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Oklahoma City Bombing/Other Stuff, Too

Posted By: vonMonke
Date: Friday, 27-Oct-2000 23:39:24

In Response To: NYC -- TERRORIST TARGET (Rayelan)

The following excerpt is taken from the work of George Hoben Estabrooks. I hit conspiracy lotto when I began to follow up references to this character. I've said elsewhere that he writes like a Basil Rathbone film villain. I liked Rathbone.

Estabrooks has been a particular subject of my free-time research. Actually I've spent time on George H. that I should have spent in pursuit of other studies. This excerpt was scanned and its characters optically recognized using Caere's OmniPage Pro, Version 8.0. I cannot recommend it highly enough. It is superior in every way to both ReadIris Pro 6, and the execrable TextBridge Pro 8.xx.

I have spell-checked what I have pasted below, but there are probably typos present. Please excuse them and try to make sense of what is not clear or has been left out from its context.

As I, for the first time, read the section below from the chapter entitled, "Hypnotism in Warfare," I thought of the bombing of the Murrah (right name? sp?) building in Oklahoma City.

Estabrooks outlines a plan for bombing a civilian building. These plans and their variants, mirror image or otherwise, seem to be acted out more than once, sometimes successfully, sometimes not.

I also thought about the many articles I've read on Mind Control since first accessing the Internet.

It is clear to me that for these researchers to have begun to torture their subjects in conjunction with the use of drugs and hypnosis would have been just another avenue of inquiry. One assembles one's subjects and the various elements, combining and recombining them, noting every result, attempting to replicate those that may prove serviceable.

Recently there has been a lot of interaction between the governments of Cuba and the United States about Cubans seeking exile: physicians, sports figures, and children.

Estabrooks talks about his "imaginary agressive Cubans" in the following material. He writes in terms of Communists and Americans, but the reader can substitute factions or whatever societal/political divisions work best.

I am sorry to say that the author did not provide a bibliography, although he does mention, here and there, authors and their works by way of recommendation.

Estabrooks, George H. Hypnotism. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co. Inc., 1957. 200-207

The Super Spy

In the instance we are about to outline, we may or may not be dealing with multiple personality. This is a matter which could be argued at considerable length, but we shall use that term here. The little experiment I have just cited could be successful with any good somnambulist and would require about ten hours preparation. The example I now cite would work only with a certain number of the very best somnambulists and instead of ten hours preparation, we had better allow ten months. In other words, a neat little laboratory demonstration is one thing. Preparation for grim reality in the cloak and dagger club is something different. See if you can follow it.

In this case, or rather type of case, we will use hypnotism to induce multiple personality. Hypnotism is the means to an end, though the technique would be impossible did we not have hypnotism at our disposal. Perhaps we had better start by defending our position. Is it unethical? Perhaps, but science merely states the facts. If you choose to use those facts for destruction rather than for construction, the scientist is quite justified in saying that you are to blame. If we follow one line of reasoning, Einstein can be regarded as the greatest criminal of modem years. He wrote the basic formula for atomic fission, which made possible the atom. That line of reasoning is, of course, perfect nonsense. One closest friends is an authority on modem explosives, so is he a criminal?

Now let us return to our presentation. We start with an excellent subject and he must be just that, one of those rare individuals who accepts and who carries through every suggestion without hesitation. In addition, we need a man or a woman who is highly intelligent and physically tough. Then we start to develop a case of multiple personality through the use of hypnotism. In his normal waking state, which we will call Personality A, or PA, this individual will become a rabid communist. He will join the party, follow party line and make himself as objectionable as possible to the authorities. Note that he will be acting in good faith. He is a communist or rather his PA is a communist and will behave as such. Then we develop Personality B (PB), the secondary personality, unconscious personality, if you wish, although this is something of a contradiction in terms. This personality is rabidly American and anti-communist. It has all the information possessed by the normal personality, whereas PA does not have this advantage You will recognize this relation as similar to that which had in Sally and the Angel from the famous Beauchamp case, the clear-cut difference in ideals.

