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SORCHA: "Terror Strike Kills 20 After Chlorine Gas Bomb Explodes In New York State Limousine"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:19



October 9, 2018

Terror Strike Kills 20 After Chlorine Gas Bomb Explodes In New York State Limousine

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A seemingly routine new Security Council (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today authorizing the Ministry of Defense (MoD) to deploy chemical weapons experts to work on an investigation being headed by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) takes a shocking and unexpected turn by its noting that this investigative inquiry is solely focused on a mysterious incident occurring in New York State, on 6 October, that killed 20 people said to have died in an accident that barely damaged the limousine they were riding in—and whose owner of, Shahid Hussain, is a long known AQIS al-Qaeda terrorist familiar with how to make and use chlorine gas bombs. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Barely damaged New York State limousine with no broken windows (above) preposterously claimed to have killed 20 people

According to this report, on 6 June 2007, the US Department of Defense sent out a global advisory bulletin warning that al-Qaeda terrorists in Iraq had begun using chlorine bombs—and that caused the MoD to create a specialized chemical weapons team to counter as these chlorine gas poisoning bombs emit 1,000 ppm of this toxic gas that insures death within only a few minutes of its being inhaled.

In 2011, this report continues, this MoD specialized chemical weapons team was deployed to Syria after the Federation declared that a state of “Holy War” existed between Russia and the radical Islamic State—and whose main enemy using chemical weapons in this conflict weren’t radical Islamic terrorists, but a fearsome and shadowy organization founded by an British ex-mercenary named James Le Mesurier called the “White Helmets—whose most accurate description is its being “the long arm of British MI6 in Syria”.

On 30 August, this report further notes, this MoD specialized chemical weapons team reported that eight containers with chlorine and ammunition for a multiple launch rocket system to be filled with this chlorine were delivered on 23-24 August in the area of the Idlib de-escalation zone, namely, in the town of Jisr al-Shughur—and whose purpose for was the “White Helmets” being able to stage a false flag chemical attack that would be blamed on the Syrian government—but that Turkish military forces moved in to prevent against, with their reporting in the past 24 hours that these terrorists had removed their heavy weapons from the front lines.

One of the most vital duties of this MoD specialized chemical weapons team, this report says it’s important to note, is its working with both the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) and the Federal Security Service (FSB) to identify terrorists and terrorist plots, and whose information about is reciprocally shared with both the FBI and CIA intelligence organizations in America—and that last year enabled the FSB to thwart a St. Petersburg bomb plot after being warned by the CIA—but failed to prevent the Boston Marathon Bombing, on 15 April 2013, when, for reasons still unknown, the Obama Regime refused to arrest these terrorist bomber brothers whom the SVR had notified them about two years prior.

Likewise, in 2002, this report details, the SVR notified the CIA that a New York State immigrant from Pakistan named Shahid Hussain had been identified as a suspected al-Qaeda terrorist and was wanted in his home nation on charges of committing terrorist murder—but instead of his being imprisoned for criminally providing stolen US identification papers to other terrorists, shockingly saw the FBI paying him nearly $100,000 to spy for them—and whose FBI spy work led to the entrapment arrests and convictions of numerous Muslim men living in the United States.

FBI spy and al-Qaeda terrorist Shahid Hussain (above) owns New York State limousine that killed 20 on 6 October 2018

Over the past fortnight, this report continues, Pakistan begged the United States to resume its aid payments that President Trump had cut off for their terrorist supporting activities, but that the Americans refused to do—thus causing Pakistan to appeal for aid from the International Monetary Fund, that the US is now blocking, too—and yesterday, after President Trump pressured India to break off peace talks, saw Pakistan erupting in anger and firing off their nuclear weapons capable ballistic missiles.

With tensions quickly rising this past week to the breaking point, this report says, Vice President Mike Pence, on 4 October, suddenly gave a speech where he directly accused Pakistan’s main ally China of interfering in America’s upcoming 2018 Midterm Election—and the following day, 5 October, then saw Shahid Hussain boarding a China Airlines flight in New York City whose destination was Pakistan, where Hussain is now reported in—followed 24 hours later, on 6 October, with Shahid Hussain’s limousine mysteriously killing 20 people, that is now the worst land-transportation accident in the United States since 2009.

(L-R): Sisters Allison King, Abby Jackson, Mary Dyson and Amy Steenburg were among the 20 victims

To the current working hypothesis compiled by the SVR about this mysterious limousine assassination plot that killed 20 Americans, this report concludes, is that in no way whatsoever could these deaths have occurred due to blunt force trauma in the vehicle itself, as the physical damage that would have had to occur in such a vehicle crash would be beyond catastrophic, and would have left it in literal pieces—but whose most likely explanation is that these deaths occurred from a timed chorine gas bomb attached to this vehicles’ ventilation system that would have incapacitated everyone instantly, and left them dead in less than 2 minutes, and that all traces of (except in the victims lungs) would dissipate when this vehicles doors would have been opened by emergency personal—and whose most obvious reason for was to present President Trump with an horrific terrorist attack just weeks before his nation’s critical election that he’d be blamed for—but that couldn’t have been accomplished without the full knowing of “Deep State” elements with the FBI, who are currently battling Trump to the death as more of their vile crimes are being exposed by the day.

The driver of this vehicle survived

…but 20 people died in this one????

There is nothing more uncommon than common sense.

Frank Lloyd Wright

October 9, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

SORCHA: "Terror Strike Kills 20 After Chlorine Gas Bomb Explodes In New York State Limousine"
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:19
Reader sends link to video showing animation of the accident. Doesn't look like there would have been 100% fatalities
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:19

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