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American Investor Is New NTV Chief

Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Friday, 6-Apr-2001 01:18:18

In Response To: Ted Turner Rides to Rescue of Russia's NTV (Rayelan)

American Investor Is New NTV Chief

"Boris Jordan, among the most prominent American financiers operating in Russia, has found a new way to raise his profile: get named director of Russia's only independent nationwide television network in a shareholder power play."

"Jordan, whose family fled Russia in 1917, came to Russia in the early 1990s as head of the Moscow office of Credit Suisse First Boston, which organized the first privatization auctions of Russian industrial giants." (RMNews: He would have been in his early 20s at the time)

"Jordan, who currently heads the Sputnik Group investment fund, and Alfred Kokh, the new chairman of NTV's board, played key roles in the controversial sales of state assets in the 1990s and are tainted by corruption allegations."

RMNews: I am certain that Credit Suisse First Boston is controlled by Faction Two. How else could a 24 year old have had the knowledge to play a key role in the corruption and raping and stealing of Russian money?

I am also certain that Faction Two was behind the stealing of most of the money that the United States sent to Russia. They did it in a two prong very legal way. They created enough corruption that the Russian mafia could step in and steal everything. Then Faction Two advised the Mafia that the only banks that are still safe are the Austrian banks. The final step in this triple cross is for the Austrian banks to freeze all the accounts of criminals. When it comes time for the Austrian banks to give the money back, Austria picks the power structure in Russia.

I am still trying to figure out what is going on with Ted Turner and the NTV deal, but the fact that Jordan has taken over as the head of NTV makes me think that this whole NTV thing is being orchestrated by Faction 2 -- Is this with or without Ted's knowledge, I wonder?

Sometimes I wonder if Ted is a mind controlled "overlay"? Ted Turner is certainly NOT the same man he was when he founded CNN. He used to be a conservative capitalist. Now he appears to be a rich NWO type who thinks he is going to get a seat at the head table when the One World Order is convened... Silly man, doesn't he know he is of the wrong bloodline? He is only being used and then will be destroyed. Maybe he has awakened and is trying to work a deal behind his controllers' backs???

Nah... he has too much ego to ever admit he was wrong about something!

Wednesday April 4 5:16 PM ET

American Investor Is New NTV Chief

By SARAH KARUSH, Associated Press Writer

MOSCOW (AP) - Boris Jordan, among the most prominent American financiers operating in Russia, has found a new way to raise his profile: get named director of Russia's only independent nationwide television network in a shareholder power play.

While Jordan has promised to preserve NTV's editorial freedom, the network's staff protested with programming changes Wednesday. Jordan is a veteran of the business maneuverings and cutthroat power struggles that followed the collapse of the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, and critics say his track record shows his promises can't be believed.

Jordan, 34, is of Russian heritage and speaks the language fluently. His aggressive involvement in privatization deals brought him enemies, and the Russian government twice denied him visas in the late 1990s.

He was appointed Tuesday as NTV's general director after a shareholders' meeting called by Gazprom, the state-connected natural gas giant that owns the largest chunk of shares in the station.

The long dispute over control of NTV is seen by many as a key fight in whether Russia will retain press freedom. NTV is deeply in debt and Jordan says he stepped in to help the troubled but respected station channel stay alive.

``I ... understood that if someone didn't step in to mediate between shareholders, if someone didn't step in that could guarantee the freedom of the press, this company would sooner or later be taken over and it would be questionable as to what the future of it would be.''

NTV veterans quickly challenges his claims.

Yevgeny Kiselyov, the ousted general director and a popular NTV commentator, said Jordan had been ``chosen by the government for the job of breaking into the company, raping it, and introducing total censorship.''

``Couldn't they have found a more neutral person?'' said NTV anchor Mariana Maximovskaya.

Jordan, who currently heads the Sputnik Group investment fund, and Alfred Kokh, the new chairman of NTV's board, played key roles in the controversial sales of state assets in the 1990s and are tainted by corruption allegations.

``It would be hard to come up with worse people to solve the problem in a normal, civilized way in a purely economic sense,'' Boris Fyodorov, a Gazprom board member and former finance minister, said on NTV.

Jordan, whose family fled Russia in 1917, came to Russia in the early 1990s as head of the Moscow office of Credit Suisse First Boston, which organized the first privatization auctions of Russian industrial giants.

He later became a close associate of tycoon Vladimir Potanin, who invented the infamous loans-for-shares privatization scheme in which a small group of wealthy businessmen were awarded major stakes in some of the country's leading companies for a fraction of their worth. Kokh was privatization minister at the time.

He was denied visas in 1996 and 1997, first during a fight for control of a metals plant and then when he ended up on the winning side of the hotly contested auction of the Svyazinvest telecommunications company.

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Ted Turner Rides to Rescue of Russia's NTV
Rayelan -- Friday, 6-Apr-2001 01:10:09
American Investor Is New NTV Chief
Rayelan -- Friday, 6-Apr-2001 01:18:18

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