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Text of USA Today Ad re Income Tax -- 16TH Amndmnt

Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Sunday, 4-Mar-2001 15:40:51

From: Marie Gunther <>
Date: Sat Mar 3, 2001 3:22am
Subject: Text of USA Today Ad re Income Tax Withholding]

Dear We The People


David Bosset
Bosset Marketing Partners, Inc. (Florida)
Nick Jesson
No Time Delay Electronics, Inc. (California)
Dick Simkanin
Arrow Custom Plastics, Inc. (Texas)
Al Thompson
Cencal Aviation Products, Inc. (California)
Leonard Roberto
Batavia Enclosures, Inc. (New York)


They are part of a growing number of employers and
workers who believe that:


OF STATE IN 1913.*

Each of the employers has come to these conclusions
with the aid of Certified Public Accountants,
attorneys and/or tax researchers. In 1999, upon
consultation with tax researcher Thurston Bell, David
Bosset, a former tax consultant himself, submitted a
nine page legal memorandum to the IRS, arguing that he
had erred in 1996 and 1997 in filing 528 W-2s and
1099s, which reported that workers had earned taxable
income. Attached were 528 W-2s and 1099s, corrected to

The local IRS office passed the matter up to the
Conflict Resolution Branch, which determined that Mr.
Bosset was correct. The IRS returned the money that
Mr. Bosset had withheld from the paychecks of his
employees. Soon after, other employers around the
country stopped withholding, including those
identified above.

Each employer has respectfully presented these
arguments to the IRS (and to their representatives in
Congress), asking the government to review the results
of their research and to show them if they are
mistaken. The IRS DID NOT RESPOND, nor did the others.


The IRS on February 10th made public announcements
that it would soon conduct a crackdown on dozens of
employers who have stopped withholding taxes from the
money they pay their workers. The announcement
apparently was spurred on by articles in the New York
Times in November that called the employers "tax
cheats" and warned that the trend could spread and
cause the tax system to collapse.

The Times quoted IRS Deputy Commissioner Dale Hart as
saying that the employers' legal rationale is
frivolous, has no legal authority, and has been
thoroughly rejected by the courts. The employers, of
course, do not see their arguments as frivolous, and
are unaware of any court case that has addressed or
rejected them. Hart did not offer any code section
that would apply

The employers all followed IRS administrative
procedures and cite chapter and verse of the laws and
regulations that allow them to stop withholding. The
IRS, after due consideration, refunded money the
employers had withheld from the paychecks of their
employees. This was not the result of a low-level
clerical error, but was based on numerous exchanges
through the IRS's Problem Resolution program.

At least one of the employers named in the Times
article has written a letter to the IRS Commissioner
requesting a meeting to discuss the matter. Excerpts
from that letter are printed below.

Nick Jesson's (NTD Electronics') demand for dialogue
was UNANSWERED by the IRS, so he is now going public.
The IRS's failure to respond follows a series of
attempts to get government officials, including the
IRS, Congress and the White House, to participate in
conferences to publicly explain findings and refute
allegations by numerous tax researchers and former IRS
agents such as the allegations made at the top of this

Tax researchers recognize that the actions of the
employers are supported by provisions in the Tax Code.
For example: A withholding agent is only required to
withhold from foreigners (Code Sections 7701, 1461,
1441-3). Tax researchers have noted for years that a
statement of citizenship given to an
employer/withholding agent precludes the withholding
of tax, as there is no authority in the Code to
withhold money from a citizen or resident of the U.S.
unless that person authorizes it. If the worker
submits a statement of citizenship, the employer, as a
withholding agent, is relieved of duty to withhold
income taxes, since those apply to nonresident aliens.

See our web site.

Tax researchers have asserted there is no law that a
U.S. citizen must have a social security number (SSN)
or that an employer must have an employer
identification number (EIN), or that either of them
must participate in the social security program (
i.e., employment or FICA taxes under Subtitle C). An
employer who does participate in the social security
program is required to give a W-4 form to a worker,
but is not required to get it back, and the worker is
not required to fill it out and return it, unless that
worker wants to participate in the social security
program. Absent a W-4 signed by the worker, an
employer is not authorized by law to withhold and
submit to the IRS money from the worker for employment
taxes. Further, a person without a SSN number would
have no taxable income. All this has been
well-documented and verified by numerous letters from
any number of Social Security Administration
officials. You can check these out on our web site
(see below).

Section 1441(a) and (b) state that interest,
dividends, rent, salaries, wages, profits, etc., are
"income" when received on behalf of, or paid to, a
nonresident alien or other foreign entity. And courts
have ruled that profits of corporations are "income."
But there is no provision in the Code stating that
receipts of citizens or residents of the country are
"income." Thus, a citizen's own receipts are not
"gross income" and are not, therefore, "taxable
income" under the Code. Income refers to property
derived from activity involving the exercise of a
government-granted privilege.

