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Global Conspirators Set the Stage for World War 3

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:51:57

(early October, 2018 Extra Edition)

After two years into Trump's presidency we now have an idea what Trump stands for and what he wants to accomplish. Basically, Trump has hit his stride and his team members at the Whitehouse and the Pentagon know what he's like and the direction HE is taking his administration. The political game playing betwen the Democrats and the Republicans has hit
a new low with mud slinging and negative poltical rancor. To be honest, it is rather disgusting to see such a childish display between America's so called finest leaders. This kind of infighting is beyond the pale on what the founding fathers expected from the three government branches. For that reason I don't follow the day to day infighting over what "she said, he said" and the hearings on appointments. This kind of juvenile behavior is nothing more than a distraction and reminds me of a well known conspiracy document that states they would "set up political debates like gladatorial arenas..which will distract the people". When people bring up the latest soap opera debates that are going on I simply tell them, "Sorry, I don't follow those kind of issues."

The truth is, while everyone was clamoring to hear the latest accusation of alleged sexual misconduct 40 years ago, Trump signed a budget bill that was nearly $1 trillion! That means the military budgets have grown to huge amounts for two consecutive years. This is a clear sign of the US government's intentions to go to war. As tensions build in the Middle East and in the South China Sea we are only able to get bits and peices of what is truly going on behind the scenes. After the Russian observation plane was shot down it was reported that Putin refused to meet with the delegation from Israel that was to explain what happened. Russia also has shipped in a large amount of S300 misiles to Syria to help defend them against further attacks by Israel or any other nations. After the missile attack across Syria from Israeli fighter jets, and the friendly fire downing of the Russian plane, I did extensive research on the Israel/Russian connection. I wanted to have a better view on the relations betwen the two nations and determine Putin's mindset towards the Israeli government. I discovered that Putin spent a good amount of time with neighbors that were Jewish when he was growing up. He also has donated money to help Jewish causes. He is very friendly with the Jewish people and speaks against anti-semitism. Putin has also approved joint offshore drilling near Israel with Russian oil companies. In the past few decades hundreds of thousands of Russian Jews immigrated to Israel and have a great influence on local poltics. The number of Russian Jews in Israel is somewhere around 1.5 million. I was troubled by the many connections between Russia and Putin with Israel. It made me question how he could actually be against Israel's aggressive military campaign against Syria as he is trying to defend Syria.

If we look back to the time Putin ordered troops into Syria to defend Syria the Israeli attacks have not remained the same or decreased, they have actualy increased. This fact would not go unnoticed by Putin. Putin supposedly warned Israel several times after they bombed Syrian troops, even saying he would bomb their air base if they kept bombing Syria. How did Israel respond? They bombed Syria even more. However, Putin kept up the presure against ISIS and after two years the majority of the country has been purged of the terrorists and the remaining 70,000 have converged in the northern Idlib province. The US has bombed Syria twice on false charges that Syria used chemical weapons and they are staged to attack again at any moment. In a surprising move Syria, Russia and Turkey averted a major conflict in Idlib, which was the worst possible news that the US and Israel wanted to hear. Whatever Trump and Israel wanted to acomplish in Syria was derailed by Putin's careful strategies. This has infuriated the Pentagon, the EU, NATO, Israel and the globalists. They are trying everything they can think of to get Putin to make a knee jerk reaction to justify going to war with Russia. It is still quite possible that the conspirators will implement a false flag operation to start a war with Russia.

After the large Russian observation plane was shot down by accident, Putin was quick to say it was merely a string of unfortunate events that led to the plane being shot down resulting in the deaths of 15 crew members. Putin's underlings were not quite so forgiven in what they said. Many of the top officers said that Israel was to blame for the confusion and hid their fighter jets behind the plane until they fired their missiles on bases in Syria. The Russian Generals also stated that Israel did not notify them in time, only 1 minute, for their plane to get out of harm's way. Israel gave the excuse they are bombing Iranian troops that they fear are massing weapons to be used against Israel in the future. Recently the Israeli government did admit to bombing Syria over 200 times the past few years. This begs the question: How can Putin expect to defend Syria, as Israel continues to bomb them over and over again? The Iranian troops Israel claims are preparing a war against Israel are Hezbollah volunteers that wanted to help defend Syria from the ISIS head choppers. They are called a proxy army for Iran. The quality of those soldiers and fighting ability has been instrumental in defeating ISIS. ( I am not a fan of Iran and wish that Assad would remove all Hezbollah troops from Syria to promote trust and peace with Israel)Syria is extremely grateful for their assistance in getting rid of ISIS who have been responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of innocent citizens, including women and children. However, this fact doresn't matter to Israel or the US. Any damage that ISIS can do to Syria, which is a target by Israel and the US, is welcomed and appreciated. This means that what the US government has been saying about the Syrian war and ISIS is disingenuous at best and at worst could be a massive lie to the US public. They claim to be occupying a large section of Syria to 'get rid of ISIS", when in fact they are helping the Kurds fight against Syrian and Russian troops. Make no mistake, The US is inside of a soveriegn nation without permission, and is giving aid, comfort and finances to enemies of Syria and Russia. Russia knows this, Syria knows this, but the majority of the US citizens don't have a clue.

