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*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 11-Feb-2015 16:01:59

Hi, Folks -

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2-11-15 TNT DINAR CC (Notes by Adept1):

Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#

Tony: Good morning, TNT! Today is Wednesday, February 11, 2015. We’re going to do things a little different – an hour and a half call today, and get into some stuff you really want to get into, quickly.

Everything is great and on time. The budget is signed and in today’s Gazette, and we are looking for this to make a difference for you within a couple of days. There should be some announcements later in the day. President Obama is making an announcement of some kind at 3.30, we are expecting to hear from Christine LeGarde, and Abadi is making a statement later as well. They will be things involving the global community and economy; they will not be an RV announcement.

How will this come out to you, what are you looking to do during the exchange process and will your new-found wealth? We have been hearing rumors that the dinar will come out at the approved rate ($3+) and stabilize for a while. We hear that people will be able to exchange one 25K dinar note because they have been waiting so long for appointments. We hear rumors the dong will come out at 8 cents, and many will dive in. DC, what would be your strategy?

DC: Here is a likely scenario that Tony and I see. Over the next 4-5 days, let’s say it comes out at night, US time, and we are notified to exchange. Because you are paying attention, you will naturally be first in line at the banks. It looks like it will come out at something like $358 to $3.95. The dong may come out at 8 cents but we believe it’s most likely to rise afterwards.

You can invest into more dong. Make sure you set money aside for taxes, get a little spending money, but you can invest in more dong. That’s an option and that is what I plan on doing. You can exchange some and buy some more, and you can do that through Forex, dealers, or MCAs. If these rates come out at the lower end of what we expect, I do think it will go higher, but we don’t know how long that will take. I do know Vietnam wants the dong to be 47 cents, so…

We are fairly sure the dinar will be an RI or reinstatement, or where it was 20 years ago. Somewhere further down the line it will RV to where Shabibi wants it to be, and nobody knows when that will happen – it could be a week, a month, and it could be double, treble, or as high as Shabibi thinks Iraq can support it.

Tony: Your entire future will depend on how you react to this now. You can take the $3.58 and take the money and run. Or you could cash in a little bit and then wait until after the masses take their money out, and then take the higher rate that will be on Forex – not contract rates but what the market pushes it to. So you will get enough to pay your bills and wait for it to go up naturally. If you have waited five years, say, you can wait for another five days or so, because it will be greater, later. If the dong comes out at 8 cents, I would buy every dong I could, because that is not the rate it will be, based on what we have learned over the last five years. If you exchange what you can and put that money to work, that is the plan. You know what will happen when this hits Forex – they will jump on this like free money falling from heaven. At that point you have two options – call the bank and make your appointment, or call your dealer and lock in a sell order at the higher rate that you anticipate. You don’t want to exchange everything, buy stuff, and run out of the money that you want to support you for the rest of your life.

DC: Based on what it looks like coming out right now, there are some opportunities.

Tony: So there are some options for exchanging. It may be the bank will offer you a higher rate to secure your money. That’s an option, too – you’ll have your money in hand, it’s making interest, and you’re secure. You want to put your money to work before you start buying houses, cars, and trains. Let’s say you only have $500,000 – there are ways to have that making you $2,000 per month, and for most that would be a big help. Most will end up with a couple of million. Put all that to work before you think of buying that Bentley or the million-dollar house if you only have five million.

DC: Do talk to your tax accountant to set up your trust, LLC or foundations, because there are ways of saving on your taxes before you have to write your check. Many on the line are just begging to help veterans or less fortunate hopes. That is incredibly touching and the main way I’m doing this. There is a smart way to do that. There is no need to re-invent the wheel. If you are comfortable with the way someone else is doing what you want to do, the simplest thing may be writing a check. For example, I’m concerned with kids who don’t get enough to eat. In Austin TX many kids are starving, and although there are government programs, there are also private programs that have already identified the schools and families that need help. They have low overheads, and they can put money to work right away. They already know how to do a very good job, and it’s sometimes best to just give money to those who know how to disburse it well. There are other projects that are more esoteric, and for those you might want to set up your own foundation.

Tony: Also ask when is the best time to give them your check. If you get your money on Monday, it may not be best to give them a check in the first week. You might want to put your money to work first, see how much profit you get, and give from that to the charities month by month. That way, the charity can count on that monthly donation, and I’m spending from my income rather than my base. That gives me a life-long avenue that I’m injecting into the charity, rather than a one-time event. They might prefer monthly income, and your base can keep producing for a long time.

