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Posted By: RMNEWS
Date: Thursday, 30-Aug-2001 03:17:43


[More results from]US$8.25.

the story of the World's richest man. ...

[More results from]
"Fayed and the princess are said to have met about 10 years ago, when he
played polo against her ex-husband, Prince Charles, the heir to the British
throne. Fayed's uncle is well-known Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi; his
father, Mohamed Al Fayed, was at the center of a corruption scandal that helped
lead Britain's Conservative Party to defeat in May's election."

"U.N. elephant statue draws guffaws for being too long on realism Donors
also included Saudi arms tycoon Adnan Khashoggi, The Friends of L. Ron
"Subject: MER:

Diana - The Saudi Connection At American University in Washington, D.C., there
is a very large building with the name ADNAN KHASHOGGI writ large for all to
see. Former Arab League Ambassador Clovis Maksoud has his office nearby.

It's also quite an embarrassment however. Once praised as an international
businessman, Khashoggi is now known to have been an international arms salesman
and a swindler working closely with the Saudi Royal family as an intermediary.
Criminal indictments and law suits galore are now associated with his name.

took his money before the crash, and remains stuck with his name, though rumors
abound the university has been looking for some other wealthy patron to make a
new deal with. The family fortune of Emad Mohamed "Dodi" el-Fayed can
be traced not

to Egypt, but rather to the two sources of Muslim cash and unbridled corruption
in our era - the Saudi royal family and the Sultan of Brunei. Indeed, the main
reason Dodi's father has been unable to obtain British citizenship and wasn't
even sure he'd be able to bury his son in England, can be traced back to his
very shady business dealings

where he repeatedly lied about the source of his funds and on whose behalf he
was acting. The connection to the Saudi royal family is through Dodi's mother,

sister of Adnan Khashoggi. And irony of ironies, much of the money that
has built the Mohamed Fayed empire and that however indirectly contributed to
the death of

the Princess of Wales, so known in recent days for her anti-land-mines and
humanitarian efforts, began as commissions and profits from arms sales."

The Bush FBI call in which Bush (the former US President) is alleged To
have called the FBI 2 HOURS BEFORE JFK was killed on November 22nd, 1963.

First & most easily you can go to THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH: Richard
Case Nagell & the Assassination of JFK
Trade Paperback, 824 Pages,
Carroll & Graf Publishers, Incorporated, October 1993 ISBN: 0786700297
Author: Russell, Dick

ediaType=Book&prodID254128 The page # there is page 710 & it states that
George Herbert Walker Bush & James Parrott, the man Named by Bush as
planning to kill JFK in Houston, later that week "were political
enemies", Parrott is Also described in the book above as "an active
member of Houston's Young Republians." Another of many sources for the Bush
call to the FBI 2 hours BEFORE JFK was killed is The July/August 1992 issue of
Spy Magazing, Page 39 ISSN 0890-1759 5 Union Square West, NYC 1003 In that
story, by David Robb Parrott was already known to the Secret Service for similar
threats to JFK as of 1961, yet here was Bush reporting Parrott to the

FBI, 2 hours BEFORE JFK was killed. Some additional
Required Reading on related subjects is listed below Please read 2 very
important books on


1713/o/qid"2383370/s r=8-3/002-8351151-8562413 REPUBLIC OF FEAR: THE INSIDE
Paperback (1991) DIANE
by Alan Friedman ASIN: 0553096508

6508/qid"2562139/sr 1-19/002-8351151-8562413


/002-4147058-1764039 One of the most interesting books I have read is

EVERY SPY A PRINCE : The Complete History of Israel's Intelligence
Community by Dan Raviv,Yossi Melman ASIN: 0395581206"0850834/sr=1-4/0


You can read more about former US President George Bush's father &

grandfather & about the late Averell Harriman in: THE SECRET WAR
With Mark Aarons
Paperback, 636pp. ISBN: 0312156480 Publisher: St. Martin's Press, Inc. Pub.
Date: April 1997" above from:


LAST INVESTIGATION: A Former Federal Investigator Tells What Insiders

Know About the Assassination of JFK
Trade Paperback, 464 Pages,
Thunder's Mouth Press, October 1994 ISBN: 560250798

PLAUSIBLE DENIAL by Mark Lane Our Price: $23.00 Availability:
Usually ships within 24 hours. Hardcover - 393 pages (December 1, 1991)

Thunder's Mouth Pr; ISBN: 1560250003 Above from


See also a book which presents an abundance of information on the JFK

assassination THE DEATH OF A PRESIDENT William Raymond Manchester :
Hardcover, 710pp. ISBN: 0883659565 Publisher: Budget Books Service, Inc. Pub.
Date: September 1996



bn 83659565


Trade Paperback, 270 Pages, Hippocrene Books, Incorporated, November 1990

ISBN: 0870529420 Author: Green, Fitzhugh



Ms. LEPORE. Good afternoon.