There are three main reasons why the US and Israel are attacking Syria. Israel considers Syria and Iran as mortal enemies that must be contained and destroyed so they will never be a threat to Israel. The second reason is the globalist have extensive plans to put an oil pipe line through Syria that would go into Europe. To accomplish this they believe that Syria must be overthrown, pacified and a puppet government put in place - like they have in Saudi Arabia. Thirdly, the globalist want to surround Russia and eventually take them over and steal their resources and neutralize their military power. You would think that once the Russian people over threw a communist government and embraced free enterprise and being a democratic Republic that the so called free nations would become friends with Russia. Nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is, the family values Putin embraced and the defense of national patriotism and unity was seen as a threat to global socialism. The globalists that control all the major nations of the world don't want to get along with Russia, they want to overthrow it and destroy it - and will only accept an unconditional surrender. Let that sink in for a minute.

The actions and policies of the globalist leaders reveal the facts on what their agenda is towards Russia. The Russian people liberated themselves from diabolical communism. The international bankers did not lend a hand, the US government did not lend a hand and neither did the Europeans. And what did the US and NATO do since that liberation by the people for freedom? The US BROKE the treaty made by Reagan and brought in missiles into countries bordering Russia. The US BROKE the treaty on disarming a certain amount of nuclear missiles. The US and NATO then started a massive propaganda campaign that Russia was a threat to Europe and the world and sent in thousands of troops to bordering nations to intimidate Russia and prepare for war. The US, the CIA and other covert groups controlled by billionaire George Soros instigated the revolution in Ukraine,(costing over $2 billion) which led to people being killed and made the legally elected president of Ukriane flee to Russia. The US then set up a new military base in Ukraine and has sent thousands of US forces into Ukraine to assist them in fighting directly against Russian volunteers defending the south east area of the nation. This program was all part of the Wolfiwitz doctrine under the Bushes to vilify Russia and start the process of overthrowing the Russian government. From that point forward it was a secret government policy to target Russia as an enemy so that the US would end up being the sole super power on the planet. We could have embraced Russia as a friend and continued to both disarm nuclear weapons to stop the nuclear insanity. But, our government has done the very opposite. The US government, under the influence of the globalists, are building up for a nuclear war. At no time in history are we closer to global nuclear war. Look at their actions, not their words. The Military Industrial Complex(MIC) is a very powerful and massive system of control. The MIC has the most lobbyists in the nation and has the greatest influence on our Congressmen. The MIC has set up a huge monetary system to influence politicians to pass any bill they push for military appropriations. The MIC is in unity with Israel, the EU and the globalist agenda. The MIC controls the main media, the banks, the factories, the politicians and the education system. They determine what is considered "patriotism". If a war doesn't start spontaneously they send in mercenary agents to start a war to justify going to war. In reality they are controlling both sides of a conflict and then US citizens send their children to die so the defense factories stock will go up. When the stock goes up the politicians in turn make $ millions, and then those same politicians get on TV and say "God BLess America!".

War is nothing more than a mafia racket and we are all the victims. If we speak up against the next war of the month people will predictably say, "But, we need to go to war to make sure gas prices stay low!". Or they will say, "The terrorists attacked us and if we don't stop them there they will come to our own land and kill us here!". Those are false arguments and not one bit valid. When you see the big picture and see what the MIC is really doing, it is obvious they're taking part in a conspiracy to start wars for profit. If you don't know the answer follow the money. We have been in Afghanistan since 2001 - that is 17 years and counting. Since that time we have killed thousands of people and helped the drug dealers increase their herion production several times over to enormous amounts, and those drugs are flooding Europe and the US.

We took over Iraq and killed more thousands and went into debt since that time to the tune of $ trillions. And how much oil did we get to pay back for that debt? Not one drop. Not one penny. If we defeated a terrorists nation and took their oil wells, why didn't we simply sell the oil to pay back the national debt? That would be the logical conclusion. But no, that is not what the Bushes did, they made sure our national debt remained high and growing higher. And, they made sure the oil companies, including the oil companies they owned in the Middle East kept making profits, at our expense. That is what our soldiers died for, and now they want to do the same thing to Syria, Iran and Russia. But this time they are willing to start a nuclear war to make it happen.

The politicians are a bunch of hypocrites. They pretend to be concerned for the US citizen and claim to maintain world peace, but they are complicit in starting wars for profit all over the globe. They financed the corrupt communist state of North Korea for decades - that sells weapons of mass destruction to any terrorists with money - then those same corrupt leaders pretend to make peace with them when there is absolutely no proof they will disarm. Recently Trump had the audacity to say that the Communist leader and him "had differences then fell in love"! What?!? Kim Jung Un, formerly the little rocket man, murdered scores of his own people, sent in military teams to South Korea and Japan that killed people and kidnapped women. And now Trump is in love with him?!? You can't make this stuff up, it is way too bizzarre.

