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Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Sunday, 18-Mar-2001 04:10:39

From Rayelan, Publisher of Rumor Mill News:

I was recently sent an article called, "Riders on the Storm". The article mentions many people and government black projects that I have written about in various articles and books. The author of the article is Bill Ross. Even though Bill and I are involved in a book project which will be released in a month, I don't know him. I have read many articles and comments by him, but "Riders on the Storm" is the first time I have seen him mention Senator Claiborne Pell, and Pell's special assistant, Scott Jones.

The book project that Bill Ross and I are involved in includes a chapter by me in which I share many pieces of my personal story with my husband, Gunther Russbacher, CIA, ONI, that I have never shared before.

Shortly before I married Gunther, I was offered a job by Senator Pell. Pell wanted me to oversee a project he referred to as a "Psy-warfare" program. He told me that the man who was currently overseeing the project was a retired ONI operative. He told me that he no longer trusted that this man was telling him everything.

Much later I discovered the man whose place I would have taken was Scott Jones, a man whose name is well known in the world of covert government projects. The program Senator Pell wanted me to oversee was a "Remote Viewing" project that was funded out of the Senate Foreign Relations budget. Pell was interested in all aspects of psychic research.

I was extremely interested in the job offer. I told the Senator that I would give him an answer in a week or so. I was on my way to Virginia Beach to say good-bye to my late husband. His ashes had been scattered on the beach near the old hotel his parents had owned while he was growing up.

I was sunbathing when I saw two men, in trenchcoats, carrying what looked like a camera with a telescopic lens. They were aiming the camera at me. Senator Pell told me I would have to undergo a background check for the job he offered me, so I figured these men were conducting a background investigation.

I ignored them and enjoyed the wonderful sunshine. Suddenly, I felt a pain in my abdomen. It felt like someone had stabbed me. I began bleeding. I figured the pain was connected with my monthly menstrual cycle. I grabbed my towel and ran back to my hotel room, trying to make sure I didn't drip blood on the lobby floor.

By the time I got back to my room, I was losing so much blood that I knew I was hemorrhaging. I was afraid to go to an emergency room because I feared I would be killed. I had been in Washington D.C., having dinner with Senator Pell because I had hand delivered explosive evidence to him related to George Bush. The evidence proved that an ambassadorial nominee, who was up for confirmation before Pell’s Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was a CIA operative who had been involved in the October Surprise.

At the time, I was part of a loose knit group of researchers and CIA whistle-blowers who were trying to expose the October Surprise and the role President George Bush played in it. The October Surprise was a treasonous covert operation which stole the 1980 election from Jimmy Carter and made Ronald Reagan our president. Men and women who had tried to expose it had lost their lives. One was put in prison for 40 years to silence him, and another man had just been charged with lying and was currently on trial for trying to tell the truth about the October Surprise.

The evidence I had hand carried to Senator Pell not only exonerated these two CIA whistle-blowers, but it implicated the CIA operative that George Bush had just nominated as Ambassador to South Korea AND President Bush!

Even though I believed I was bleeding to death, I was more afraid of going to a hospital emergency room. My late husband had grown up in Virginia Beach. He had dated Edgar Cayce’s grand daughter. I decided to call the Cayce Foundation and ask for help. The woman who answered the phone was in her 80's. She had known my late husband’s family. She sent me to the grandson of Edgar Cayce’s personal doctor. He was able to stop the bleeding long enough for me to get back to California and to the family doctor who had cared for me since I was a child.

I never went to work for Senator Pell. Because of massive blood loss I had to stay in bed for six weeks. I could have had a blood transfusion, but this happened in 1989, and blood supplies in the United States were contaminated with the AIDS virus. Senator Pell called me almost everyday during my recovery period. He wanted me to accept the job immediately so I could accompany him on a trip to Pakistan. I told him I couldn’t make a trip to Pakistan, because I couldn’t stay out of bed more than an hour at a time.

While Senator Pell was out of the country, I recovered from the blood loss and made a trip to Oregon. On the trip, I ran into a Naval officer I had met years earlier through my late husband, John Dyer. John had been the Dean of Science and Engineering at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California.

While Senator Pell was out of the country, I married this Naval officer who was arrested two days after we married. It was another year before I realized I had married the CIA operative who became known as, “The October Surprise Pilot.” In October of 1980, my husband, Gunther Russbacher, flew Vice Presidential Candidate George Bush back from the meetings in Paris that concluded the October Surprise deal. Gunther flew Bush back to the United States in an Sr-71.

Gunther spent four years in federal and state prisons. He was finally released in December of 1993. In late 1996, Gunther wrote an article called “Operation Open Eyes”. It was about the government mind control project that created Manchurian Candidates. We were scheduled to blow the cover off government mind control operations at a Global Science Seminar in Florida in February of 1997. Not only were we going to reveal the operation that created Manchurian Candidates, we were going to expose the new age “channeling” phenomena as a government operation and we were going to explain how the New World Order was using it to condition people and lead them into the New World Religion.

We never got a chance to expose everything. Gunther disappeared a month before we were going to blow the whistle on government mind control. When he resurfaced, in the Los Alamos County Jail, he had no memory of ever being married to me. He believed he was married to Jane Ryder, the film producer who worked with Allan Francovich on the Maltese Doublecross. This documentary film tells the truth about who bombed Pan Am 103. The two main CIA whistleblowers in the film were Les Coleman, who I did not know until late 1999; and Oswald LeWinter, who I first met in 1987 or 88. I knew LeWinter as “Razin”, one of Barbara Honegger’s sources for her book, October Surprise.