The proper training of a person for this role would be long and tedious, but once he was trained, you would have a super spy compared to which any creation in a mystery story is just plain weak.
My super spy plays his role as a communist in his waking state, aggressively, consistently, fearlessly. But his PB is a loyal American and PB has all the memories of PA. As a loyal American, he not hesitate to divulge those memories, and needless to say will make sure be has the opportunity to do so when occasion demands Here is how this technique would work.

Once again let us choose the imaginary aggressive Cubans as examples. In the event of war, but preferably well before the outbreak of war, we would start our organization. We could easily secure, say, one hundred excellent hypnotic subjects of Cuban stock, living in the United States, who spoke their language fluently, and then work on these subjects.

hypnotism we would build up their loyalty to our country; but
out of hypnotism, in the "waking" or normal state, we would the opposite, striving to convince them that they had a genuine grievance against this country and encouraging them to engage fifth column activities. So we build up a case of dual personality

They would, as we said before, be urged in the waking state become fifth columnist enemies to the United States, but we also point out to them in hypnotism that this was really a pose, their real loyalty lay with this country, offering them protection and reward for their activities. Through them we would hope be kept informed of the activities of their "friends," this inform information, of course, being obtained in the trance state. They would also be very useful as "plants" in concentration camps or in other situation where it was suspected their services might be use to our intelligence department.

Once again these people would have a great advantage over ordinary "informers." Convinced of their own innocence, would play the fifth column role with the utmost sincerity' an as mentioned before, this conviction of innocence would probably be their greatest protection. Again, if suspected, no one co obtain from them any useful information. Only a very few people could throw them into the trance and, without this, a attempt to get information would be useless. Finally, we again point out that we are fully aware of the difficulties which would be encountered in building up such an organization. Hardly somnambulist in, say, ten, or even one hundred, would be suitable for such work; and the determining of this suitability would be easy task. But it could be done, and once accomplished would repay pay amply all the trouble.

A further extension of this same proposal would carry the into the enemy's country, into Cuba in this case. These subjects would be admirable for "planting" in the enemy army with a view to obtaining information, or even for the ends of civilian sabotage. We ask you to note another point which would not contribute to the peace of mind of enemy military intelligence. It is impossible to detect men who have been prepared for espionage work by' method. There is no test by which you can discover them. Blood pressure, heart rate, electroencephalograph, psychogalvanic flex, all of these devices which we can use to pick up the subtle bodily changes are worthless for there are no bodily changes. Drugs reveal nothing, at least at the present moment.

This presents the military with all the makings of a very bad dream. For instance, suppose the enemy places one of these men in an American military intelligence organization numbering, let us say, one thousand. This man would, of course, be trained in reverse English, so to speak. In his normal waking condition, he would be a staunch American. His secondary personality would be that of an equally staunch communist, ready to disclose any secrets obtained by Personality A. He would be just about as dangerous an individual as anybody could imagine. Suppose that the chief of that organization had reason to believe such a person existed but did not know who be was. The search for the proverbial needle in the haystack would begin. The chief couldn't count on an American research hypnotist for much help. The super spy was made according to specifications by an equally able hypnotist on the other side, They both know their business, and they both know that the matter of detection is almost hopeless. The chief has only the methods used to locate an ordinary spy, and this man is as immune to those methods as a human being can be. In his waking state, he is a loyal American. The right hand, literally, does not know what the left hand is doing and no one would be more surprised than himself to discover that he was the blackest of spies. This one fact gives him great protection.

A trained investigator is extremely shrewd at detecting this matter of mental conflict in the usual person. He simply puts a suspect through what appears to be a matter of routine questioning. He says it is merely for the record but if you are guilty, if you are involved, you are almost certain to make some slip which arouses his suspicions. He takes his leave in courteous fashion but from then on the suspect is in real trouble if he is guilty, for the investigator has at his disposal the means to begin that endless process of check and scrutiny which will eventually reveal the truth. On the other hand, if the suspect is convinced of his own innocence, if he offers to co-operate in every possible way, welcomes an investigation into his past and present activities, the matter probably stops right there. The type of hypnotic subject I have described presents this conviction of innocence.

