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Posted By: Esclarmonde
Date: Thursday, 1-Feb-2001 11:50:27


To the President of the United States, all US Representatives and Senators, all Media Contacts, Secretary General of the United Nations,
and the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations and all Native Indigenous People's we send greetings and blessings...

The AMONSOQUATH TRIBE OF CHEROKEE, INC. hereby informs the State of Missouri and Federal
Government of The United States of America of their limits on jurisdiction, especially since
Tribal lands have never been extinguished. The United States Attorney General is asked for a Federal
Legal opinion regarding the status of the Amonsoquath Tribe of Cherokee.

For International Hate Crimes and violations of Human Rights, the status of "Refugee" for all
members of The Amonsoquath Tribe of Cherokee is requested from the United Nations High

Commissioner on Refugees.

The Constitution of the Sovereign Amonsoquath Nation at subscribes to the DECLARATION OF
HUMAN RIGHTS (Adopted 10 December 1948, United Nations,
General Assembly)

comments to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees at and to Office of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights at

Please send comments to President George W. Bush at

Expert Legal Assistance is requested to come forward. Queries on procedures for contributing to Chief Walking Bear's
Legal Fund and/or to the Amonsoquath Tribe of Cherokee Inc. Legal Fund (Tax Deductible) please contact the Tribal Secretary

Look for updates on this situation at or

----- Original Message -----
To: UN High Commissioner on Refugees - Legal Assistance <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 1:01 AM
Subject: EMERGENCY REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE to the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees.

For International Hate Crimes and violations of Human Rights commited against us, the status of "Refugee" for all members of The
Amonsoquath Tribe of Cherokee is requested from the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees.


"WE'RE THE GUN POLICE, AND WE ARE TAKIN' YOUR GUNS" said agent Brian Hoffman of the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)
Division of the US Dept. of the Treasury , at 2:15 PM Wednesday, January 24; to Darrell Williams (more on that incident later in the release), a
member of the Amonsoquath Tribe of Cherokee. Williams, a veteran of 10 years service in the US Army, now 100% disabled, had been visiting
the tribal property overnight, and was there when the ATF came to illegally confiscate the firearms, and ammunition of the Chief's wife and son,
and used "residency and occupancy records" mentioned in the warrant as an excuse to seize the deed to not only his own 35 acre property, but
to the adjoining 35 acres owned by the Amonsoquath Tribe of Cherokee, Inc., a State of Missouri non profit corporation. Chief Martin Gilmore
Wilson, Jr., known in the Native American Indian world as U-ku Yo-nah A-yee AKA "Chief Walking Bear." Chief Martin "Walking Bear" Wilson
is the cousin of Chief "Oliver Red" Cloud Wilson of the Lakota Traditional Oyate.

What the US Government committed during the raid and the subsequent search are indeed hate crimes in that there was a total desecration of
American Indian Religious Articles. This activity is a violation of the American Indian religious Freedom Act, and can only be described as a
"Hate Crime." If the articles were of Christian content they would not have been desecrated. There were no weapons in the medicine bundle nor
in the pipe or feathers. Chief Walking Bear is a member and minister of a Native American Church, and is a "Pipe Carrier," which is a holy man
of our Tribe.

Legality of the raid is arguable because the federal government of the United States of America does not have jurisdiction over Martin Gilmore
Wilson, and only presumes such. Chief Walking Bear is NOT a citizen of the United States, as an unresolved state of war exists between the US
Government and the Sovereign Amonsoquath Tribe of Cherokee. The 1924 Indian Citizenship Act does not cover Indians with whom the US is
still at war with, or with which an unresolved state of war existing. Because of their non-citizen status, Walking Bear, his brother Red Horse, and
their Mother Shining Bear spent most of WW2 interned in a prisoner of War camp near Springfield, Missouri while their father, a descendant of
the famed Dakota Chief Red Cloud, was forced to fight his way across Europe.

The warrant was also illegal because it was served on a minor child, Chief Walking Bear's 15 year old son Thomas Leon Wilson.

Timing of the warrant was also interesting... 5 days after President William Clinton left office, and while Senator John Ashcroft's confirmation as
Attorney General is being held up in the Senate. Senator Ashcroft has publicly defended Chief Walking Bear's Indian Citizenship in public and
was the Senator in the area in which Chief Walking Bear resides.

