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Serious About Sirius & The Knights

Posted By: Patriotlad
Date: Friday, 22-Sep-2000 08:02:39

In Response To: Faction Two-The Abwehr-Knights Templar (Chiron)

With regard to the following statement:

: The Templars were Merovingians. Merovingians also
: believe they are DESCENDED FROM SIRIUS through the Royal
: House of David, father of Solomon." Sirius is a
: planet. One does not descend from a planet.

This comes from an amateur astronomy website, The Astronomical League, on a presentation made in 1998 :

"The final part of this film showed the giant star Sirius and its white dwarf companion. The camera zooms in, showing giant Sirius as a disc, but the white dwarf, as massive as our Sun, remains a tiny dot. This portrays the tremendous density of Sirius B, a white dwarf that is the size of Earth with the mass of the Sun."

The film in question was a computer-generated bit of media, created to make astronomy more interesting to younger folks (i.e. to people raised on television and movies).

So if the Sirius system is a double star, where one is a giant and the other is a compact white dwarf, the gravitational stress on planets in that area must be extraordinary. The gravitation of the lesser star might actually exceed that of the gas giant.

In fact that may be why the two stars are linked as they are.

How planets could orbit this combined or dual star is a mystery, but supposing that they could, and do, then the question becomes what form of life comes from Sirius, and is it just another human or human-like creature? Human life as it is known may be very common in the universe, if as Buckminster Fuller once stated, it is the most adaptable form of life because it is less or even the least specialized form. Specialization leads to extinction.

: Some members of the Templars may have originally come to Earth
: FROM the Sirian system, meaning one of the Sirian planets may
: have been their HOME planet.

: It is ... possible they might have been on loan from another
: system to the Mandala Family of Sirius, and left from Sirius to : take up incarnations on [the] Planet Earth. Who their spiritual
: ancestors may be on one of the Sirian planets is anyone's
: guess, unless some members of Faction Two have that specific
: knowledge.

This posits that human life can be "loaned," which is a concept that just doesn't seem plausible. This also posits that human people have immortal souls, and a spiritual link with God, which is the basis in natural law for the principles of reincarnation.

The law of the conservation of energy and matter stipulates that energy is neither created nor destroyed, but only transformed constantly and consistently into either other forms of energy or into matter. If the human spirit is transubstantial but the human soul has an energy "reality" or quotient, then the soul cannot be destroyed without dispersing all of the energy back into that which is transubstantial, i.e., into God's hands.

If souls have reality, and constancy, then reincarnation is the descent into material life and living and must be necessary by some other law or laws which are, at present, either unknown or known only to "adepts" and super-sensitive scientists. If souls have reality and constancy, then they can never be permanently enslaved or debased, or perhaps never actually enslaved at all.

Entangled with materiality is another question.

If all of this is true, then the Knights Templar have formed the core of the resistance to the New World Order for the purpose of fighting against material servitude and slavery, and fighting for the right of the individual person to control his or her own soul (probably the soul is angelic and without sexual function).

That means that the New World Order isn't just a political ploy or a new method of installing the well-proven system of National Socialism, but a conspiracy of long-standing with its goal -- and its final solution -- being the elimination of randomness and chaos by the suppression of freedom. Given that there is an element of randomness in the universe itself, or that the apparent chaos represents events in flux that we cannot grasp or understand, then the New World Order is both anti-democratic, anti-human, anti-rational and a blasphemy before a loving God.

Perhaps the Templars have understood this since the time of the Temple and Solomon, which then raises the question -- who was Sheba and where does she and her son by Solomon fit into this?

That makes me even more suspicious of the supposed link of the Templars to the Knights of the Golden Circle: if the Golden Circle was dedicated to slavery and the propagation of racial and cultural divisions, then it had to have its origin in the plan for the New World Order -- which would be, frankly, a British and heretical origin -- which would explain its rapid growth in the period just before the Civil War.

If, however, the Templars were savvy enough to infilitrate the Golden Circle and to then suborn it and take it over just when it was reaching its peak of power, that may very well explain why the Northwest Conspiracy -- to split off the northwestern States of Wisconsin, Illinois, etc., into a new confederacy -- which was apparently so well funded, turned into a giant failure. Those States did not defect nor turn on Abraham Lincoln, the combined organizations of the Order of American Knights and the Golden Circle dissipated rapidly in the spring of 1864, and there was no re-emergence of any such kind of a group until after Judah P. Benjamin escaped to Great Britain after the fall of Richmond.

Once re-established in England, and with his skills as a lawyer and his contacts with the Rothschilds renewed, the argument can be made that the Knights of the White Camelia were his creation, indirectly: they first appeared in Louisiana, which was his home State of course, and they held their first convention in New Orleans in 1867 (time approximate). Within just a few years the Knights of the White Camelia had taken over almost the whole of the Democratic Party in the cotton south, from eastern Texas to Alabama and parts of Georgia. They were certainly the precursor to the Ku Klux Klan, which bears a striking resemblance to the Knights of the Golden Circle in some ways, with their emphasis on a faux chivalry and Christian-like restrictions on conduct.

So it can be postulated that an order possessed of secret knowledge and with a history which dates back to their transit from another planet, might indeed have had the savvy and the know-how to suborn a blatantly seditious movement, one which favored controlling and expanding slavery, even as it promoted the rights of white men in a republic, for the benefit of the whole human race. In that case, if that is the truth, then the whole "true" history of the Templars needs to be illuminated now, and people of conscience need to see what their choices are, and to make them on the basis of the best available information.

This is not just a struggle for an election or for the destiny of this once-free and democratic republic, it is a desperate struggle for the liberation of the human soul, a fight against those powers of the earth and of the heavens that seek to revert humanity to a state of slavery and servitude. Cheap labor, that is what this fight is all about, cheap labor and the authenticity of the human soul in its relationship to God, and keeping those laws which God has handed to us all.

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Articles In This Thread

Faction Two-The Abwehr-Knights Templar
Chiron -- Thursday, 21-Sep-2000 10:09:50
Re: Faction Two-The Abwehr-Knights Templar
blueapples -- Friday, 22-Sep-2000 03:38:47
Serious About Sirius & The Knights
Patriotlad -- Friday, 22-Sep-2000 08:02:39
Stars, Constellations and Aliens: a reality check
BxDanny -- Thursday, 28-Sep-2000 22:22:54

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