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Tom Bearden explains all the anomolies

Posted By: tenavision
Date: Thursday, 8-Feb-2001 11:16:43

In Response To: Re: Amazing Grace and Chuck (hobie)

If you read this whole thing, besides learning a LOT about how they do weather modification, making volcanos explode, and creating earthquakes, you will come to the small paragraph which says:

"So I would encourage you to be serious about what has been a deadly threat to Canada and to the United States for some decades. And believe then U.S. Secretary of Defense Cohen when he confirmed that some very unusual electromagnetic weapons do exist and are being used against us."

To me this means that Amerika is at the mercy of the KGB and even our presidents must do as they say or they will be eliminated. There are MANY communists in our own congress..probably working for them to stay alive..

From: "Tom Bearden"

Subject: Your Commentary on the Arrow DC-8

Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 00:56:09 -0600

To: Russell Wangersky

Assignment Editor

Newfoundland & Labrador Telegram

(709) 748-0826

Dear Russell,

A correspondent sent me a copy of your article on the Arrow DC-8 incident at Gander,

and then I checked it at The Telegram Online.

Not too bad an article, though a little tongue-in-the-cheek, perhaps. But if you really

wanted to know what I write or state happened to the Arrow, and the direct indications of it,

you really should have called me up and asked me.

A little hard electromagnetics knowledge greater than the standard model U(1) theory and

ordinary electrical engineering might be interesting to you, since such has definitely not

been applied by the Canadian Transportation Safety Board in investigating the Arrow

DC-8 incident.

Here's a direct quotation from the U.S. Secretary of Defense, dealing with

the very kind of electromagnetic weapons that you thought was a

conspiratorial notion of mine when I wrote about them openly. Feel free

to check the reference; it's in the official transcript as cited.

"Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby

they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through

the use of electromagnetic waves... So there are plenty of ingenious minds

out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other

nations...It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism]


Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference

sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn. Quoted from DoD News Briefing, Secretary of

Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass

Destruction, and U.S. Strategy, University of Georgia, Athens, Apr. 28, 1997.

In other words, these weapons existed in 1985 and were used to kill the Arrow DC-8 with

248 U.S. soldiers on board, returning from their peace-keeping duties in the MidEast, as

well as the on-board crewmembers.

Note that the Secretary did not speak the words in the square brackets of the quotation.

Those words were inserted after his speech to perhaps tone the tenor down a bit. These

weapons he referred to are more general, strategic weapons and they have been on site in

Russia since 1963. They were tested worldwide in various incidents in the late 1950s and

early 1960s, and are the weapons that Khrushchev referred to, in speaking to the

Presidium in January 1960. They are not some little hand-held devices by terrorists. You

cannot change the climate or initiate volcano eruptions or generate earthquakes by such

little "ordinary" laser devices, etc. If you wish to initiate a volcano, e.g., you are going to

have to get the excess energy down into the rocks beneath the earth, to where the volcano

is still active, but just not breaching its channel on up to the surface and so dormant. None

of your radar engineers, directed energy weapons fellows, local university professors, etc.

can build EM systems that do that. Try it and see.

Unfortunately, since the news media were so terribly concerned with the Clinton-Lewinsky

scandal at the time (April 1997) that Secretary Cohen confirmed the weapons, not a single

newsman or reporter there on the scene where this statement was made, even reacted to the

first open confirmation of these weapons by a high U.S. official. Not one. Obviously not

a titillating scandal sort of thing for the journalists.

In short, Russell, the Secretary of Defense of the United States confirmed that there are

indeed novel kinds of EM weapons, right now and have been for some time, which have

been and are being used to (1) initiate earthquakes, (2) engineer the weather and climate,

and (3) initiate the eruption of volcanoes. We wrote about those exact uses of the

weaponry decades ago. Several nations now have such weapons. Three of them (two on

one side and the other on a hostile side) are even firing practice shots into Western

Australia, as a convenient test range.

If one can build weapons that do those things the Secretary confirmed, they can jolly well

shoot down aircraft with ease. And yes, destroy the U.S.S. Thresher with ease, which they


Further, we wrote of scalar interferometry, which actually uses longitudinal EM wave

transmitters to do the interferometry. But as we shall mention, the LWs are always

accompanied by exactly one-to-one correlated time-polarized EM longitudinal waves in the

time domain. Don't worry, the time-polarized EM wave does appear in quantum field

theory, which is perhaps our most successful modern theory. It's just that Western

scientists are only just now learning how to make longitudinal EM waves, and have not yet

learned how to make the time-polarized EM waves. Actually they don't have to make

them; they get them for free whenever they make a good longitudinal EM wave.

