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Fuel for Speculation/Parts per Thousand

Posted By: Graf von Monke
Date: Friday, 19-Nov-1999 17:47:06

In Response To: Crash Accusations Fuel Egyptians' Anger (RAVEN 002)

Raven 002,

I received the following answers in response to a couple of emails.

My emails are included herein.

I have tried to remove source identifiers from the responses. I am grateful to my correspondents for contributing to my continued education.

Let us by every means fuel speculation regarding this matter. We have been given minds so that we may apply them to whatever our awareness encompasses or encounters.

Please forgive my usual typographical errors.

von Monke


"Rudolf, Graf von Monke" wrote: > Do you know whether it is possible to cause particulate matter already present in a pressurized cabin, say of an airliner or lear jet, to combine in such a way that the resultant atmospheric conditions within the cabin are no longer compatible with human life? Or would it be necessary to first introduce some receptor (either tech, gaseous, or viral) into the environment. I think that with advanced tracking capabilities and some of that supersecret Tesla technology what I've suggested is possible, but I lack the science (as usual) to determine with any degree of certitude the rightness or wrongness of my hypothesis. I'd be very pleased to learn your views on the subject. > > In the Country of the Blind the One-Eyed Man is King > >

Dear Count von Monke, I strongly doubt that inert particles in an aircraft cabin could become noxious. However, certain EM/RF frequencies can induce increased pathogenicity in bacteria and, if I may speculate, could conceivably even cause bacteria on a carpet to rise into the air by perturbations of the air molecules. The tubercle bacillus would be an example that could infect passengers of an aircraft in the closed space of the cabin. I would suspect that certain chemical precursors of a so-called binary toxic chemical could also be induced to combine in this way, inducing lethality through inhalation...


"Rudolf, Graf von Monke" wrote: Greetings, I would be grateful if you'd give me your opinion about the possibility of existing technology being used to cause particulate matter present within a sealed, moving, trackable, space to combine in such a way that the resultant atmosphere is incompatible (sp?) with human life. Obviously, what I'm thinking about is the recent 'crash' of the EgyptAir jetliner, as well as, possibly, that golfer's Lear jet - maybe a practice run, but probably not just a random choice. Would it be necessary to introduce some sort of receiver (gaseous, viral, technological) into the environment prior to the procedure? Is that receiver already present in an aircraft environment? Thus my question, "How many parts/1000 were required" refered (sp?) to matter in the pressurized cockpit/cabin. I would be most grateful for your thoughts on the matter. > > Thanks > > von Monke > > In the Country of the Blind the One-Eyed Man is King

Rudolf: You have certainly posed an interesting question. -- The phenomena that you have suggested may be possible. If you consider resonating the given "matter" at the frequency that would "activate" it to a state which would produce the desired effects. -- Such as turning a liquid into a gas. -- You could also take a gas which is already present in the "contained atmosphere" of the target, but is not "harmful" to human physiology and increase it's rate of activation (you could consider this in terms of increasing it's vibrational activity) through resonance/non resonance, depending on what the desired effect would be... some substances that would normally act "inert" to the human physiology could become "controllers" of specific molecules (affect them) within the body and if the proper ones are chosen, entire organs could be "controlled" (affected)... This technology has been in existence for quite some time... Tesla laid most of the ground work in this field. He had a good understanding of frequency, it's generation and effects within our "sealed system"... HAARP technology (ionospheric heaters, HAARP being but one located in Gakona, Alaska) is Tesla technology... Upon the death of Tesla, his notes were confiscated by "governments"... they have been studied extensively by chosen scientists of those governments in an attempt to produce frequency generators and controls which would effect the results that he described (and often had created himself) -- After Bernard Eastlund had built the HAARP facility in Gakona and established it's operational effectiveness, he was removed from the project --Edward Teller was then put on the project since he had been studying yet another "portion" of Tesla knowledge (Tesla was such a "heavy dude" that it seems no one modern day "scientist" is capable of fully understanding or putting into effect his technologies, so they specialize in tiny segments of the Tesla notes -- Teller had studied the notes for about 20 years as I recall before his entrance into the HAARP project) -- Teller was detailed to work on the "particle beam" capabilities of HAARP -- others say the "Death Ray" -- new terms and old terms used by those of various "schools of thought" concerning Tesla technologies. The link on the Rumor Mill that you refer to has a "few facts" in it, but much more research must be done to actually understand the technologies -- In fact I don't recall anything in that link that deals with the technology to any depth -- the link mostly deals with the existence of the facility -- For those who have had limited or no exposure to classified government projects and installations it may even seem like a "fairy tale" -- it's not. Well, I may have digressed into areas that don't tell you exactly what it was that you were searching for -- maybe not? It's an interesting study to say the least -- If you have done any research at all in this field and then study the current "Contrail/Chemtrail" phenomena, it poses a whole new arena of possible speculation -- and then there is DNA -- I better stop at this point -- Any questions?

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Crash Accusations Fuel Egyptians' Anger
RAVEN 002 -- Friday, 19-Nov-1999 09:58:38
Fuel for Speculation/Parts per Thousand
Graf von Monke -- Friday, 19-Nov-1999 17:47:06
Re: Fuel for Speculation/Parts per Thousand
sharon -- Friday, 19-Nov-1999 20:07:15
Re: Fuel for Speculation/Parts per Thousand
One Eyed Man -- Friday, 19-Nov-1999 23:15:39
Re: Crash Accusations Fuel Egyptians' Anger
stephanopoulos -- Sunday, 21-Nov-1999 07:08:31

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