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Pole Shift and Christ Consciousness: Coming Soon?

Posted By: Esclarmonde
Date: Friday, 25-May-2001 23:37:38

In Response To: What DID Hitler KNOW? Tesla, Aliens & Niburu... (Esclarmonde)

...There are aspects of the following story that seem to 'support' the one above. ...more than that...(I know I'm going out on a limb here...) there are aspects that I KNOW are true because they have manifested in my own life experience. Still, I acknowledge the mystery presented here and the absolute dichotomy to our every day life. Nonetheless, every morning I awaken to Chemtrails. How dichotomous is that?!
It occurs to me that if we are already just an experiment that was supposed to die off in 1972-84, well, what harm could come to 'someone' experimenting a little more...?
In any event, this is offered here for whatever gleanings of puzzle pieces that might leave residue frequencies in our search for an 'ultimate' truth. Perhaps it is truly far stranger than we could imagine. And yet there is some stark beauty in its imagining...
If I have wasted your time in this posting, I truly apologize. Admittedly, I cannot fully account for the strange sense of purpose enveloping me. But I have the oddest hunch that others are feeling it too.

Drunvalo on the Pole Shift (This is a transcript of a conversation.)

"In 1400 B.C. there was a major shifting of the axis. This was recorded in
Egypt, Summeria, Babylonia and all over Mesopotamia and in the Bible. The
sun stood still for 20 hours. (The Bible says, "for about a day.") And on
the other side of the earth the ancient Olmec teachings there say the sun

did not rise for one day because it was night time there. THOTH [One of
Drunvalo's guides] says it was caused not by the normal shifting caused by
the precession of the Equinoxes, but by Nibiru of the Nephfilim
which comes by every 3600 years. It goes between the orbits of Mars and
Jupiter and comes very, very close to us. THOTH says that was the time when
a big change occurred.

This is all so fantastic, if it is too much for you to accept, don't. Just
let it go. But I must tell you the way I was told and the way I see it.
Go way back in time when they were setting up the Christ Consciousness
Grid. The hole in Egypt was used to set the grid. It was calculated that by the
winter of 1998 we would go through the shift and at that time a few people
would make it through. And this is nothing unusual. This has been tried
before on other planets. When a planet is out of phase or something, they
may jump them up or they may jump them down. Depending on what level they
are on at the time. Or they may start them all over again. That's what
happened to the Hebrews. OR step them ahead, whatever is necessary. This
aspect of the experiment, and you can say it is an experiment, did not
attract any attention at all.
However, about 200 years ago the Sirians, the Father aspect of this race,
became aware there was a very high possibility we were not going to make
it. They knew there was an event that was going to happen August 7, 1972
and if we were not in a certain state of consciousness we were not going to
make it. And if we didn't, that's it. There wouldn't even be a bug left on
the planet. But the Sirians didn't want to see that happen, because as our
parents they had compassion for us. So they started looking for an answer
to this particular situation to solve the problem. And there weren't any.
There was no cure. There was nothing known. There was nothing they could do
to get a planet of our level of awareness through to the other side of this
problem. In tact. So what happened in the past meant the planet was just
gone. But the Sirians kept looking through time and space for a solution.
Eventually they found that somebody, somewhere not in this galaxy, had conceived an
idea that might work but it had never, never been tried before. And even
then they didn't know if it would work because humans have free will and can
take any turn any time and go in any direction. So they assumed it would
work. The Sirians then created a vehicle 50 miles long, cigar shaped,
colored black. It had silicon-carbon based life forms blended together so
the whole thing was a self-aware living unit. The crew of 350 men and women were
from the white Sirian race from the third planet out. They wore white
uniforms with gold emblems.
And they dedicated as much time to this project as was necessary. They also
made 8 little flying saucer shaped vehicles which were robotic, unmanned,
12-20 feet across.
They got all this stuff together and worked out all the possibilities and
just set it aside.
And waited.

