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Faction One And The Litany 0f Murder

Posted By: Patriotlad
Date: Sunday, 13-May-2001 23:31:33


Dear Friends, Patriots and Warriors of Truth:

Rayelan was not the only person who has insisted that the destruction of the Air Force Lear Jet on April 17, 1995, was an important precursor to the Oklahoma City bomb attack. The same assertion was made by Debra Von Trapp in several interviews she gave in the wake of that tragic and costly Act of War.

: Thoughts to ponder: How could over 3,000 pages of information,
: pertaining to the most publicized trial in the world, go
: missing?

: Could it be a ?conspiracy??

The entire bomb attack is now a Gordian knot of conspiracies, with real facts intertwined with half-truths, falsehoods, and disinformation. Also on April 17th, there was one more Sarin gas attack in Japan, which Von Trapp claims was orchestrated by U.S. Army Intelligence/Signal Corps as a reprisal for the espionage committed by renegade FBI/CIA agents, who found themselves "without portfolio" after Bush the Elder got hornswoggled by the upstart, William Rockefeller Clinton.

: Could FBI agents who wanted to cover-up the truth have refused
: to turn over these documents?

: Doubtful...

: If a conspiracy were afoot, the FBI agents would have
: destroyed ALL the evidence, as they did in Waco!

Is it not the case that substantial amounts of the information accumulated by BATF regarding the Waco fiasco was destroyed when "Blue Death" took out the A.P. Murrah federal building?

: So, how can over 3,000 pages of information ?go missing? for
: over five years... ONLY to surface at this particular time?

Please tell us. Stop hinting at the unmentionable.

<< SNIP >>

: Sherman Skolnick was pretty close to the truth when he said
: there was a division in the FBI... but let?s take it a bit
: farther than that.

: RMNews readers are some of the only people in the world who
: know about the Two Factions. Many people believe that these
: Two Factions only exist in the United States... but since
: the NWO is world wide, it is obvious that the opposition to
: the NWO, Faction Two, also has to be world wide.

: However, at the moment, let?s concentrate on what is in OUR
: own backyard.

: What you are seeing here is the WAR between the factions that
: broke out in 1995.

: Sherman is right again when he talks about the plane crash.
: Here is the information that was released by Rayelan in
: 1998. She received this information from Gunther Russbacher
: who was and IS part of Faction Two!

: ?On April 17th, 1995, a Learjet crashed. On board were
: Generals and Admirals who were getting ready to arrest Bill
: Clinton for treason.

The official list of casualties for that flight included Major General Glen A. Profitt, II and Clark Fiester, an important defense department official (who also was well-connected to some former signals experts and a leading expert on electronic war fighting and networking). Two pilots were aboard. One enlisted man was said to be included on "space available." There was never any mention of an Admiral or any Naval personnel among those killed in that highly suspicious crash.

: ?Two days later the Murrah building was bombed and we heard no
: more about this mysterious plane crash. The treason they
: were going to arrest Clinton for involved the normalization
: of relations with Viet Nam. Evidently Commerce Secretary
: Ron Brown had been paid $700,000 to rush through this
: normalization pact. The only thing that stood in the way
: was the American POW's that Viet Nam still held. The
: decision was made by a few covert men to try to rescue some
: of the POW's before the normalization took place. The
: story, which has been confirmed by Joe Jordan of the
: National POW Taskforce and by Sarah McClendon, the senior
: White House correspondent, is that close to 30 live POW's
: were brought out of Viet Nam and taken to Leavenworth
: prison to get them ready to be absorbed back into society.

Debra Von Trapp, in one of her interviews, says that she was in touch with Sarah McClendon prior to the bomb attack, and that she warned McClendon that such an action was being contemplated.

: (Q Comment: Ms McClendon, one of our favorite people , is the
: one who sponsored Dr. Steven Greer in the recent Disclosure
: Project Press Conference)

: ?Evidently one of these former POW's was on board the Learjet
: that crashed on April 17th, 1995. The Generals and Admirals
: were getting ready to go public with the proof that there
: were other POW's left behind in Viet Nam after the
: normalization treaty was signed.

