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Date: Thursday, 9-Nov-2000 14:39:58


While the Nation is dividing itself over the 2000 election, we must realize that our current President has been labeled mentally incapacitated by men who know him best. Here are some more accounts from Clinton Confidants.

If "We the People" do not wake up and put a stop to the divisive nature of what is happening in Florida, we may see anarchists rioting in the streets, a race war, biological or nuclear attacks, and we may end up with President Clinton as dictator for life.

In 1960, when Mayor Daly stole the election from Richard Nixon, Nixon put the needs of the Nation first and said he would not contest the election... an election that Nixon clearly won!!

Will Mayor Daly's son, who is the head of the Gore Campaign continue to divide the nation with his inflamatory rhetoric in Florida? Or will Al Gore rise to a position of senior stateman and "MOVE ON"?

The following is from an RMNews December 1998 email.

DECEMBER 19, 1998

So far, four brave men have had the courage to tell the
world about the secret dark side of President Clinton's

Dick Morris was the first to come forward and state that
Bill Clinton is a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

The next to come forward was former Chief of Staff, Leon
Panetta. He stated that President Clinton has a "dark side".
His comments are mentioned in the attached article.

Today, the BBC ran comments from former White House
Spokesman, Mike McCurry. McCurry said that he was
flabbergasted the he (Clinton) could be so reckless.
McCurry went on to say, he has "enormous doubts" about
President Clinton's fitness for office. The entire text of this
article is included at the end of this article.

The fourth person to come forward and question the
President's state of mind, is Tom Campbell, the Republican
Representative from the San Jose area of California.
Campbell made his reference to the 25th amendment and
Clinton's incapacitation on the floor of the House just
shortly after Bob Livingston resigned.

There are now four men, in positions to know about the
President's state of mind, who have come forward and tried
to warn the American public. Rumors in newsrooms
around the world are discussing the President's mental
health. How much longer can the President remain in
office, and what kind of damage can he do before he is

It is time to end this partisan "blind loyalty" and stop
defending this man. Look beyond his "Democrat" label and
see what really lurks beneath that carefully crafted image
he presents to the camera. Do you remember how
handsome and charming serial killer Ted Bundy was? Stop
being mesmerized by Clinton's carefully crafted speeches
and gestures. Listen to what these four men have said!
These four men have everything to lose and nothing to gain
by making these comments about the President's state of

If you don't believe me, read the book his former best
friend Dick Morris wrote, "Behind the Oval Office" Or pull
up and read what Dolly Kyle
Browning, his childhood girlfriend who stayed with him
almost forty years. Browning calls him a "sociopath who is
a sexual addict in denial."

After reading everything that is presented here, ask yourself
who controls the nuclear football. The "football" is the
briefcase that is carried everywhere the President goes. It
contains the launch codes for our nuclear arsenal. The
football stays near the President 24 hours a day, just in
case he has to launch a nuclear attack. In the article written
by RMNews yesterday titled, "The return of The Cold
War", RMNews quoted Russian officials who openly stated
they feared Clinton would direct the missiles at Russia

Everyday this man remains in office the world faces World
War III. Someone with the proper authority needs to have
the President examined by a psychiatrist. And then he must
be removed immediately using the 25th amendment!

Subj: Another Clinton Confidant refers to: "Clinton's
Dark Side"
Date: 03/27/98
Friday, March 27th

Leon Panetta Discusses Bimbo Patrol

In a carefully worded comment, former White House Chief
of Staff, Leon Panetta talked of knowing about the
President's "dark side" and never being able to leave him
alone with women.

Specifically, Panetta said that those who are part of his
White House staff, know that if a woman was to ask to ride
with him in a limousine, it was their job to see that she
didn't get in.

Further, Panetta went on to say that they were very careful
to monitor his late night guests. Of course, said Panetta, it
was impossible to monitor every private moment.

Panetta went on to say that they could not insure that his
"dark side" would not come out.