What was happening on the earth level at that time is I was directed to
go to Canada to meet a man named David Suzuki. It was a whole secret
connection then that was made. He is a very disciplined man in many
different fields. David won the Nobel Prize in Genetics. Not by looking
through a microscope but by looking out into the stars. He believed "as
above, so below." He watched asteroids as they broke off and moved around
the solar system. So he hired some people to watch the movements of the
asteroids. Anyway one of the things he had going was he had a team of
people watching the sun all the time. Then in 1950 they noticed a phenomena
never recorded before in human history. Spiraling light that went past the
earth very rapidly. At the earth's axis there is the precession of the
equinoxes which takes place every 24,000 years. But there is the Chandler
wobble every 14 months and is 72 feet. There is one very 14 years. During
one of these wobbles the earth began to deviate from its path around the
central sun. [Alcyeon in the Western astrology and Revati in Hindu
astrology.] At this time we were at about the furtherest point away from
the central sun. The area of the wobble began to open. Which is the
equivalent of a top slowing down. It took them another 14 years of study
before they were certain this wobble would lead to a new north and south
pole. And David Suzuki was not into Edgar Cayce or any of that. He was a
scientist. An interesting note though, Cayce predicted this wobble would
go 16 degrees into Russia, and with their computers calculating everything
they knew, there was a spot about 15.75 from a spot where Cayce said it
would be. The difference was so small it was amazing. And so by 1964 they
were pretty certain of this. They took 4 more years to watch and study to
make sure this even was going to happen. He wrote a paper and sent it out
to all the major governments in the world that we were going to have a new
north and south pole.
He put it in his paper that the sun spiral was coming off the sun like
clockwork every three years. Only it was increasing in intensity. After
studying this for 18 years he said by 1972 it would be so great it would do
something never done before. They didn't say exactly what. Then another one
in 1984 and after that one we would probably have a new north and south
pole. The actual event happened in August of 1972. The explosion happened.
The biggest thing that has ever happened, ever. The solar wind got up to
2-1/2 million miles per hour for 3 days. And it dropped down to 1-1/2
million MPH for 30 days. It was published in all the major scientific
publications and a conference was called of scientists where David
announced his findings. All major newspapers of the world reported it. This
publicity went of for a six months and then suddenly nothing was ever heard
about it again. There was a total world wide black out. No one discussed it
anymore and couldn't find out anything more about it.

If the Sirians had not have acted, that explosion would have killed
us. But what really happened, and here is where it gets difficult, there
was going to be a pulse come out of the sun which would have expanded to
Jupiter. If we were prepared for this there would be no problem. We could
just tune to it and it would be beautiful. And the other planets are
having no problem with it but earth being where we're at and having this
situation of being down here in the middle of no-man's land in
consciousness, we were unable to protect ourselves. So what was happening
on another dimensional level was the 144,000 beings from all over the
universe of different cultures planning on coming in here to assist, by the
middle of January of 1972, about 80,000 of them were here, they had what
you might call an intense discussion over this subject. Some were very
upset over it. The result was that 79,800 of the cultures said there's no
hope. Not a prayer. There's nothing we could do. They packed up and went
home, leaving us to die. 100 of those remaining believe there was something
they could do. They were the Acturians, Aldeberons and a whole spectrum of
life decided to stick with the Sirians. (The other 100 were Sirians and
Pleiadians.) They were not going to give up. They were going to stay there
and help.
So the Sirians had the hardware and software in place and ambassadors ready
to go and everything. The moment the group said there's no hope, they sent
the ambassadors to Galactic Command. And they asked permission to do an
experiment on earth. If there was gong to be anyone at all who was going to
survive the explosion from the sun, they could not have gotten permission.
Even if one and man and one woman were have survived this they would have
said no. But because nobody was going to survive it and it was going to be
a dead planet, they got permission for the experiment. And the Galactic
Command which was 48 members asked the Sirians, how many people do you
think will survive this? They said we believe at least two will but not
more than 10.