While there may or may not have been a valid warrant for the firearms, there appears to be an illegal corruption of blood activity here. Such is
that the crimes of the father are passed to the spouse and children. This is in direct conflict with the Constitution for the United States and the
Constitution of the State of Missouri. While Chief was convicted of a Felony (if the Court had jurisdiction, which was certainly arguable) and
because did complete his "Dues to Society" by 1993, he was eligible for reinstatement of his rights but because the Parole Board promised in
writing to supply him with a form only they could supply, they are to blame for Chief's loss of those civil rights... and for failure to request such
prior to 1999.

Representatives and Senators please take note of this unconscionable situation that was created by the United States Congress.

The problem is that of restoring the civil right to bear arms. At the present time, Chief Walking Bear can [never] regain his civil right to bear arms
within the jurisdiction of the United States or State of Missouri because of the NICS index. His natural right to bear arms, as set down by the
Founding Father's has been violated and is intact. Inclusion in the NICS criminal database is a permanent unrevokable status that cannot even be
overturned by court activity or Presidential Pardon. Because of this, the corruption of blood is the issue we focus on, and the Human Rights and
Hate Crimes that were committed.


Chief Walking Bear's wife is a Veteran (disabled and Vetaran's Administration compensated). To deny her and her children of possession of a
firearm is an activity of corruption of blood. If the firearms were registered to her or any eligible children, and the the possession of them is held
by the Wife and Children, not the Chief. If the firearms were not registered, then they still belong to the Wife and Children, not the Chief. The
burden is upon the US Government to prove that the firearms were in the possession of the Chief as his firearms. Else, it becomes an issue of
corruption of blood.

Chief Walking Bear was not charged for a crime, so why the seizure? Perhaps they wanted the deed to the Tribal Property, because it was indeed
stolen - taken without authority -- by the federal "agents sent forth to harass" Chief Walking Bear.

One of the reasons this nation became independent from King George III was recorded by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of
Independence. The King, Jefferson wrote, "had erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people."
James Madison warned that "there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments
of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpations." Our federal government was invented not to dictate, control, regulate or even
influence the behavior of the people to take lesser risks, but to guarantee their liberties.


The warrant clearly stated that the focus of the search was for firearms. There was no mention in the warrant for the seizure of either tax records
or Land Deeds, only "documents relating to the residency and occupancy." U.S. Mail would have proved it was Walking Bear's residence. The
BATF secured the warrant, their limits on jurisdiction is that of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, not TAXES or LAND DEEDS. The seizure of
these documents clearly demonstrates an unreasonable (illegal) search and seizure. This was done under the color of Law which is in itself a
criminal activity. This also suggests that it was a Hate Crime in that it was utilized to intimidate an identifiable and [KNOWN] ethnic minority.
Further, the activity of exposing the children to potential harm by depriving them of coats or blankets and placing them outside in the cold is an
act of child endangerment which further supports the Hate Crimes issue.

It becomes obvious that the tax records and Land Deeds did not either constitute a weapon or firearm. The seizure of these documents is also to
be considered as a Hate Crime as the activity was used to intimidate an "ethnic minority." The desecration of the medicine bundle and other
religious regalia is in clear violation of the separation of Church and State and is to be considered a violation of the First Amendment to the
Constitution and a Hate Crime. The sacred pipe is a religious artifact which is known historically to be such and any desecration of the Pipe is
based upon a disregard for the sacred of other's religion. This is a Hate Crime.


As the Chief is of a Tribe which is known in the area as existing as a Separate Sovereign, and a land base is listed in the official county records as
belonging to the Tribe, AMONSOQUATH. The activities of entry into the Tribal lands without presenting a separate warrant to the Tribal
Council further constitutes a Hate Crime in that it discounts and negates the legitimacy of the Tribe and the rights of the people of the tribe. In a
public meeting in Rolla, Missouri, Senator John Ashcroft has identified the AMONSOQUATH as being an Indian Tribe, and a separate
sovereign. Since it is known at the US Senatorial level that the Tribe exists as a separate Sovereign, it becomes further clear that the activities of
the BATF were such as to intimidate not only the AMONSOQUATH Tribe, but other non federal tribes into fearing that their lands and
possessions could be taken without either due process or without the protections of the Constitution. This constitutes a Hate Crime equal in
stature to the activities of genocide and internment inflicted upon the Jews by the Nazis. While no deaths have been attributed to the BATF
actions, there is a consorted and systematic intent to commit Cultural Genocide.