In psychology, we hear much about mental conflict. In hypnotism , we do everything possible to avoid this conflict, especially in the field of ethics. When multiple personality appears spontaneously - as we know it does-it is a device on the part of mind to solve this matter of conflict. The personality splits, one part acting under one group of ethical ideals, the other governed by the conflicting group. Under this adroit arrangement, there is no conflict. Goethe said that he had the makings in himself of gentleman and of a rogue. Many of us are in the same situation and at times the conflict can become quite acute. In a case of real multiple personality, the conflict is eliminated. The gentleman goes his way, the rogue goes his way, and both are quite happy with the arrangement.

So a synthetic hypnotic spy with a dual personality is extremely hard to detect. Then what can be done about it? See if you can follow this next move, one which we shall dub the countermining technique. There is a diversity of techniques which can be employed. . In the one we are about to describe we need make no tempt to split the personality largely because there is no ethical conflict involved. Our subject is playing a straight hand, so to speak, although that hand is a little complicated.

We suspect the enemy is using these specially prepared super spies on us, there is not much we can do in the line of detection at this end, so we carry the war into the enemy's country. We countermine mine. We choose a good subject and then let him in on the plot. We disclose to him that he is an excellent hypnotic subject and wish to use him for counterespionage. We suspect that in the near future someone is going to try hypnosis on him. He is to bluff' co-operate to the very best of his ability, fake every test that' made and stay wide awake all the time. The test we fear most that of an analgesia-insensitivity to pain. So we coach him carefully fully with posthypnotic suggestions to the effect that even when wide awake and bluffing be will be able to meet every test which may be made here, be it with ammonia under the nose, a Once or, worst of all, the use of electricity, which can be made extremely painful and is easy to use.

Under these circumstances it will be virtually impossible to whether this man is bluffing or really in trance. We take a subject so trained and allow another operator to try his hand. So the operator "hypnotizes" his victim and has him see the usual dog, produces anesthesia to pin pricks, and is very well satisfied with himself. Then he "awakens" the subject.
We say to the operator. "That chap is a very good subject."
"He certainly is."
"He couldn't have been fooling?"
"Not the least chance of it."
We turn to the subject. "What do you say?"
"I'm afraid I was. I remember everything perfectly. I was bluffing you."

The other operator now realizes be was "taken for a ride." So he returns to the attack. "Let's see you fool me this time."

He hypnotizes the subject, stretches him out between two chairs, sits on his chest and says triumphantly, "Now tell me he's fooling."

"That's right, I am." And the subject opens his eyes, dumps the operator on the floor and stands up.

"How in the world can I tell when you are hypnotized?" says the very puzzled hypnotist.

"You can't. I know every trick of the trade and can bluff you from now till doomsday." And he could have.

The writer knows of Such a subject who was almost uncanny. Highly intelligent, he knew all the literature on hypnotism and knew exactly what was expected in every situation. At times the writer himself did not know what it was all about, whether the subject was bluffing or in genuine trance, for he could use autosuggestion quite as easily as the operator could use real hypnotism. He thoroughly enjoyed the whole game, and took especial delight in "Playing possum." He would allow an operator to work with him for an hour under the absolute conviction that be was handling a higb-grade subject, and never crack a smile during the whole performance.

Of course this was an excellent subject. Such a subject prepared for use as a super spy would be a nightmare to any intelligence department using hypnotism. The writer admits that he knows of no way to uncover the deception. Babinski, writing years ago, put his finger on this flaw. He declared there was no way to determine whether the subject was bluffing. With our modem tech
techniques we can be quite certain when an ordinary subject is genuine . We can apply a pain test which no one could stand outside trance. But these specially prepared subjects are quite another matter. With posthypnotic suggestion they can be trained to very severe pain while quite "normal."

