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Posted By: Patriotlad
Date: Saturday, 25-Aug-2001 10:00:26

"I may truly say that I never proposed either a President or Senate for life, and that I neither recommended nor mediated the annihilation of the State governments."

"Though I would have enlarged the legislative power of the general government, yet I never contemplated the abolition of the State governments, but on the contrary, they were, in some particulars, constituent parts of my plan." -- Alexander Hamilton to Timothy Pickering, September 15th, 1803, concerning the Constitutional Convention.

For much of the century now past, those persons who have actually engaged themselves in the process of democracy here in the United States -- that is, people who have worked on, funded, or managed campaigns for political candidates -- can be said to divide into two principal camps or schools of thought. For many people, the Democratic Party supposedly represents the greatest ideas of Thomas Jefferson, while the Republican Party seems to represent the best ideas of Alexander Hamilton, two of our greatest men.

Both of these representations are frauds.

The modern interstate Democratic political machine, which until Thursday, August 23rd, was fully engaged in protecting and sheltering Representative Gary Condit, albeit from the shadows, in the Chandra Levy disappearance, is the party of democratic socialism. The Republican Party, originally formed as an amalgam of Free Soil westerners, anti-slavery Whigs, and the drippings of the American Party, is now the party of corporate socialism. Only the most intensely partisan, or the most consistently delusional political operatives, really believe that these two Parties adhere to any of the principal ideas of Thomas Jefferson or Alexander Hamilton. As Plato defined them so many centuries ago, of the four principal forms of government -- Oligarchy, Democracy, Timarchy and Tyranny -- the present situation in these United States can only be described as the rule of a secretive military aristocracy or Timarchy.

Shortly in advance of the Gary Condit "propaganda hour," as hosted by that most sublime of the Big Media's bootlickers, Constance Chung, this Rumor Mill News Agent was able to obtain an interview with a top Republican political operative, now in private business and semi-retired. Having worked at a very high level in campaigns, both congressional and presidential, this gentleman agreed to the interview under a strict 'gentleman's agreement,' which prohibited the use of recording device, direct quotes or any reference to his name or personal business. It was the only way I could obtain the interview, so I agreed to the conditions. The gentleman was savvy enough to know that even the patterns of word usage in direct quotes could betray him to those who know how to study these things. Therefore, all of the comments presented below represent my transcription of his statements:

ON the Members of Congress: 'these fellows are under tremendous pressure; every one of them is ego-driven and then they get to Washington and they discover that they aren't going to be famous, unless they stick around. They can't stick around unless they are effective and that means providing constant constituent service, which in turn means getting good staff. The top office guys are really expensive, so that means that they have to fill out their budgets with younger staffers who will work hard for much less money. These are primarily young women, who come to the D.C. area from around the country thinking that they have a mandate to move up the career ladder, and fast. The Congressmen call them "Grass Monkeys" because so many of them are majorettes or cheerleaders in high school and college, or physically fit and athletic. They sometimes throw themselves at these older men, hoping to acquire power by their association.'

ON the Grass Monkeys: 'these young women come to D.C. by the busload, and the carload; they all have social connections and many are subsidized by their families while they are there. In some ways the men in Congress are helpless when it comes to this point. They are a long way from home, most do not bring their families and wives along, and they are constantly confronted with attractive and sexually willing young women. Some Congressmen make it a point to take home a different girl every night.'

ON whether or not Chandra Levy was an intelligence operative, a raven sent to seduce Gary Condit: 'it has been my experience that this kind of planning often doesn't work and is difficult to keep quiet. If she was abducted, she was taken in Dupont Circle by men in a white van -- as has been suggested -- and probably killed later. But why take her to Nevada to kill her?'

ON whether or not the Levy family knew she was an intelligence raven: 'that seems highly unlikely, I think she was a Grass Monkey with ambitions.'