A QUESTION OF U.S. JURISDICTION The lands in question are listed in a Spanish Land Grant as belonging to the AMONSOQUATH prior to
the Louisiana Purchase. The Treaty to acquire the Louisiana Purchase was approved by the US Senate, and in it, contained provisions to
recognize [all] sections of the treaty, previous land grants, and other stipulations as having the force of law as if it occurred under the laws of
the United States. The Attorney General of the United States, in the 1870's opinioned that [all] Spanish Land Grants must be upheld as per
Treaty requirements with Spain. Therefore, the AMONSOQUATH retain the Spanish Land Grant in its entirety, unless there is a "treaty of
cession" conducted between the AMONSOQUATH and the US (not the state of Missouri or Arkansas). International Law applies here. Where
then is the jurisdiction of the US applied?


There is implied jurisdiction of the US based upon the 1924 American Indian Citizenship Act. Implied means that if you do not challenge it, then
you are held to it. It becomes the burden of the US to prove that one [is] a citizen of the US and subject to the Exclusive Jurisdiction thereof. The
proof of citizenship has been held to mean that if you are born in the US you are a citizen (status of implied citizenship). This concept is flawed in
that the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution excludes certain Indians from Citizenship. This is further demonstrated by the American Indian
Citizenship Act of 1924 which [cannot] be considered a Blanket Citizenship as there are provisions which specify that one does not receive
citizenship of the US if such will diminish ones tribal rights of inheritance. The US does not have jurisdiction except under the status of
subjugation to make one subject to its jurisdiction (a clear violation of the Anti-Colonialization Treaty signed by the US in the 1960's).


The activities of the BATF as Hate Crimes, Human Right Violations, Civil and Constitutional rights violations, and an attempt to commit an act of
Cultural Genocide. The BATF must return the tax and land documents as they were clearly not listed as items to be seized, and were not in any
manner, shape or form resembling a firearm. I suggest that the BATF participants be charged individually and severally with child endangerment
for forcing the children (aged 2 years to 14 years) into the cold without benefit of either blankets or coats. This is clearly an act of child abuse
and endangerment.


Consider the following: "tribal lands to which Indian title (1) has not been extinguished (2) are within the concept of Indian country." The
concept of Indian Sovereignty is a fundamental legal proposition to be understood, Indian Sovereignty is "tribal self government," but it is also
more equivalent to the sovereignty of the several states. (3) It is protected and recognized by treaties, federal laws and Federal Indian Policy. (4)
Indian sovereignty precludes state jurisdiction in Indian Country. (5) The Supreme Court held that the United States Constitution does not
restrain tribal governments since Indian tribes [are not] states within the meaning of the Constitution nor are they adjuncts of the federal
government. (6) Also federal courts have been held not to have general criminal jurisdiction over crimes committed by Indians against Indians in
Indian country.(7) Indian tribes have been deemed to possess sovereign immunity. (8) The existence of Indian Sovereignty prevents the states
from asserting complete jurisdiction over Indian Affairs in Indian Country. (9) Since states do not have jurisdiction over Indians in Indian
Country, the determination of whether the crime occurred in Indian Country is crucial for state criminal jurisdiction. The State would have
criminal jurisdiction over an Indian if the crime was committed outside of Indian Territory. Historically, the courts have used the extinguishment
of Indian title test to determine the extent of Indian Country (10)