DC: The way we understand this, it will go in the middle of the night and we will be notified shortly afterwards. Most US banks, politicians and agencies will not be notified until after this is done. The ramp-up will take several hours, or maybe a day for everyone to get their act together. Let’s say (for example) it happens tonight. We’ll get a call, you’ll probably see some stuff online, we’ll verify it, and Tony will send out a tweet. Other gurus will be informed as well. We will do at least one call, either immediately or up to 8-10 hours afterwards. We haven’t received the information yet on whether it’s an 800 number or if we send you to a website. Some still don’t want us to be told at all, and others want us to do up to seven days of calls. I have been told this has gone back and forth over the last month. At any rate, we will give you the information as we get it. The banks will set up appointments. The larger cities will get you in more quickly, but also have more people to process. We understand one appointment per phone call, less than two minutes. They will say “Yes, you have dinar, be at this location at X time tomorrow.” They are trained but cannot hold your hand; their job is to roll through to the next call.

It’s still a cattle call operation, so you should be in and out in less than 20 minutes. They will require at least two forms of ID, three would be better, and passports are preferred, to prove who you are. They will set up the account and verify your currency either with a de la Rue machine or by hand, with a witness. They put that in plastic bag with your name and put the currency in their vault, and it will be shipped to a facility to be verified. Some banks will allow you 10% right away, some in 24 hours; all will credit you within 72 hours. If you have the international rate, you don’t sign an NDA and you’re done. IF you get contract rates, you do sign an NDA of 4-6 pages, so you will need to read that. The ones I have read were really simple, basically saying, “Don’t talk about this at all.” Those who can keep something quiet will be fine. If you can’t keep a secret, just don’t sign it. Most can keep a secret – you don’t tell your Mom about your sex life, do you?

Within most banks, they are trying to get everyone through in three days. The major cities will be flooded, such as NYC, Atlanta, LA, etc. They will put you into categories, such as less than one million dollars, 1-5 million, 5-10 million, 10-50 million and above 50 million dollars. Your goals are different so they have different advisers. You don’t want to be doing advanced hedge fund stuff with (only) a million dollars, so there are different strategies. At that stage, some banks will negate the 2% fee and/or bump up your rate. You won’t need to keep every penny in there; you can still set up a conservative portfolio and you can still take out the income, leaving the principle with the bank.

The major banks and exchangers will still have 800 numbers or you can go through their websites to make an appointment. They will still crash because nobody really understands how many calls are going to flood in. They aren’t prepared for 30,000 calls or enquiries in the first hour. Most of the first people are dinarians, so that is 2-300,000 in the first 24 hours, probably. The exchangers will use a similar process: they will count it, most have de la Rue machines, and you will have to pay their fee. If you go that route, you won’t pay the bank fees, and it will go directly to your account. When it lands, the bank will call you to offer wealth managers and their advice. A banking relationship goes two ways; if the bank thinks you are a toothless crackhead, they won’t want to deal with it and they will have you out in 30 days. If you are reasonable, they will be happy to handle your account.

Just take your time and don’t spend your money until it is making money. DO NOT spend a penny until you’ve calmed down. Part of being mature is knowing when to spend money and when to back off. In that first flush, you will have stars and cars in your eyes.

Some groups are being activated, and some will be allowed to go in at this time. It’s mainly a way to get 20-30,000 through quickly. They are already organized and ready to go, with paperwork. The contract rate will be offered to some at exchange. We don’t know what is left in the pool, but we will have a fighting chance at contract rates. Some rates will be in the $4-5 range, and some will be as high as $28. We’ve heard so many variations it is hard to tell what will be offered. I think some will get really high rates; it’s the luck of the draw. Calm down; you’ll make 3,000% on your purchase money, even at international rates. It’s not fair that some get contract rates and some do not, but seriously… it’s unrealistic to expect that everyone will get the full contract rate. Get your head right, and adjust to whatever scenario you get.

All the bankers and exchange people … let’s be sympathetic. For several years, their bosses have been saying this is a scam. They may be faced with someone who suddenly has millions in their pockets. Remember, you can catch a lot more flies with honey than with vinegar, and that also applies to money. Do the exchange, get paid, and make money, then relax.