If the report of this is true, and I have not found it in print
yet, this will make the second high ranking Clinton official
to refer to Clinton's Dark side. On March 17th, former
Clinton longtime advisor, Dick Morris, referred to the
President's dark side, by saying that he was like a Dr. Jekyll
and Mr. Hyde.

Mr. Morris was on several other talk shows in subsequent
days using the same "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" comments.

In an article I wrote called, "Dick Morris Calls Clinton a
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", I predicted that the current White
House strategy is to paint his as a person with a multiple
personality disorder. This will keep him from being
impeached and will gain him national sympathy. He is
NOT a lecherous satyr, he is a sick man.

Using this logic, he can be removed using the 25th
amendment, and will be placed in a hospital, not a jail.
Within a few short years of treatment, he will be released
and go on his merry way.

I said, if it is true that the White House was planning on
using this strategy, then we would soon start seeing clips of
the President acting out of character. The first of these clips
occurred the first day of his Africa trip. As the crowds
surged toward him, his face contorted into a reddened mask
contorted by anger and rage. The American public had
never seen this side of Clinton before.

The White House spun the story as the President trying to
keep the crowd from crushing a woman who had fallen.
The television cameras never showed footage of the fallen
and crushed victim.

There are now three events in the cycle which Rumor Mill
News predicted would signal the White House strategy to
declare him mentally ill and remove him by using the 25th

The Democrats have a lot to save, like the 1998 elections.
The sooner they all get on board and "reluctantly" admit
that the president is "sick", the sooner they will have a new,
hopefully clean Democratic President.

In articles written over two years ago, Rumor Mill News
predicted a similar removal. In that article RMNews
predicted that Al Gore would appoint Jay Rockefeller as
president, and then Gore would be forced out also, and we
would have our first Rockefeller President.

This Rockefeller strategy almost worked in 1973 when
Nelson Rockefeller was appointed Vice president. There
were numerous attempts to assassinate Gerald Ford, which
would have meant that Nelson Rockefeller would have
been president. It was a shear miracle, and an even more
powerful machine, that kept Ford alive. The powerful
machine that was put into action was the same military
unit that was behind the removal of Nixon. (read a book
called Silent Coup, if you don't believe me)

When these Admirals and Generals realized what was
about to happen, they neutralized that part of the
Rockefeller machine, and Ford was able to serve out the
years of his presidency. After Nelson Rockefeller was out
of office, he suffered a "heart attack" while in the arms of a
visiting lady of the night who was rumored to have ties to
the CIA.

Once the current President is removed, that's when things
really will get interesting. There is an old saying, "Better
the enemy you know, than the one you don't" With Jay
Rockefeller waiting in the wings, I sometimes wonder if a
wounded and weakened Bill Clinton might be the best
thing going.

Ru Mills, Editor Rumor Mills News
The Uncensored National Rumor


McCurry's comments FROM THE BBC

Saturday, December 19, 1998 Published at 14:50

McCurry doubts Clinton's fitness for office

Mike McCurry: "Flabbergasted that he could be so

The former White House press spokesman, Mike
McCurry, says he has "enormous doubts" about President
Bill Clinton's fitness for office.

Mike McCurry: 'Enormous doubts' about the
president Mr McCurry told the BBC's Newsnight
programme President Clinton's behaviour was "surely
reckless" and "contrary to the way you would expect a
rational human being to behave".

Asked whether he thought Mr Clinton was fit to be
president, Mr McCurry, who had maintained his silence on
presidential issues since his resignation in October, said: "I
have enormous doubts because of the recklessness of his

"The nature of this particular affair and then the
way he did conceal it really does raise some very profound
troubling matters.

Mike McCurry: "Flabbergasted" at the president's
behaviour "I feel the way most Americans and probably his own wife do: Deeply disappointed, and hurt and a bit flabbergasted that he could be so reckless," said Mr McCurry.

Reliance on denial

Asked about the president's sex life, he said people
close to Mr Clinton had spent a year relying on what
appeared to be a direct denial of scandal.