Chief Walking Bear is certainly guilty... and has always been guilty of helping anyone who came to him for help. Just ask anybody who knows
him. When he lived in Southwest Missouri, the Missouri Division of Family Services (DFS) was always ready to send people to his junkyard for
things families may have needed after a house fire (to save money from the state's budget?), but were quick to condemn him for his lifestyle
because he lived in a junkyard, which was a business he operated. One DFS report stated the "Mr. Wilson's house is is nothing more than a
hovel in the middle of a junkyard. That "hovel" was a 2000 square foot home he built for himself, and it seemed to DFS his only sin was not
plumbing heat to the warmest room in the house before the children insisted in sleeping in it that first night. It was newly-completed 4th bedroom
that his children had only slept in for only one night because it was the warmest room in the house and the children were comfortable in sleeping
in it. DFS showed up the next day to harass Chief Wilson and his wife Billie, on the pretext they had received a "tip," perhaps from someone he
had tried to help when they were down and out. And so it is in Missouri for generous Indians. But the resentment that Missouri's official's have
goes much further back... back to 1607 in Virginia when English troops came ashore and immediately attacked Walking Bear's ancestors...
Powhatan's and Pocahontas' people.


From the book "The Amonsoquath Tribe of Cherokee" by Martin G. Wilson at "The year is
1607 and the date is April 2 -- the event is the beginning of genocide in America, as land is sighted by the English people of the Virginia
Company in search of the New World. The place was the Chesapeake Bay at the mouth of the James River. This was to be known as Virginia and
the location of the death of some of the Native American people who lived there. The survivors were the ancestors of most members of the
Amonsoquath Tribe, mentioned by a phonetic equivalent in the first chapter of John P. Brown's book Old Frontiers: The Story of the Cherokee
Indians from the Earliest Times to the Date of Their Removal to the West, 1838 - A masterly account of this peculiarly gifted Indian nation and of
the white frontier confronting it, by an author thoroughly prepared to do his subject justice. Illus.LC 74-146379 Kingsport, Tenn. 1938 - ISBN:

Amonsoquath is an Algonquin word for "Bear." The middle Cherokee dialect if full of Algonkin words, because of the "Peace Marriage" between
the mighty Powhatan, and Amopotuskee (meaning "spring" or "well") a Cherokee Clan leader, who became mother to Pocahontas in 1593.
Before opening its rolls a few years ago, the only clan represented among the Amonsoquaths was the Bear Clan. The Bear clan is also claimed by
the Monacans, Nansemonds, and other tribes in Virginia, which has America's oldest reservations, none of which are federally recognized by the
US Government, even though they were first tribes to be encountered by England. Perhaps this is because Washington DC itself sits on land
stolen from the Powhatan Confederacy. The United Keetoowah Band (UKB), is the only federally recognized Cherokee tribe to feature a Bear

In his 1838 book, Brown called the Bear Clan the "Caretakers of the Cherokee People" and to this day the Amonsoquath have led the way... led
the way west to the trans-mississippi country, and still keep as much of the old ways they can remember. Next to follow the Amonsoquath west
across the Mississippi were the Chickamauga Cherokee, who had seceded in 1777 from what Dragging Canoe, viewed as the corrupt "Cherokee
Nation," which had been formed along European lines of government in 1721. Next to leave the east were the "Keetoowah" or "Old Settlers"
who as the "Western Cherokee Nation" had separate treaties (later usurped by the Cherokee Nation) with the US between 1817 and 1833, never
federally recognized in modern days. The vast majority of the Old Settlers never relocated to Oklahoma, and stayed in the Ozark Mountains,
posing as "Black Dutch" after Missouri illegally outlawed Indians from owning land in 1838.


Hatred for Indians apparently runs so deep in Missouri government (or Missouri's political leadership knows its own state's sovereignty is
severely undermined by the Amonsoquath's Land Claim, which also includes 90% of the lead supply in the world which is strategic the the
United States government to say the least) that Attorney General Jay Nixon publicly stated that "No Indian Tribe will ever own land in the State
of Missouri." A two-faced late Governor Mel Carnahan recognized Cherokees by a proclamation while in office, but in private said, "There are no
Indians in the State of Missouri" statement being witnessed by the Missouri Speaker of the House, and reported to Chief Walking Bear on
Missouri State letterhead.