Two weeks before the Russian scalar interferometer weapon killed the Arrow DC-8, in late

November 1985 that same Russian weapon was practicing against convenient U.S. shuttle

launches at Cape Canaveral, Florida, for crew training, and was offsetting the strike of the

resulting electromagnetic missile formed to do the dirty work (final kill) so it would not hit

the shuttle and kill it. I obtained the rights to a photograph taken by Bob Gladwin of the

actual strike of that EM missile, offset from that night shuttle launch in latter Nov. 1985,

and published that photograph openly. I attach a picture of that photograph. In other

words, I published the smoking gun, not idle speculation.

In the sky above the shuttle launch at Cape Canaveral that night was another little

stationary EM missile (ball of EM energy, glowing) used as a known registration point.

The Russians were using a standard artillery firing technique: shift from a known

registration point. As an old field artilleryman, I had no difficulty whatsoever in

recognizing that familiar type of artillery registration and how the shooting was being

conducted and why. Hundreds of persons in that area in Florida that night observed that

latter "registration point" ball of light high above the shuttle launch. I also obtained the

rights to a photo of that ball of light as the distant operator slew it away. I bought it from

George Suchary, the photographer who took it, and published it as well. I also include a

snapshot of it. Further, that photo (by George Suchary) was also published in the Fort

Pierce Tribune in Florida. Check it out. This is about two weeks before the Arrow DC-8

was killed at Gander. The Russian crews were practicing even then.

Two weeks later, that same Russian longitudinal EM interferometer weapon that had been

doing its final crew training and firing practice against U.S. shuttle launches in latter Nov.,

killed the Arrow DC-8 at Gander on Dec. 12, 1985.

We also published the fact that, courtesy of British intelligence, a Western spy in a secret

meeting of the Communist Parties of Europe in Prague, in 1975, chaired by Brezhnev, had

something significant that later was to bear on the year 1985, when the Arrow was killed.

Therein 1975 Brezhnev actually named the year, 1985, that the Russians expected to be

able to move anywhere in the world they wished, control the airspace over the ocean and

over much of the land, etc. So 1985 was a "watershed" year in which the Soviets planned

to be ready to do whatever they might wish. They made that schedule, and the Arrow

DC-8 was just one of the tests conducted in 1985. They had to "kill" something, however,

to prove the final milestone for the 1985 success of the schedule. The Gander incident

was the demonstration that the milestone had been successfully met. The tests then

continued on into 1986 and especially Spring of 1986, as I previously wrote. Two other

kills were a Titan ICBM fired from Vandenberg AFB, and a picture of that explosion is

also published in Aviation Week & Space Technology. There are two of the photos, one

cropped to simulate close-up, and one the original shot from further back where you can

see above the explosion which is well-developed. There about an inch above that

explosion is that little tell-tale "registration point" ball of light. Check it out.

I had an engineer friend at NBC in Los Angeles study that videotape, frame by frame.

That little ball of light appeared in 17 frames, and moved off completely independently of

the explosion. There were no "bogies on the range" at Vandenberg AFB when the Titan

was launched. Again, we had the smoking gun. The kill was simple, very similar to the

kill of the U.S.S. Thresher. Just surge the rising missile with some EM energy appearing

in the missile right out of the local spacetime. That explodes the propellant all-at-once,

hence the missile explosion. That was the test of an interferometer used in a launch-phase

ABM defense system mode. The Arrow DC-8 was a simulated test of the launch-phase

anti-nuclear-bomber mode, where the bomber is killed on the runway or just at or shortly

after take-off.

Further, at Gander on Dec. 12th, a Canadian eyewitness, Judy Parsons, physically saw the

actual strike of the EM missile, as a streak of light that came out of the clouds and struck

the aircraft just at or after its liftoff, hitting it in the right fuselage ahead of the wing and

engines. A picture of the hole burned right through the fuselage of the aircraft was

published in Aviation Week & Space Technology -- check it out. The edges of the holes

were tested and there were no explosives residues there. Further, the recorders on board

the aircraft, on two separate channels, were "pulsed" by that EM missile strike, precisely at

the same time, and thus recorded the sudden anomalous voltage pulse resulting from a

strong EM anomaly that had struck the aircraft. Again, go check it out on the recorder

prints themselves. Don't just write about it from afar, but be an investigative reporter.

