…and they shared their knowledge
Of Mysticism with them…Inspiring many Medicine Men.
The Clan dwelt here for some time,
But soon were compelled to travel again seeking
Out other tribes of Indians…
And again chasing a dream that led them
To the South West…

There they encountered the Cliff Dwellers, the People
Known as the Anasazi.
At the time these people were troubled and very
Wary and suspicious of strangers as they were being
Tormented by strange things, disappearances and monsters…
One of the reasons they fortified themselves in
Homes on the Cliffs, to protect themselves.
The Druidic Clan soon learned that these
Indians were being harassed by creatures and beings
From underground…the Hollow Earth.
So they taught the Anasazi to protect themselves,
And shared their Mystic Knowledge once again.
But the Druidic Clan still was fascinated by
This Underground World that existed…
Remnants of an Ancient City of Gold from a lost age…
Inhabited strangely by a Reptilian-like race,
That was hostile, greedy and corrupt…

The Clan managed to help the Anasazi protect themselves
And keep these creatures away…
But the desserts of the Southwest proved to be a very
Unusual place…Intense energies and vortexes lingered
In the sandy rocky places…full of mystical energies,
Ancient energies, left over from long ago…from
Another age…
Little did they know this was due to the cataclysm
That destroyed the Ancient World – atomic energy
Created the vortexes, areas of unstable energies
Radiating from crystals in the ground.
Still, it proved to be a source of great power and psychic
Experiences…the Druid people, with their
More advanced senses saw a future of the Americas…
Of the peril the Native Americans would suffer…
They warned the Anasazi to fortify themselves, or
Leave if they could. But armed with the Druids knowledge
And magic, were stubborn now and wouldn’t leave…
The visions the Druids had only grew stronger…
They saw farther and deeper into the future…
And began to understand more of their own
Ancestry tied to the Tuatha, and the plight of
The entire human race and who these Reptilian things
Were…and the threat they possessed.
They decided to return to their homeland to warn
Their people…
But this time Fate would play a dire roll…
They would never make it home…
Lost to illness and hostile Indian raids from other
Tribes they encountered…the few survivors
Remained with the Anasazi and eventually married
Into the tribe.
Over time they would produce a young Medicine Man
With super powers who would open up a portal
To another dimension and deliver his Anasazi people
To a safe place…escaping the awful future both
He and his Druid forefathers saw…

But what of the Reptilian race and the Underground
City of Gold? It’s still there…as are all
The Underground Cities of the Hollow Earth…

How strange that the Southwest remains a
Mystical place…one of mysteries and vortexes…
A place where secret government bases and
Research facilities abound…
You see it’s not what’s above ground that always matters
But what is in fact beneath it…
Whether it’s beneath the ground of Southwestern desserts…
An airport in Colorado…
A mountain in Wyoming…
Or a mall near you…
It’s always about what’s beneath the ground,
Or rather hidden there…
Strange how legends of monsters came from
The Carpathian Mountains in Europe…
Love of Vampires and Werewolves…
Myth? Or are they really tales of Underground Dwellers
And the cities there.

Something to think about…
These underground bunkers…bases…cities…
A precaution for disasters and war?
Or perhaps a link to tunnel entrances of a
Deep Underworld Civilization hidden from us
On the surface?

Dear Mr. Spacemen…
When I was young, Medicine Men used to appear at the
Foot of my bed each night…or their ghosts rather…
Watching, waiting for something to happen with me…
The woman from the future, and the Lady in the Garden
Each said I had a destiny…Something to do in this life…
An Albino Man I named Varence in my book
Told me I had the power…
And after the Angel left his Gift in my head…
Big Brother interrogated me for weeks about what happened…
If I knew what was done to me…
I lied of course and told them nothing, I said I had
No idea what they were talking about.
Of course I wasn’t going to tell them anything.
I knew. The Medicine Men also said I had power…
All my life everyone seemed to be hovering, studying me…
You keep pushing me, making it difficult for me.
If you were smart you would have made it easier.
Well, slap on some adult sized diapers.
Maybe you should be scared.
I received more information.
It’s nearly time to find out…why you studied me.
The world is going to change.

That’s all for now.

…my artwork, The Wolves

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Knock Knock...Tick Tock...The Anasazi...The Hollow Earth...More Pieces of the Big Puzzle...
Valiant -- Thursday, 19-Feb-2015 13:35:06
Re: Knock Knock...Tick Tock...The Anasazi...The Hollow Earth...More Pieces of the Big Puzzle...
Luna -- Thursday, 19-Feb-2015 15:00:35
One of your best pieces of art, Valiant!
CapnGriff -- Thursday, 19-Feb-2015 16:18:27
Your wolves are my favorite! Always look forward to your messages! NO MSG. *NM*
Lymerick -- Thursday, 19-Feb-2015 20:02:57

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