The Amonsoquath obtained a Spanish Land Grant in 1793, and our lands served as a buffer between the Spanish garrison at Ponce De Leon (still
on the maps south of Springfield, Missouri) and the French military garrison in Saint Louis. One of the Missouri law-enforcement officers sent to
observe the federal raid commented to Walking Bear that he remembered Attorney General Nixon's statement, but that "the tribe did indeed have
a deed to 35 acres..." UNTIL THE A.T.F. SEIZED THE DEED TO THE 35 ACRE TRIBAL PROPERTY ILLEGALLY! That acreage has over 300
burials on it, many with pictographs. The officer asked to see and saw many of the graves, and did say, "Those are graves!" Another officer,
perhaps in a position to know who signed the affidavits against Walking Bear, stated that the raid was "not about guns," but that it was "About
your beliefs." The Amonsoquath do not understand this, for they have been worshipping a deity named "Ya-ho-we" for 6012 years. "Ya-ho-we"
is too close to "Ya-ho-vah" or "Jehovah" to be any other deity than the Creator that Christians worship also.

In 1617, Pocahontas died, leaving her infant son and John Rolfe. John Rolfe left his young son in the care of his brother in England. At the news
of his favorite daughter, Powhatan went into seclusion until his death in 1618. For the next four years, there was more pressure put upon the
Powhatan. The English even imposed a tax on all the goods that the Indians had. Demanding 75% of all the corn raised or death. In 1622,
Opechancanough became the head chief. In the spring of 1622, the Powhatans exploded under the English pressure in an attack that left 350
colonists dead and a number of settlements destroyed in the space of just a few hours. This was what the English were waiting for. Edward
Waterhouse called the "massacre" a blessing and said that now there was no reason to tolerate the Indians anymore. By the spring of 1623,
Opechancanough was ready for peace. Many of his people were dead and the remainder were hungry. The colonial officers agreed to meet for
peace and military representatives met with the Indians to return English prisoners to their homes. On May 22, 1623, Captain William Tucker
concluded the treaty of peace with a toast of poisoned wine, killing some two hundred of the village of Aponehinking (Source: Robert Bennett to
Edward Bennett, from Benetes Wellcome, June 9, 1623 and Kingbury,Susan, The Records of the Virginia Company of London, Vol. IV. 221-222).

The English swore to scourge the Powhatans from the face of the earth, and did succeed in practically exterminating those along the lower James
and York rivers. Three punitive expeditions a year were carried out, year after year, giving the Powhatans no chance to plant corn or rebuild
destroyed towns. Men, women, and children were slain without quarter; the English captains were under oath to make no peace on any terms


With the "open secret" relationship between the Bank of England and the US Federal Reserve Bank, status of which actually being a private
bank being no secret anymore -- consider this information below, and think about what real estate Washington, DC is situated on today -- in what
was once the Powhatan Confederacy's domain:

On August 1, 1622, Governor Wyatt, on instructions from London, issued the order for "a perpetual war, without peace or truce, " an organized
process of extermination. The colonial militia was to harass the local tribes unremittingly, to raid and to ravage systematically, to extirpate or to
expel the red men from the banks of the James and beyond, to "pursue and follow them." The Council for Virginia instructed Governor Wyatt,
"Not only the sparing but the preservation of the younger people of both sexes, whose bodies may be labor and service become profitable, and
their minds not overgrown with evil customs, be reduced to civility, and afterwards to Christianity." The Powhatans' age-old Siouan-speaking
enemies in the Piedmont were to be incited to attack the Tidewater area (the bounty offered by the English was predicated on heads rather than
scalps: "by reward of beads and copper upon the bringing in of their heads") (Monacans and Mannahoock). In 1641, after five years of peace,
land-grab pressures again rose past the danger point, and Opechancanough, in his nineties and so feeble that he had to be carried on a litter,
struck once more. Again in a single day, hundreds of Englishmen paid the price. Opechancanough was captured and shot in the back; the
Powhatan Confederacy was broken up. The English made peace with the various tribes and assigned them to reservations which were
subsequently taken (as slaves) at the colony's pleasure.


A mistake was discovered in the case of Darrell Williams, and his guns were returned by the ATF with apologies, after the illegal seizure, which is
just like apologizing to another motorist after he collides with your car, and is clearly at fault. Williams had voluntarily told the Highway Patrol of
the presence of legally registered weapons in car, and when the cops checked him out, a radio dispatcher had misinterpreted a computer printout,
and an old misdemeanor was reported over the radio as a felony, which Williams had supposedly committed while sitting in the back of a parked
car which -- unbeknownst to him -- was a stolen car, the day he turned 18, about 35 years ago.