: ?According to Joe Jordan, these POWs were murdered by the
: Vietnamese shortly after the United States signed the
: normalization treaty. If this story got out, charges of
: treason would have been filed against President Clinton and
: many of his cabinet.

: ?Therefore, a major diversion needed to be created. The people
: who were doing the accusing needed to be put on the spot.
: The President and his advisors silenced the ever growing
: chorus of critics by accusing them of creating the
: atmosphere that generated the Oklahoma City bombing.?

: President Clinton knew that he was going to be exposed as a
: Traitor if this POW was allowed to testify in Dallas. While
: Clinton was smart enough to bomb the Learjet, Clinton was
: NOT smart enough to put the entire OKC bombing together ?
: on his own ? in JUST two days!

Von Trapp tried several times in different ways to alert Janet Reno and her staff at DoJ that these rogue FBI agents had sold Hillary "Stupid and Rotten" Clinton suborned computers, when she and the Big Creep moved into the White House. She was blocked. George "Step On All Of Us" was in the loop but chose to discount her assertions. Von Trapp finally scored a connection by using a back channel to the U.S. Ambassador in Japan, who was -- at that time -- Walter Mondale. He apparently had to fly back to the United States and hook up with Mickey "Call Me NAFTA Man" Kantor in order to get Chump # 1 and his lying wife into an awareness of their predicament. Immediately thereafter, in September of 1994 or so, Alan G. Whicher of the Secret Service was "promoted" from the Presidential Detail to his new posting at Oklahoma City.

Sort of like getting traded from the New York Yankees to the Toldeo Mud Hens, yes?

: The OKC bombing was a work in progress ! It was on the
: drawing board and was scheduled to happen on the second
: anniversary of Waco. Clinton did NOT know about it until
: AFTER it was over.

This correlates with what Von Trapp was saying six years ago.

: However, after it happened, Clinton quickly jumped on board
: and began to shape and mold the evidence in order to
: silence his most vocal critics, the Republican far right
: wing, the militia, Constitutionalists and patriots.

Remember the Great Arab Hunt of 1995? For two days Reno and the Clintonista crew were rattling sabres and shaking the trees for anyone who even looked like an Arab. Then, rather suddenly -- "we got Tim!"

: Clinton didn?t really have a clue as to the big picture, not
: back in 1995! If Clinton were as smart as people give him
: credit for he would NEVER have gotten himself involved in
: Chinese blackmail! Clinton is one of these people who has
: never learned how to control their urges. Someone who
: cannot control their urges, whether they crave sex, drugs,
: alcohol or power; can be controlled through blackmail,
: bribery or an unending supply of the addictive substance.
: President Clinton was controlled by his addictions! His
: entire presidency was shaped by his addictions.

: (Q Aside: Clinton WAS perfect for the time! Who else could
: have shown America how FAR out of balance she had become?)

If Clinton was perfect for that time, was it really necessary for all of those innocents to die on April 19, 1995? Apparently a lot of people knew that the Japanese were gunning for us, in the wake of the Sarin gas attacks in Tokyo. Well?

<< SNIP >>

: (Q aside: We will soon see several attempts to blackmail G.W.
: The first will be an attempt to show that he rigged the
: Florida election. This will fail due to the fact that too
: much disinformation and misinformation is out there
: already, and NO ONE except those who are still attached
: through suction to the hind ends of the remnants of the
: Clinton/Gore Admin!

Von Trapp asserts that the FBI renegades who suborned the E-mail and the computers of the White House, the DNC in D.C., and the city government of the District of Columbia, were well-known to the Bush cadres of that era. But they went rogue and sold their talents -- including "network surveillance" to the Japanese.

