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Posted By: Patriotlad
Date: Thursday, 7-Jun-2001 20:29:24


Dear Friends, Patriots and Warriors of Truth:

Mr. James Madison "asserts the existence of state sovereignties, invested with exclusive independent powers; his commentators deny it. This event has proved that the idea of a federal and also of a national government," writes John Taylor of Caroline, Virginia, "was too fine to be practical".

"To effect the same end, the commentators who still wish for a consolidated national government, have seized upon Mr. Madison's doctrines, endowing the federal government with national powers, and also with a supreme negative over the laws and judgements of the states, for the purpose of destroying the state sovereignties which he admits. They see, what ever sound understanding must also see, that spheres of exclusive state rights, and their subjection to a national supremacy are incompatible".

"The federal government cannot alter a county or incorporate a town. It cannot divide a state. And above all, it cannot obtain a pittance of land, without the consent of a state government. A national right of territory is positively recognized as residing in state nations, and not in an American nation. These recognitions affirm the existence of state nations, and deny the existence of an American nation. ... a national government, without a nation invested with territorial rights, is a castle in the air."

Taylor's words of prescience and analysis, and prediction were not written in this new century, nor in the old one, the Bloody Twentieth Century. Every day we are confronted with the facts of our current situation -- we are not, indeed, a nation of any kind but rather a polyglot federal union of republics, an amalgam of all the known cultural and ethnic nationalities in the world.

That is why it is ridiculous to speak of there being an American nation, now, when discussing the supposed politics of the center:

the bold and lasting truth is becoming more clear as the Internet and the high-speed communications revolution of the last twenty years forces political power back into the States themselves -- there is no "center" in American political life, today, except to the extent that there is a "center" in the middle of any given State or federal highway. And thus the common man or woman who lives here now, regardless of where they are from or when they and their families got here, has to confront the dread certainty of life in the center of any such road or highway:

The "center" is where you find the yellow stripe. Trying to ride in the center will get you, the driver, killed from one side or the other. In fact, the center of the highway is precisely where you find the dead things of this world, just like Neville Chamberlain's 1938 agreements with National Socialist Germany.

"As territory, the necessary basis for a national government, belongs exclusively to state nations, the fact is an index directing us to the true intention of the Constitution. It was intended to unite the energies of these state nations; to defend and not to consolidate their territories, by creating an American nation, and a government deriving its powers from this supposed nation; and to prevent collisions with each other."

What was it that Tom Daschle said? And, which Terra quoted --

"At a time when Americans are evenly divided about their choice of leaders, they are united in their demand for action," Mr. Daschle said. "Polarized positions are an indulgence, an indulgence that the Senate cannot afford and our nation will not tolerate."

"If the powers of a government can be enlarged by such [defective] reasoning, all the inventions for restraining power are ineffectual, and all the securities for civil liberty are defeated. The right of self-government can no longer be vindicated by constitutions;" writes Taylor, "and though it should be nominally conceded, it would be practically undermined by the doctrine, that as governments are created by and act upon individuals, they may disregard constitutional restrictions."

Terra asserts that because many people have "approved" of the switch by Jim Jeffords, after running for re-election as a Republican Party candidate, this somehow makes his 'switcheroo' a principled action, a stand for conscience. This is nonsense and insulting to the concept of free and fair elections: Jeffords was not, apparently, so, so unhappy with the Republicans and their contemptible methods of selecting their party leaders in late 1999, when the Bolsheviki of the Beltway settled on Stumbling George (and the Wooden Puppet, Prince Albert). Terra would have us believe that Mr. Bush's affection for the GOP-crafted tax cut is somehow "too conservative" for the noble Mr. Jeffords to allow, as if he lost any sleep at all over laws which eliminate the unconstitutional inheritance taxes slowly, and over years, and then -- in 2010 -- pop them back up again!

Taylor, who served as a United States Senator from Virginia when Thomas Jefferson was abroad in the land, writes "this Congress ... cannot exercise any power upon the lands composing the territory of each state nation ... by regulating inheritances".

Inheritance is still probated at the State level, or in county courts under the authority of sovereign state laws: the fact that we as a people have, for so many decades, allowed petty dictators like Dick Nixon and real dictators like Franlin Delano Roosevelt to bamboozle us and to swindle us out of our rights, our patrimony of liberty, our very American political inheritances, the free and sovereign States ... is a shame we as a polyglot people-of-all-nations must confess, accept and bear.

