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My opinion: No, they are not - however, ...

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 29-Aug-2001 12:47:30

: According to the CIA Classified Document Below, Some Prion
: Diseases are Man-Made Biological Agents! Take Note of the
: first paragraph where it states: "It is verified that the
: Toxic Agent in the UK Outbreak is BGF-23. BGF-23 was DEVELOPED
: as a BIOLOGICAL AGENT at ?, but has only been computer
: tested".

: Since Prions are Indestructable unless heated to 800 degrees
: F, and there is NO CURE or TREATMENT, any Living organism
: unfortunate enough to contract this disease is Destined to DIE! : The disease can be passed through the air,
: ground, blood, infected meat.

Opinion only: No, it's just not true.

Note the wording in the Classified Document: "toxic agent", not "invading disease microbe" or similar (though yes, the term 'biological agent' is ambiguous and could mean almost anything with a capability to affect humans and/or animals).

And: "...has only been computer tested." This suggests they're saying, "What's happening that we're calling 'Mad Cow' is _consistent_ with our computer model for BGF-23."

The alternative theory about Mad Cow persists and has not been disproven - that topical application of grotesque amounts of orgnanophosphate along the spines of cows (government mandated, and intended to prevent warble flies from making holes in the leather that will come from the cow eventually) disrupts normal 'prions' (whatever they really are) while also invading spinal fluids and thus gaining access to the brain as well.

See the post from earlier this week, about the "Spanish Cooking Oil" coverup and scandal. It describes how extreme measures were knowingly taken, to prevent the public from realizing certain deaths and debilitations that occurred in Spain were coming from residues of organophosphates on tomatoes - leaving all to believe the cause was 'pilot error' in the form of greed-based adulteration of simple cooking oil instead. Some oil merchants landed up in jail because of this, apparently totally without cause or reason - all so the organophosphate manufacturers would not have their profits impaired.

It's no stretch, given the evidence that has already surfaced as part of the 'alternative' explanation of Mad Cow, to theorize the same thing is going on right now - that we're being invited to focus on 'prions' (which would be no one's fault) as the cause for Mad Cow, expressly to keep the public from finding out that mandated organophosphates are the true culprit.

The house I live in was sprayed every month for decades, to deal with cockroaches. Now 5 years after we stopped that process, any cockroach that wanders in still ends up dead within 3 days - and before he dies, he wanders around in a physically / neurologically impaired fashion, that could well be described as "Mad Cockroach Disease".

That story proves nothing, of course, except for these things: (1) The _monthly_ spraying of pesticide around the corners of the rooms of this house was _not_ necessary except to maintain the profitability of the company who performed this 'service'; and (2) The _staying power_ of the "safe" pesticides that were used is considerable and probably cumulative.

Surely the pesticide manufacturer must always have been aware of the two points above - which suggests the recommendation for monthly spraying was cynically and greedily made, having nothing to do with "the best interests of our customers".

I suggest there is a lot of foreknowledge (evidence of a gulity mind) present in the thinking of the pesticide manufacturers, and that they know vast fortunes stand to be lost if even a _trickle_ of the real information begins to get out - and that historically they've already demonstrated a ready willingness to lie like crazy, let people die, and send innocent people to jail, in the interests of maintaining their favored 'status quo'.

I think it's logical, plausible and believable that the entirety of the Mad Cow debacle is a huge and uncaring smokescreen, undertaken with the aim of maintaining the status quo, and nothing more than that. Again, that's not "proof" of anything, and I'm not pretending to know what the true facts really are - I'm just thinking-out-loud, here, and following the thoughts to their logical conclusions insofar as that's possible to do without research laboratories, etc., to work with in determining the truth of the thing.

If, as in the Spanish Cooking Oil scandal, _residues_ of organophosphates in beef might be sufficient to sicken or kill human consumers of that beef, then the manufacturers now already "have their asses covered" for such an event. They've already laid the groundwork for us to conclude, "Ohmigosh - it's the damned prions!" and for us to readily accept the 'curative' government action of slaughtering and destroying thousands of cows "to keep us safe".

The beauty of it is, destroying those cows _would_ keep us safe, if organophosphate poisoning is really what this is all about - and we'd still never find out that applications of those "good, safe and effective pesticides" is what caused people to sicken and die.

The ugliness of it is, there may also be a "cumulative organophosphate toxicity" involved in so-called "new" Creuzfeld-Jakob Syndrome disease cases, and any coverup about such a connection impedes the ability of doctors to diagnose accurately and properly treat the human beings who may fall prey to that toxic burden dis-ease.

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Articles In This Thread

My opinion: No, they are not - however, ...
hobie -- Wednesday, 29-Aug-2001 12:47:30
Cover-up: Insecticide causes Mad Cows and vCJD
PsyOpNews -- Wednesday, 29-Aug-2001 22:26:35

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