<< SNIP >>

When Gary Aldrich, the former FBI man who wrote "Unlimited Access" about security lapses at the White House, was hosting a book promotion event that was taped for viewing on C-Span, he was speaking to a room full of interesed media people. One of the first questions he took, was from Sarah McClendon. She asked him if he knew an FBI agent named Robert Goetzmann. He didn't blink and said that he did not know him. This is the man identified by Von Trapp as being the leader of the team which sold out to the Japanese and suborned the Clinton posse's computers, and let their entire daily E-mail traffic go 'via a trap door' a la' PROMIS, to the Embassy of Japan in D.C. And they also put some audio listening devices in some of the computers, or so Von Trapp said at that time. Apparently Faction One has its share of hooligans who care nothing for the country or the "goals" of Faction One, and only for their own aggrandizement.

: This is from an article Rayelan wrote in 1998: ?I was alerted
: before the OKC bombing that something was going to happen.
: My husband, Gunther, who was in prison, called me two days
: before the bombing and told me the WAR had just begun. He
: told me about the crash of a Learjet which carried 5 high
: ranking military Generals and Admirals He said the military
: was getting ready to arrest Clinton for treason.?

: Rayelan continues: ?Another CIA operative, Oswald LeWinter,
: also tried to warn people that something major was coming
: down in the very near future. He called a reporter in New
: York and his warning was printed in a New York paper just
: days before the OKC bombing.?

: ?According to Russbacher and LeWinter, the bombing of the
: Murrah building in OKC was done at the direction of the
: Clinton government, using German agents, who were attached
: to a secret division of the FBI. It was done to divert the
: public's attention from problems which could prove
: disastrous to the Clinton Presidency. Once the bombing of
: the Murrah building happened, no one mentioned the Admirals
: and Generals who were planning to arrest Clinton, but were
: murdered before they had the chance.?

Goetzmann is a German name, if that matters. Von Trapp also stipulated that Goetzmann and his cronies were "in" on the murder of Vincent W. Foster, Jr., and that he was "hit" to send a message to "that queer Hillary" and her idiot husband. Make of that what you will! She, Von Trapp, was deadly serious about it.

: Even though the bombing of the OKC Federal Building was
: carried out by members of the United States Government,
: President Clinton was NOT in the loop until AFTER the
: event!

This conforms with Von Trapp's assertions and accusations.

: Clinton was told the bombers were dissident Iraqis who were
: resettled in OKC after the Persian Gulf war! He had NO
: reason NOT to believe this. However, he was also told that
: he could ?spin? this incident to silence ALL of his critics
: forever! Clinton was certain he was going to lose the 1996
: election. He had just lost the Congress to the Republicans
: and he was sure he was going to lose the White House also.

: His advisors, including his wife, told him he could silence
: his critics and the Republicans by blaming Far Right
: Rhetoric for the bombing of the OKC building! To keep the
: truth from coming out, Clinton had to insure that Tim
: McVeigh took the fall entirely. Hence... the cover up!

Von Trapp indicated that the Japanese paid for the bomb attack. She asserted that there was a base in northern Alabama, near where the A.F. Lear Jet was downed, which contained elements and black operatives who participated in constructing "Blue Death" and in hiring the truck full of cow manure, which was incinerated by the blast inside the building, and not the other way around.

<< SNIP >>

: Low yield nuclear weapons have been around for a long time.
: Weapons that leave virtually NO nuclear trace after a few
: weeks. But just in case the tell tale signs of these kinds
: of blasts were found in the rubble of the dirt, the
: building HAD to be buried... and GUARDS had to be posted at
: the site where the building was buried!

: Clinton soon discovered that he was set-up, just as McVeigh
: was. There was NOTHING he could do except try to stick with
: the Plan his NWO masters had set in motion for him.

Clinton could not let the facts of FBI renegades selling his E-mail traffic to the Japanese escape into the public domain: for one thing, the Japs knew very well that the Chinese had inserted John Huang into a sensitive job at Commerce, and that the Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie espionage network was also operating.

: However, his NWO masters AND his Chinese masters were at
: loggerheads in many issues. The Chinese don?t want to be a
: small cog in the NWO machine!! They want to RUN the NWO
: machine!! The Warburgs and Wallenburgs aren?t ready to give
: up control of the machine their ancestors spent so much
: time creating. Therefore, Clinton was pulled between two
: masters who could care less if he lived or died.

