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My DANCE with Borrelia burgdorferi, Babesia and Bartonella, “THE 3 Bs”

Posted By: NOVICE
Date: Thursday, 12-Feb-2015 21:16:35

In Response To: It looks like Claritin and its metabolite are not strong enough for use against Lyme in vivo (MrFusion)

The tick bite was some time in 2004. I had no knowledge of what AMA has labeled “Lyme disease.” I doctor myself. I had plenty to deal with otherwise, and as best I recall when things weren’t going so well physically, I looked into diet and used Oil of Oregano as my super hero. The primary symptoms that I experienced were overwhelming tiredness and constant hunger. The tiredness was not like when one’s had an intense work day or the tired as a result of lack of sleep. It was like moving through life while carrying a 50+ pound back pack.

I’ll skip many helpful steps taken throughout 2005 and up to 2011, except for one amazing help in 2007 with Pascalite clay, a long-time staple in my healing methods. A horrible itch on the back of my neck near the left ear started in late March. Months later, a tip from a friend was to add pulverized aspirin (several tabs) to a Pascalite clay poultice. BINGO, amazing results. This was July and the relief was so welcome! I now think this was a particular breakout of these three “critters”, the 3 Bs, at a specific body ‘nodal’ point . The symptoms continued and worsened as I explored several remedies.

In 2011, a major “body harrnague” as I call it, really got my attention and I amped up the search for solutions realizing something was seriously wrong. Having been healthy throughout my life, the situation didn’t make sense. This is a short introduction so I can get to the wonderful parts of this story.

March 2012, an RMN agent posted an article about Black Seed Oil. The title, “…Cures everything but Death…” got my attention and I started this oil as soon as I got it end of March. I only made one adjustment from 1 teaspoon A. M. and P.M. per day to ½ teaspoon 2X per day. This step was taken within seven days of starting this oil because of a strange kind of itching and I didn’t know if it was an allergic reaction or detoxing.
May 26 through mid- June, I experienced what I dubbed a “2nd body harangue”, and I now understand this phase was the body’s healing means of cleansing thanks to this wonderful gift from nature, Black Seed Oil. Due to budget, I did not get the guide book that was mentioned at the time I read this RMN article. I now wish I had and only mention this because everyone is different and detoxing is a serious matter not to be taken lightly.

The next key happening came through a dear friend who suggested I eliminate gluten from my diet. Again skipping details, within less than two weeks some long term horrific pains had stopped and to this day have happened only on rare occasions and are less intense. These pains are bleep, Bleep, BLEEP weird! When I’ve described them to friends, they didn’t have them or any knowledge of them. I thought it was part of the aging process and called this “fried wires”. My only association to this was what used to be called neuritis/nerualgia. Here is the astonishing point! Thanks again to an RMN agent’s post I got a big clue to this painful mystery!!! An article was posted about the work of a doctor, one Dr. Tent, and offered a fascinating video that was quite long. Near the end of this Dr. Tent went through a very long and instructive chart two or three screens of input listing the ‘dis-ease’, cause, symptoms, and other significant facts. There was one that he had documented strictly from his patient’s experience and description . Dr. Tent had no idea what to call it or what the cause was. I think I just jumped out of my seat as he described the “fired wires”! He was considering a link to the parvo virus which he was quick to add is NOT the Bovine Parvo virus. Fast forward to a more current RMN agent’s post, about Round Up and the possible relationship to “Gluten sensitivity” and perhaps we have a BIG CLUE for Dr. Tent!

Regarding “Gluten Free”, I can appreciate the Commercial aspect as suspicious. That’s another article. I love the bread and use it; other items rarely for a treat as budget reigns. What I’ve tried is delicious.

In August 2012, I got to a doctor so I could get a blood test (Sept 2012) and results reported were: “You have Lyme disease and you’ve had it for a long time.” Actually, dear Readers, when I was sitting in the doctor’s office I was wondering why I was sitting there because I was feeling so good and had been for about two months. Skipping the AMA story, a short one, I can report that the bill for the blood test alone could really make one sick! I’ve since learned there are possibilities through independent means that may be affordable.

Now, for one final, fantastic part of this story which is a must to share. While I was definitely 75 to 85% better, there was much more to learn. The 2012 Christmas food fests were to teach me the intense attention to diet that is a must to keep the three bacteria under control. I learned at a Health food store of a local Lyme Support Group. Continuous detoxing, increase of magnesium , Paleo diet and many such details became the order of the day. I will confess I can not be considered the best student of all this. One, I had plenty of other study as a focus and two life was so out of whack from years of no energy, attention had to be applied in other areas. I did make important dietary changes and continued to gather more knowledge. Some important information was about how the Borelia spirochete could hide in a cocoon and that the symptoms of Lyme could mimic other dis-eases such as Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, and Chronic Fatigue. The latter struck a chord and one March day, I simply typed Chronic Fatigue in the search engine and I hit a Jack pot!

The web site is INSPIRED NUTRITION. MONLAURIN is the Flag ship product. The story of its development is in and of itself inspiring. One former nurse in the support group, gasped at the headline: KILLS ALL BACTERIA AND NINE VIRUSES. What’s the origin of MONLAURIN? COCONUT! All products are based on the voluminous research presented at the web site: I started on MONLAURIN by the end of March. While I had to wait for a month or more, the second important and brand new item offered is called BIOFIBRIN which does destroy the cocoon so the spirochete has to come out of hiding and the MONLAURIN can finish the job. When I called in March 2013, the efforts of this group had a record of success with LYME for nine years and running strictly using the MONLAURIN. The excitement was high about the introduction of the BIOFIBRIN because it would significantly shorten the time it would take to eliminate these bacteria from the body.

There’s not much I can say about Babesia and Bartonella other than that these two love to eat collagen and I now have the face to prove it! ARGGGGHHHH ! I mentioned to a support group member how it seemed when I looked in the mirror that I was aging by the day. She told me about these collagen eaters and that Lyme is called the “advanced aging” disease. So, o.k. then, I will finish this on a high note. Since August 2013, I have known that I can now wake up in the morning knowing that I can have a full day until I choose to go to bed. Before this it was more like three to five hours with good energy and the rest of the day was dealing with symptoms. I have been on the maintenance dosage of MONLAURIN since the fall of 2013.

Lastly, I want to add that I am so grateful that I doctored myself and that I trusted the ONE and ONLY SOURCE/PHYSICIAN. I hope this may help others. ~ novice

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Articles In This Thread

NEWS: Can Claritin help cure Lyme disease?
Lymerick -- Thursday, 12-Feb-2015 03:01:04
It looks like Claritin and its metabolite are not strong enough for use against Lyme in vivo
MrFusion -- Thursday, 12-Feb-2015 11:53:02
My DANCE with Borrelia burgdorferi, Babesia and Bartonella, “THE 3 Bs”
NOVICE -- Thursday, 12-Feb-2015 21:16:35

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