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Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Monday, 18-Jun-2001 20:34:44


By Rayelan Allan

06.18.01 Aptos, CA

Gary Condit and I grew up in the same area. We are the same age. We are small town farm people who lived an "American Graffiti" type childhood in the same area where Star Wars/ American Graffiti Director/Producer, George Lucas also grew up!

When Congressman Tony Coehlo, the Representative from our area was involved in a financial scandal and was forced to resign,
Gary Condit was an Assemblyman in the California Assembly.

Condit made a name for himself in the Assembly as a member of the "Gang of Five". The "Gang of Five" was made up of five conservative Democrats who took on the infamous Willie Brown. Brown had been the head of the California Assembly for more years than anyone could remember. The "Gang of Five" tried to "unseat" him. They lost their battle with Brown, but they all made names for themselves.

Condit was the one who gained the most from his failed challenge to Willie Brown. Condit represented the same area in the California Assembly that Tony Coehlo represented in Washington. When a financial scandal forced Coehlo to resign in shame, the logical candidate for his Congressional seat was Gary Condit.

Many of you might remember the name Tony Coehlo from the Al Gore campaign. Coehlo was Gore's first campaign manager, but Coehlo's knack for scandal, haunted him until he resigned from the campaign and was replaced by Bill "sign up the cemetery voters" Daley, of the infamous Chicago Daleys.

I had not lived in my home town since high school, but after my first husband died, I moved back home. I also began to travel. By the summer of 1989, I was bi-coastal. I owned a house in Newman, California, which is 26 miles west of Modesto and I spent a great deal of time in Georgetown. I was considering going to work on Capital Hill.

In June of 1989, I came home to California to repaint and decorate my house. Up until January of 1989, I had lived in the Monterey/Carmel area and was very active in Democratic Politics. I had worked on many campaigns including Gary Hart's 1984 Presidential bid. I was his media coordinator for central California.

Within weeks of moving back to Newman, I was asked if I wanted to work for the Condit campaign. I had another trip planned for Washington DC in a couple of weeks, so I asked if I could think about it until I came back.

While I was in Washington, Senator Pell confirmed that he really did want to hire me as his administrative assistant. The next day, I almost bled to death... THAT'S A STORY FOR ANOTHER TIME!
I came back to California and stayed in bed for about a month.
During this time, I was contacted one more time by the Condit Campaign. I told them I was too ill to work for them, but I thought my niece could do the job.

My niece organized the small town we lived in and was very successful in turning out the vote for Condit. During his campaign he and his family made several visits to Newman. On one visit, I hosted an after campaign "cookies and punch party" at my home.

I met Congressman Condit, his lovely wife, his mother and father and his children. They are one of the finest families I know. The elder Condit is a Baptist minister.

Mrs Gary Condit is a down to earth, warm and loving woman. When I met her in 1989, she was very slim and attractive. She has a knack for making you feel like YOU are the center of attention. She was a perfect campaign wife for Congressman Condit.

Shortly after I recovered from my blood loss, I married Gunther Russbacher. Gunther and I came home to Newman, and to the little house where I had just hosted the Condit family.

We had barely been there two days when the FBI burst into a family member's house and arrested Gunther. I was told I had married I conman who was on a crime spree marrying and defrauding wealthy widows. I had known Gunther as a naval officer from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey. I did not believe the FBI.

Then they told me that Gunther had a photographic memory and could take bits and pieces of things I told him and weave them together into a believable story. The FBI told me that he was pretending to be the Naval officer I had known.

I argued with them again, but it did no good. Gunther was led away in handcuffs and the FBI demanded to search my house. I denied them permission. They finally told me my mother was having a heart attack, and they would let her go to the hospital IF I let them search my house. In other words, they threatened me with letting my mother die!

Not only did they SEARCH my house... the took every piece of clothing, every paper, every trinket that belonged to Gunther... They took ALL of it without giving me a receipt or asking my permission.

When they left that night, I didn't even have a picture of Gunther OR our marriage license. I had nothing to prove that Gunther ever existed.

At first, I believed the FBI and was ashamed and humiliated that I had fallen for one of the oldest conmen tricks... cheating a grieving widow out of her money. Then I remembered Gunther's friends, the Learjet ride that ended with us being escorted by Navy fighters back to Boeing Field in Seattle.

There was NO way Gunther could have been a "conman". Conmen don't fly around in government jets that are equipped with 50 MM nose cannons and stinger missiles.

The moment I realized the FBI had lied to me, I got up out of bed and began four years of investigation and research to prove to myself and to the world, that I had NOT married a conman!

In order to get permission to talk to Gunther, I had to drive to the Modesto jail and hand deliver a letter to the watch captain, letting him know that I wanted Gunther to call me.

When he called I asked him to explain what had happened.. his answer will amaze you!!