Further, the EM ball of energy explosively entered the forward cabin very energetically. It

explosively and instantly massively ignited the plastic material in the forward cabin,

zipping around furiously in there. The plastics explosively outgassed -- one product being

hydrogen cyanide. A few breaths and any and all in that area were either dead of cyanide

poisoning or were dying of it. Autopsies of the bodies later showed that about half the

personnel on the aircraft were in fact dead of hydrogen cyanide poisoning prior to the

crash and explosion of the aircraft. That information, however, seems to have been

withheld from the Canadian Transportation Safety Board. Again, go check it out.

How many aircraft that have been destroyed by terrorist bombs worldwide, have showed

that half the dead personnel died of hydrogen cyanide poisoning before the explosion or

destruction of the aircraft? Again, go check it out, don't just sit in your chair and write.

The rigorous scientific proof of scalar interferometry is contained in a paper by Myron W.

Evans, P.K. Anastasovski, T.E. Bearden et al. (some 15 authors), "On Whittaker's

Representation of the Electromagnetic Entity in Vacuo, Part V: The Production of

Transverse Fields and Energy by Scalar Interferometry," Journal of New Energy, 4(3),

Winter, 1999, p. 76-78.

If you will check, you will find that Evans is a world-class theorist and has over 600

papers in the hard science literature, is also the prestigious editor of scientific books and

series as part of the series by Nobelist Prigogine for Wiley, etc. Many others of the 15 or

so authors are also recognized and even prestigious scientists. So the referenced paper is

of very high scientific quality. It's for real. The AIAS group that published this

referenced paper also has many other scientific publications in higher symmetry

electrodynamics (far beyond the ordinary electrical engineering and radar engineering!) in

leading journals such as Foundations of Physics, Physica Scripta, Optik, etc. Again, go

check it out. This is physics. Simply check the citations in the literature under those

names. Then decide whether this is an idle conspiracy theory or not.

By biasing the transmitter chassis grounds either highly positive or highly negative, the

hostile interferometer weapon can control whether diverging (scattering, hence heating)

EM energy or converging (cooling) EM energy is produced in the distant interference

zone. In the Arrow case, the same weapon was used in two modes and switched abruptly

between the modes. First, converging energy was produced inside the combustion

chambers of the engines. Note that this EM energy arises right out of the local spacetime,

from "inside" the system and proceeding toward the outside. It does not "propagate

through 3-space" in the normal sense, or like normal EM waves, from "outside" to

"inside" if it can get there. It starts in the inside already.

As we stated, this is not your usual electrical engineering! The electrical engineers at your

local university will not have the foggiest notion of what we are saying, or that what we are

saying is already rigorously proven. But if you really wish to know what killed the Arrow,

you are going to have to get into something that your local university professor probably

does not even know. He does not design and build longitudinal EM wave interferometers.

The emerging convergent (cooling) energy in the jet engine gases cooled the combustion,

hence reduced the thrust of the engines although the turbines were turning at normal

speed. Now what is important in aircraft lift is the ratio of thrust per weight. If for a given

thrust the weight is increased (such as in heavy icing), then the thrust per weight ratio is

reduced as is well-known and recognized. On the other hand, if there is no increase in

weight but the thrust is reduced by engine combustion cooling, the thrust per weight ratio

is reduced also. This latter method of reducing aircraft lift does not appear in the

checksheets of the investigative boards in either Canada or the United States, because they

know nothing of longitudinal EM wave interferometry. Those Investigative Boards know

nothing about longitudinal EM wave interferometry, exothermic and endothermic modes,


Nonetheless, a previous test of this capability had been conducted earlier that year, by

flaming out the engines one-by-one of a jetliner heading back to Los Angeles over the

northern route. The aircraft fell some 30,000 feet before the pilot managed to restart the

engines, turn and limp into San Francisco and land as a emergency measure. A major

signature that spacetime curvature was involved, occurred on that aircraft, and was

completely unrecognized by the investigators (whose electrical expertise is essentially

confined to electrical engineering, radar, communications, etc.). That incident made the

international headlines and news, so you should be able to check it out easily.