In the article, “Operation Open Eyes”, Gunther mentioned several other projects and information about government mind control projects. Here is an excerpt:

“One last set of statements about Operation Open Eyes. There are some aspects (areas) of the United States. One, and the first of them, is Project Fallingrock; Project Behemoth; Project Tinyrock; Project Mountainside, just to name a few. All of these projects fall under the auspices of "Operation Open Eyes".

Gunther told me that several of these operations were directed at new age cults and the creation of a new world religion. Operation Fallingrock was also known as Operation Fallingstar. Fallingstar was the name of the “sanitized” version of the operation. Sanitized versions of covert operations are released to the public in order to obfuscate the true purpose of the operation. These sanitized versions are not disinformation. Everything in them is true. But they are only PART of the larger story. Many times the information that is left out tells the real purpose for the operation.

Operation Fallingrock was an operation designed to replace current religions with a new world religion. In the following article, Bill Ross talks about Operation Fallingstar. This is the first place other than from Gunther, that I had seen or heard the term Fallingstar.

This is what Bill Ross has to say about Falling Star:
"Falling Star" which symbolizes the effort to bring Lucifer to earth in the physical. (An alien invasion of earth by the entire demonic realm and establishing a new high tech Babylonian World Empire.) "

Gunther told me that Fallingrock was a project to transmit a new history of earth using “new age channels” who believed they were in contact with ascended masters. Several years earlier, one of Gunther’s bosses, a four star Admiral, told me that his group, (Faction Two) were using new age channels to transmit the real history of earth.

Months later, when Gunther and I were in Austria, one of the men Gunther introduced me to, explained where Faction Two got the information they were transmitting to their group of “new age channels”. (Both Factions, Faction 1, the NWO; and Faction 2, the enemies of the NWO, use new age channels)

The man told me that he and Gunther belonged to an ancient order that is best known today as the Knights Templars. He told me that during the Middle Ages, his Order was told to go to Jerusalem and bring back the library from King Solomon’s Temple. He said the manuscripts, scrolls and other information storage recepticals were kept in a hermetically sealed chamber several stories below Solomon’s Temple.

I learned that the Templars brought the information back to Europe and stored it in the salt mines near Salzburg, Austria. When the Templars were destroyed, remnants were sent around the globe. Each remnant was given a piece of information. I was told that at a specific time in the future, all the pieces would be brought together and the true history of the planet would be revealed.

I was also told that there were people who did not want the real history revealed and they were doing everything possible to find and destroy pieces and replace one version of history with one they created in order to enslave humanity in a new world religion.

When Gunther and I created Rumor Mill News, we did it, not only to tell what we know, but to give other “whistleblowers” a Forum on which to release their pieces of the puzzle. The covert world is compartmentalized. Each person is given only as much of the puzzle as they need to complete their mission. No one person has the entire picture.

When I read Bill Ross’s article, I realized that he and I had pieces of the same puzzle. I have added a few of my pieces as an introduction to his longer article, "RIDERS ON THE STORM". Hopefully there is someone out there who can add even more pieces to this puzzle!

The following are pertinent excerpts from "RIDERS ON THE STORM". I selected them to show the connection between this article and events in my life; and also to pique your interest so you will read the entire article. The entire article will be posted once I have obtained permission.

Excerpts from "RIDERS ON THE STORM" by William Dean Ross

"In the United States Government’’s Black Sciences Compartment of the Black Operations, there are two major divisions:

1. The electronics E.L.F. mind control and hologram imaging know as "Project Blue Beam." "

"Groups making spirit or UFO contact comes under the title "Falling Star" which symbolizes the effort to bring Lucifer to earth in the physical. (An alien invasion of earth by the entire demonic realm and establishing a new high tech Babylonian World Empire.) "

"...the Human Potential Foundation, an organization that was suppose to be funded by Laurance Rockefeller and some European Royalty, but it was really financed and managed by the CIA via Senator Claiborne Pell."

"I first met C.B. Scott Jones in the Navy, and later I saw him at the Edgar Cayce Foundation at Virginia Beach ––an esoteric library - several years later. He was with Dr. Sutton and W.V.U. Professor Oleg Jefimenco- a telekinesis expert- talking about the C.I.A. and K.G.B. working together in electronic necromancy with Dr. Walter Uphoff in Sweden in 1988 and 89 ––months before the Berlin Wall came down and the Cold War was over."

"C.B. Scott Jones’’ Human Potential Foundation moved and modified a product of the Rockefeller/Pell--"Black-Budgets/Black Projects." "

"Note that the Ascended Masters are the spirit-guides and are the E.T./Aliens. Note that the E.T.’s tell the psychics what to tell the occultists in the U.N. and in the C.I.A. and N.S.A. what to do next concerning worldly issues."

"The agenda of the "Left-hand Path" is in what they call "THE PLAN"- setting up of a one world electronic mind-control totalitarian police state system of slavery and tracking with a one world religion offering ancient human sacrifices to their God - "

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Rayelan -- Sunday, 18-Mar-2001 04:10:39
Newshound -- Sunday, 18-Mar-2001 10:25:37
webpage that may contain Bill Ross article
Rayelan -- Sunday, 18-Mar-2001 18:16:15

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