"I did not believe that there was a tortured definition of sex lurking behind that denial," said Mr McCurry.

"I couldn't imagine that he would put himself in that
kind of jeopardy when there was a whole army of inquisitors out there," he added.

The former spokesman said that direct conversation
on the Monica Lewinsky affair had been avoided to prevent presidential aides being subpoenaed.

But Mr McCurry said he had been assured by the
president that "everything would turn out alright".

He said that he had preferred to remain "unknowing" rather than give the press information that night be unreliable.

Update From CNNS 12-18-98

The calls are growing louder that Bill Clinton, for the
good of the nation, must resign. But sources have
repeatedly and emphatically told this news service that
Bill Clinton will =never= willingly leave office.
"They'll have to drag him, kicking and screaming, from
the White House," said one source.

Already, network and cable news broadcasts have begun
carrying reports that the now upcoming trial of Bill Clinton,
in the U.S. Senate, is going to go on for months and will
be "horrendous." Is there some way such a Senate trial
could be averted?

Yes. Through the XXV Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution, Bill Clinton can be removed from office
should he become "incapacitated."

CNNS (Conspiracy Nation News Service) asked one
journalist, employed by a major newspaper, what "the
buzz" was in the newsroom these days. On the condition
that his reply was "not for attribution" and on the
understanding that it was merely the latest newsroom talk
and not yet verified, here is part of what he says:

We have heard, and from some rather credible sources,
that there are quiet discussions going on about invoking
the 25th Amendment should Clinton begin to act even
remotely strangely. Many members of Congress believe
that Bill has a substance abuse problem and the term
"cocaine psychosis" was repeatedly used in one such
conversation as several congressional staffers from
different offices were trying to understand the recent
Reuters wire story about Bill being "in denial."

Is the Reuters' phrase "in denial" a CODE WORD?
Reportedly, Bill Clinton is "in denial" about being
impeached. But is he "in denial" about more than that?
A cocaine addiction for example? Besides semen, were
traces of cocaine found on Monica Lewinsky's infamous

CNNS later spoke by telephone with our source, the
journalist mentioned above. This source tells us that
Bill Clinton has repeatedly, while president, made covert
trips to Arkansas for the purpose of partying. The
source calls these Clinton mini-vacations "covert"
because Air Force One was not used to transport the
president to and from Arkansas on those occasions.

In the latest report from "Ru Mills" (pseudonym), she
refers to congressman Tom Campbell's remarks today, in
which Rep. Campbell specifically called Bill Clinton
"incapacitated." Campbell went further, according to "Ru
Mills": she writes, in part, that "Campbell said that
there are laws in place since 1968, which would allow
Congress to remove a President who has been deemed

Campbell was referring to the XXVth Amendment.

The knottiest problem, though, will be how to actually evict
Bill Clinton from the White House. Suppose Bill Clinton is
dethroned, under XXVth Amendment provisions, but then
becomes a squatter and refuses to vacate?

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

INFORMATION PLEASE: Conspiracy Nation News
SerVice (CNNS) is a
co-operative effort. Without the hints/rumors provided by
many excellent sources, we could not exist. Have YOU
heard anything lately that might be important? Pass it
along to us at
Anonymity is guaranteed. If you prefer, send your news
tip or clues on same to: Brian Redman, 310 S. Prairie
Champaign, IL 61820. Or you can go to a pay phone and
call in your news tip: 217-356-4418.
THEY will never tell us the whole truth about what is
going on. But we, the People, working together, can find
out what is REALLY happening.


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Articles In This Thread

RUMOR MILL NEWS -- Thursday, 9-Nov-2000 14:10:05
RUMOR MILL NEWS -- Thursday, 9-Nov-2000 14:39:58
RUMOR MILL NEWS -- Thursday, 9-Nov-2000 15:18:54
RAYELAN -- Thursday, 9-Nov-2000 17:18:25
RAYELAN -- Saturday, 11-Nov-2000 04:21:34

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