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CGI's Sophie: MORE- Parts 3 through 7 Cabal Cannibals

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:21

In Response To: CGI's Sophie: How to identify a cannibal (RumorMail)

: From CGI member Sophie:
: ********************************************

This addiction goes a long way in explaining the worldwide human trafficking. The problem seems to be self correcting if we can block the cannibals access to adrenochrome (ie stop human trafficking stone dead). Like all parasites, they die off when they are deprived of their food source.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft‏ @SaRaAshcraft Sep 4
The cannibal coalition. You are their food.They stoke your terror and adrenaline because they want to take it from you. Without it they die. So without it you die too. Get it? Are you woke yet? Are you food? Or are you SOVEREIGN?!

Smedley Butler. “ War is A racket “@DavidDMiller5
Sarah, why are these eletist into cannibalism what do they gain from it,?
11:41 AM - 3 Sep 2018
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Sep 3
Survival. They will die without doing it because their bodies don't produce the necessary building blocks of life for them to function properly. They cannot turn off fight flight or turn on rest digest without stealing from others. They will starve to death and self destruct now.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Sep 3
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft Retweeted Sarah Ruth Ashcraft
I say this now to my family because it occurs to me that there is a very real possibility that stopping the behaviors will result in their death. Please pray that each one finds the strength to lose his life bit save his soul.
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BlueBirdRedBeak@Love4Parrots Sep 3
Sarah, Are they born this way or they become this way?
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Sep 3
Become. We are all born human. They have babies to feed themselves. They sap the first born until they choose to join around 13.then they teach that newly turned cannibal to sap their siblings/others. Adults who join "turn" by ingesting human body fluids/parts. No return from it.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Sep 3
The things they do to their bodies blasts all their production centers. By the time they ingest CSF it kills whatever function remained. From then on, if they don't steal it from others, they die. No return. No escape. No take backs. Eternal damnation & living in hell on earth.
Stevity@Stevity1 Sep 3
Why don’t they get it from animals? Or do they?
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Sep 3
Without imagination and consciousness the animal can only produce e in response to pain. But terror in a human child is much more complex and potent and contains more of what they need.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Sep 3
In terms of neuro chemicals and hormones related to the fear of the experience itself
Jack Rogers@jack1492 Sep 3
Also as practicing Luciferans, sacrificing children and consuming their remains is very important to them, i. e. Spirit Cooking. Sickest of the sick. The primary reason DJT gave up a comfortable life to risk it all and become POTUS.
Christopher Cronsell@cronsell Sep 4
Christopher Cronsell Retweeted 🌺Sheri 🌺 🇺🇸
And the cannibals keep on coming. Disturbing? Yes. Surprising? Not at all. The pallor is a giveaway as well.

Sheri 🌺 🇺🇸@TrailShade Sep 4

Mark Parker CEO of Nike has been a Director of the Board of Directors for Disney since 2016. Since Disney is know for their animation I thought it would be interesting to see what kind of art Mark Parker was interested in. Listing in this thread some of his favorite artists,/blockquote>



⚡️Redpilled 🔮Mystic ⚡️@Mystic_redpill Sep 4

I noticed that too, he looks ashen, clammy, sunken eyes...



t1gRé_blanc_333@T1gre9 Sep 4

Rapid weight loss, yellowing of the skin as the liver begins to fail, physical weakness, shortness of breath, etc...cancer is a common cover story because the symptoms mimic one another.



Christopher Cronsell@cronsell Sep 4

It's organ failure. The lack of motility w/out rest/digest information to the body (because they're not able to communicate such info to their body anymore from their brain) makes them very malnourished. There may also be a heating component. They take a ton of sedatives.



t1gRé_blanc_333@T1gre9 Sep 4

Yes. Thyroid function is unnaturally high, so heat is a huge factor. Racing metabolic rate causes intense overheating. Extreme fight/ flight adrenal response only makes it worse. They have to stay cool and calm, literally.



