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Posted By: Terra
Date: Tuesday, 5-Jun-2001 20:17:16


...he campaigned for
: re-election using fraud and distortion, and taking campaign
: contributions under false pretenses. Sources have indicated
: anonymously that Jeffords knows much that could be useful
: to those charged with investigating the January, 2001,
: murders of Half and Suzanne Zantop, in New Hampshire. This
: is very speculative information.

The information I have gleaned and received is
: very troubling and -- I must confess -- not as reliable as
: I might expect, or want it to be. Being a Senator from

: Vermont does not mean that you know all things in the
: hearts of your constituents, or even among your allies in
: the halls of academia. But there are confluences of events
: here which cannot be ignored. Certain FBI operatives knew
: as early as December and January that thousands of pages of
: facts and testimonies relating to Timothy McVeigh, Iraqi
: dissidents, and Andy Strassmeier had not been turned over
: to his defense. There are reports that the rumbling over
: that started in late January. And that is precisely when
: the two Zantops -- at Dartmouth College -- were killed. Two
: professors murdered and apparently without any particular
: reason or motive.


: Therefore, what are Jeffords' true principles if not simple
: 'self-interest' and basic 'self-preservation?' Perhaps he
: observed that the stab wounds which terminated Half Zantop
: are the true Mark of the Beast: is that what he fears the
: most?

: That is a question only Jim Jeffords and those who really love
: him can answer. British meddling in American history
: indicates that when the NWO sees through his betrayal all
: the way, they will find a way to 'dispatch him,' regardless
: of his fidelity to abortion on demand or any of their other
: favorite causes.

: Whatever else is true, he certainly defrauded everyone who
: gave him money last year, thinking he was, as a liberal
: Republican, at least loyal to them in the GOP, them what
: brung him to the big dance under The Big Tent. Now the
: music has stopped ....

Not here it ain't...if Senator Jeffords resigned and we had a special election, he would still win. It is not the country's decision to make. It is a choice for the people of Vermont who elected Jeffords in the first place. And we will do it again, if necessary, until everybody gets the point.

For example:

Jeffords is returning money to people who funded his Republican campaign, a campaign that was not solely funded by Republicans in the first place. There were and still are a great number of Vermonters of any party who support the man. Anybody who can't individuate is in dire straits. See:

"'Well, we’re sorry you feel that way,' an aide said politely on Monday to a former Jeffords supporter who apparently had sent the senator money in his last campaign. 'But the senator will be refunding political contributions,' she said. Jeffords last week said he would return contributions from loyal Republicans who felt cheated by his decision."

Sounds pretty honest to me!!

Read this quote from today's Times Argus:

“It was a ‘coup of one’ that subverted the will of the American votes who elected a Republican majority,” said Lott in a letter to Republicans. He called Jeffords’ action “the impetuous decision of one man to undermine our democracy.”

Jeffords said Monday he was especially troubled by Lott’s comments.

“I thought we were pretty good friends,” he said. “I understand his frustrations. This is a very difficult turn of events for him, but I can’t understand the way he has handled me. It is very unfortunate.”

My question is this: Why is Lott so preoccupied with the actions of one man honoring his conscience. WHY does THAT bother him so much? What is the mirror saying? Regardless of the change in power structure, this is a democracy with 3 parties, and we don't all have to get onboard the Republican plan. Notice Lott said "undermine our democracy." Well, if sticking to your gut feeling undermines a democracy, than WHAT KIND OF POLICY can such a democracy make? The Republican candidate for President did not officially win the popular vote, he won it in court. And congress was evenly split, there is no Republican majority, never was. That was the plan, but it didn't work. And more and more, there will be Independent candidates for office, honest ones who vote in good conscience and in good faith, of many kinds.

As for the Zantop's murder, what connection EXACTLY are you suggesting? Your reference doesn't make any sense at all, and you didn't say ANYTHING concrete except something about speculation and unreliable sources and naming names of people who were killed for WHAT REASON? What exactly DO YOU MEAN?

The Zantrop murder trial is getting silenced now, and it has nothing to do with Jim Jeffords. See:

And this:

"so, fear is with me as I contemplate the true nature of this struggle"

Fear, of what?

