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Juanita Broaddrick: FBI Probe Ford Allegation? Then ‘Investigate My RAPE Allegations’ Against Clinton

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:03

By Michael W. Chapman | September 19, 2018 |

( -- Commenting on Christine Blasey Ford's allegation that Brett Kavanaugh assaulted her at a beer party some 36 years ago and that the FBI must investigate the matter now before she will testify about the supposed incident, Juanita Broaddrick tweeted that if the FBI goes back that far then it must also "investigate my RAPE allegations against Bill Clinton, too."

"If you want the FBI to go back that far @HillaryClinton @MSNBC to investigate Ford's allegations .... let's investigate my RAPE allegations against Bill Clinton, too. Seems only fair," Broaddrick tweeted on Sept. 18.

Juanita Broaddrick, a retired nursing home administrator, has long maintained that Bill Clinton, when he was the Arkansas Attorney General, raped her -- a "forcible, brutal rape" -- in a hotel room in Little Rock, Ark., on April 25, 1978. At the time, Broaddrick was 35, Clinton was 31.
(Source: Twitter.)

Clinton first met Broaddrick earlier that year during his 1978 gubernatorial campaign. Broaddrick wanted to volunteer for the campaign and Clinton invited her to stop by campaign headquarters in Little Rock. While in Little Rock for a nursing home conference, Broaddrick called the campaign office and Clinton said they should meet in the coffee shop at her hotel, the Camelot Hotel. Once there, however, Clinton suggested they have the coffee in her room to avoid reporters.

Once in the room, according to Broaddrick, Clinton chatted about some policy issues, then he forcibly kissed her. She pushed him away, told him she was married, and that she was not interested in him.

As Broaddrick explained in an interview with NBC Dateline on Feb. 24, 1999, "Then he tries to kiss me again. And the second time he tries to kiss me he starts biting my lip … He starts to, um, bite on my top lip and I tried to pull away from him. And then he forces me down on the bed. And I just was very frightened, and I tried to get away from him and I told him 'No,' that I didn't want this to happen but he wouldn't listen to me."
(Source: Twitter.)

"It was a real panicky, panicky situation," she said. "I was even to the point where I was getting very noisy, you know, yelling to 'Please stop.' And that's when he pressed down on my right shoulder and he would bite my lip. … When everything was over with, he got up and straightened himself, and I was crying at the moment and he walks to the door, and calmly puts on his sunglasses. And before he goes out the door he says, 'You better get some ice on that.' And he turned and went out the door."

On April 25, 2018, Broaddrick tweeted, "On this morning, 40 years ago, my life changed forever. On 4-25-78, I was brutally raped by Ark AG, Bill Clinton. I have spent the majority of my life trying to forget..... and watching the Evil thrive. A timeline of that day follows...."

President Bill Clinton apparently has never denied Broaddrick's rape allegation. His attorney, David Kendall, has denied it on Clinton's behalf. Kendall on Feb. 19, 1999, said, "Any allegation that the president assaulted Mrs. Broaddrick more than 20 years ago is absolutely false. Beyond that, we're not going to comment," reported CNN on Feb. 20, 1999.

When asked about Broaddrick's claim at a press conference, President Clinton said, "Well, my counsel has made a statement about the . . . issue, and I have nothing to add to it." (See Washington Post, 2/25/99.)
(Screenshot: YouTube)

In the matter of SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey Ford claims that she attended a party somewhere in Maryland in the early 1980s where Kavanaugh and several other high school boys were present.

Ford says that when she went upstairs to use a bathroom, Kavanaugh pushed her into a room, threw her on a bed, and allegedly tried to disrobe her. Another boy alleged to be in the room, named by Ford as Mark Judge, apparently broke up the incident by jumping on the bed. Ford left the room.

Brett Kavanaugh emphatically denies that the alleged attack ever happened. Mark Judge says he has no memory of the incident. Ford, so far, apparently cannot remember where the supposed assault took place or when it occurred.

She apparently did not name Kavanaugh or Judge until July 2018, in a letter to Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.), the ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Ford was invited by the Senate Judiciary Committee to testify about what happened 36 years ago, in either an open or closed session, on Monday, Sept. 24. Last night, Sept. 18, Ford's attorney released a statement saying that Ford would testify only after an FBI investigation is conducted and concluded about her allegations.

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