In the Arrow DC-8 incident, check the results of analysis of the recorder channels. As the

pilot lifted off, he instantly felt the reduced lift, and knew that he had a serious problem

because the aircraft was not lifting as it should. He apparently recognized how serious

this was, and started to turn to the right, probably to come back around and land again and

get the aircraft rechecked. The aircraft had been de-iced and it was checked again for ice

before take-off. It was not iced, in spite of the official board "finding" when half the

members of the board --those dissenting -- were conveniently absent. At that moment

when the pilot just started his right turn, the distant operators switched the interferometer

chassis grounds to "hot" mode potentials, narrowed the beaming (this is not propagating

through space as is normally modeled in ordinary electrodynamics, but is propagating

"inside" the great electrostatic scalar potential that is the active vacuum and decomposes

into bidirectional longitudinal EM waves by Whittaker' 1903 decomposition).

You will be hard put to find a Canadian or U.S. professor who has really read and studied

that 1903 Whittaker paper. Mass is also mostly empty space filled with EM fields,

potentials, and waves (all of which are just bundles of EM longitudinal waves and their

dynamics, as shown by combining Whittaker's 1903 and 1904 work in two papers). So

there is a vast "new" kind of electromagnetics infolded inside all our normal EM waves,

potentials, and fields. That is rigorous and now established, though hardly known.

So Longitudinal EM waves are free to propagate "inside" and "through" the interior (a sort

of "subspace" inside) of normal EM waves, potentials, and fields. Thus both intervening

space and mass (mass is mostly empty space filled with EM potentials, waves, and fields!)

are great superhighways of huge bundles of longitudinal EM waves (subspace) through

which one can readily pass additional longitudinal EM waves at will.

Stick around; a friend and close colleague has invented a communications system using

that infolded longitudinal EM inside normal fields, waves, and potentials. He has

demonstrated superluminal communication inside DC potentials, including both black and

white and color TV signals, and has unlimited bandwidth. His work is being licensed by

several major communications companies of the world, and will just quietly start appearing

in equipment in the market place. Bandwidth is the awful millstone around the big

communications systems' necks, and my colleague has the answer to that problem. You

will see those systems emerging before the end of this year. You can count on it.

In its changed mode at Gander, the sharply narrowed interferometer beams were used to

produce -- well above and off to the right side of the aircraft -- a very hot little ball of EM

energy a few inches in diameter. Then the distant operator simply moved this "EM

missile" sharply down to coincide in position with the lifting Arrow aircraft just beginning

its turn to the right. Rather like placing one's range tracking cursor over the target. The

EM missile struck the aircraft in the right forward fuselage as stated, with the results as

stated. With half the personnel dead and dying of cyanide poisoning in seconds, the

stricken craft sank, still tail-down, and struck the ground and exploded, killing all on


It doesn't end there.

At the time, the National Security Council of the United States was engaged in a blatantly

illegal and criminal clandestine business, the Iran-Contra affair, which had not yet been

openly exposed. The NSC itself apparently suspected that an Arab terrorist bomb was

what did the Arrow DC-8 in. To the NSC, the most important thing was not to have a

finding of Arab terrorist bomb, else the hue and cry from the American public and

subsequent necessary extensive investigations by several agencies would likely uncover

Iran-Contra. I point out that the Iran-Contra was felonious, not a misdemeanor, and

literally was high crimes in high places. So yes, we really are pointing out a criminal

conspiracy also involved in the Arrow DC-8 affair. And it really was there as stated, and

Iran-Contra really was later forced into the open.

So the U.S. placed great pressure on the Canadian government to get its Arrow

investigation finished quickly and have a finding of de-icing. Now perhaps one can

understand why the Board hastily published a report when about half its members --

conveniently the dissenters -- were absent. Eyewitnesses who actually saw the streak-down

of the EM missile with their own eyes, and saw it physically strike the aircraft, were not

allowed to testify to the Canadian board, and the board did not see their eye witness written

testimony either. A high ranking American officer arrived on site, and seemed most

anxious for the site to be quickly bulldozed over. The Canadian board split on its finding,

and the "official" finding was quickly published only when the dissenting members were

physically absent. And so on. Yep, there was a conspiracy all right -- to prevent the

Iran-Contra affair from being smoked out in the open.