Mr. SMITH. I apologize in advance, again.

Ms. LEPORE. No problem.

Thank you for the opportunity to speak in favor of H.R.
1428. My name is Theresa LePore. I'm the supervisor of elections in Palm Beach
County, FL, and I've worked in the Palm Beach County elections office for more
than 26 years now. So I understand the importance of the accuracy of the voter
registration records. I'll briefly summarize my testimony, which has already
been entered in the record.

Under Florida law, the only items required on a voter
registration application to be accepted is the name, residence address, date of
birth, and signature of the applicant. The Social Security number and telephone
number, if it is supplied, is not made part of the permanent record for
publication under the Privacy Act.

In the recent legislative session, the Florida
Legislature passed into law a provision for a central voter file to be
administered by the Florida Division of Elections. This will take effect January
1, 1998. It will not be a real-time file, but rather a file that will be updated
by all 67 Florida counties on a periodic basis.

The creation of this central voter file will enable the
Florida Division of Elections to try to determine if duplicate registrations
exist, meaning people that have registered in more than one Florida county, as
well as to cross-check felony records, mentally-incompetent records, and death
records. The Social Security number as an addition to this file would enable
them—will assist in this process.

In Florida, convicted felons cannot be registered to
vote unless their civil rights have been restored, and persons declared mentally
incompetent cannot be registered to vote unless their competency has been

Now we understand that this would not be a foolproof
method, as persons wanting to fraudulently register to vote could do so and
could provide a fraudulent Social Security number, but this would be a tool for
us to verify, perhaps by checking the INS and Social Security records, if we get
information that this person may not be a legitimate person.

As a county that's considered part of south Florida,
where the immigrant population is on the rise, being able to verify citizenship
status would be a tremendous help. There have been many cases in south Florida
where illegal immigrants have been caught in possession of voter registration
cards, particularly in Dade and Broward Counties, and is moving north to Palm
Beach County, for identification purposes to get in and out of the country.

There has also been a problem with illegal immigrants
using the voter registration card as identification purposes in seeking
employment. Palm Beach County is very diverse. We have very wealthy people along
the coast to middle class in the central part of the county and agriculture in
the western part of the county. In the agricultural section, the sugarcane
fields and farms, they employ a lot of people from Central and South America, as
well as the islands, to come over. A lot of them make an attempt to get a voter
registration card to use as identification on their I–9 forms. So we're not
necessarily saying these people are voting, but it is a strong possibility that
they are.

In 1996, there was a constitutional amendment on the
ballot for the sugar tax. I don't know if you all have heard about that or not,
but we know that the sugar people had registered a tremendous amount of voters
to vote in support of that. Now we don't know if all of those were legal or not.
We'd like to hope that they are, but that was just one point to mention.

I would like to mention a case recently, within the last
few years, in Dade County, FL, which was similar to what has happened in Orange
County, CA, but on a much smaller scale, where absentee ballots were issued to
people that were not U.S. citizens. This particular candidate had gone and had
these people registered to vote under Motor Voter Act because you don't have to
show any identification or anything under that, and gotten absentee ballots, and
it was challenged in court. Now the Dade County supervisor of elections had a
horror story because they did check the records against INS and, as has been
told already to you, the INS records are not accurate records. They do not have
people listed on there that are U.S. citizens born in the United States. So he
had a publicity nightmare where all these people, they were saying, were not
part of the—or were not legally registered to vote when, in fact, they were
naturalized—or they were U.S. citizens by birth. So we must understand that
although this would not solve the problem, it would merely be a tool for the
elections officials to be able to try to verify and maintain accurate records.

Thank you.

[The prepared statement of Ms. LePore follows:]


I have worked in the Palm Beach County, Florida,
Supervisor of Elections Office since June 10, 1971. I was elected as Supervisor
of Elections in November of 1996. During my years in the Elections Office, I
have seen the number of registered voters grow from approximately 200,000 in
1971 to 531,735 in January of 1995 to 610,538 in April of 1997. As you can see,
the Palm Beach County voter Registration rolls increased by almost 79,000
registered voters in just over two years, due mostly as a result of N.V.R.A.