Christopher Cronsell@cronsell Sep 4

I suspect spontaneous combustion is a plausibility here. Not common, but then again these are uncommon times. There is a certain logic to the phenomenon in this context. And it gives me great satisfaction to consider as well. Just being honest...



Scott@SierraB1959 Sep 4

Doesnt happen. Those cases were shown to be a slow burn of the human body similar to a candle.



Scott@SierraB1959 Sep 4

I think the may have tested this on Myth Busters. But I read about it years ago. Like I said earlier, in effect the body burned more like a candle. Or maybe charcoal.



t1gRé_blanc_333@T1gre9 Sep 4

Consider that they would be happy to give an alternate explanation for something they would rather keep hidden from humanity. Forensic obfuscation is one of their favorite ways to hide the truth.



Scott@SierraB1959 Sep 4

Maybe. Seems more plausible than someone just bursting into flames. Doesnt really matter. End result is the same.



t1gRé_blanc_333@T1gre9 Sep 4

Medically speaking, if the body generated enough heat from within, dehydration on a massive scale would make a person quite the flammable husk. But you're right...either way, they're done for.



Scott@SierraB1959 Sep 4

104 begins to be life threatening.105.7 medical emergency. 109.4 will cause death. People have survived temps as high as 115.7.



t1gRé_blanc_333@T1gre9 Sep 4

They want people to fear them. Because they're outnumbered, and they're painfully aware of that fact. Understanding removes that fear, so we can all move forward into a better reality that WE create. Together.



Scott@SierraB1959 Sep 5

There you go. Same with the military. Training overides freeze or flee. The more you know the less fear you have.



Christopher Cronsell@cronsell Sep 5

Yes. There are units already aware of this threat and that are preparing for encounters. This isn't typical interdiction, as they will employ very unsettling psychological defenses throughout their properties/buildings. But humans will prevail; "don't die" is no match for "live".



Christopher Cronsell@cronsell Sep 5

Though if the interdiction is done late enough in the game, after much throttling of supply, many of these cannibals won't be able to walk. Extreme CSF deficiencies result in paraplegic states. I see this being the way for the lower status members.



t1gRé_blanc_333@T1gre9 Sep 5

I've already witnessed this. They're cutting the minions off. Expendable crew members.



Christopher Cronsell@cronsell Sep 5

Older patriarchs of small time cannibal families in failing health for example. They're low on the totem pole as the women rule.



t1gRé_blanc_333@T1gre9 Sep 5

Yes, as well as formerly pampered drones that have suddenly outlived their usefulness as the supply becomes scarce. I witnessed this happening to one of them. He deteriorated rapidly, too. The younger ones die faster.



Grace@noclue72 Sep 5

Are they all wealthy people?



t1gRé_blanc_333@T1gre9 Sep 5

The ones at the top are typically wealthy. But their minions in local nests who aren't bloodline are usually the opposite. Poverty and hopelessness makes for good, obedient drones. Although some of us who are bloodline are kept poor as a subversion tactic.



Grace@noclue72 Sep 5

Oh wow. So literally people I know could die. I’m not sure why I thought this wouldn’t affect my life directly. I guess I assumed you would have to have money to get what’s needed to survive.



t1gRé_blanc_333@T1gre9 Sep 5

Yes, unfortunately it could turn out to be people you actually know. The minion I personally know who is currently starving to death was basically a pampered pet of a higher level handler. Only those who can afford the supply are still physically ok at this juncture.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft
God hid the cannibal's punishment within the cannibal's body. It will self destruct if it does not continue to feed on humans
3:06 PM - 3 Sep 2018
Kam Kay@Kam222Kay Sep 3
Can animal blood sustain them in anyway?
iTruth 🇺🇸@iTrooth Sep 3
Not part of thwir rituals. Must be human must be fresh must be young. Prime example: the movie "Death Becomes Her"
iTruth 🇺🇸@iTrooth Sep 3

Adrenochrome of Drencrom

The drug of choice for Hollywood and Government Elites

Harvested from the Human Body Specifically Infants



Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Sep 3

Sarah Ruth Ashcraft Retweeted Sarah Ruth Ashcraft

Andrenochrome is only one part of this, the thing they entice others with. The addiction is more fundamental.



