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Ver are your papers- your papers are not in order!

Posted By: Gnostic
Date: Wednesday, 25-Apr-2001 12:41:23

Ver are your papers - your papers are not in order!

Technology is creating the disappearance of personal sovereignty! I wanted to share this with you while I had some time I thought you would all find it interesting to some degree! The following piece was actually written a week ago and then I learned recently of the New Law of the Supreme Court to arrest people for as little as not wearing a seat belt. As well as the law of making sure all cell phones are able to be tracked and traced within a 1000 feet, of course they can already do all these things so that is not new. What this is all about is bringing everyone into compliance as well as being able to finger print honest citizens. It is all part of the track and tag game of certain people that they are looking for that I have learned about. It is all becoming so serious because something of megalithic proportions is about to occur SOON!

Here was the following I wrote a week ago!

Everyday I am amazed at how the rights of privacy have been slowly removed via every known deceit maneuvering possible! The other day I had to buy new auto insurance. I remember the days when you could walk into an insurance company and they would bring out their huge book, and through a little thumbing around could give you a rate and send you on your way within 15 minutes.

Today it appears that we are being tracked everywhere we go by the little subtleties. Social Security numbers used to be private. Now many states demand that they are placed right on your drivers license. DUI's or DWI's are another little homebrew by the infamous defilers to bring upon us something that they will try to say is for our own good. Yet it is another little subtlety to keep track of you and to be able to stop innocent people to gain information about. Also be aware that you do not carry too much cash because then your are a possible drug suspect. The nonsense continues as the cattle snore away being fit as prime beef on some elite's platter!

In one state they are adopting a new law that evidently just passed saying, if you are stopped for the first DUI then you by law have to have a device placed on your car that will connect to your ignition switch. And before you can drive away you have to blow into this tube to activate ignition. If you are over the alcohol limit then forget about driving. Oh and get this, you have to pay for it too to be installed. I always love how the bureaucrats make new laws and we have to pay for their stupidity. I don't believe it is wise to drive and drink, but when people are being punished before the crime has been committed then the nation has gone into the abyss. The government wants to be mommy and daddy and God as if everyone has instantly been drafted into the military where we have no civilian rights anymore…

Even wearing a seat belt is becoming a big deal in many states.

When I was traveling through New Mexico, Albuquerque sounded like a war zone with murders and robberies and beatings and attacks every single night. Yet what were the cops doing, they were bragging how they were setting up DUI and Seat belt road blocks to track down these so called enemies of the state. The nightly news might have said,

"Four more people were murdered tonight in a hotel on the South Side of town towards the Mesa, but to our Breaking story:

the Police Department are thrilled that they were able to track down 200 people today not wearing seat belts. Lets hear from the Chief of the police."

"Yes we are very excited today on how we handled these offenders, it looks to really increase the revenue for the city!"

Oh and what about the murders Chief?

"AH No comment we are still looking into it and have no information."

And for the final news of the day New Mexicans are trying to stand against the Government to keep their water rights. It seems many of the locals do not want to give up their water rights on their land…

What do you think about that XXX- Yes I know I don't understand why they wont just willingly give up their water rights so the government can regulate… And that's the news!


Although the above is a paraphrase I must say it is very close to being exactly what I heard on one of the News Channels. It seems that the real enemy of the state is the innocent people because they have no records for a portfolio, and it is all done before any crime has been committed. The real criminals on the other hand seem to be in a world of their own, not allowed to touch them because they have their rights you know! I had to laugh at the spot on water rights, I was shocked to say the least to hear these media types wondering why local people that own their own land wont willingly give up their water rights on their own land to the government. Geez does anyone KNOW history?

So I go walking into this Insurance place and they slap my Social Security number in the computer and they bring out my life's history in seconds. I asked them straight out, why do you need to have this information for me to access auto insurance? Obviously that most states now demand you have car insurance, it has become illegal to drive without it. So I said, why do you need so much personal information on me? He looked at me and said, I don't know, this is what we are told to do and we are not given the reasons why and it is extremely embarrassing he said. He also said they are given things to tell us to keep us happy so we don’t seek to much information or inquire to closely as to why this is occurring. He said all we really need is your driving record and past insurance claims, but now for some strange reason they want to know everything from your credit rating to basically anything else that you might have been involved in. This insurance man was older and remembered the days when things were much simpler so he was willing to share his thoughts. He was not some yuppy brainwashed college student that most likely would have given me no info at all.