The ATF had arrived at 12:01 PM Wednesday, January 24, with a phalanx of about 20 Missouri Conservation Police, Missouri Water Patrol,
Missouri Highway Patrol, and Carter County Sheriff Greg Melton and several of his deputies including a Belgian Shepherd Canine Officer. Many
of the Highway patrol officers had been to the tribe's sovereign domain in Eastwood, near Van Buren, Missouri before, in the wake of the
attempted takeover of the tribal government about 12-18 months ago. After the tribe negotiated a contact which would have made the tribe
self-sufficient in the bulk water business, the vice-chief (an appointed revocable position) Cathy "Shadow Walker" Jones, and her live-in
companion Leonard Heith apparently saw an opportunity to line their pockets with the up-to 2 million dollars a year that the tribe would have
accrued in the business venture, instead of what the money was intended for, to provide financial security for the tribe. 20% of the money was
to be for the Chief's family, because it was on his land, and 80% was to be donated for job development, housing, business ventures, and
development of local infrastructure in Eastwood, including water mains and a fire truck, which the community lacks.

Leonard Heith, who lives with Cathy Jones, 2.5 miles northwest of Thayer, Missouri, is a Yankton Indian from Marty, SD, with an outstanding
federal warrant that the FBI refuses to serve in spite of their knowing his whereabouts for over a year and one-half. Sheriff Ray Westerhoff of
Lake Andies County, S.D. confirmed the outstanding federal warrant in late 1999, but Special Agent Matt Miller of the FBI refused to return
telephone calls concerning Heith, who is staill at large.

Cathy Jones is a red-headed white woman who claims to be Cherokee, but was found to have falsified genealogical documents to gain entry in
the tribe. Jones was expelled from the tribe on the wake of the takeover attempt last year. It has since been discovered that Jones had committed
similar acts in 5 different Indian Councils in the midwest in the last few years and continues to do so all over Missouri and Arkansas. Walking
Bear, an ordained minister, asks "Who has tried to stir the local community into a veritable frenzy against the chief and his family with the aid of
Monty Balthrope and two other expelled members? This has been ongoing since 1999. There have been threats made against the chief and his
family from this same group of people. The tribe was advised through unnamed sources that the hopes of these people were to turn the raid into
another Wounded Knee incident. We as the first people are still being denied our rights to worship our God, the Creator of all things, and to
teach our children the ways of our culture. The local area churches still condemn us for our beliefs in the one and only Creator. "

Separate men's and women's "O'si" or purification ceremonies were conducted the saturday following the raid, and the Chief made it clear that he
had no mailice towards anyone, and requested prayers for all concerned including those who wronged us, but also said he did not intend to be
forced from his ancestral home for any reason. During the height of the tribal council takeover attempt in late 1999 and early 2000, a heavily
armed faction led by Cathy Jones attended a December 1999 tribal council meeting at the tribe's property (an outdoor church) in violation of
Missouri laws forbidding carrying of guns into a church or to a public meeting. Local law enforcement officials, including one man who made a
recent bid for County Sheriff, had been spouting all over Carter County, Missouri for over a year that the tribal property was to be raided.

Turns out the rumors about the property were generated not by Chief Walking Bear's presence, but by that of Monty Balthrope, the former
owner, and a well known white supremacist, who always wore a 45 automatic pistol in public, and who was recently convicted of making
terroristic threats.


It was clear to the tribe that any excuse would do to shoot somebody. The ATF Wanted to know if the Tribal office was unlocked, and Walking
Bear's wife said she would furnish the key. The ATF hustled over to the office, and when Chief's son ran over to the office with the key, he has
nearly shot by paranoid ATF officers, and was saved by a shout from another direction by his father, which diffused the situation. Scott
Anderson was sick in bed, and his wife Betty was told by an out-of-control ATF officer to "Get him out of there, or we will have to shoot him if
he comes out and surprises us," as if surprise was an excuse to use deadly force. Clearly, the ATF was there to intimidate. Anderson, who had
been recovering from chills, fever, and diahrrea, was forced to sit outside in the wind, but was allowed his jacket. In spite of that he shivered
uncontrollably for quite a while until his legal residence was searched illegally. After two hours of searching and at the insistence of the County
Sheriff Greg Melton, the scantily clad children were allowed to take refuge in the Anderson's home. A DFS supervisor took that opportunity, and
commented "I see you have toilet paper in the house" as if most people in the world don't, when she was fishing for information on the
Anderson's living arrangements.


