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America is Close to a British (not Russian) Takeover: LORD MARK MALLOCH-BROWN – The Globalist Racketeer with George Soros

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:35

He rigs elections from Venezuela to Estonia

He rigs electronic voting machines owned by him, George Soros and Mitt Romney

He controls the Senior Executive Service (SES)

He steals trillions of dollars from inventors, Main Street and a rigged global stock market

His slogan should be Make America British Again


(Jun. 19, 2018)—The kindest thing we can say about Queen's Privy Council kingpin Lord Mark Malloch-Brown is that he is certainly one of a kind.

It has taken an entire group of researchers over a month just to gather the facts about him. These facts are scattered across the Internet in many dozens of biographies in an evident strategy to confuse people about his background. No two are alike. These convoluted biographies are telling for a man with literally trillions of dollars at his fingertips; meaning he can buy national elections anywhere on the planet, but he cannot seem to write his resume. (Note: Such biographies are an early clue of a corruptocrat who is hiding his secret activity.)

New, previously undisclosed associations were uncovered during this research. For example, Malloch-Brown has never disclosed anywhere his advisory role in the Institute for Global Law and Policy (IGLP) at Harvard Law School (ca. 2009).

Harvard Law's IGLP advised Hillary Clinton, George Bush, Barack Obama, and their new Economic Council director Larry Summers on distribution of the 2008 "bank bailout" funds. Literally tens of billions of these U.S. taxpayer dollars flowed into Malloch-Brown's Privy Council entities via his co-conspirators at HSBC, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase, Lloyds Bank, Barclays Bank, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, UBS and State Street Bank, to name a few.

It should be remembered that FBI Director James B. Comey was chief counsel at HSBC and Lockheed Martin before Obama appointed him as FBI director. Lockheed and SERCO run AWE Management Limited, Britain's atomic weapons establishment. AWE is controlled by a Queen's Golden Share. His predecessor (and mentor) FBI director Robert S. Mueller, III's firm Wilmer Hale LLP had most of these companies as clients.

These same people and organizations are aligned with anti-American Republic sovereignty, constitutional relativism, pro-socialism, anti-Brexit, anti-Trump, pro-EU, anti-Russia, pro-Chinese, pro Islamo-Fascism, pro-eugenics, pro-Antifa, pro-SPLC, open borders, censorship via "fact checking," shadow banning, net neutrality and anti-free speech agendas. Not surprisingly, these are Malloch-Brown's globalist agendas.

Lord Mark Malloch-Brown makes Mafia dons look like choir boys

Now that Lord Mark Malloch-Brown's relationships are gathered in one place (see biography timeline above), he makes Mafia don's look like choirboys.

The evidence of his depraved global corruption is unmistakable.

Under the color and protection of the Queen's Privy Council, Malloch-Brown directs a vast empire of banks, multi-national corporations and NGOs (non-governmental agencies). These organizations are peopled with bankers, accountants, attorneys, hedge funds, film and TV producers, advertisers, public relations specialists, social media drones, radio and newspaper executives, politicians and corporate officials in a Gordian knot of interrelationships.

Hundreds if not thousands of U.S. public and private officials participate in Lord Malloch-Brown's dark web. Those officials include such notables as Larry H. Summers (World Bank, IMF, Square, 2008 "bailout," more), Sheryl K. Sandberg (World Bank, Treasury, Facebook), Frank Giustra (Clinton-Giustra Enterprise Partnership), Bill and Melinda Gates (UN Eugenics) Foundation, Quantum Fund and Open Society Foundations (George Soros).

They hide behind the Queen's cover

Hiding behind the Queen's brand, their goal is a one-world government administered by unelected UN bureaucrats and directed by the Privy Council. It is also clear that the United States is to be their primary source for weaponized inventions, a killer 5G satellite population reduction plan through "The IBM Internet of Things," combined with killer pharmaceuticals, and a global police force.

As case in point, right now, today, the British Privy Council-directed SERCO company runs the U.S. Patent Office, FEMA Region 9 (AZ, CA, HI, NV and Pacific Islands), 63 U.S. FAA air traffic control towers and the Obamacare website. They also help manage the U.S. Department of Defense's Space Wars program! Besides the obvious betrayal of sovereignty by Deep State shadow government Senior Executive Service (SES) officials who have orchestrated this, this is evidence that Malloch-Brown's Privy Council plans are much further along than one can possibly imagine.

We believe we are in the RED ALERT zone.

The Queen's Privy Council? Really?

The mind control message to British citizens has always been that the Queen is their mother. Most believe she is a figure head with no real power. This is dead wrong.

When British industries "privatized" in the 1970's, the propaganda was that private investors would be allowed to democratize company holdings. What actually happened was that while investors were allowed to buy shares, the real control of these industries merely shifted from overt to covert control by the Crown through the Queen's "Golden Share."

This "Golden Share" gave the Crown—or more specifically, the Queen's advisors on her Privy Council—veto power over operations. This allowed the Privy Council to drive markets up and down at will, while being protected from liability for illegal activity by the Queen and her Queen's Court.

Our research has proven that the British Crown never really stopped ruling America after 1776. They merely shifted priorities from trying to dominate America militarily to dominating America through banking, commerce and finances.

When you think about it, it makes sense. When the British Army was defeated and sailed home, Americans woke up the next day and carried on with their lives, commerce and trade. They continued to pay on loans to British banks and continued trade with the British. They continued to discourse with relatives, friends and loves ones back in Britain.

Since little changed economically after 1776, the British banks moved in, and are still here today. If you doubt, investigate who controls the U.S. Federal Reserve. At its heart the Fed is controlled by an unpaid Woodrow Wilson debt obligation to the Rothschild family. The Rothschilds control the Bank of England, hold multiple "honours" and are members of the Queen's Privy Council.

Centralized power always turns evil

A major reason American patriots rebelled against the British monarchy was its abuse of power. The colonies were being oppressed by high taxes, abuses of property and privacy, no representation, rigged courts and a profligate aristocracy.

This same dynamic exists in the Queen's Privy Council. As Queen Elizabeth has grown older, her Privy Counselors have grown more bold in their abuses of power, it appears. Any checks and balances that may have been there during her younger years appear to be gone. Her counselors are now using this unchecked power to attempt to takeover the world. Literally.

To accomplish this, the Queen's Privy Counselors appear to have hidden behind her brand, and very slowly and deliberately devolved power from the Privy Council to trans-national corporations that they own, through secret inter networked banks, lawyers, accountants, money launderers, drug traffickers and rogue spies allied with an unelected U.N. bureaucracy that they control.

The Privy Council exploits the Queen's Golden Share to hedge stocks, at will


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America is Close to a British (not Russian) Takeover: LORD MARK MALLOCH-BROWN – The Globalist Racketeer with George Soros
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