I simply muttered to myself it sounds like Big Brother and their tracking devices. It was probably brought in as pork by some goof ball politician that snuck this in some bill perpetrated by the Socialist agenda of the World Operators and few if any ever heard about it until it effects them. And it is slowly bringing everyone into and under their control. The Gestapo would be proud of our many achievements!

They had everything before their eyes instantly about both my wife and I, and I gasped as I realized that all these little subtleties that we have allowed in our lives have been the direct cause of our lives being placed under a microscope. The insurance man was ashamed that he had to do this, and I emphasize the word HAD to do this! I was reading the book called the "Genesis Code" by John Case the other night and although based on fiction the book was incredible because it truly revealed how we cannot hide from the EYES anymore unless you know the secrets! The mystery in this book is also worth reading. I recommend it highly!

All these little devices all brought in under the auspices of protecting us are nothing more than information gathering pieces to build greater portfolios on innocent law abiding citizens like Nazi Germany did prior to the great take over.

(Addendum - It reminds me of the story I read today 04/25/01 about the German man married to an American woman that began to reveal our education is very similar to the days prior to the Nazi take over in Germany in the 40's. Of course now this man is being deported. He thought this was a free country with free speech, heheheh what a way to learn!)

They don't need information on criminals because they have that, they even created them in many cases, but the real law abiding citizen was bringing them problems because they are too private, not enough info on them lalalala... It is sad as much driving as I have done I have witnessed roadblocks all over the country yet not one of them are looking for real criminals. So they create these nonsense laws by stirring up the people into a frenzy and then we slowly but surely give all our rights and personal freedoms away! Like DUI's they say drunk drivers kill 50 percent of the people, so lets arrest everyone that is over some limit they decide before they kill anyone else… So what does that mean sober drivers kill the other 50 percent? Soon we will see a bill passed called DWS- driving while sober. You see you are a potential criminal because 50 percent of you kill on the highways. I mean let's get real here!

The truth is our very own law makers are trying to say we are all guilty as being criminals. We are no longer under the innocent until proven guilty law, it is now we are all guilty better walk to the two step beat or else!

How ridiculous has this country become to stop people at roadblocks for not wearing seatbelts. A woman has the right to abortion saying it is her own body and she can do what she wants, but we don't have rights to our own body inside a vehicle?

One state I was driving through was charging an automatic $60 fine for every single person in the car that was not wearing a belt at a road block, and the individual that did not wear a belt was charged not the driver. So you could be riding with your friends and bingo be $60 bucks in the hole. (Addendum - and now be jailed and tagged taboot!)

What is going on with this country that they stop people for not wearing seat belts? Yet they could have the address of a crack house and not be able to do anything about it because they have to follow procedures via criminal justice. I know several police officers and even some higher ranked officers, and they all tell me that they have to follow the book on everything dealing with criminals or they will be in severe trouble, not only by their superiors but the media as well. But for an innocent person there are no protections or rules. You can take away their rights and do whatever you want to them. That is why we have criminal justice, meaning Justice only comes to criminals!

I shake my head everyday because these things are occurring everywhere while most everyone are sound to sleep. I know exactly what they are doing, they are building a portfolio and dossier on everybody - actually "certain ones" that they are worried the most about, so that they can track down through whatever means necessary! They are finding out how we live in every way possible! No longer is it a shock anymore to be stopped by some police officer and basically be asked, Ver are your papers?

Drivers License- i.e. restrictions glasswear etc…
Social Security- Access credit report on the spot
Drivers Registration and Plates - Ownership - up to date
Vehicle Insurance - up to date
Owner and vehicle operations
Auto inspection - Is it a valid road vehicle for that state!
EPA Standard- Do you have catalytic converters
DWI Check
Seat belt check
And the list goes on….

Here you go officer, "I am sorry your papers are not in order, please step out of your vehicle and open your trunk!"


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Articles In This Thread

Ver are your papers- your papers are not in order!
Gnostic -- Wednesday, 25-Apr-2001 12:41:23
"White Paper on State Citizenship"
hobie -- Wednesday, 25-Apr-2001 13:05:09

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