The following excerpts are from :
The Words Hashem (God) Spoke To Moshe (Moses)
Last week we concluded with these words in reference to the Gematria of 222: "So now we await the Moshiach who will again pick up the rod of our fathers. He will lead Kal Yisroel. He will lead the entire world. He will hold the rod high like Moshe Rabbeinu did. Kal Yisroel will look upon the rod in faith, then our enemies will be defeated."
This week we see Moshe as the deliverer of Yisroel. Our parsha begins where we left off. The first word of this week's parsha is Vah Yi Dah Bayr, meaning "'And Spoke'" {Hashem to Moshe}." The Gematria of Vah Yi Dah Bayr is 222. {See first blue Gematria line at top of page}
222 = Reish = 200 + Bais = 2 + Dalid = 4 + Yod = 10 + Vov = 6
We will observe that it was what Hashem said to Moshe, Vah Yi Dah Bayr, {"and [the] words"} that separated Moshe, Yisroel and Pharaoh.
In this week's parsha we observe that the Gematria for Pharaoh is 355
{From right to left} 355 = Hey = 5 + Ayin = 70 + Reish = 200 + Pey = 80
{See first black Gematria line at top of page}
In last week's parsha we stated that the Gematria for Moshe was 345
{From right to left} 345 = Hey = 5 Shin = 300 + Mem = 40
{See second blue Gematria line at top of page}
The difference between the Gematria of Pharaoh {355} and Moshe {345} is 10. The Ten is represented by the Yod (Rod of governance).
The Mispar Katan Gematria for Pharaoh is 22
{From right to left} 22 = Hey = 5 + Ayin = 7 + Reish = 2 + Pey = 8
{See second black Gematria line at top of page}
The Mispar Katan Gematria for Moshe is 12
{From right to left} 12 = Hey = 5 Shin = 3 + Mem = 4
{See fthird blue Gematria line at top of page}
The difference between the Mispar Katan Gematria of Pharaoh {22} and Moshe {12} is also 10. The Ten is represented by the Yod.
The Yod represents Hashem's power over His Creation. First represented by the ten commands of Creation and second by the ten commands {plagues} in Mitzriam.
The Ten represents the difference between Moshe and Pharaoh. Moshe submitted to Hashem's commands, Pharaoh resisted submitting to Hashem's commands until the tenth Plague.
The Ten represents Hashem's Grace to Pharaoh and to Mitzriam. They had ten opportunities to repent. They had ten opportunities to send Kal Yisroel out of Mitzriam to serve Hashem.
The Ten represents the Mispar Katan of Yisroel which is the difference between Moshe and Pharaoh. {See 3rd black Gematria line top of page}
10 = Lamid = 3 + Aleph = 1 + Reish = 2 + Shin = 3 + Yud = 1
The Ten represents Hashem's Grace for any Jew who desires to repent during the ten days of repentance between Rosh Ha Shanah and Yom Kippur.
The Ten represents Hashem's Grace for Sodom and Gomorrah. Had ten righteous people existed within Sodom and Gomorrah they would have been spared. The potential for ten righteous existed just within Lot's immediate family. There was Lot, his wife, his two married daughters and their husbands, plus his grandsons and his two engaged daughters and their future husbands. {See Geneses 19:8,12}
The Ten represents our forefather Avraham's submission to the ten trials of his faith by Hashem...Ten Commandments given to Moshe on Har Sinai
...The Ten camels that Eliezer took loaded with special things for Rebecca
...The Ten times Lavan changed Yaakov's wages
...The Ten spies that returned an evil report, plus much much more...
The difference between the full Gematria of Moshe {452} and Pharaoh {723} = 271. The Gematria 271 = Lay Mor which means "spoke to {Moshe}". This represents the words Hashem gave to Moshe as we mentioned in the beginning of this article. They were "Come speak to Pharaoh, king of Mitzriam that he send B'nei Yisroel out of his land." Exodus 6:10,11 It was these words given "to Moshe" that separated Moshe and Pharaoh. {See fourth blue Gematria line at top of page}
271 = Reish = 200 + Mem = 40 + Aleph = 1 + Lamid = 30
{right to left}
Pey = 81 Aleph = 1 + Pey = 80
Reish = 506 Shin = 300 + Vov = 6 + Reish = 200
Ayin = 130 Nun = 50 + Yod = 10 + Ayin = 70
Hey = 6 Aleph = 1 + Hey = 5
Total = 723
{For Pharoah see 4th - 7th black Gematria lines at top of page}
{right to left}
Mem = 90 Mem = 40 + Yod = 10 + Mem = 40
Shin = 356 Nun = 50 + Vov = 6 + Shin = 300
Hey = 6 Aleph = 1 + Hey = 5
Total = 452
For Moshe see 5th - 7th blue Gematria lines at top of page}
The difference between the Gematria of Vah Yi Dah Bayr, "And {the} words" {222} and Lay Mor, "Spoke to" {271} = 49. The 49 represents the very high spiritual level of Moshe Rabbeinu. He was just one step from the highest level any human can attain in this life. The 49 also represents the depth of struggle to which Kal Yisroel had slipped, going in the opposite direction. They were just one step from the bottom.
This shows that when Hashem speaks, when Hashem gives His words, they bring about life and redemption. Hashem's words must penetrate His leadership. Then the words that Hashem has given to His leadership will produce results for Kal Yisroel. What a powerful combination. Moshe was sent to restore Kal Yisroel to a high spiritual level. He received Hashem's words and used Hashem's words to restore Kal Yisroel.
This is reinforced by the fact that the words, "Hashem spoke to Moshe," are repeated 70 times in the Torah. Hashem selected 70 men as elders of Yisroel to assist Moshe. The very first time the Torah records these words, "Hashem spoke to Moshe," is in Exodus 6:10 which is this week' parsha. The first word of this phrase is Vah Yi Dah Bayr and the last word is Lay Mor. The Torah records the qualifications of leadership, "You must seek out from among the people capable, G-d - fearing men, men of truth, who hate gain." Exodus 18:21
This is the type of leader that Hashem has chosen to be the coming Moshiach of Yisroel, a capable, G-d - fearing man, a man of truth, a man who hates gain.