They went into operation immediately and in 30 days they had
everything set up and turned on. They placed the large cigar shaped object
just outside the membrane of consciousness of the earth, which is 440, 000
miles out, one overtone higher. And they placed it outside because they
didn't want it to interfere because it was too powerful of an object. And
around the earth the 8 little robot space ships were placed at the apexes
of the star tetrahedron which surrounds the earth. [Every planet and in
fact every living body, even animals and plants, have this star tetrahedron
around them] [A tetrahedron is a four sided pyramid.] They were on one
overtone higher so they were not seen. Then the Sirian ship shot in a been
of laser light which contained billions of megabytes of information to the
north pole and it was 8 inches wide and traveled at the speed of light. If
you could stop it you would see all these different colors of light in
different segments. And it came in the ship at the pole and then was
separated into three primary rays. A red, blue and a green ray. This went
to the other three space ships at the three apexes of the north tetrahedron
and also to the three apexes of the southern tetrahedron. Finally they went
to the ship at the south pole which combined them and shot them down into
the center of the earth. Then by diffraction it came out in billions of
tiny streams of light. It came out of the center of the earth and around
the star tetrahedron of every human being on the earth. And the breathing
animals. Then it went inside from the top of every human and animal. They
had to protect us from the wall of flame. And also they had to prepare us
to stand up to this wall of flame. So they created a holographic field
around the earth and then they set up a holographic fiend around each
person. And then they began to program into these holographic fields
events. In the first few months they did not change anything. They were
just getting control. And they were given this control from Galactic
Command. This rarely ever happens. In essence, and this is going to be hard
to accept, they took away free will. They had to for a little bit. They
first programed the skies that appeared out there. And kept everything
going as if nothing was going on. And once they knew it was working they
began to program events in your lives so you moved as rapidly as possible
in evolution. So the actual events in your life would awaken you as fast as
possible. For awhile they would put these events in your life. then they
give you your fee will back and give you a choice of events. But if you
chose the wrong one, they would just keep giving you the same choices over
and over again until you picked the right one.

All I can say at this point is it was way more successful than
anyone ever, ever, ever dreamed.Instead of ten people it went from 100 to
1000 to 10,000 to a million and from a million to 10,000,000 and then
1,000,000,000 and now it is certain everyone will make it through to the
other level. This bought more time for the Grid to be completed around the
earth. The Christ Consciousness Grid was completed Feb. 4th, 1989. No one
could make it without that Grid. that has been established. Now what is
happening is people are going to it. It is something no one from anywhere
has ever seen. No one even suspected something like this was possible. The
speed at which we are evolving. This Grid is based on dodecahedronal
energy. When a planet goes into Christ Consciousness, there is a period of
time where a few go through and make it. The rest drop down to a lower
dimensional level for a long, long period of time. The few who made it
gradually pull through the rest of the people until everybody finally makes
it. Then there are levels of Christ Consciousness, the 10th, 11th, and
12th overtones, and there is a long time before the planet evolves into
that. You can tell where a planet is at in its evolution by looking at the
Grid the same way you can look at a person's aura. As the configuration of the
geometric patterns change more and more people enter the Grid. And those
changes are rare. They usually happen over long periods of time: some times
hundred of years or thousands of years. Now those changes are happening
hourly...the last time I checked. It's just going click, click, click.
And that has attracted the attention of everybody everywhere. At first it
was people going, "Look at that!." And pretty soon everybody was coming in
here and pretty soon it was spreading everywhere. We are on
interdimensional intergalactic TV. Everyone is watching this one little
point. Which is interesting because I don't know if in history all life
everywhere has been focused on a single point. That in itself is having an
I asked THOTH to give me an analogy of what is going on. So he said it is
like you have a baby coming out and in 15 minutes grows up to an adult.
That's the kind of speed we are moving at, that no one has ever seen before.
This is the reason everybody is watching...besides it is a miracle and has never
happened before, but they know if it happens here they can take it back to
their home planet and use it there. It is going to effect all life
everywhere in a really dramatic way. People now suspect that this
experiment that has never been tried before was in the mind of God from the
very beginning. All we know is there are no memory patterns of anyone on
any level even Melchizedek or any one else that knows anything about this.
This is unique. And this is very big. It's not just our little planet down
here doing this.

