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Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Sunday, 22-Oct-2000 19:53:36

From Rayelan: For some reason -- gigi couldn't post this today --- so here it is:

Remember -- gigi speaks Italian and has to translate.

From: gigi
Date: October 20, 2000

New USA Central Bank
Somebody threatening the NWO?

As various times mentioned on this site the USA could prepare the creation of gold backed Central Bank in part or complete substitution of the actual Federal Reserve. Whatever the duties of such a new Bank shall be, only the idea is so exciting that it is worthwhile to reflect about it and to focus on certain aspects of this puzzle. The creation of a strong and gold backed Dollar could really mean an enormous increase of production and circulation of goods and services. To be honest, only a few countries in the world have a reliable economy, legal security and a more or less sane household. A world currency would help all.


When I first heard this information, which seems correct, I immediately sought, well that’s it. This is the capstone of a long story, difficult to understand, but in itself most logic. Have you ever wondered why world wide only a few currencies are completely acceptable. Why are the currencies of the Oil Producing Countries not strong currencies and free tradable? Nobody wants to invest in Rial (Saudi Arabia). Why is the Chinese, Russian, Indian currency not free tradable. Yes, of course they are apparently weak currencies, are they really? The fact is, that the Dollar Empire has for decades imposed legal and economic structures = networks, in which the Dollars became a second official currency worldwide and the local currencies serve only for domestic use. Try to change the good Deutsch Mark in Asia, you will have some difficulties, bring Dollars and you are the king. The creation of the new Central Bank makes sense if there will be the creation of two types of Dollars a domestic and a foreign Dollar. Only the domestic Dollar would gain value against other currencies.

Is the Dollar really a free tradable currency?

Every single Dollar must be cleared via New York (and registered). This gives the USA the power, one day, to not accept anymore the Dollars which come from abroad or at least to obstacle the clearing.

Change of Paradigm?

Is now the creation of a gold backed US Central Bank a change of Paradigm a change of the economic policy. Not at all it is the coronation of a long preparation which has started after WW II. The new Central Bank is the absolutely necessary instrument of the One World Government to complete and materialise the take over of the rest what is not already owned by the NWO and allies.

Why a lot of Central Banks worldwide are selling their Gold Reserves and convert part of the result of such sales in what? In Dollars of course. Were these sales not inspired by American Think Tanks? A mouse trap? We were all informed that the Asset Management of physical gold is a very lucrative business. Is this not anymore true? Why all the mergers and reorganisations of the mining conglomerates over the last years?

Why should now America which dismissed the gold standard, and advised all countries to sell their gold create his own gold backed Central Bank. A nice contradiction! Or not?


The bell ringing could advise us that for the realisation of the final step of the NWO and allies they want to create the collapse (to buy then out cheap with the strong Dollar ) and oh miracle the phoenix will then fly out of the ashes. In Good we trust but perhaps its better to trust a more tangible entity. This is at least their script.

Who bought all the gold which was sold the last years?

If the all the gold we are talking about was really sold, who bought it and how were such purchases financed? Reliable sources, also many times recited on this site, make us believe that there are very few groups in USA, Gold Pools, which bought all gold available and granted loans on Gold stocks against hypothecation. Not a few observers of the stock market suggest that the tremendous up and down of the Stock market served in fact nothing else than create cash for the purpose to invest in gold purchases. The up and down could not be organised with the Dow Jones but only with NASDAQ. A frightening theory. Big private Gold transfers to USA were reported from reliable sources. Talking about all the gold around one must ask from where all this gold comes. Or are we talking always about the same historical gold assets but with every war or unrest on the world the owner changed? See Suharto case!

What makes the new Central Bank so strong?

A gold underlying of the US Dollar will sky rocket the value of the Dollar against the other currencies, the USA debts are automatically paid off with that. Simple but effective.


By the understanding of the US Federation the major shareholders should be the Confederate Sates equally or per citizens and the Central Government. The rest of the shares could be placed with institutional or private Investors. The Swiss Central Bank – “Schweizerische Nationalbank” is a good example for it. Most of the shares are owned by the Cantons (States) and a part of the shares of the Swiss Central Bank are quoted on the Swiss Stock Exchange. Also the International Bank for Settlement in Basel-Switzerland has a part of the share capital quoted on the Swiss Stock Exchange (the American and Belgium tranche of the capital)

Who puts in the Assets (Gold, Currencies, Gov. Bonds)

Here comes the delicate question. As per legal meaning of the Anglo sax law there are beneficiary owners and owners by assignment. The gold could also be assigned, leased or whatever to the new Central Bank against a fee from private groups . Our readers know who this groups are of course.

