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Theft & Weaponization of U.S. inventions

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:04

In Response To: What is an 'Encryption Key'? & Why is this Discovery so Devastating to the Deep State Shadow Gov? (RumorMail)

In Feb. 1995, the Highlands Forum/Group was formed. It was and is a highly illegal private “public-private” meeting sponsored by the Department of Defense Net Assessment group run by Senior Executive Service (SES) members Richard P. O'Neill and Andrew W. Marshall. See also AFI. (Nov. 22, 2017). The Weaponization of Social Media Should Concern Us All. Americans for Innovation.

The no-notes meetings involve no-bid crony insiders from the military, intelligence, banking, technology, telecom, transportation, defense, venture capital, media an academia to discuss the weaponization of new inventions stolen by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency).

On Apr. 17, 1995, Clinton signed Executive Order 12958 titled "Classified National Security."

This order consolidated control of classification procedures to just seven people: (1) Secretary of State, (2) Secretary of Defense, (3) Attorney General, (4) C.I.A. Director, (5) U.S. Archivist, (6) National Security Director and (7) the President.

A most dubious provision said that any U.S. security classification that contradicted another country's laws or treaty rendered it of no effect. In other words, if Obama wanted to release a classified document, all he had to do was call up Justin Trudeau in Canada and ask him to pass a law saying America’s XYZ classified information was harmful to beavers on the northern slopes. That would nullify the U.S. classification and give Obama the excuse to release it. Clearly, it was a precursor to Obama’s foreign trade entanglements in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that President Trump killed, thankfully.

On Apr. 19, 1995, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City, was bombed by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols—just two days after Bill Clinton formed a secret White House intelligence operation via Executive Order 12958 cited above.

This bombing created more excuses for mass surveillance against Americans. Notably, Clinton body guard Alan G. Whicher was killed in this weapons grade-energy blast that could not have been caused by a fertilizer bomb, as were led to believe by MSM. Retired FBI superstar Theodore L. Gunderson, a short-list candidate to be FBI director, revealed that psychiatrist Dr. Jolly West, one of the founders of the C.I.A. MKUltra mind control program, paid a visit to McVeigh before the trial. Gunderson said he believed that McVeigh was a brainwashed MKUltra drone.

On Jul. 12, 1995, IBM and Lotus merged. Lotus Notes became the Deep State’s groupware platform of choice for establishing a global mass surveillance spy grid. PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) encryption standards were selected to build into IBM/Lotus/Microsoft/Novell/Red Hat software, hardware and firmware.

Hillary Clinton has controlled ENTRUST INC ever since his 19-year Rose Law Firm partner Jerry C. Jones was secretly slipped onto the Board of ENTRUST INC. in Dec. 2003, just after thge IBM Eclipse Foundation received the debugged version of Leader Technologies' social networking engineering source code from Leader's patent lawyer James P. Chandler, III, who was secretly working with IBM and the rogue C.I.A. to build a new mass surveillance system based on social networking. See Federal PKI Graph.

On Aug. 18, 1998, Entrust Technologies, Inc. went public after being started as a spin-off of Nortel Networks (Canada) to manage and distribute Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Certificate Authorities—the encryption keys for the Internet. Their customers include important military, banking, healthcare and government entities in the U.S., U.K., Australia, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, France, Italy, Spain and China.

On Oct. 14, 1998, SI International, LLC, later renamed SERCO SERVICES, Inc., was allowed to form with Lockheed Martin and Senior Executive Service (SES) executives associated with the treasonous Highlands Group (Feb. 1995). Lockheed Martin runs the Queen's "Golden Share" company British Nuclear Fuels Limited with SERCO.

On Dec. 20, 1998, globalist psychopath George Soros admitted to having been a Hungarian Jewish Nazi collaborator without remorse for betraying his own Jewish brothers and sisters.

On Mar. 09, 1999, Clinton's Vice President Al Gore took credit for founding the Internet, laughably.

On Jul. 01, 1999, Clinton Attorney General Janet Reno created a new "Office of Special Counsel" inside the Department of Justice after the Special Counsel law was not re-authorized by Congress. This dubious Department of Justice policy (not a law) is now being used to justify the Mueller witch hunt.

On Jul. 02, 1999, Clinton appointed Larry H. Summers Treasury Secretary. The next day, on Jul. 03, 1999, Summers appointed Sheryl K. Sandberg as chief of staff. Sandberg later started Gmail in Jan. 20, 2001, and then became Facebook chief operating officer on Mar. 14, 2008.