It doesn't end there.

When a physical system such as an aircraft is struck by such an EM missile formed out of

locally curved spacetime, the energy -- as we stated -- arises from everywhere within that

local ST and goes outward (for diverging energy mode). We have a completely different

EM nuclear reaction set, than anything that presently appears in particle physics, because

they simply do not consider "inside out" EM energy propagation and interactions with the

quarks and gluons inside the nucleons. Hence where the EM missile strikes and

penetrates the metal, there is a most unique nuclear interaction that does not and cannot

occur with normal EM transverse wave weapons which propagate their energy beams

through space normally, and thus from "outside" to "inside". In the LW interferometry

case, the energy arises from within the atoms -- even within the nucleons themselves -- and

proceeds outside the nuclei, atoms, etc. In short, it interacts first with the gluons and

quarks, etc. in the nucleons of the struck material. The result is that a quark can be flipped

easily by this kind of different "inside to outside" excitation. The result of quark flipping

is to change the isotope of struck metal by changing a neutron into a proton or vice versa.

There is one new isotope of Aluminum that can be and is formed that way, that is also

long-term weakly radioactive. Hence it persists in the struck metal for years. Therefore a

rigorous measurement of the exact isotopic constitution of the aluminum in the exact

struck material will show an isotope constituency that differs from that in the rest of the

aircraft aluminum. Mass spectrometry can reveal the isotopic composition change. If this

kind of test finds that isotopic change, then that is 100% proof that a scalar interferometer

hit that target at that point, since directed energy weapons of normal kind do not change

the isotopic constitution of the aluminum. Lasers and ordinary directed energy weapons

do not have such an effect, because there is no "inside to outside" energy in them. Also,

ordinary explosions do not cause such isotopic change of the aluminum.

Such a test, of course, was not conducted upon the Arrow, and to my knowledge has not

been conducted on other aircraft also shot down -- over the U.S. or Canada or close to

them -- by foreign longitudinal EM wave interferometers.

It still does not end there.

When an LW interferometer makes a violent strike on a target with an EM missile in that

fashion, there is another effect. Without going into the physics (the AIAS has several

published papers related to this in refereed journals), there is a kind of electrical charge

that occurs in the time-domain. Before your normal EEs foam at the mouth, let me call

your attention to the various polarizations of the photon in quantum field theory. One of

the polarizations is called the "time-polarized" or "scalar" photon. That photon's energy is

not oscillating in 3-space at all. Instead, it is oscillating in the time-domain. That is

physics, go check it out. It isn't in normal electrical engineering or radar engineering or

normal communications theory at all. Many physics professors are only dimly aware of

it. The AIAS also has papers clearly showing the EM longitudinal energy waves and

currents in the time domain. So one can electromagnetically charge (excite) a mass in the

time-energy domain as well as in the more conventional 3-space energy domain. It's a fact,

but your radar engineers and EEs do not know it, and very few university professors

would be aware of it. Nonetheless it is true.

As contained in work we have recently published, with every longitudinally polarized EM

wave there is an accompanying time-domain (time-polarized) EM wave as well, but in

4-space since it is in the time-domain. So a very abrupt and powerful strike by

longitudinal EM waves is also a very powerful and abrupt strike by the accompanying EM

wave energy in the time domain. The result is to "time-domain" charge (rather instantly)

the struck masses. Note that time-energy is highly compressed EM spatial energy,

compressed by the factor c-squared. Hence time-energy has the same energy density as

mass-energy. A little time-charge has a lot of EM energy in it, if the energy is released in

expanded spatial energy form, which is what happens when time-charges slowly decay.

So these "time-charged" masses then slowly decay and emit longitudinal EM waves for

some time thereafter, as the "time-charge" slowly decays away over a period of time.

The human body (particularly the cellular regeneration system, which is "peculiar

electromagnetics" in nature) does use this higher symmetry kind of electrodynamics, in

cellular control, control of the immune system and cells, and control of cellular functioning

and healing. Exposure of the living body to significant LW EM radiation will interfere

with these body functions. After a bit of time, all sorts of symptoms will emerge in the

LW-irradiated and exposed bodies: the symptoms include headaches, nausea, dizziness,

stomach and intestinal difficulties, weakness, loss or upset of equilibrium, arthritic

symptoms, excess fatigue syndrome, various chronic pains and aches, rashes, etc. Fairly

significant exposure to LW EM radiation over some hours will usually generate

long-lasting symptoms and even long-lasting debilitation.

