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Dear Old Trotsky Had Such A Head-ache

Posted By: Patriotlad
Date: Wednesday, 29-Nov-2000 19:10:17


Dear Friends, Patriots and Warriors of Truth --

Seldom in the last few years has it been as much fun to journey back into time, as it was reading this distorted missive from dear old KNWO and the World Socialist Web. Whatever that is.

Frankly, I am not carrying a candle for George the W. or his aged father, but neither do I hold with those who have tried to label both men, and thus the whole family, as being Reptilian.

It seems clear to me that the Establishment powers have caught each other's card sharps dealing from the bottom of the political deck, and are facing off over the poker table with pistols at the ready. The firearms aren't drawn yet, but the threats are in the air. The hokum spewed up from whatever socialist gutter KNWO has been sleeping in is really first rate, really top drawer, if you like your politics straight out of the Academy for Fellow Travellers and Communist Stooges, Class of '34 (with apologies to Lillian Hellman and Jane Fonda).

"Notwithstanding the many obvious differences, there are striking parallels between the political crisis arising from the 2000 election and the convulsive period that led up to the Civil War of 1861. One of these is the similarity in psychology and methods between the Republican right of today and the political representatives of the Southern slave owners 150 years ago."

Nothing could be further from the truth: the slavery powers of the 1850's were concentrated in New York City, Philadelphia, and to a lesser extent, Boston and Portsmouth, New Hampshire -- where the fortunate few who profitted from the illegal traffic in slaves, in cooperation with the Spanish grandees of Cuba -- kept their fine homes and rinsed the bloody money they used to employ a whole phalanx of lawyers and Attorneys at the Bar. The principal captain of the Slave Powers was James Buchanan, and his fellow conspirators on the bench of the federal courts and in the Bar Association of Philadelphia. Might someone remind KNWO that the Democratic Party, post-Jackson, was the party of slavery? And then it was the party of Jim Crow and segregation?

The overwhelming majority of "white Americans" in the slave States, including Delaware and Kentucky, were not owners. They found their political fortunes getting scrambled by the flood of monies injected into the election of 1856, as did the Free Soil men and the brand-new Republican Party of John C. Fremont, et al.
While it is easy to sit on the sidelines in this day and age and "carp" about racism, the fact is that even many of the most socially aware and "progressive" people of that era did not believe that black Americans, or persons of African blood, could or would ever be equal to them. The fact that they, the good people, opposed slavery on moral and on Christian grounds does not reveal the fact that there were so many differences in temperament and training, as to make the "racial" divide almost unbridgeable. KNWO is simply regurgitating a lot of Trotskyite rhetoric ... spooning out the chunks of undigested meat and leaving the rest of the gooey mess to offend us all ... while hoping that by calling it "socialist" we won't smell the smell.

"In both cases, the most reactionary social forces in the nation were driven by a sense of desperation, arising from the fact that the momentum of historical development was moving against them, to employ the most provocative and reckless methods."

KNWO doesn't "know" beans from beetle dung. The southern States had held a hammerlock grip on the Senate since 1845, as Florida and then Texas were admitted to the union. One of the first Senators from Florida was a self-hating Jew who wouldn't let anyone know his true heritage, while in Louisiana the principal agent-provocateur of the Rothschilds allied himself to the Brothers Slidell, and moved up fast in the world created by James Buchanan and his Philadelphia lawyers. His name was Judah P. Benjamin, and he was bounced out of Yale College at a very tender age either for cheating at cards, or thievery, it was never, ever revealed. By the time he was selected to represent the Louisiana aristocracy in the Senate, he had made himself into a very successful lawyer, had been elected to the State legislature and had accumulated a fine sugar plantation and hundreds of slaves. He had also married a very beautiful woman who apparently loved him, and a lot of other men, very much.