Kam Kay@Kam222Kay Sep 3

Why do they start this in the first place? Is it the rituals they do that gets them hooked on it cuz they can’t go back?



Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Sep 3

Deliberate deadening of the body's adrenal function through torture over time primes the person. Once they ingest CSF it blasts out the rest of their production centers and they will die if they don't steal things from others after that. Self perpetuating system through families.



iTruth 🇺🇸@iTrooth Sep 3

Dont forget the "Walnut Sauce" (cunumption of the Petuetary glanda) after the body is drained.



Kam Kay@Kam222Kay Sep 3

They wanted late term abortions for easy access.



iTruth 🇺🇸@iTrooth Sep 3

Thats the Eugenics program. Their all into it. I read somewhere that she is a descendant of Vlad Dracule who is documented to have done thw same thing. Hence vampirism in movies n stories. The whole concept is taken straight out of theor family's history of cannibalism



Kam Kay@Kam222Kay Sep 3

Eugenics is about them eating babies. It was for supply.



iTruth 🇺🇸@iTrooth Sep 3

This is what they do with the leftovers



Kam Kay@Kam222Kay Sep 3

Why do you think they have a menu of kids of diff ethnicities. Does it make some kind of diff or just pure disrespect?





iTruth 🇺🇸@iTrooth Sep 3

From what iv researched the blacks are a hot commodity. Dont have enough charactors to give you the whole explanation lol. Thwy want new born if they can swing it. Thwy even have breeders that just have babies for them when they need it smh



Kam Kay@Kam222Kay Sep 3

That’s why eugenics targeted black people cuz they needed those babies.



Truth 🇺🇸@iTrooth Sep 3

Oh yeah..... Meet Margaret Sanger

T. Benjamin@1FreeInhabitant
So, here is the thing... There are clearly competing factions, or at least there were. I'm just trying to line up the entities, take a good look at them, and use #discernment and common sense to try and fill the empty space between the dots. Just trying to make lines...
1:40 PM - 2 Sep 2018
Fibonacci Φ@Fibonacci222 Sep 2
Great info. I didn't expand all the thread and go through it.
Something tells me the Richest people have been and always will be Jews. They amass the power and use infiltration and subversion to take control of movements organically. Like a monopoly buying out competitors
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Sep 2
Substitute "hivites" for jews and your statement is accurate
T. Benjamin@1FreeInhabitant Sep 2
Now, you see... THIS is the curveball that Sarah brought to the table... Totally new and CRAZY concept. Maybe... Just maybe... The Hivites were so good and concealing their ways, that they hatched a multi-milenia plot to infiltrate... Whew... But...
T. Benjamin@1FreeInhabitant Sep 2
... if the real secret is not pedophilia, but a mortal addition to human flesh—not by some prehistoric tribe in the Congo—but by those we were taught to admire... If they sustain themselves on "the human farm," that could be the truth that is hardest to digest—no pun intended.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft
The term cannibal would also work
2:06 PM - 2 Sep 2018
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Sep 2
In fact, perhaps we SHOULD use the term cannibal, not just here but in all places we are struggling to avoid offensive identity politics. These people are and always have been cannibals, and it is this single fact that drives the entire mechanism.
Fibonacci Φ@Fibonacci222 Sep 2
It seems like the Jews hold the seats of power publically, whether in name or by ideology. They are policing the internet with the ADL, and anyone that speak out about their atrocities get the NAZI antisemite label. That's by design. And they drive the world ideology too, no?
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Sep 2
Yes but seeing them as jews is why you're having trouble. It's a coalition of cannibals hiding in all identities to keep us from realizing they eat us. Every other evil thing and power dynamic stems from this single fact.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Sep 2
It's the one secret that uncovers them all.

Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft
Cannibalism. It's the one secret that uncovers them all. It is the initial spark of evil and it is the reason the world is the way it is. See this truth and open yourself to see ALL TRUTH.
3:28 PM - 2 Sep 2018
Lorrie Mack@LorrieNJ50 Sep 2
The Nephilim (mighty men) were a product of fallen angels and mortal women. (Genesis 6:4)
They were bloodthirsty cannibals. (Numbers 13:32)
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Sep 2
As much as I've resisted this narrative I can no longer deny that this is what they are. The term Nephilim is describing my family. This is the reality I have to face and understand exactly what this means, for me, not them.
Addie Haviland@addiehaviland Sep 2
Yes...the nephilim...the mighty men, the men of renown, the rulers of this world (they believe that they have the divine right to rule bc of angelic corruption of DNA). >> Great attention to bloodlines & keeping it pure
Bobby@Bobby13640896 Sep 2
Ive been saying the same. Maybe 1 outa 50 actually herd me....did a bit of homework on adrenochrome and all of a sudden it became clear. Were just food to them
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft@SaRaAshcraft Sep 2
Those with eyes to see
Bobby@Bobby13640896 Sep 2
Some of them belive me yet made threats on my life if i told em anymore truth lol
Lakegirl 🇺🇸4 🇺🇸Trump 🚂@Dedona51 Sep 2
Of coarse Cannibalism is real, this was the missing piece for me. Ugly stuff, but IMO these people are not humans, they are demons. How, in the sweet name of Jesus, could anybody hurt a child, kill a baby, drink their blood, eat their body. Sound familiar? Jesus ❤️’s us✝️✝️
mike wilson@michaellee1938 Sep 2
Tell You the truth I think That's what Plan Parenthood Is About They buy Them Baby Parts There And Severe Them At Spirit Cooking Dinners Them People Are Just Sick
mike wilson@michaellee1938 Sep 2
I've read They Believe By Eating It's Flesh And Drinking It's Blood Will Give Them A Longer Life I Told One of Them If's That's True David Rockefeller Probably Ate And Drink More Than Anyone He Died At 101 years Old And Took 7 Heart Transplants to get him There Someone Lying to u
Lakegirl 🇺🇸4 🇺🇸Trump 🚂@Dedona51 Sep 2
Again IMO, we, as Christians (Catholics) eat the Body & Blood of Christ for eternal life which Jesus spoke about in the New Testament. Satan offers humans, everything available to man on earth, wealth, infamy, prestige, and long life. But only thru blood sacrifice.
Lakegirl 🇺🇸4 🇺🇸Trump 🚂@Dedona51 Sep 2
Along with the bloody sacrifice, humans/demons need to feed off other humans to sustain their life. And on that subject I do not have knowledge, but I follow people who do. It’s a very difficult subject to accept, but it’s the truth. Hollywood shows us the truth. Asleep no more.

I am wondering if they will be "suffering" prior to arrest and indictment due to the child trafficking networks being shut down and because they are "mortally addicted".
JTTCOTM added,
Christopher Cronsell@cronsell
They're mortally addicted to human adrenaline/hormones in order to regulate their organ/glandular functions.
5:41 PM - 29 Aug 2018
Lance W.@LanceWRichards1 7h7 hours ago
Most likely, yes. It is a self-imposed medical condition (drug addiction x1000) with symptoms like we’ve never known. If they can’t regulate their functions they will die, slowly and painfully. I’ve done the research. It is medically plausible.


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Articles In This Thread

CGI's Sophie: How to identify a cannibal
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:22
CGI's Sophie: How to identify a cannibal Pt 2
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:21
CGI's Sophie: MORE- Parts 3 through 7 Cabal Cannibals
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:21
Reader: A Possible Cause that Has Nothing to do with Satanism, Droopy Eyes or Cannibalism Would be HIV Infection
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:21

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