The North Korean communist government HAS chemical, biologioical and nuclear weapons that they have threatened to use on other nations and our military bases. It is well documented that they have also SOLD a variety of weapons to terrorists and terrorist states. Why is the US government and other nations failing to reveal these facts to the public? The conspirators for global socialism only mention facts when it is convenient for them to do so. They are purposely hiding the facts from the public so they can BUILD up and STAGE UP the weapons of war so THERE WILL BE A WORLD WAR. The globalist are staging up armies, missiles, tanks, ships and weapons of all kinds so a WORLD WAR WILL BREAK OUT! That is the ONLY rational and logical conclusion any researcher can arrive at when they see what is happening. We are being lied to, duped and deceived. These events aren't happening by accident it is by design. It is through war that they gain more control and the people lose liberties. It is through war that they make more profits. It is through war that they depopulate the earth and forever alter nations and cultures. They are setting the stage in several locations on the earth so the chances of a war starting will increase. Britain has even sent more troops into the Arctic regions to confront Russian soldiers that have a base there. The US is flying B-52 bombers over the Sprately Islands where China has set up bases. And, Trump has the US Navy sailing closer and closer to those bases to incite a response from the Chinese. Once a shooting war starts you can expect products at Walmart and other stores to go sky high and many products will simply not be available. I am not a fan of communist China and I am also supportive of genuine free trade with China, which the Chinese are complaining about as they steal inventions and products to copy. But, the sad truth is the wealthy elite, supported by the US government helped the Chinese to do the very thing they are doing - at the expense of our own factory workers and economy. So, who is really to blame for all this mess? Answer: The US government and our "honorable" leaders who are the best politicians money can buy. I would venture to say that any conflict we have had to face in the past 60 years the US government has had a hand in creating.

The conspirators create the problem then offer the solution, then they pretend to be doing us all a favor by loaning us money to rebuild afterwards. The money the globalist make from selling war products is only part of the incentive to start war. The after effect of rebuilding a nation multiplies the flow of money and control over a nation. It also opens up more oil drilling, mining and the ability to utilize cheap labor. When international bankers see a war torn nation with the cities nothing more than bombed out rubble, they not only see all the $ millions it will require to rebuild with their loans, they also see the "bundling" of loans from those primary loans to other financial institutions. Much like the banks bundled home loans in the US before the 2008 Great Recession. Those complex financial manipulations allow the banks to keep the money flowing and it makes them more $ billions. For this reason it is essential for them to promote wars as much as possible. True peace in their opinion is stagnation and a lack of profits for them. War is beautiful to them even though it is built on the coffins of dead soldiers and innocent people. To support a system of "murder for profit" is the epitome of evil and immoral conduct.

Our military is not at fault for this system. They are victims as well, being set up to take orders from so called "honorable" leaders. Our nation has been taken over by corrupt politicians that take bribes under the table to maintain a state of war somewhere on the planet at all times. Those that promote war must be exposed for the false leaders they are. There is no excuse for profiteering from manufactured wars. The sad thing is, the wars we should be actually fighting to stop the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is not being fought. So, not only are the politicians promoting wars for profit they are looking the other way as communist thug nations make and sell dangerous weapons that could kill millions! This is the insanity that researchers see when they study world events and uncover what is really going on in politics behind the scenes. Unfortunately the main stream press is complicit with the bribed polticians, not to mention pop culture, the entertainment industry and the education system. All of those elements of society maintain the propaganda brainwashing against the public. To break free from that influence is nearly an imposible task. For example, if a person went to a typical US General and told him about the created wars and how it is better to tell the people the truth and to make peace with Russia. He would have 19 years in the US military, he would have 2.5 children in college that need money. He would say that to pay for his two homes, his children's education and all their cars that he will need to take a job when he retires next year with a defense company lobbyist - that will pay him double what he made as a General. He will then continue to describe the need to stop terrorism to maintain our way of life in the US. He will also say that if he doesn't do this, others will, and that to buck the system is foolhardy and would see him having to minimize his lifestyle substantially. He will defend the status quo, even if you give him all the facts and figures. The reason: "It is expedient to keep the system going and not make any waves". That is the great lie of the century. Because of a massive collection of falsehoods being promoted and accepted by society the world is being set up for a colossal war and collapse. The stage is being set up for world war three where at the very least millions will die and possibly billions will eventually perish. All the signs are there. This is not a conspiracy theory, it is a revelation of conspiracy facts. The rush towards war by thousands of conspirators and their underlings make war inevitable. Those that see this reality have no power to stop this from happening. And since we can't stop it, it is best to allow evil to self-destruct on its own. I realize it is not in our nature to stand aside and accept that negative outcome, but it is safer and wiser to be non-confrontational and survive for better days ahead.

George Eaton

RMN is an RA production.

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Global Conspirators Set the Stage for World War 3
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