Under Florida Law, the following items are required
before the Supervisor of Elections can accept a voter registration application:
Name, residence address, date of birth and signature. The Social Security Number
and other pertinent information is optional. Florida has a prohibition on the
release of the Social Security Number (if supplied by the applicant), telephone
number (if supplied by the applicant), and signature.

In the recent Legislative Session, the Florida
Legislature passed into Law a provision for a ''central voter file'' to be
administered by the Florida Division of Elections which will take effect on
January 1, 1998. This would not be a ''real time'' file, but rather a file that
would be updated by all 67 Florida Counties on a periodic basis. The creation of
the ''central voter file'' will enable the Division of Elections to try to
determine if duplicate registrations exist (voters registered in more than one
Florida County) as well as to cross check the Felony records, mentally
incompetent records and the death records. Although not full-proof, adding the
Social Security Number on the file would assist in this process. (Note: In
Florida, convicted Felons may not vote unless their Civil Rights have been
restored and persons declared mentally incompetent by the Courts may not vote
unless their Competency has been restored.)

As a county that is considered in ''South Florida''
where the immigrant population is on the rise, being able to verify citizenship
status would be a tremendous help. Although it is understood that neither the
Social Security Administration nor the Immigration and Naturalization Service
has a comprehensive record of all current legal U.S. citizens, it must be noted
that this system would not be fool-proof. It would, however, enable
jurisdictions to make an attempt to check the status of voters and potential
voters on an ''as-needed'' basis.

In summary, I feel that it would be beneficial to
require that the Social Security Number be part of the voter's record to assist
elections officials in trying to maintain accurate records. However, in light of
the admittance of the Social Security Administration and the Immigration and
Naturalization Service in not having comprehensive records of all current U.S.
citizens, I would not want either the elections officials nor the public to be
lured into a false sense of security in thinking that this will solve the
''problems'' of fraudulent registrations, especially with regard to non-U.S.
citizens being registered. It would be virtually impossible to obtain the Social
Security Number of all registered voters and match that to the S.S.A. or I.N.S.

Scaliwag ©

There is a whole other level of theory which is personally most attractive to me
but does not necessarily directly include the Super-Establishment or any
security services. It creates an entirely rather different scenario. But each
scenario would be intricately linked. I hope I have established the simple fact
that the British Old Guard had wholly disapproved of both al-Fayed and Diana.
Even if they were not directly responsible for an assassination, it would
have been remarkably convenient to them to dispose of the Princess before she
did what they considered to be further serious damage to British interests. It
is an earnest, if grim, contention of mine that, had they have been aware of an
assassination plot against either the Fayed family or Diana, it would have been
in the interests of the Old Guard to turn a blind eye. It is therefore important
to establish that the tragedy may not have been against the Princess in
particular, but could well have been against the Fayeds themselves.

When, at 17, Dodi first came to live in London his father gave him for his
birthday his own mini-moke - and his first bodyguard. In later life, before the
royal romance, he was never seen without at least two minders. This used to
amuse people at, say, Tramps - the fashionable London night-club - because one
man would always be close to Dodi while the other prowled around looking for
threats of any kind. A table for six at the Ivy - one of his favourite London
watering holes - would always have to be accompanied by at least two more seats
for his minders. When the wars, first between al-Fayed and Tiny Rowland over the
House of Fraser, and then during al-Fayed’s celebrated public fight with the
Tory government, were at their height, Dodi may increase his personal bodyguard
to four or even six. Other friends also noted that if he lost sight of his table
at any time, he would discard all the drinks and order fresh ones. He was
terrified that someone may have spiked his drink. This was the same in Hollywood
where friends would joke about it with him. As an excuse, he would sometimes
say, "my father is involved with some very dangerous things," and once
he referred to a mysterious "kidnap attempt in Egypt when I was
young." The Broccoli family (of James Bond film fame) - close friends for
years - put it down to his "James Bond make-believe fantasies." But
now, no one is so sure.