The Japanese ran the dollar value of their Yen down to its lowest point, ever, in the days just prior to the OKC bomb attack. It was done, I believe, to counteract the aggressive monetary pressure being laid on by the Chinese, who were getting flush with all that "free trade" cash coming from the U.S. -- in dollars and not in Yen -- so running down the Yen hurt the Chinese in any efforts that they were making to cut into Japan's business interests in the Pacific Rim. Remember that the ruin of Barings' Bank began with the swindle and loss of millions in the Japanese stock market, as arranged through the rogue trader in Singapore. It isn't an easy thing to ruin a 200-year old bank.

<< SNIP >>

: Faction One of the FBI and Faction Two in the FBI are at WAR!
: The war began in 1995 and many members of Faction Two,
: including William Sessions have just been trying to lie low
: and stay alive! Session and Webster tried to clean up the
: FBI ... they were doing a good job until Clinton fired
: Sessions ... at GUN POINT! Bring back Sessions, let him tell
: the truth!!

: Faction Two is going to expose the plan Faction One had to
: create more and more Wacos... such as the IBT in
: Indianapolis this past year! The only thing that saved IBT
: was publicity and the election of G.W. Bush!

: In order to get rid of the American Constitutionalists and
: Patriots, they have to be set up, raided, killed and the
: survivors tried for treason.

This seems like an afterthought. Von Trapp says the war was between Japan and the U.S. over trade and the value of the dollars that Japan had invested here. Faction One did mobilize its heaviest hitters, like Edgar Bronfman, to muscle the Japs out of their control of our media giants like MCA/Universal -- which Von Trapp says is the stateside "agency" which sponsored Robert Goetzmann and his cronies -- and they sold a lot of real estate at a loss or certainly at par, with no net gain, after 1995.

<< SNIP >>

: The enemy of my enemy is my friend!

: At the moment, Faction Two, with the help of the Bush
: Administration AND John Ashcroft are planning on delaying
: the execution of Tim McVeigh until ALL of the truth comes
: out! When it does... some people could be tried for treason
: AND executed!!

Let's begin with Robert Goetzmann and his dual-agency cronies, who are among those named by Von Trapp. Let's see to it that Von Trapp is, herself, rehabilitated. Let's see if we can lay the ghosts of Waco to rest by getting the truth about Paul Wilcher.

: Ask Rayelan to publish the letter she got from The Time
: Travelers. She received it in 95, shortly after OKC... It
: laid out perfectly what was going to happen to Clinton. We
: would publish it, but unfortunately our copy got lost in
: the time warp!

: If Clinton knows what?s good for him, he will seek asylum real
: quick in China or the UK...

Clinton is busy getting rewards and awards from the United Federation of Teachers in New York City. He is behaving as if he doesn't have a care in the world. And, so, does he?

: Here is something else that Rayelan wrote that you should be
: aware of right now.

: ?Faction 3 is composed of Rogue agents. These men are not
: aligned with either Faction 1 or Faction 2. They listen
: only to their own inner voice. Sometimes their inner voice
: is hedonistic and greedy, sometimes it is patriotic and
: compassionate.

<< SNIP >>

: Faction Three is indeed involved in the ?surfacing? of these
: 3,000 documents! At the moment they are aligning with
: Faction Two! McVeigh was told that if he took the wrap [sic]
: he would NOT die! It appears as if the promise he was made
: will be carried out!

Von Trapp says that McVeigh was always an afterthought. Therefore the litany of Faction One murders remains an "unconnected" sort of song, just lyrics 'sampled' at random.

What sayeth you, oh mighty Q? Is Tim a friend or a schlub?

: Q Solo with the help of ?Friends?!!

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Articles In This Thread

Q -- Saturday, 12-May-2001 18:12:37
Rayelan -- Sunday, 13-May-2001 02:22:36
oliverhaddo -- Sunday, 13-May-2001 09:09:22
Faction One And The Litany 0f Murder
Patriotlad -- Sunday, 13-May-2001 23:31:33

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