Summers' former Treasury staffer (1993-2001), Marne L. Levine (Deutch) became Summers' chief of staff starting at Harvard on Jul. 02, 2001 where she oversaw the C.I.A.'s MKUltra establishment of the 19-year old Mark Zuckerberg as their Facebook cardboard cut out. Then, she became product vice president at AOL on Apr. 06, 2009. Then, she became Summers' chief of staff for the National Economic Council on Jan. 21, 2009. Then, she became Obama's Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy on Jun. 24, 2010. Then, she attended an exclusive dinner with Hillary and Sandberg on Mar. 27, 2012. Then, she became chief operating officer of Instagram on Oct. 07, 2014. Truly magical.

On Nov. 12, 1999, Bill Clinton and Larry Summers abolished Glass-Steagall banking controls, enabling the banks to fund In-Q-Tel “private” companies.

On Nov. 17, 1999, Agilent Technologies went public using Robert S. Mueller’s III’s law firm Hale and Dorr (renamed Wilmer Hale). Agilent Technologies was tasked with building the digital infrastructure for “The Internet of Things” global mass surveillance of everything using the Richard C. Walker HP/Agilent patents for monitoring all human beings called “wet-ware” in the patents.

On Jun. 08, 2000, Clinton espionage attorney James P. Chandler, III, participated in seminal Leader invention design meetings as Leader’s newly-appointed patent attorney. He was fully briefed on Leader’s social networking innovations at this meeting (see photo below) without disclosing his Deep State shadow government conflicts of interest and treachery.

On Jun. 20, 2000, Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie was awarded the ISSA Silver Star Award in Washington, D.C. Pattie is the primary spy director for the Queen’s Privy Council and founder of SCL Ltd. and Cambridge Analytica—two C.I.A. MKUltra mind control and brain washing operations in the UK.

On Aug. 25, 2000, F. Gary Davis, Acting Director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, issued a tortured 13-page "advisory" that dramatically muddied the waters on mutual fund investing disclosure. Davis left government service soon thereafter. This opinion opened the door to massive nondisclosure fraud by politicians, SES and federal bureaucrats.

In 2001, NSA Director Michael V. Hayden recommended expansion of the NSA's Senior Executive Service (SES) programs.

On Apr. 15, 2001, C.I.A. whistleblower Susan Lindauer warned American senior intelligence leadership that "I first learned of the 9/11 Conspiracy from my CIA handler, Dr. Richard Fuisz, in mid-April, 2001." She was imprisoned for a year without due process to shut her up as the first casualty of The Patriot Act.

In Jul. 2001, Department of Justice John C. Yoo was hired into the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) and gave legal opinion cover for a proposed NSA project “Stellar Wind” for mass surveillance of American citizens.

On Sep. 04, 2001, Robert S. Mueller, III was sworn in as FBI Director by President George W. Bush, just 10 days before 9/11.

On Sep. 11, 2001, World Trade Center, Pentagon and Shanksville “terror” attacks were timed simultaneously with DoD NORAD war games and a stand down order.

On Oct. 04, 2001, President Bush approves operation “Stellar Wind” mass surveillance on American citizens.

On Oct. 16, 2001, President Bush signed Executive Order 13231 "Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Information Age" forming the "National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC)." The order used the same NIAC acronym used by Clinton as the excuse for setting up a mass surveillance networking operating center run out of the White House.

On Oct. 26, 2001, President Bush signed The Patriot Act that has essentially destroyed the Bill of Rights. Just look at the flies that gathered to watch the signing.

On Sep. 09, 2008, the IBM Eclipse Foundation boasted 191 members [Silicon Valley allies of the fascist Senior Executive Service (SES)] , including Microsoft, AT&T, Verizon, Facebook, Google, YouTube, SAP, Cisco, Oracle, HP, Samsung, Motorola, Nokia, Sony, JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and Tsinghua University (Beijing, China). Most if not all of these companies are ENTRUST INC (or sublicenser) clients, and probably all of them embed the NSA Dual_EC_DRBG encryption backdoor key algorithm in their hardware, software and firmware. See AFI (Nov. 06, 2015). Complicit encryption geeks enable the American spy state. Americans for Innovation.

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Articles In This Thread

What is an 'Encryption Key'? & Why is this Discovery so Devastating to the Deep State Shadow Gov?
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:03
TIMELINE: Bill & Hillary Clinton began orchestrating unfettered access to the FBI’s encryption keys in 1993
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:04
Theft & Weaponization of U.S. inventions
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:04

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