Section 61 of the Code has the definition of gross
income as "all income from whatever source derived,"
and then a list of 15 "items." Tax researchers have
recognized that the "items" listed are not the same as
"sources" of income that are taxable. The sources are
actually to be found in a more remote part of the Code
at Section 861 (or section 1.861-8(f)(1) of the
regulations). They consist of five "foreign" sources.
In previous versions of the Code, the relationship and
distinction between the "items" and the "sources" was
not disguised or separated by distance in the Code.
This part of the Code is an important aspect of the
position taken by the employers who have stopped
withholding. For more details, see "Connecting the
Dots" on our web site, and especially go to for a free download of Larken
Rose's excellent book and/or refer to appropriate
chapters of Chris Hansen's opus magnus at,
also a free download.


Charles O. Rossotti, Commissioner
Internal Revenue Service
1111 Constitution Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20224

Dear Commissioner Rossotti:

I am writing to you because I have reason to believe
that certain offices within the Internal Revenue
Service are seeking unwarranted criminal charges both
against Nick Jesson of No Time Delay Electronics for
tax evasion and against myself as Founder and
Executive Researcher of the National Institute for
Taxation Education (NITE) for conspiracy to evade

Both Mr. Jesson and I were given this impression by an
article that appeared in the February 10 edition of
the New York Times ("I.R.S. Going After Businesses on
Withholding Tax"), in which reporter David Cay
Johnston refers to Mr. Jesson twice, in the context of
quotes by IRS officials such as CID Chief Mark E.
Matthews and Deputy Commissioner Dale Hart. Each of
these officials stated that efforts are being made
within the IRS to tighten enforcement, and Chief
Matthews told the Times that "some of the business
owners, as well as the promoters who advise them, will
be prosecuted for tax evasion and other crimes."

I wish for you to know the facts of this issue so that
you can understand that in my work with Mr. Jesson, we
have sought complete compliance with all of the
Internal Revenue laws as stated in the U.S. Code, the
Treasury Regulations, and the Internal Revenue Manual.
Furthermore, it has always been our intent to correct
any mistakes of law or fact that we have made and
distributed to any interested parties, as we have
engaged in the IRS' administrative process in order to
exhaust all administrative remedy and avail ourselves
of any subsequent judicial hearing of our legal
arguments if necessary.

However, to date the IRS has given us no reason to
believe through Mr. Jesson's correspondences with the
agency that Mr. Jesson or I have misunderstood,
misrepresented, or failed to comply with the law in
any way. We have made every effort to comply with the
law and the IRS procedures that we must exhaust before
seeking adjudication of claims. Since the IRS has
effectively accepted as correct and truthful NITE's
arguments as applied by Mr. Jesson, any attempt to
prosecute either myself or Mr. Jesson would not only
be outside of the scope of the law but also a clear
abuse of government power.

NITE is an educational organization operating under
the protection of the First Amendment guaranty of
freedom of speech and freedom of association… Since
1997 NITE has been distributing information regarding
the Internal Revenue laws and assisting its members in
complying with the letter of the law and discovering
the long-obfuscated IRS administrative procedures,
which are binding upon the IRS as well as the

In the case of Mr. Jesson NITE provided to him
information regarding the U.S. Source Rules as set
forth in the Internal Revenue laws and the process of
correcting prior claims made to the IRS regarding
"gross income" paid and reported to the IRS. These are
the pertinent facts of Mr. Jesson's case:

On May 10, 2000, following information researched and
published by NITE, Mr. Jesson amended the 1997 returns
for No Time Delay Electronics, Inc. by filing Forms
941C, W-2C and W-3C reflecting gross income of "0",
based on the "source" rules as defined by the Treasury
Regulations. These returns were submitted pursuant to
26 C.F.R. §301.6402-2, complying with the only
administrative process available to an employer
seeking a Refund of overpayment of taxes. Had he
failed to take this specific action he would be unable
to seek any other remedy in the courts before
exhausting this administrative remedy.

On June 1, 2000 Mr. Jesson received a response letter
from the IRS stating that the agency needed more time
to review his case before making a decision on his
Claim for Refund. The letter stated that no further
information would be required of him at that time
while the review was under way.

On July 11, 2000 the IRS completed review of Mr.
Jesson's case and issued four Refund checks in the
amounts of $68,244.94, $61,262.01, $37,373.74, and
$48,573.87. These checks were refunds for employment
taxes that were withheld for each quarter of 1997.

Since receiving the refund checks, Mr. Jesson has
received no further correspondences from the IRS of
any kind, especially none stating that the refund was
issued mistakenly.

On November 19, 2000 the New York Times printed an
article authored by David Cay Johnston, which referred
to Mr. Jesson (not by name but as owner of NTD
Electronics) in the context of tax cheats who are
evading the taxes owed.