Chief Walking Bear is the 60 year-old Werowance, or Chief and a successor to Powhatan, father of Metoaka or Pocahontas. He was elected as
Chief for life by the body politic of the tribe in 1994, deposable only by an act of the Tripartite Tribal Council, and only for criminal acts against
his own people. Ever since Walking Bear began asserting the tribe's land claims to 2/5ths of Missouri and 1/5th of Arkansas from a 1793 Spanish
Land grant enforceable by the Treaty of the Louisiana purchase of 1803, and to much of Virginia and Washington, DC, he and his family has
been constantly harassed by local, state, and federal law enforcement officers. Chief Walking Bear, who had been a police officer in Nixa,
Missouri, had made the mistake of telling the local county sheriff of a large impending drug deal, which unbeknownst to him involved County
officials later convicted of drug dealing. These same officials, though convicted as drug dealers with convictions being appealed, still hold their
positions because they could afford their own lawyers.

Chief Walking Bear could not afford an attorney and his court-appointed attorney advised him to plea no contest in order to get a light sentence
so as to allow him to return to his family, who was also punished by seizure of his children and withdrawal of disability pension while he was in
prison. Chief Walking Bear was framed for a sex crime in the wake of the drug deals he reported, and spent 4 years in Missouri prison system for
a crime he did not commit. He was informed several times that he would never live to get out of prison. He has recently summoned by the State of
Missouri because of his refusal to register as a sex criminal under "Megan's Law", which was passed four years after his debt to society was

According to Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution of the United States of America, "no State shall pass any ex post facto Law.'' A similar
provision that applies to Congress is found in Section 9 of the same article. With one ruling in 1798, the Supreme Court held that the prohibition
of retroactive laws applies only to criminal, not civil, laws.


Ex post facto" (after the fact) laws, are clearly forbidden under the US Constitution. Chief Wilson requests that legal counsel come forward, and
request a legal fund be set up for him to help fight all of the continuing attacks against him and his Tribe. Walking Bear and his wife and four
children live on about $800 dollars a month.

CHILD ABUSE: First act of the Federal Government

Just like in the case of Elian Gonzales, the first act of the ATF was child abuse against Chief Walking Bear's minor children, ages 2, 5, and 15, who
were not allowed to have their coats as they were hustled out of their home into the care of one of the women of the tribe, and were made to
stand outside on a cold windy day for over two hours as a cursory search was conducted of the property. The real here hero was Carter County
Sheriff Greg Melton, who had to insist that ATF agents allow Chief's 2 year-old daughter be allowed to wear shoes on her bare feet, and his 5
year old son be allowed his own jacket, and his 15 year old son, home sick from school, be allowed to take refuge in another home on the


Even though all persons were accounted for on the property, machine guns were brandished by ATF agents. A door was kicked in on the tribe's
mobile home office, even though Chief Walking Bear's wife said the key would be furnished. It was indeed a sight to see ATF agents exhibiting
"manhood issues" as they broke into an unoccupied building shouting "POLICE! The "Agents" should be disciplined for turning their weapons
on a 15 year old boy as dozens of other armed police looked on -- a boy already determined to be unarmed -- as he ran to give them the key to a
building that, unknown to the boy, they had already kicked down the door of. Even though the Federal Magistrate ordered that all buildings and
outbuildings were to be searched, only Chief Walking Bear 's home and a few other large buildings were searched thoroughly. The ATF got
what they came for and a lot more... they illegally seized the property of his wife, and his eldest son, who was able to own a firearm under state
law because he had a hunters' safety certification card. Chief Walking Bear 's wife also noticed diamond jewelry missing from her jewelry box.