Tony: All the text are asking me to repeat that! DC went through the exchange process, and you can listen to the recording as many times as you want. It IS in the Gazette. Even an Iraqi official we talk to says HE has to wait for a couple of hours. But it is there, officially, in the Gazette, and we hope it’s available for everyone tomorrow. Iraq might enjoy the first 48-72 hours themselves before they do that. In the Budget it says 1166…

DC: So don’t freak out when you see that rate. I would shocked if it comes out at any other rate. There are some laws and rules that they will have to follow; it will come out at 1166, and then somewhere between two minutes and two days, it will pop up at the real rate.

Tony: They don’t want it to come out low, have us or the hedge funds buy all the dinar they can buy, knowing that it will leap up in 2-3 days. So they have to change the rate as quickly as possible so that the public doesn’t jump on it. They can’t keep it from Dinarland, but they will keep it quiet from the public. We will get the package and have agreed to present that to you without undue influence. Until then, we are free agents.

Things are great, it is in the Gazette, it’s official and in their news, and we should hear about it tomorrow. Legarde is speaking at 3pm PST about the global economy, Obama’s speech is at 12.30 PST, and Abadi is speaking about economic reform at 11 their time.

269 caller: PM Abadi gave a speech in Germany in which he mentioned five billion dinar equals 440 million USD. That implies a rate of 8.8 cents. Any comments on that? And any exchange locations in Battle Creek?

DC: No, I’m not going to comment on that. I think he might have misspoke. There will be tons of location in Michigan.

301 caller: Once these announcements have been made, do you see any other delays?

DC: No, they seem pretty comfortable. They are solving the banking issues in Iraq, and everything is getting done. On the US side, they are getting antsy because they would like this to happen on a three-day weekend, which is coming up, and that’s over here.

Tony: This is posted in the Gazette, so the Budget is now law. It’s international. Even if the currency comes out at 1166, don’t you think the international community would known what is about to happen to the currency? The financial world and hedge funds understand what is about to happen – there is no way they would leave that opportunity open for everyone to make a gazillion dollars. They know what will happen, and if you don’t see it happen in the next few days, what will happen then?

DC: I cannot see this NOT happening by, say, Monday, and that is over here.

Tony: It’s a three-day weekend here, and I can’t see it going past that over here. That would give them the 48-72 hours, if Iraq takes up that option. We’ve been waiting ten years.

559 caller: You mentioned a book in the forum, and I’m not in the forum. Can you tweet out the name of that book so I can look it up?

Tony: Go to and click on Forum; you can’t get on the forum, but you can go to Tony Blasts. There is a revised link to that book information. Ray and Pam set that up so that non-members could get the most vital information. Wait, Pam says I’m wrong. But Ray, your guy did re-do it, right? Pam says we can’t put it in that area.

Pam: That was something one of our members compiled from our site and other good information. It was outdated and has not been redone.

Tony: Ray’s guy did update it, and we need to put it in the Tony Blast area so everyone can have access to it. As soon as we hang up, I know Pam will call me an idiot because that will really cost us on the site.

Caller: [Appreciation] Regarding people who are on disability or Social Security, those with disability will not be affected because this is ‘unearned’ income. Social Security is more of a problem. So take advice. Please can Ray play God Bless Texas and also God Bless America? That is so powerful. Thanks to everyone. My husband and I will help veterans, and also children and senior citizens’ homes. My heart goes out to Iraq…

201 caller: On the last call, Tony and DC had different things to say about the dong at eight cents. DC said it could be fixed for up to years, but Tony said he would buy up as many possible. How long do you think dinar and dong will be at a fixed rate? How long should we hold onto our dinar/dong? Will there be an end date?

DC: Eight cents could be a fixed rate, could float, or could be a rate to flush out a lot of their currency and bring in some capital. At one point they thought it would be one cent, but for the last two years they have exchanged at between .47 and $2. Forex can be pegged or floating; when they remove the pegs, the rate will fluctuate. Tony thinks the dong will move quickly. Personally, I will bet on both ends, high and low, because I think there will be both upward and downward pressure. You could also put your currency into an MCA, so you don’t have to worry about the physical currency expiring, as it were. I do agree with Tony that eight cents will make the currency move in some direction quickly.

Tony: Because we internet people know the rates that have been paid out, and with the hedge funds seeing the agreements and such, they will jump in as soon as it is on Forex. They will push it up quickly, and I don’t think Vietnam wants to take that chance. Many will purchase dong as their retirement fund, and I don’t think Vietnam wants to see that scenario, especially now you have convinced them all to buy dong!

Caller: Some law has been sent to Congress regarding war against ISIL, and Congress is considering that now. Do you think that is what the President going to talk about? Is this additional authorization against Iraq going to derail the RV?