Prior to the publication of the article I had a brief
conversation with Mr. Johnston, during which I
attempted to correct his misconception of the
substance of my work. Though there was some reference
made to my work through mention of NTD Electronics,
there was no specific mention of myself or of NITE
( being the source of this effort by
employers to apply the U.S. Source Rules to their
determinations of wages and gross income reported to
the IRS.

[Editor's note]…The letter goes on to note
inaccuracies in the Times stories by David Cay
Johnston and his failure to take telephone calls from
Mr. Jesson or to return them. The letter notes the
article of February 10 juxtaposed statements about Mr.
Jesson with statements by IRS officials who said that
business owners are "scamming their employees" and
will be prosecuted for evasion. The article stated
that those who promote tax strategies for businesses
will also be prosecuted. The letter continues…

I understand that the IRS should not be held
responsible for the words that Mr. Johnston chooses to
write and the New York Times chooses to publish. I
recognize the possibility that the IRS may have given
Mr. Johnston wholly accurate information and that the
blame for the accusatory language lies wholly upon Mr.
Johnston and the New York Times. And it is with this
good faith that I reach out to the IRS to bring the
IRS, NITE and Mr. Jesson into an exclusive and
legitimate face-to-face conversation regarding any
misunderstandings or errors of law that NITE or Mr.
Jesson are holding and availing to the public.

We propose that the IRS, represented by you and/or
your delegates, engage NITE in a public forum and
discuss the legality and legitimacy of the positions
that NITE proffers. At this meeting, we expect that
the IRS will either provide pertinent case law from a
court of competent jurisdiction that does not ignore
the fact that the U.S. Source Rules apply to U.S.
Citizens, or failing that will admit publicly that
NITE's specific argument of law is correct and
therefore no criminal or civil actions will be brought
against any individual Citizen who proffers NITE's
specific argument. At this meeting you and your
delegates would have the opportunity to refute our
argument and we would have an opportunity to engage in
a dialogue with our government regarding our
application of the whole of the Internal Revenue laws
and most specifically our application of the U.S.
Source Rules to U.S. Citizens.

[Editor's note]…The letter says that Mr. Bell and Mr.
Jesson are prepared to meet for the discussion at any
time and place that will allow for an audience of
members of the media and other concerned citizens, and
that it would be desirable to have representatives of
the Justice Department there to save the need for any
follow-up meetings with them. Mr. Bell states that the
position used by Mr. Jesson has never been argued or
decided in federal court, and that so far, no
government official has attempted to refute the
specific arguments on which it is based. He continues…

This letter is being sent to you directly since your
delegates have made the naked threats of prosecution
as contained in the David Cay Johnston article.

If the intent of your subordinates' comments to David
Cay Johnston was to intimidate and threaten
law-abiding citizens and employers, then the
Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 has indeed failed
to protect taxpayers in the manner that Congress
intended. Nevertheless, we are not intimidated by the
lawless threats of your deputies, as any attempt by
the IRS to follow through with these threats will be
reviewed by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax
Administration as well as our elected officials in

Presently the record shows that the IRS has not only
failed to refute our position but has even
affirmatively offered evidence that our arguments are
correct by refunding over $215,000 to No Time Delay
Electronics. Therefore, until such time as we are
shown to our reasonable satisfaction to be holding
mistaken positions, Mr. Jesson, NITE and I will
continue to operate as law-abiding Citizens within the
letter of the law as we have applied.

We expect a response from you within fifteen (15)
business days.


Thurston P. Bell
Executive Researcher and Founder
National Institute for Taxation Education


The employers' position is careful to follow the laws
and regulations.
The applications went through IRS's procedures and
were approved.
The NY Times articles were both inaccurate and biased.

Employer Jesson and Thurston Bell requested a meeting
with the IRS to discuss the issues and the IRS did not
respond at all.
The IRS has not responded to Mr. Bell's letter. They
refused to deny or respond to former CID investigator
Joe Banister's report that concluded the findings by
numerous tax researchers were correct. They have
declined to reply to invitations to five conferences
conducted by We The People Foundation to discuss
questions and issues. (For further details of these
attempts, go to our web site.) We have posed the
crucial question: "At what point must continued
evasion be regarded as an admission that the tax
researchers are correct, and that there is no law that
requires most citizens to pay income tax?"

* In 1913, Americans got the federal income tax and a
central bank (the Federal Reserve System). There is
evidence in support of the hypothesis that the income
tax was imposed on the American people so that the
owners of the (private) central bank could control not
only our money but our government as well.


SHODDY JOURNALISM: David Cay Johnston and The NY Times
become an issue.

Our previous message two weeks ago noted that the NY
Times has assumed the role of cheerleader for the IRS,
obviously hoping to sic 'em onto the employers who
have stopped withholding, even though in accordance
with the rules.