He told me that Tony Coehlo hated him and blamed Gunther for Coehlo's financial scandal and forced resignation. Over the years, I realized that Gunther was intimately involved in financial scandals, and could very well have been one of the CIA men who enticed Coehlo with promises of easy money. Once Coehlo was "on their hook", they, meaning the CIA, could use him or "lose him" anytime they wanted.

I never knew why they felt it was important to get rid of Tony Coehlo. But Coehlo got his revenge on Gunther by calling Gary Condit's campaign and telling them that Gunther had just married me in order to influence the campaign and "throw it" to the Republican candidate!

Coehlo gave Condit just enough information for Condit to be able to alert an FBI agent from Fresno, California who was a sworn enemy of Gunther's.

This agent, a man named Vinson, had been a CIA operative during the Afghanistan war with the Soviet Union. According to Gunther, Vinson had sold out a CIA team to the Russians. Many CIA operatives were killed on the operation.

When Gunther found out about the treachery, he shot Vinson and left him to die. Other operatives were afraid the Russians would get him and get even more information from him, so they went back for him and brought him out.

When he got back to the United States, Vinson was thrown out of the CIA, but was picked up by the FBI. This was, maybe still is a common practice of the FBI. If a CIA man is thrown out, they will hire him to find out everything he knows.

Vinson is mentioned in Cherie Seymour's book, THE LAST CIRCLE. Vinson was involved in the drug trafficking that went on in the Merced, Mariposa, Yosemite area of California. Here is the hyperlink to an article on the Rumor Mill News Forum about Cherie’s book. She used the pseudonym Carol Marshal. The reference to Agent Vinson is in the third chapter of her book.

I can't help but wonder if men who knew what Tony Coehlo and Gary Condit did to their chief, meaning Gunther -- had any hand in the scandals that befell Coehlo, when he was running Gore's campaign -- and the current scandal that is now befalling Gary Condit.

The men who surrounded Gunther had a saying -- "We don't get mad -- we get even -- NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES!"

There are many things that have happened in the last year that make me wonder if some of Gunther's old friends are settling scores.

+ Gunther knew that Waco was going to be torched the day before it happened. He knew the people inside were going to be murdered. He called me and Paul Wilcher and told us. Gunther knew the truth about what happened at Waco!

+ Gunther and his friends dictated hours of testimony to Paul Wilcher outlining the real reason behind Waco. This information went into the letter Paul Wilcher wrote to Janet Reno... the letter that is now called THE WILCHER REPORT.

+ Gunther knew on the 17th of April, 1995 that a Federal Building was going to be blown up. He told me to drop out, lie low and try to stay alive.

In other words, Gunther had intimate knowledge of many of the Clinton FBI holocausts. If Gunther knew these things, you can be sure that Gunther's friends, both in government and out of government, also knew the truth.

Could it be that these people had to wait until Clinton was out of power before they DARED to do something to pay back all of the people who had screwed them, their friends and the American people?

Look at the list of FBI scandals that either occurred during the Clinton years, or were NOT investigated during the Clinton years!

+ David Koresh and the Waco holocaust

+ Timothy McVeigh and the missing documents that laid in boxes for years without being turned over to McVeigh’s or Nichol’s lawyers.

+ Ruby Ridge – an FBI sniper shoots an unarmed woman between the eyes while she is holding her baby.

+ Atlanta Olympics – Arrest and media crucifixion of an innocent man who in fact was the hero who saved many more people from being killed.

+ Wen Ho Lee – 58 counts of espionage dropped – evidence mishandled by the FBI

+ Robert Hanssen – FBI agent who sold secrets to the Russians for almost 20 years.

+ John Connolly Jr. – FBI agent-turned -mob informant

+ Edward Deegan – An innocent man jailed for 30 years when the FBI knew he was innocent!

These are just the FBI scandals that MADE the evening news. How many others are there that cannot be publicly identified due to National Security?

The information about these FBI scandals began to surface once Clinton was out of office and his hand picked men inside the FBI no longer had the power they once had... carte blanche power... license to kill power...

I can’t help but wonder if the problems that are befalling the FBI right now have anything to do with the vendetta that Gunther and his associates had against certain FBI/NWO types. Gunther’s associates are still active in and out of government. They went into hiding to stay alive during the Clinton years. Are they beginning to surface? Is this what we are seeing?

When Tony Coehlo was managing Gore’s campaign, and small scandals were leaking out day by day about Coehlo’s mishandling of government funds, I wondered if some of Gunther’s friends were behind “Coehlo’s second downfall”.

Gary Condit is now mired in the limelight of scandal, and it appears that it is ONLY going to get worse.

I can’t help but wonder if all the people who were behind the false charges leveled at Gunther and his subsequent four year imprisonment, are finally going to feel what it’s like to be smeared in a public scandal?


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Rayelan -- Monday, 18-Jun-2001 20:34:44
But Where's Chandra?
Chuck_in_Modesto -- Thursday, 21-Jun-2001 04:42:10
Patriotlad -- Thursday, 21-Jun-2001 10:47:56

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