Jeffords returns to the Capitol

By Christopher Graff


WASHINGTON — With the security guard at his side, Sen. James Jeffords returned Monday to the Capitol to complete what outgoing Majority Leader Trent Lott calls a “coup of one.”

“I have no regrets at all,” said Jeffords about his decision to become an independent. “I know I did the right thing.”

Jeffords announced his decision to leave the Republican Party May 24, but the move becomes official at the close of business today. When it does, the GOP will lose control of the Senate.

“It has been a long and difficult month,” he said in an interview in his Senate office. “When I made my announcement I had felt I was doing the right thing but now I am sure I did.”

Jeffords spent the past week attending a conference on environmental issues in Italy. He said he was overwhelmed by the worldwide reaction his decision generated.

“I had no idea of the reaction that I would get and the publicity that would come from that,” he said. “I was overwhelmed right from the start by the positive reaction all over the world after I made my speech — the feeling that I had really done something that might literally save the country from very difficult problems.”

The quiet senator from Vermont has been a relative unknown in his 26 years in Washington, as a member of the House for 14 years and senator since 1989. He routinely shunned cameras, news conferences and the Sunday talk show circuit, but now they seek him.

His announcement to leave a Republican Party he feels is too conservative shoved Jeffords into a glare usually only experienced by presidents.

He has appeared on the cover of Newsweek, been the topic of almost every radio and television talk show and had his fashion choices reviewed by The Washington Post. His move has prompted praise and condemnation — even death threats that have prompted the Capitol police to provide security.

Lott has been among the strongest critics.

“It was a ‘coup of one’ that subverted the will of the American votes who elected a Republican majority,” said Lott in a letter to Republicans. He called Jeffords’ action “the impetuous decision of one man to undermine our democracy.”

Jeffords said Monday he was especially troubled by Lott’s comments.

“I thought we were pretty good friends,” he said. “I understand his frustrations. This is a very difficult turn of events for him, but I can’t understand the way he has handled me. It is very unfortunate.”

Signs of the reaction to Jeffords’ decision are everywhere in his Senate office. The reception area is filled with flowers from supporters. Boxes of mail piled in conference rooms and offices are being sorted by interns and staff members into those supporting and those opposing Jeffords’ switch.

Jeffords said he was relaxed from his trip abroad — he was one of a delegation of senators to attend the conference — and that he was as ready as he could be for the emotional days ahead.

“It will be hard on all of us,” he said.

Although Jeffords will become an independent, he will caucus with the Democrats. Jeffords has been invited to attend a weekly policy luncheon with Senate Democrats today; his spokesman said no decision had been made on whether he would go.

Jeffords has also been invited to an afternoon meeting at the White House with President Bush. The meeting is of the Senate Education Working Group, a group of several senators of both parties interested in education issues.

The senator wouldn’t comment on the coincidence that Bush was holding such a meeting on the very day Jeffords was becoming an independent. Jeffords has said that it was his differences with the president on education that prompted him to leave the GOP.

Jeffords delayed the implementation of his independent status to give Congress time to complete work on the president’s tax and spending plans and to give leaders time to plan for the first change in partisan control of the U.S. Senate outside an election.

Back home in Vermont, Jeffords’ decision has received overwhelming approval.

A poll by news organizations done the night of the announcement found 67 percent approved: Seventy percent said that Jeffords was doing a good or excellent job while only 46 percent felt that way about Bush.

The Magic Hat Brewing Co. announced Monday the creation of a new celebratory brew — “Jumping Jim’s Jazzfest Ale” — that it will be distributing at this week’s Burlington jazz festival.

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Articles In This Thread

RMNEWS -- Tuesday, 5-Jun-2001 16:34:20
Patriotlad -- Tuesday, 5-Jun-2001 17:14:58
Terra -- Tuesday, 5-Jun-2001 20:17:16
Terra -- Tuesday, 5-Jun-2001 20:25:11
JEFFORDS: The Honest Man Diogenes is Seeking?
Esclarmonde -- Tuesday, 5-Jun-2001 18:31:08

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