This brings us to the secret government and their part in all this.
Generally speaking the Secret Government is made up of the 2000 richest
people in the world. You can call them the trilateral commission, or
illuminati, or whatever you want, but they've been controlling our
governments for a long time. And back in the 30's and maybe sooner, the
Greys made contact with our government. Originally I thought this was in
the 40's and 50s, but it is increasingly becoming apparent it was further
back. And so this is basically the One World Government who controls
everything; who gets elected when and where; when there is a war and when
there isn't; when a country runs out of food; when the money goes up and
when it goes down; everything is almost totally controlled by these people.
They can't control natural disasters and things like that, but they can
control a lot. When you talk about them so you almost simultaneously have
to talk about the greys. The greys connected with them some time ago,
whenever it was. At least by the 30s. Because when they started the
Philadelphia experiment, Tesla said from the beginning he was getting his
information from the greys. In the beginning the gov't thought the greys
were the good guys. And that is why they gave permission to do experiments
on humans in exchange for technology. In 1968 Nobel Prize winning scientist
David Suzuki told the world we were about to be faced with a new north and
south pole. What that meant to the secret government was that every
building would be leveled, except on certain pivotal point areas. So it
wouldn't be a good idea to be on the planet. The secret government decided
to leave. By 1970 they joined United States and Russia together. We've been
really functioning as one country for a long time. They got the technology
from the greys and did not give it to us. They kept it for themselves. Our
gov't is so far advanced in technology you wouldn't believe where they are
right now. They have had UFOs for a long time now; and have been using
them. They are way, way beyond where you think NASA is. And they don't
want us to know. They took these two countries and grey technology and
created vehicles so they could leave this world before this shift could
happen. They went to the moon first as a satellite to go deeper into space.
They built three bubble cities on the dark side of the moon. One of them
collapsed in an accident and hurt a lot of people. Most people if you asked
them would say we have been to the moon about 6 times. But the record shows
we have been there over 2000 times. And once they built enough up there,
stored enough materials, etc., they went into space. And where do you think
they went? Mars. Right; they went back home. They built tremendous
underground cities there. And once they were in these cities for themselves
and a few friends, they wanted to save their own ass and didn't care about
anybody else. Most of it was built before 1984. They thought they really
had it made. At that time , anybody engaged in research that was
technologically advanced, such as I was, they would stop you from doing it
with a gag order, which happened to several people I know, because they
didn't want anybody else in on it. Or if they couldn't stop you they would
just get rid of you. They didn't want anybody knowing what they were doing.

And once they got all this set up and sitting very smugly, approximately
1988, they made a shocking discovery. It's not just the earth that is going
through the shift, it is all the planets, including Mars. That was a heavy
blow to them because they can't really leave the solar system yet. Their
ships aren't strong enough. Then 9 months later they found it is not just a
physical change it is a consciousness and dimensional change that is going
on here. And then they realized the only way they could survive is through
this thing called Love. All people being connected together. This is the
same situation they were faced with in Atlantis but they ignored it. Only
if they could ever find an answer out of this they would, I tell you. But
at this point they have made an about change because they know they can't
survive on their own so people who like me have a possible answer they're
leaving alone. Like people I know who couldn't get a lot of money to do
research in this area are now getting a lot of money. Doors are opening up
to them.

This stuff going on about Richard Hoagland [Mars Mission]: NASA
doesn't want us to know anything about Mars. They don't want us to see any
pictures of it which show the signs of civilization, past or present. NASA
is doing everything they can to stop this guy. He is too well known and has
too many people for them to really stop him.

But at this point it is all changing. They are now realizing from
races of beings, Galactic Command, and others that if they are going to
survive we ALL have to survive. Love was the answer. So that is the story
of what is going on about that."

End of session. For further information cantact The Flower of Life
From Mon Jun 23 13:50:21 1997
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 03:27:23 -0500 (EST)
From: Jon Locke <>
Subject: Drunvalo on the Pole Shift.

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What DID Hitler KNOW? Tesla, Aliens & Niburu...
Esclarmonde -- Friday, 25-May-2001 21:28:51
Pole Shift and Christ Consciousness: Coming Soon?
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Terra -- Sunday, 27-May-2001 12:26:09

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