In another Times article on February 23, David Cay
Johnston reported that the recent sentencing of a
couple for crimes involving tax evasion followed a
trial at which defendants' case was based on Code
section 861. Larken Rose, a tax researcher who has
studied and written authoritatively about the 861
position, asked Mr. Johnston about it, and he
acknowledged that the 861 position was not mentioned
at the trial and was not an issue adjudicated. This
represents irresponsible and misleading journalism.
Check Larken Rose's website at
for more information (email:

We also have a copy of a very biased, hostile and
condescending letter Mr. Johnston sent to Mr. Jesson
two weeks ago in response to Jesson's challenge that
Johnston show him the law that makes him liable, and
noting that the California tax board, whose tax rules
are the same as the federal, had recently approved his
position. We'll not print that letter at this time,
but it has become evident that Mr. Johnston has set
out upon a one-man crusade, using the NY Times as his
vehicle, against any and all who don't agree with his
views on the income tax, even though he acknowledges
in the letter that he hasn't done research on it.

His letter asserts that the issues Jesson has raised
have been judged in tax courts, district courts, and
appeals courts and been rejected as without merit. In
fact, Thurston Bell's letter above states that these
issues have never been addressed or adjudicated in any
court case. Johnston's desire to discredit the
employers has caused him to resort to inaccurate,
false and unethical reporting.

As further evidence of his unprofessional bias, Mr.
Johnston "pulled the plug" on an interview when the
guest interviewee, Virginia Cropsey, J.D., an expert
on the 4th Amendment and IRS liens, began to speak
about warrant requirements for federal seizures of
property for income taxes and that IRS seizures had
decreased by 98% because they can't get a warrant,
since it would require them to lie under oath that a
tax was owed. She said she had never spoken with a
more insolent, biased reporter, who didn't want to
hear any explanations about the tax laws that he
couldn't refute. She said she had lost a lot of
respect for the Times. Check her website at

It appears to us that there is serious reason to
question whether the readers of the NY Times are well
served by David Cay Johnston's brand of reporting,
since it is biased and incompletely researched. If you
would like to express your opinion about the NY Times
articles by David Cay Johnston, you can do so by
calling his superior, Glenn Kramon, Business Editor,
at (212) 556-1471.


LATE NEWS: The Texas Incident
Subsequent to the NY Times articles, the IRS contacted
Clubb Spa and Pool, a company in Keller, Texas, just
northwest of Dallas, that had stopped withholding in
accordance with the provisions of the law. The IRS
wanted to send a couple of auditors to review their
books and records. On the appointed day, last Friday,
February 23, five people showed up, three of them
conspicuously carrying guns. When asked by company
owner, Teri Clubb, who the armed men were, they
refused to disclose their identities. The company
called 911, police officers arrived who told the
agents they'd have to identify themselves or leave.
The IRS group left, still (except for one auditor)
refusing to give identities. As of this writing, the
police have not provided the owner with a written
incident report.

If revenue officers are authorized by law (Code
section 7608) to conduct only civil enforcement of
alcohol, tobacco, and firearms regulations, and the
Criminal Investigation Division only authorized to
investigate income tax matters involving U.S. citizens
residing in foreign countries and nonresident aliens
with U.S. income (Internal Revenue Manual chapter
1100), one wonders just what was going on, and under
what authority.

Employers have noted that in Texas, as in most states,
garnishment of wages (which is what withholding is, if
done without the employees permission) requires a
court order. In Texas, it is even written into the
state constitution, as well.

This whole incident seems to resemble the old Brown
Shirt intimidation tactics of Nazi Germany. But the
owner of one company said, in effect: "This is
America. Don't show us your guns; show us your


This message is part of PROJECT TOTO, a plan to
educate millions of citizens (along with accountants,
tax attorneys, legislators, judges, IRS employees, and
prospective jurors) about the true limited application
of the income tax laws, to expose any operations of
the IRS that are unauthorized by law, and to put an
end to any illegal collection of taxes from people who
do not owe them. We want to publish several additional
full-page ads in this newspaper, each of which costs
tens of thousands of dollars. Your help is urgently
needed. Please send a donation .In addition, please
order 500 copies of this ad from WTP for $50.
Jefferson said it best, "When the government fears the
people, you have liberty. When the people fear the
government, you have tyranny."

Sponsored by
We The People Foundation For Constitutional Education, Inc.,
2458 Ridge Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804,

(518) 656-3578 Fax

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Articles In This Thread

Text of USA Today Ad re Income Tax -- 16TH Amndmnt
Rayelan -- Sunday, 4-Mar-2001 15:40:51
IRS Raids Alleged "Tax-Evasion Scheme" Promoters
hobie -- Tuesday, 6-Mar-2001 11:54:03

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