There is strong evidence to suggest that all the Fayed’s lived in a constant
state of paranoia. Mohamed himself still lives in a series of fortresses,
guarded by a private army of professional minders. Paranoia or not, both
al-Fayed and his son certainly believed there was a constant threat to
their lives. In early 1998 it was alleged by a former top Harrods security man
that all the ‘phones in the store were bugged and anything of sensitivity was
reported back to the boss. It is the same at the Ritz. This is a positive sign
of latent paranoia.

While trawling the net for leads I suddenly came across an item which looked
very familiar. And as I read through it I realised I was the original author. I
remember the story well, but had forgotten (the article was five years old) that
it had a very heavy al-Fayed connection. Enough anyway in this narrative to
diverge somewhat. I had written the article while Scallywag was still confined
to Camden in North London which, as hundreds of thousands of tourists know, has
a huge and cosmopolitan open-air market each weekend. One section is called The
Stables and was once used to house horses overnight which during the day had
pulled the barges along the Regent’s Canal. The Stables had a chequered
history and had changed hands several times. Camden council had virtually given
it away to a collection of artists and craftsmen to set up workshops. By the
nineties the whole market had taken off and the real estate had become almost
priceless. The entire area around the market and canal had become vastly
fashionable and such things as old railway sheds and canal warehouses were being
converted into flats at astronomical profits. At Scallywag we set out to find
out who was making all the money. We established that The Stables had been
ultimately bought by - to us - a mystery Egyptian called Ashraf Marwan.

Virtually nothing was known about him at the time. There were a couple of
innocuous cuttings in newspaper libraries, but no real information. We did a
check at Companies House on the finance company behind the deals called Cabra.
(Companies House is the official register of any British limited company and any
such company is obliged under the law to lodge all their official papers and
accounts there). We discovered a fascinating web of dodgy companies run by
"faces" which put their names to it, but were not the power behind the
throne. Marwan - in hundreds of sheets of financial detail - got a single
cursory mention and his address was given as a firm of accountants. While we
seemed to be getting nowhere, we were getting very interested indeed in Marwan.

Right opposite the Stables, by coincidence, was Checkers, a small café that
specialised in those days in chess between Hampstead intellectuals. It was owned
by a fun-loving and rapacious Egyptian gambler called Ali Amin who had taken to
having an evening pint in the Man in the Moon, virtually next door, which
happened to be our local as well. I don’t know Ali’s full background, but he
did not appear in a hurry to rush back to Egypt and had married a delightful
woman called Polly. When I mentioned Marwan’s name Ali became visibly excited
and came out with a huge spiel about just who he was. Because Ali had been a
leading light at the Egyptian service at the BBC World Service for some time,
and had been a previous Egyptian chess champion, he still had the very best
Egyptian connections in London. Good enough, for example, for him to produce the
files on Marwan from the Egyptian embassy which made riveting reading.

Over the next few weeks he invited a stream of Egyptian ex-pats to Checkers and
we were soon able to build up a fascinating picture of this man and his
activities. It soon emerged that he was a principal player in the Tiny Rowland
-v- al-Fayed war over the House of Fraser which owned Harrods. This war produced
damage of a gigantic nature on both sides. Rowland and al-Fayed both threw
cartloads of dung at each other. At a later stage al-Fayed’s office leaked
further information on Marwan and his involvement to us. It was very high-calibre
intelligence, and we were able to corroborate much of it from our own sources.

Our own further story (after reading the files) originally centred on a trip in
a private Lear jet to Cairo in May 1985. On board were the Libyan Head of
Intelligence, Ahmed Gaddaf al-Dam, a cousin of Colonel Gaddafi the Libyan
President, and Marwan. Both, according to the Egyptian files, were murderous and
Marwan was known throughout Egypt as "Dr. Death". The mission,
incredibly, was to blackmail the then Egyptian Prime Minister, Husni Mubarak, to
abandon the Camp David agreement. If he did not, the mission was to arrange to
blow up Tahir Square in the luxury Garden City quarter. Even to us it seemed an
incredible plot. But the files dug deeper and became even more fantastic as we
delved on.

Both the men on that jet were sinister and secret players on the London property
stage - and in international arms dealing and terrorism.