Politically, the southern Democratic leaders were more or less in command of the Senate -- and thus, in command of the power of appointments -- from the time that James Buchanan was picked to be the Secretary of State. This power they used cleverly, and then ruthlessly, to destroy the logistical base of the naval forces, which were otherwise impervious to their philosophy. The army was relatively so small as to be irrelevant in a nation the size of the union, with its 34 States as of 1861, however adept it was at chasing and killing Indians and renegades. The Buchanan team showed its real mettle, though, by muscling aside the philosophical successor to Andrew Jackson, John A. Quitman, the former Governor of Mississippi and a member of Congress.

He was denied the nomination for President by the Democratic moguls led by Tom and John Slidell, and Benjamin. Instead they put "the greatest jurist" of the age into that slot, despite the fact that he had only just returned from being our ambassador to Great Britain. Or was that the real reason he was picked?

'Old Buck,' as they called him (and not so affectionately, after his administration immediately ripened into rotten corruption and pro-secessionist swindling), was a great political operator who should have made an excellent president. He was, instead, the worst one we have ever had -- except for Billy the Clinton.

The difference is that Clinton was groomed and prepared for the new age of twenty-four hour television, and has had the complete support of what KNWO laughingly calls "the Republican media." Old Buck had his supporters and he had massive amounts of cash to help him buy votes -- and thus, the Electors -- in Illinois, Connecticut and even in gold-rich California. But he never had such a pliant media, vertically organized, and responsive only to the demands of the international bankers and their cabal.
Both men, however, developed a reputation for their sexual peccadilloes while in possession of the Oval Office.

"One great difference, to extend the historical analogy, is the
absence within any faction of bourgeois politics today of a force either willing or able to take on and defeat the radical right. As they have repeatedly demonstrated, the flaccid ranks of liberalism, institutionalized in the Democratic Party, are organically incapable of waging a serious struggle in defense of democratic rights."

The New Democrats, as typified by Messrs. Daschle, Durbin, Gore and Lieberman are really just good old National Socialists all gussied up in modern clothing. Instead of the jackboots they have comfortable shoes. Instead of the occultic insignia of the Third Reich, they have the blather, double-speak, and maundering of Robert Reich (and I could go on, but I won't). Their goals are the same as those of the National Socialists of Germany: disarm the men and women of the rural areas and the small towns, co-opt the working men and women of the big cities, and then buy off the urban elites with delicacies and perversions, and buy off the urban poor with government jobs and cheap narcotics.

" ... [blah-blah-blah] the working class, which must construct its own mass, socialist party to carry it out."

Someone should alert KNWO to the fact that the new working class in the United States is equipped with Palm Pilots and digital phones, and is overtaxed, not under-represented. We have had sixty-seven and 1/2 years of Frank and Eleanor Roosevelt's New Modern Socialism and it has only perpetuated the big, big lies of the whole era of autocrats, plutocrats, and Democrats.

We are still under FDR's emergency orders of 1933 and '34, we have surrendered our sovereignty to the Federal Reserve and to multi-jurisdictional operations like NAFTA and FEMA, and what we really need is a leader with the visionary nerve of Old Hickory, the frontier 'nabob,' President and General Andrew Jackson. That Prince Albert of Gore and George the W. are not equipped with such steely dispositions is self-evident. Of the two, W. is at least willing to let us keep our own guns and some of our own money for a little while longer. He could be telling us an ever bigger lie than is Albert S., Junior, but somehow I doubt it as his father's ambition is what is driving him, I think.

John Quincy Adams, he is not. Then again, I hope he will not betray the whole of the country and Texas, as well, as did the late and unlamented James "the Pansy" Buchanan.

As for World Socialism? It seems to be working out well in North Korea ... if you don't mind watching your children starve to death while the Party elites build guided missiles and watch Japanese porno on their satellites. Now that's a brave, new world for us all to emulate, isn't it?

Fight The Royalists & The New World Order!

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Articles In This Thread

neverknwo -- Wednesday, 29-Nov-2000 16:35:11
Dear Old Trotsky Had Such A Head-ache
Patriotlad -- Wednesday, 29-Nov-2000 19:10:17

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