Tony: No. First, if there is combat, it’s against ISIL, not Iraq. And everyone agrees that the RV is done. The Budget is done, it’s law, it’s implemented, for the first time in ten years. The President signed off on it two weeks ago, it’s in the Gazette and they are making it public for all to say. They are going on to the next phase, and that is what Abadi will talking about today. That law has nothing to do with the RV.

DC: We have been riding on the same check we wrote in 2001 and 2003. This does not affect what’s happening on the ground; it’s more about authorization and for political coverage for those worried about what’s doing on. President Obama doesn’t have to do this but wants to play well with Congress.

650 caller: Oldtimer posted on the forum that the main banks have hired a lot of new bankers and especially business bankers; also they have raised their quota from 10% increase to 60% increase, and eh believes that has to do with expecting more affluent clients. Also, can you speak about the Federation Council in Iraq?

DC: The Federation Council is a broader group that will includes folks like Allawi and other politicians and leaders from different political tastes. They are not calling the shots day-to-day, but it is a way to have more opinions being heard on a higher level. It would be like our President having a high-level bipartisan group that he speaks to on a regular basis. Their approval is nice to have, but not a must.

Tony: It’s a way to show the people in Iraq and around the world that this is NOT like Maliki who effectively became a dictator. This shows that Iraq is following the law.

617 caller: If this is an RI, do we have to wait for an RV to get contract rates?

DC: As soon as this moves up to $3+, it’s a free-for-all for the contract rates and they will let the public goes through. However, not all wealth managers will know about it. My friends at the Treasury is that 2-5% of the total wealth managers know about this, and some of those will retire quickly after this. They may increase the number of wealth managers who know about this – maybe up to 8%. Those who have the contract rate will not be able to talk about this per NDA, so they cannot really send out a series 7 to financial advisers about how to advise people with RV money.

Caller: So how will we be offered the higher rate if the wealth manager doesn’t know abou tit? Also, what are the rates for zim and rupiah?

DC: You should be sent to someone who knows about it on the initial call. It’s really a bank-to-bank procedure. Zim should be between 6 and 11 cents.

Tony: So far as I know, it’s $1.05 for the rupiah and 11 cents on the zim.

281 caller: Do we have to call the 800 number for zim as well?

DC: If zim is going, and I believe it will, then the banks want to handle all the exchanges at the same time, so yes, you need to call the 800 numbers.

Caller: What is Ray’s OpenMike?

Tony: there is a core group of like-minded people who talk on OpenMike 24 hours per day. They are very picky about who they let in. Even *I* don’t have access to OpenMike.

Caller: My oldest brother passed away a few weeks ago; we will exchange his zim and make sure his children are taken care of and do something positive in his name.

DC: Hope everyone is having a great day. We are just really, really close. We understand that Iraq is ready, the banking issues are resolved, pretty much. The Budget is now is the Gazette, and don’t be shocked if it comes out a 1166 rate. It could take 4-5 days to get pushed out, so don’t get jumpy. We’re looking for it at night, and there won’t be much time to ramp up here in the US. The banks, law enforcement have to get geared up. I hope this is the last call, and I hope everyone has a great day.

Ray: Enjoy this “When are we going to see this” Wednesday. We can probably find a version of God Bless America and God Bless Texas…

Tony: I think we can put the information under Tony Blast about putting together trusts, foundations, security, changing your email address and phone number, all for security. There are also articles about how people blew through their lottery money and how they lost friends/family, such as “30 for 30”, on ESPN, where it shows you pro athletes who had hundreds of millions of dollars and today they are flat broke. If you are only going to have 5-10 million dollars, do you think you might go broke if you are not careful? Look now while you are calm to see what to do and not to do.

The Budget is in the Gazette, and we should see it tomorrow. They have to go international and then do the RI. The RV could happen 15 minutes later! That is the process, so don’t freak out if you see that 1166 rate. Probably it will come out after the markets close so that no one gets spooked. They could drag it out for Iraq’s own purposes. If we do a call on Friday, it should be the one we are all waiting for OR there should be so much information that we’ll already.

Pam, thank you for all your hard work. Happy Birthday, Donna! Enjoy the rest of your day…


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Articles In This Thread

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)
hobie -- Wednesday, 11-Feb-2015 16:01:59
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conf. call Cliff Notes version
hobie -- Wednesday, 11-Feb-2015 16:06:02

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