Under the conditions of warfare they would be a constant sour of danger. The enemy, suspecting that we were using hypnotism i could "plant" a dozen or so subjects where be thought we would find them. He would then stand an excellent chance of getting inside track of the whole organization.

The possible uses of hypnotism in warfare cover a very field. Let us consider a few of these.

There is always the possibility of sabotage, which, with the other cases we will now mention, does not require quite as elaborate technique as that used with our super spy. We wish to blow up munitions factory, so we pick on one especially good subject turn the trick. We rehearse him very carefully, pointing out he is really doing very important work for the Federal Bureau Investigation and run him through a number of fake experiments All these end harmlessly, and we pay him well for his co-operation In this way we both assure ourselves that he is the subject we want and assure him there is nothing to fear.

We then put him to the crucial test. We explain that the authorities ties must see what would happen in a real situation. We tell we are putting a bomb in his dinner pail timed to explode two
hours after he enters the plant in question. There is nothing to fear, for while the bomb looks genuine from the outside we ha replaced the explosive with a harmless compound. He is to enter the factory as usual the next day and behave quite normally, the authorities will be watching his every move.

Then we place in the dinner pail a genuine bomb timed to explode one half hour after be enters the plant. Would we succeed? An open question, but the writer, for one, would certainly enter that plant on the morning in question if he could possibly avoid it. He will not say he is certain the trick would work; but feels there is a very good chance of its success. And in this particular case there would be no one to question after the disaster.

We have outlined a few obvious possible uses of hypnotism in warfare which would occur to anyone familiar with that branch of psychology. We are not giving away military secrets any more than is a chemist who discourses on the use of gas or a physicist who talks on atom fission. There are certain broad principles, well known to everyone familiar with the fields of chemistry, physics or psychology. Certain highly technical devices, however, are known only to the expert and to disclose these would be treason and punishable as such. We are merely stating the obvious, though in a field with which the average reader is much less familiar than he is with those of chemistry or physics.

We might expand almost indefinitely on the suggestions we have already made. During the First World War, one leading authority on hypnotism offered to take a German submarine, piloted by a German commander under hypnosis, through the German minefields and attack the German fleet. Whether he succeeded or not, his chance of returning was about zero; so we must at least credit him with the courage of his convictions.

Then there is the question of obtaining information from prisoners of war. Will the subject "talk" in hypnotism? We are in ignorance on this point but the weight of evidence in the writer's opinion leans very definitely to "yes."

Let us see how we would proceed. There are always plenty of prisoners in modern warfare, with a good percentage in hospitals. So we begin at the hospital as the logical point of contact. The operator, in the role of a doctor, chooses his battleground. Next be explains to the patients he has selected that he wishes to try on them the effect of relaxation. This sounds reasonable enough, especially in view of the fact that many of them would be in a highly agitated state, many would be "shell shock" cases. These, by the way, make excellent hypnotic subjects.

: Take a look at the following stories. Do you think we are
: getting ready to see another bombing similar to

: + Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building?

: + The World Trade Center?

: + Khobar Towers?

: Will the October Surprise come in November or December? While
: Clinton is still president?

: With a Jew for a Vice President -- Gore becomes the target for
: a "crazed Middle eastern terrorist" or a
: "hate filled Nazi" -- otherwise known as United
: States Government agents acting on orders from their
: commander in chief. Do I need to connect the dots for you?

: If Gore is elected President and both he and Lieberman are
: assassinated who becomes President??? The Speaker of the
: House. If the House stays Republican, the next President
: will be Denny Hastert -- unless martial law is declared and
: Bill has a Third Term.

: In this crazy world -- Anything is possible!!


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Articles In This Thread

Rayelan -- Friday, 27-Oct-2000 18:14:38
BJ Clinton...The last President?
loki -- Friday, 27-Oct-2000 19:02:48
Oklahoma City Bombing/Other Stuff, Too
vonMonke -- Friday, 27-Oct-2000 23:39:24

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