Terra notes that Tom Daschle "celebrated the clash of political ideas as "the noise of democracy" and said "sometimes it's not a very stereophonic sound, sometimes there's too much sound from the right or from the left." But despite partisan fervor, he said, "we need to prove to the American people that we can overcome the lines that all too often divide us. We need to prove we can do the work the American people have sent us to do."

The first and foremost "work" that the members of the Senate are charged to do -- is to look to the defense and security of this union of state nations, which means bringing the treacherous scoundrels and knuckleheads of the Clintonista posse to those grand juries which will indict them for corruption, malfeasance, theft, espionage and seditious libel. Let's all take the time to have coffee while we wait for Ted Kennedy and Barbara Boxer to lead that crusade, uh huh!! Can you just see Hillary Rodham Clinton grilling her soon-to-be ex-culprit, William the Big Creep, under oath, live on C-Span? Grilling him about the millions of dollars in Peoples Liberation Army funds that the Family Riady and Lippo Bank routed through Arkansas, California, Hawaii, and finally, the White House itself (yes, that was what I was indicating when I referred to "coffee").

"So, Bill, darling -- er, Mr. Ex-President -- when did you remember to forget that Charlie 'Yah Lin' Trie wasn't just another Chinese chef willing to feed and water you and then write it all on the cuff, forever and forever? And why did Ron Brown end up with a .45 caliber hole in his head, when the airplane crash was certainly enough to kill him outright?"

Terra, the people of Vermont had the right to elect their U.S. Senator in a general election, because about one hundred years ago, corrupt State legislators ruined the brilliant plan of men like Madison and George Mason -- which was to have the State Legislature elect our U.S. Senators. The solution should have been to toss out the corrupt State lawmakers, and get honest, new ones. But our great-grandfathers (and their wives), failed in that effort and so they settled on amending the constitution to get direct elections. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

It sure hasn't worked out that way, do you think?

"Whatever may be the merit of the vituperations against state governments," warned Taylor in 1823, "the object which has been exhibited ... is a project for introducing a supreme consolidated national government. The design is proclaimed by its principles, and impressed by its examples." Taylor goes on to warn that one segment or Faction of the people here admired Great Britain, Persia, Turkey and Russia "as symbolical of the supremacy contended for." They are the greedy men (and their women).

"That class in society which is actuated by avarice or ambition, universally becomes a zealous ally of the consolidating party, and carries with it a great accession of talents."

We see in our own times, brilliant men and women blindly tossing our liberties into the four winds, like the chaff of winter's first wheat harvest, simply to feather their own nests or to advance their own peculiar attitudes, avarice, ambition. For those who see the center of this evil in the NSA, consider just for a moment what its name indicates -- "National Security Agency" -- it is by name and definition, an important part of the consolidating power which intends to reduce us all to penury, and to make us pay double for the destruction of our liberties and all of our rights. And then, perhaps, to reward the most evil and the most loathsome of creatures (human or not), with the providential blessings our creativity, our labor, our very lives.

When Trent Lott was his supposed friend, Jeffords played him for a useful idiot, and not the other way around. He is the poster boy, in fact, of everything that is wrong with The Stupid Party, the present-day GOP. It has no moral grounding, it is Yellow at its center. And that -- that is what Jim Jeffords' "principles" rest upon -- his personal political betrayal of all Vermonters for the sake of his own aggrandizement, for his own damnable self, for his own selfishness. "I did it for me."

That is the perfect capstone, however, for the Bush-Clinton-Bush era. How good for Jim, how unfortunate for the rest of us.

Titles Of Honour Prohibited Since 1819!

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Articles In This Thread

Terra -- Thursday, 7-Jun-2001 10:06:10
Rayelan -- Thursday, 7-Jun-2001 15:14:43
Peace For Our Time
Rayelan -- Thursday, 7-Jun-2001 15:19:49
Terra -- Thursday, 7-Jun-2001 20:57:07
Rayelan -- Friday, 8-Jun-2001 01:40:52
Patriotlad -- Thursday, 7-Jun-2001 20:29:24
Terra -- Friday, 8-Jun-2001 02:40:51

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