Some 60 of the Canadian ground handlers engaged in wreckage retrieval at Gander, were

exposed to such longitudinal EM emission from the wreckage. These handlers came down

with the appropriate symptoms, many were debilitated, and some perhaps long-term

debilitated. Check it out. That does not and cannot happen in retrieval of normal

wreckage with no excess longitudinal EM radiation. It cannot happen in retrieval of the

wreckage of an aircraft struck by a terrorist bomb of normal explosives such as C-4. It

can only happen where those ground-handlers have significant LW EM radiation

exposure. Some aggravation by smoke inhalation etc. was also probably present.

So try to find an ordinary aircraft wreck where five dozen ground handlers all came down

with symptoms of excess longitudinal EM wave irradiation. It doesn't exist.

Also be advised that most major weapon labs in the world now have at long last discovered

longitudinal EM waves and related impure longitudinal EM waves with some transverse

EM wave residues. Such impure longitudinal EM waves are called "Undistorted

Progressive Waves, or UPWs for short. E.g., get on the Los Alamos National Laboratory

web site, and download some papers on "undistorted progressive waves" etc by Rodrigues,

Liu, etc. You may be surprised to see what astounding characteristics such waves

(longitudinal waves that are impure and still have some transverse EM wave residues)

exhibit. Such as traveling faster than the speed of light or slower than the speed of light.

The continually advancing field of electrodynamics does encompass a great number of

things that probably are not yet being taught at your favorite university! Further, the

things taught at university as "Maxwell's equations" are not such at all; not a single one of

those ever appeared in any paper or book by James Clerk Maxwell. Instead, those are

Heaviside's reinterpretation of a small subset of Maxwell's theory. Maxwell's actual

theory is some 20 quaternion equations in 20 unknowns. Only a tiny, highly restricted

subset is available to the electrical engineers, radar engineers, communication engineers,

etc. Quoting a very fine electrodynamicist:

"[T]he A field [for the potentials] was banished from playing the central role in Maxwell's

theory and relegated to being a mathematical (but not physical) auxiliary. This banishment

took place during the interpretation of Maxwell's theory... by Heaviside... and Hertz. The

'Maxwell theory' and 'Maxwell's equations' we know today are really the interpretation of

Heaviside... Heaviside took the 20 equations of Maxwell and reduced them to the four

now known as "Maxwell's equations." [Terence W. Barrett, "Electromagnetic Phenomena

Not Explained by Maxwell's Equations," A. Lakhtakia, ed., Essays on the Formal Aspects

of Electromagnetics Theory, World Scientific Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 1993, p. 11 and

generally p. 6-86.].

As another good electrodynamicist put it:

"James Clerk Maxwell originally enunciated his theory in 1864 in a memoir entitled 'A

dynamical theory of the electromagnetic field'. ...However, it was Oliver Heaviside who

first expressed them in the form that we know today in the Philosophical Magazine,

February 1888. The striking proof of the importance of Maxwell's theory was given by

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz in 1888 when he actually produced electromagnetic waves and

effectively measured their speed of propagation, which came out equal to light speed in

vacuum. This directly confirmed Maxwell's hypothesis concerning the existence of

electromagnetic waves." [Patrick Cornille, "Inhomogeneous waves and Maxwell's

equations," Essays on the formal Aspects of Electromagnetic Theory, Ed. A. Lakhtakia,

World Scientific, 1993, p. 138.].

Anyway, perhaps that gives you an inkling of what happened to "Maxwell's real theory".

Only a small subset is taught in universities, except in very few cases. You can do lots of

things in Maxwell's quaternion theory than you cannot do at all in the highly truncated

standard tensor and vector Heaviside theory taught at university. Even so, you do not get

the "infolded" electrodynamics unless you apply Whittaker's decompositions. Whittaker's

second (1904) paper initiated the branch of electrodynamics called superpotential theory.