If the Government would put in their own gold (if they have it) it would be very difficult to explain the citizens how they got it, at which price and where it was all the time. It would be also difficult to explain the citizens if the new Central Bank will lease the gold from private groups. To create reserves the gold must be valuated in any case at a very low rate (at least half of the actual price) against the actual value. This means a tremendous amount of gold must be put into the new Bank.

What will the rest of the world do?

For example


As always is very busy with “baiser et bouffer”. Big meetings but no concrete actions. The Euro, the new European currency has lost already 30 % of its initial value against the dollar. This might me good for European Exporters but it is a great risk of inflation. It is for sure that the official inflation figures are not correct. The European Central Bank has of course Gold Reserves (partly assigned from the single countries). For the moment the gold covers only a part of the issued Euros.

Latin America

The “Mercosour” Trade Union is already a dead corpus and in fact the Dollar is the only currency there which counts. The local currency rates in all Latin America against the Dollar are artificially and do not correspond to the reality. The Oil producing countries have their major income in convenient Dollars.

But look at the story of Argentina (member of the Mercosour). The miracle there begun when under the expertise of Professor Cavallo the Central Bank of Argentina started to cover the whole cash circulation with gold. One Peso = One Dollar. Once cleaned up there the big US Investors bought half the country. Now the bride is pretty ready and only the Dollar is counting and Argentina has become the only reliable Dollar bridge in Latin America other say a colony. Of course nobody talks anymore about a Mercosour Currency. (When Professor Cavallo advised Boris Yeltsin to do the same with the Russian Central Bank he was immediately silenced)


The zero interest policy of Japan made it possible to take a low interest loan in Yen and buy Dollars T Bills with a higher interest. It was long time a nice life. In fact Japanese are big owners of US Dollars debts. This gives them a contractual force but they cannot blackmail anybody. Japan is facing already now enormous problems, the paperhouse is crashing.

So at the end who owns already Dollars will be happy the big rest will look very pale afterwards.

All so simple as that?

So far this story is easy and simple but is it really.? As everybody knows not all powers like the protestant dominion and especially a protestant dominated NWO. Yes, of course they profit from it as long as possible. Difficult to believe that they will accept it. There is a power, a real power, that tries for years to unite the churches and believes and with that their economies. I wish to recall the assembly of Church Leaders in Assisi-Italy. There is the long time goal to unite the Russian Orthodox Church with the Catholic Church and so on. This power has profiled as a trustee of nations and groups which do not agree with the NWO or want to organise their own NWO. All these nations have so much gold, hided, that they are able to create their own strong currency and even beat the Dollar. These nations know, only the gold can back a currency. There are clear signals that they are ready to start but there is only one obstacle left, the actual head of this power group must be replaced before taking off. Perhaps very soon it will happen. Then only to see if a) this power gets their own new head or b) if the NWO has already foreseen for it by infiltration and with Dollars. A) means the real competition has started b) means the NOW has won.

Why to change now an institution which has worked so effectively and profitable for centuries? The creation of the new US Central Bank is only the answer, the preparation for the move of the other side. The other side is well prepared and ready to create the crash and so to prevent the moves of the NOW and to make the Dollar a “Non valeur”. Therefore the preparation for a strong Dollar. It is now only a question of synchronising the events of both parts. In a old language you could call this war but we are now so civilised and correct that we use this word only for tribal emergencies. Let’s hope it does not come to this point.

When the Romans started to take out little pieces of their gold coins, the Roman Empire started to collapse. It was too late of course to repair the coins. When we abolished the Gold Standard …………

Johan Wolfgang Goethe already states that the destiny of the world depends on the shiny glimmer of the gold. It seems he is right.



The above article is the product of a pure fiction and it does not reflect in no way the actual situation. The above article is the basic text for a Fiction Film “The Emperor”.

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Rayelan -- Sunday, 22-Oct-2000 19:53:36
Rayelan -- Monday, 23-Oct-2000 12:27:06

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