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Reader: Murdered: Everything Points to All the Usual Suspects

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:13

In Response To: Betty Boop: Death By Hanging From a Doorknob — The Signature of Pedophilia-Related Assassinations? Eleven People So Far — Who Knew ?? (RumorMail)

Reader Kyle:

And there are plenty of reasons why the Illuminati wanted to get rid of him—FAST!

TMR Editor’s Note:
We totally agree with the explanation provided in the screenshot below by a reddit commentator.
Anthony certainly did not hang himself

Does anyone really believe that Anthony Bourdain hung himself in this quaint little French hotel without leaving a single warning or clue? He gave no indication whatsoever of committing an act of suicide. Most significantly, he just was not the type to take such a radical leap that was so contrary to his nature.

What is especially suspicious about this Illuminati hit is that “CNN said Bourdain was in Strasbourg filming an upcoming segment in his series “Parts Unknown”. When was the last time someone so engaged with and enthusiastic about their work killed him or herself ON THE JOB.

Like so many other so-called suicides, this one just doesn’t add up. What does make sense is that Anthony made a bunch of VIP enemies and showed no signs of slacking off in this regard. Moreover, it’s as though he got bit by the truth bug and he was going to expose it however he could.
Feud with Hillary

Then there is this tweet by Hillary Clinton’s former campaign spokesman, Brian Fallon. He tells Anthony Bourdain to “Go eat a scorpion or something.”

The following screenshot details more of the back story of what was really a rapidly exploding public feud.

Anthony was going the way of Kanye West and Elon Musk

Infowars also has an important perspective on this murderous affair as follows. Alex Jones provides critical insights into the awakening that Bourdain was quickly experiencing and then sharing with the world via his high platform at CNN.
Anthony Bourdain Murdered—And, “Yes!”, by all the usual suspects. (Video)
Anthony’s girlfriend and #MeToo movement leader recently tore ’em up at Cannes

There’s no question that this duo — Anthony & Asia — had completely left the reservation of political correctness. Not only had Asia already gone totally rogue on the Hollywood Pedogate scandal, she has shown more fang in the establishment forums than anyone else in the #MeToo movement. View this video in order to really understand just how deep into the swamp Asia had gone.
Asia Argento Calls Cannes Harvey Weinstein’s ‘Hunting Ground’ In Festival Speech (Video)

The screenshot below offers crucial insights on Anthony Bourdain’s girlfriend — Asia Argento — a #MeToo firebrand of the highest order.

Now here’s Anthony Bourdain’s reaction to Asia Argento’s speech at Cannes. It ought to be obvious that Anthony greatly empowered his girlfriend to take on the Hollywood elites… right on their own turf. This has NEVER happened before…and will probably never happen again now that the Hollywood mob has murdered Anthony.
Anthony Bourdain on Asia Argento’s Cannes Speech: ‘I Knew It Would Be a Nuclear Bomb’
Armenian Genocide

Now here’s the real kicker, as if the foregoing list of grave offenses against the establishment was not serious enough.

The scuttlebutt on the street is that, during Anthony Bourdain historic visit to Armenia, the locals took advantage of his ardent interest in history and revealed the truth about the Armenian Genocide. Given Turkey’s central role in this holocaust, he would undoubtedly incur the wrath of the current government in Ankara. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan won’t even entertain the remote possibility that Turkey was the main culprit in the first genocide of the 20th century. See: Syrian Holocaust: Turkey Copies The Armenian Genocide Game Plan

So taken in by the true story of the outright genocide of the Armenian people during the second decade of the last century, Anthony had talked about a made-for-TV production exposing the facts as they have never been disclosed before–by the Armenian people themselves.

The reason why such a production would be so problematic (and radioactive) is because the Syrian War, which has occurred exactly 100 years later, was actually modeled after the Armenian Genocide. It has also been perpetrated by the very same state actors—Turkey, Saudi Arabia, United States, United Kingdom, as well as various elements within the worldwide Zionist movement. See: How the Syrian War and Ensuing Exodus were Modeled after the Armenian Genocide

The bottom line here is that Anthony Bourdain had made one too many enemies, and on so many fronts that the power elite felt genuinely threatened. The Illuminati will never hesitate to take out anyone one who crosses their red lines. It appears that the courageous Bourdain crossed many just this year alone.

This meticulously planned murder of Anthony Bourdain was designed to do one thing more than anything else. It’s purpose was to send a strong message to every other famous TV personality and Hollywood star that going rogue WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.

It was quite obvious to everyone who knew Anthony that he would never take his own life. This is precisely why the authorities concocted such a ridiculous and implausible suicide story; they knew that everyone who needed to hear it would get the message. Of course, his girlfriend Asia got the Illuminati warning loud and clear.

Just like they hospitalized (psychiatric ward) Kanye West after he let loose with some hard truths from the stage, and the media has been going after Elon Musk with a vengeance after his searing criticisms of the perilous AI takeover of society, the Illuminati has shown that they will not permit any disobedience.

By the way, “How did a 6 foot 4 Anthony Bourdain even hang himself with a bath robe belt anyway?”

The Millennium Report
June 9, 2018

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Articles In This Thread

Betty Boop: Death By Hanging From a Doorknob — The Signature of Pedophilia-Related Assassinations? Eleven People So Far — Who Knew ??
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:13
Reader: Murdered: Everything Points to All the Usual Suspects
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:13
I wonder if Bourdain also was found hanging from a doorknob. Here is another odd picture from GF Asia Argento
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:13
Reader: I saw the excellent article about the deadly doorknobs in the news lately and had never heard of Aaron Swartz. So....
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:13

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