The 1903 paper, which is necessary in combination with the 1904 paper to arrive at the

"infolded" electrodynamics, was resoundingly ignored by almost all electrodynamicists

and physicists, even to the present day. Those two references are:

E. T. Whittaker, "On the Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics,"

Mathematische Annalen, Vol. 57, 1903, p. 333-355; ------- "On an Expression of the

Electromagnetic Field Due to Electrons by Means of Two Scalar Potential Functions,"

Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., Series 2, Vol. 1, 1904, p. 367-372. The latter paper was

published in 1904 and orally delivered in 1903.

We call attention to the fact that there are hundreds of incidents of the testing of Russian

longitudinal EM wave interferometers worldwide, and one can easily gather them from the

open literature by their "signatures".

So I would encourage you to be serious about what has been a deadly threat to Canada

and to the United States for some decades. And believe then U.S. Secretary of Defense

Cohen when he confirmed that some very unusual electromagnetic weapons do exist and

are being used against us.

Here's how you initiate a very large earthquake with such weapons. Take a convenient

fault zone of set of them. Focus the interferometry on the fault zone, in the "diverging"

mode, and deposit EM energy there in the rocks on both sides, increasing (slowly) the

stress in the rocks by the reverse piezoelectric effect (deposit excess energy, get crystal

mechanical movements). Do it slowly, and the stress will build up to large pressures

well-above a plate slip minimum energy required. At some point, the rocks yield and one

or both sides "slip" and move rather sharply, giving a very large earthquake in that zone.

Do the same thing down in the earth (remember, LWs easily penetrate right through the

earth and ocean at will, and so the "interference zone" focus can be inside the earth or

beneath the ocean, at will.

Anyway, focus this thing down to where the active part of the volcano is still slumbering,

down where the hole in the plate has been made. Keep increasing the deposition of energy

in the magma itself, and eventually the increasing pressure from deep within that volcano,

underground, will cause an eruption. Build the energy slow, and the eruption will likely be

much larger.

Engineering the weather is duck soup; they tested that over the U.S. in 1967, and entered

upon continuing operations over North America on July 4, 1976 as a grim kind of KGB

"Bicentennial Gift" to the United States. Here's how it is done with several


First, the interferometers can deliberately make "high pressure areas" (cool the air so it

shrinks and its "footprint" pressure on the ground increases because its density increases)

and "low pressure areas" (heat the air so that expands and its "footprint" pressure on the

ground decreases because its density decreases). Well, if one makes the highs and lows

where one wishes them, and judiciously and somewhat slowly moves them along a given

path, these highs and lows will entrain the jet streams and thus "steer" the weather.

So if you wish a very cold snap or attack, go up into Canada and start these actions to steer

down some streams that bring some very frigid air. Establish other highs and lows

judiciously to "block" or "slow" other jet streams and flows as desired. In this way, one

can pull the "large cold air masses coming down from Canada" deep into the southern

U.S. at will. They do it regularly. If you wish an ice storm, add an additional current of

warm moist air you bring up (steer up by using artificial highs and lows) from the ocean.

Where they meet, you will get freezing rain, then sleet, then severe icing accumulating.

This type of attack does rather large damage to the struck area.

There are many other things and incidents of use of these weapons that have occurred.

However, this should give you the gist of what really happened at Gander on Dec. 12,


The "lights in the sky" are often used in an area to stimulate public reactions of "UFOs

sighted" etc. E.g., check the sightings of such surrounding the kill of the TWA-800. Also

check the incidents of deliberate "balls of light" moved along in the same area a few

months later, so that airliner crews would spot them and report them. These were stimuli

to see if the official system recognized what was going on. They didn't.

Just as the officials up there in Canada did not recognize what went on in the kill of the

Arrow DC-8 there at Gander.

Best wishes,

Tom Bearden, Ph.D.

Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army (Retired)

Fellow Emeritus, Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advanced Study (AIAS)

Mr. Bearden's site:

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Esclarmonde -- Thursday, 8-Feb-2001 10:35:36
Re: Amazing Grace and Chuck
hobie -- Thursday, 8-Feb-2001 10:56:36
Tom Bearden explains all the anomolies
tenavision -- Thursday, 8-Feb-2001 11:16:43
Re: Tom Bearden explains all the anomolies
devin01 -- Friday, 9-Feb-2001 22:43:56
devin01 -- Thursday, 8-Feb-2001 23:09:07
WH Shooter, IRS Whistle-blower law suit
hobie -- Thursday, 8-Feb-2001 11:21:10
devin01 -- Friday, 9-Feb-2001 22:31:22

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