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From Jim Stone About Sudan's President, CIA Closure, Ukraine Bomb

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Wednesday, 18-Feb-2015 20:55:06

The following from" Every report on this web site is public domain and can be re-posted in full. Just mention this web site by linking back to the original here."

18 feb 2015

Watch for assassination of Sudan's President

The day after President Al-Bashir made the claim that the CIA and Mossad are running ISIS and Boko Haram, the exact press runs that would have reported this were seized from Sudan's 16 top newspapers and destroyed before they could be distributed. It is fairly obvious that their publishing this was the reason for the seizure, and the fact it happened makes a huge point:

Someone is in control of the Sudanese police forces other than the President. Someone gave the order to stop the message about what President Al Bashir said.

The details:

During an interview on Euronews which took place on Feb 17, Sudan's President stated in very clear terms that the CIA and Israel's Mossad are behind the Islamist militant groups Boko Haram and Isis. He went on to reference the Isis beheadings of 21 coptic christians in Libya and said that no Muslim group would ever do that. He is right. However, if all the newspapers that would have gotten his message out to the Sudanese people were seized before they could report his saying this, he is not in full control of the country and is probably in serious danger.

This morning, The Sudanese National Intelligence and Security Service seized copies of 16 daily newspapers, which included Al-Tayar, Al-Rai al-Aam, Al-Intibaha, Akhir Lahza, Al-Ahram al-Youm, Awal al-Nahar, Al-Watan, Al-Sudani, Alwan, Al-Saiha, Al-Mijhar al-Siyasi, Al-Dar, and Hikayat. I have obviously never heard of these, but they were, according to reports, the largest papers in the country.

Most likely Sudan is half controlled by the CIA and Mossad, and they censored the President via force. If they saw fit to take action of this sort, they will be very likely to discipline Al-Bashir by killing him. With all the remote control options in cars, planes and trains available to them now, they will not need to use a bullet. It is called plausible deniability . . . .

Cia headquarters shut down?

There were numerous reports that the CIA had abandoned their world headquarters in Langley Virginia. Last night I could not find anything to the contrary and found many posts about a deal being made with China to shut them down, them being busted for faking ISIS so they were shut down for cleaning of staff, etc and unfortunately, this morning I finally found the real reason.

They never shut down at all. It was a hoax. Here is what happened to provide a pretext for the hoax -

A bunch of Iranian students went to the gates of the CIA world headquarters to protest drone strikes and the use of drones. It was a peaceful protest. But the police still taped off the entrances which made a great photo op for a hoaxer after the students left. In the hoax photos no one is there, and it really does look taped off and abandoned. But if you look up that drone protest, you will see it is the same entrance, the same tape, the same everything and sadly, the CIA did not shut down.

Nuke in Ukraine? I am undecided, but there is some really odd stuff with this

I think it was a fuel air bomb. And I think all the stats on fuel air bombs are faked and censored now. Off the top of my head, this is what I (think) I know - when the U.S. attacked Afghanistan, there were numerous caves they wanted purged and their choice for purging the caves was a polystyrene fuel air bomb. These affected the seismographs worldwide, triggering numerous earthquake readings in the 2.5 - 4.5 range.

So I know that when all I can find now is references to fuel air bombs only achieving a 5 ton yield, they are completely bogus. This got censored.

Remember the movie Outbreak? One bomb does a whole city? You won't get that from a five ton bomb. If memory serves me right, fuel air bombs are in fact capable of reaching half a kiloton yield. They were called "poor man's nukes" for a reason.

Now onto Ukraine and that nuke. People on the ground there said that whatever caused the blast had a 500 ton yield. Simultaneously with this blast, the USGS logged a 6.8 seismic reading where it went off, (which they quickly purged from their records, good people they are) but it at least stayed visible for 20 minutes on the USGS web site.

A seismic reading of 6.8 from one station does not mean a 6.8 earthquake happened if no surrounding stations register much. But what it does mean is that something absolutely huge happened in the immediate vicinity of the station that shook that much, and a fuel air bomb/nuke fits that scenario perfectly.

So I dug into this, and made note of two things - the first is the color of the blast, which does not match a nuke. The second is the sound of the blast, which was that of a gas explosion, which a fuel air bomb would sound like on steroids. Then there was a photograph shot at exactly the right time, and you can see the ignition sequence, where the flames start from a small point above the main explosion, and then have a huge fireball attached to them. A nuke would not look like that.

I am fairly confident it was a fuel air bomb in Ukraine. Recently there was a huge gas explosion in Mexico City which involved the fuel air ignition of 10,000 pounds of butane. That sounded exactly like the audio of the blast in Ukraine. There is body, punch and roar to an open air gas explosion because such explosions have a blast wave that is below the speed of sound. The syria nuke and high velocity explosives have a totally different sound, they have an extremely sharp cracking noise that is very short when they go off because the blast coming off of them is super sonic, so the entire blast wave is sonically bunched up and all arrives to a distant observer at the same time. Sound cannot outrun itself, but it can bunch up on itself and all arrive at once. The sound alone can tell you what type of explosion happened.

So I think it was a fuel air bomb in Ukraine (go to Youtube and compare blast sounds between gas explosions and high velocity explosives) the difference is obvious.

All of the above really does not matter much, because if the blast was that big it was probably an American bomb that did it. I guess Ukraine has similar stuff, but in the case of the fuel air bomb scenario, I doubt anything Ukraine has would work. I think that particular blast was out sourced.

West coast port closures meaningless . . . .

I did not know it was possible to do so easily, but all the ships are simply hitting the Panama Canal and Suez canal and now the port of Houston and the East Coast is booming. Though the West Coast imports are down by 29 percent, overall imports are only down by 11 percent and the situation is recovering rapidly now that East Coast ports are picking up the slack. No doubt many imports will simply hit the Atlantic now rather than the Pacific. /doom


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Articles In This Thread

From Jim Stone About Sudan's President, CIA Closure, Ukraine Bomb
RobertS -- Wednesday, 18-Feb-2015 20:55:06
It's Just All Information Folks
CapnGriff -- Wednesday, 18-Feb-2015 21:32:57
Sound 'advice'! I don't "believe" in 'anything', but, I am OPEN to ALL possibilities. i.e. draw NO conclusions, anymore
Bob -- Thursday, 19-Feb-2015 01:03:00

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