Chief Walking Bear's sacred pipe and other sacred items were desecrated and tossed on the floor, and the entire house was trashed. Even a
bubble pack of 3 toothbrushes, contents clearly visible, was torn open and thrown all over the room. After the house was trashed, Missouri
Division of Family Services was called in, and the 4 children were seized, as they declared the house unsafe because of the mess, but according
to the warrant, the ATF has custody of the minor children for the 24 hour period that the warrant was to be served, between 6 am and 10 pm, and
the ATF were clearly guilty of child abuse in the situation.

Missouri Division of Family Services has also been harassing the tribe since an anonymous tip was called in early last year suggesting that acts
of sexual abuse were being committed by tribal members against the Chief's seven year old daughter, an allegation later refuted by a doctor's
examination. Persons in the community friendly to the tribe have stated they have heard DFS officials prejudice themselves, in an unprofessional
manner, against Native Americans. Real abuse of authority is being committed by DFS officials, who have unwisely let their disdain for Native
Americans be known to witnesses willing to testify in court, opening themselves to lawsuits under the Native American Religious Freedom Act
of 1990. ATF and the United States of America are now open to lawsuits under the Native American Religious Freedom Act of 1990. and clearly
prosecutable for human rights violations and hate crimes under United Nations Law.


1. see Cohen, Handbook of Federal Indian Law, pg 287 (1942).
2. see Cf, 25 USC ss 177 (1970). "Tribal property can only transfer by Congressional authorization."
3. Cherokee Nation v Georgia, 30 US 1 (1831) (Indian tribes described as "domestic sovereign nations.")
4. see Worcester v Georgia, 31 US 515 (1832) and Cohen, Handbook on Federal Indian Law 122 (1942); cf. Oliver, the Legal Status of American
Indian Tribes, 38 Or. L. Rev. 193 (1959) and Indian Civil Rights Act, 25 USC ss 1301-2 (1970)
5. see Williams v. Lee, 358 US 217 (1959); cf. Comment, Tribal Control of Extradition from Reservations, 10 Natural Resources J. 626 (1970).
6. Talton v. Mayes, 1963 US 376 (1896); see Native American Church v. Navajo Tribal Council, 272 F.2d 131 (10 Cir. 1959) and comment, the
Indian Bill of Rights and Constitutional Status of Tribal Governments, 82 Harv. L. Rev. 1343 (1969).
7. note that the United States gave itself Plenary Powers over Indian Tribes for crimes listed in the 10 Major Crimes Act, 18 USC ss 1151 and ss
1153 (1970). This becomes problematic in that the Tribes did not cede such powers to Federal control or jurisdiction, and plenary powers is
founded under the principal of inherent racial superiority over the Indians. The posture is mirrored within the Hate Crimes Act as a "Hate Crime"
when one views himself superior to another and acts in a discriminatory manor in order to subjugate another. 8. Parks v. Ross, 52 US 362 (1850);
Turner v US 248 US 354 (1919). It must be noted that COngress c[could authorize] suits against Indian tribes even if the tribes do not consent to
be sued. This posture is applicable [only] to those tribes who have Federal Acknowledgement as they acceded to the exclusive jurisdiction of
the US and accepted a limited sovereignty at the discretion of the President (see federal acknowledgement requirements).
9. Cf. Williams v Lee, 358 US 217 (1959) (Supreme Court denied state court civil jurisdiction over an action by a non-indian against an Indian
occurring in Indian Country because state jurisdiction would interfere with tribal self-government.)
10. Bates v Clark, 95 US 204 (1877). This case originated the extinguishment of Indian title test to determine the extent of Indian Country. It must
be noted that extinguishment of Indian title can only occur from a land cession to the US, not the state of missouri, and such cession must be
ratified by treaty requirements and Senate approval. No such activity occurred with respect to the Spanish Land Grant. Since Congress has not
clearly extinguished Indian title to the lands and abrogated treaty (Spanish Land Grant Rights), the lands in dispute constitute Indian Country.
General cession language such as "hereby cede, sell, relinquish, and convey" does not in itself expressly abrogate any specific treaty rights.
The Courts [must and will] construe treaties in favor of Indian tribes whenever possible.

Contact the Amonsoquath Tribal Secretary at

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Esclarmonde -- Thursday, 1-Feb-2001 11:50:27
Esclarmonde -- Thursday, 1-Feb-2001 11:52:37

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