By then Marwan had been doing business with Rowland for two years. By December
the year before Marwan had bought into the House of Fraser, eventually to the
tune of £4 million. In the 1984-5 inquiry conducted by John Griffiths QC, he
concluded that Marwan was acting as a front-man for Rowland. At around the same
time, Mrs Salah al-Fayed, Dodi’s aunt, strangely also bought into Fraser - in
her maiden name of Adriana Funera. She and Marwan used the same stockbroker and
seven months later she sold all her shares to Marwan. From here on the names of
Rowland and Marwan become ever more intricately linked in a whole web of

The first time Marwan had done business with Rowland was in 1979 when he
purchased 40% of a company called Tradeswind which was 60% owned by Lonrho,
Rowland’s parent company. Marwan had registered as director, instead of his
own name, the same al-Dam. Other board members were Rowland, and prominent Tory,
Sir Edward Du Cann. Marwan and al-Dam quickly began making profits for
Tradeswind transporting arms from the US to the Lebanon and Libya. The files
showed that they had got round strict US government embargoes by the simple
expedient of bribing two CIA officers (later prosecuted and convicted), called
Ed Wilson and Frank Terpil. When I subsequently put these names to security
contacts, the case was very well known and their eventual confessions showed a
can of worms wholly linked to world terrorism. There is still an arrest warrant
outstanding against Marwan and al-Dam should they ever set foot in the States.
The inquiry into the two CIA officers revealed that Tradeswind, on the outside a
seemingly respectable airline company, was also supplying arms to terrorist
organisations, including the infamous Abu Nidal group.

Through al-Dam, Marwan soon had a close relationship with Gaddafi which was to
prove most lucrative for both. Libya soon invested $12 million in Lonrho-owned
interests and in turn Rowland began investing heavily in the fledgling Libyan
leisure industry, such as seaside hotels. Gaddafi used the government-owned
Lafico oil company to invest in London, especially into the Lonrho Metropol
Hotels Group. Lonrho, in turn invested similar amounts in real estate in Libya.
Both sides used money from the Libyan Arab Foreign Investment Company. As there
was a strict embargo in trade with Libya, this was a lucrative and convenient
way of laundering funds.

Marwan and al-Dam were whisked regularly to and from Libya in a Rowland-owned
private jet. On behalf of Gaddafi, but not under the auspices of Tradeswind
directly, al-Dam and his equally notorious brother Sayad, the couple became the
principle organisers of virtually all the European terrorist activity, including
supplying deadly C4 plastic explosives to Abu Nidal.

Investigators established that Lonrho’s share of Tradeswind was hidden in a
Liechtenstein-based company called Emery Establishment SA which was a subsidiary
of Marwan’s holding company. Marwan then became the principle mover of arms to
Frelimo in Mozambique because Gaddafi believed the government was being backed
by Israel.

Later, in his notorious fight with al-Fayed, Rowland used a Marwan-owned company
called Octagon which employed a team of private detectives, led by a former top
policeman called David Coughlin, to run a dirty tricks department against

I go into such details in some length because it is important to illustrate that
al-Fayed is not just a rather cuddly owner of the Top People’s Store but has
at various stages been contending an almost murderous war with people who would
think absolutely nothing of assassinating him.

In fact, Marwan and al-Fayed were contemporaries in Egypt and both have
rags-to-riches backgrounds, although al-Fayed has always falsely claimed he came
from a wealthy family. Marwan’s astronomical rise to power began when he was a
penniless student in Cairo under Nasser. He managed to get himself close to
Nasser’s favourite daughter, Muna, who fell in love with him. Nasser -
Britain’s great enemy because of Suez - seemed to like the young man and gave
his blessing to a marriage.

Immediately after his wedding day - without so much as a proper honeymoon -
Marwan was appointed as a "roving ambassador". His assignment was to
roam the world on Nasser’s behalf as a sort of playboy-diplomat, a job for
which Marwan showed an immediate aptitude. Evil though he most certainly was,
Marwan was by no means without charm and intelligence. His job, mainly in the
Arab world itself, was to probe governments’ attitude towards Nasser and to
lobby on his behalf. He was adept at showing he was "close to the
throne" and other Arabs were convinced that whatever Marwan said, it was
the voice of Nasser himself. Consequently in these early days, Marwan, was
forging invaluable links through the Middle East. As a sideline, purely for
himself but with a generous Nasser budget, he began amassing his own files on
almost anyone who was anyone in the Arab world, especially in Kuwait and Saudi

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Articles In This Thread

RMNEWS -- Thursday, 30-Aug-2001 03:13:45
RMNEWS -- Thursday, 30-Aug-2001 03:17:43
RMNEWS -- Thursday, 30-Aug-2001 03:19:30
Also see....
hobie -- Thursday, 30-Aug-2001 12:53:10

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