ON whether or not Chandra Levy was pregnant: 'it would be very consistent with the way these things work, to get pregnant for her lover. It would not occur to her that this is an extremely dangerous path to walk.' [He admitted that he believed she was pregnant at the time she vanished.]

ON why the Republicans have kept quiet about Condit: 'do you think that there are Republican congressmen in D.C. with their own flock of Grass Monkeys? Or not?'

ON whether or not this will hurt the Democrats in 2002: 'nothing seems to hurt the Democrats. Look at Bill Clinton. They [the leaders of the House of Representatives] had him caught with the goods. He got away clean, now, didn't he?'

ON molding public opinion: 'elections are all about campaigns and that means having money enough to mold public opinion. Give me enough millions and I can make [any candidate] into the sweetest kid from the right part of town. Everybody will think that this [candidate] loves dogs and cats and little children. That is what counts.'

ON George Bush, the elder: 'he is a great guy to talk to, he really isn't pretentious or stiff. But put him on camera and he turns into a dork, immediately. I could never figure that out.'


The government we citizens of the United State have today is largely the result of the manipulations of the banking class, as it has strenuously worked its plans since before the so-called Civil War. As the illustrious Sherman Skolnick has reported, in so many ways and in so much detail, the things that determine success and failure in the modern world are money, money, money and control of the media. The Timarchy which controls these United States is not based on a Hamiltonian formula, although they would agree with this statement, attributed to Alexander Hamilton by Robert Yates during the Constitutional Convention:

"The first [class of society] are the rich and well-born, the other the mass of the people. The voice of the people has been said to be the voice of God, and, however generally this maxim has been quoted and believed, it is not true in fact. The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge or determine right. Give, therefore, to the first class a distinct, permanent share in the government. They will check the unsteadiness of the second, and as they cannot receive any advantage by a change, they will therefore will ever maintain good government. Can a democratic assembly, who annually revolve in the mass of the people, be supposed steadily to pursue the public good?

"Nothing but a permanent body can check the imprudence of democracy. The turbulent and uncontrolling dispostion requires checks ..." [Comments published in 1836 by the late Chief Justice of New York, Robert Yates.]

Here in the National Security Timarchy created by the Illuminati and their bankers, their drug barons and their criminal gangs, the voice of the people is muffled -- not by God's handiwork, but by the pernicious conspiracies of wealthy men -- and "the imprudence of democracy" is checked by manufacturing public opinion and by recruiting Spin Doctors from the legions of the lovelies, from the ranks of the Grass Monkeys who invade Washington, D.C., at the end of every academic year. This represents a decline in moral standards which is unprecedented in human history. It also shows that brilliant men, who labored to produce a Constitution which would support liberty and endure, were right about general principles but wrong in their plans.

"Men are naturally equal," wrote Rufus King, in his notes on the Federal Convention. "A man may not become an elector or elected unless of a given age and having a certain estate. Let the people be represented according to numbers, the people will be free. Every office will be equally open to all and the majority of the people will make the laws. Yet, it is said that the states will be destroyed and the people will be slaves. This is not so."

Rufus King was right about the natural equality of human beings, but he was wrong about entrusting all of the law-making powers to the democratic process. The anti-federalists who divined a natural tendency of 'the general government' to consolidate into a "national government," and from there to degenerate into some form of tyranny, were right. Rufus King expected that democracy would always work properly: "The people are free at the expense of an artificial and ideal equality of the states."

The Timarchy which governs our country, today, from its austere rooms in the National Security Agency, or the National Reconnaissance Office or the National Security Council -- is the result of consolidations taken under the rule of so-called Jeffersonian Democrats. The Timarchy simultaneously creates and maintains a state of war against the people of this country, a condition which was both the necessity and the moral foundation of timarchic rule, according to Plato.

What is ingenious is the self-financing mechanism of this war, which is the so-called War On Drugs. The people of this country, in their despair, their ennui, their boredom with their dead-end jobs and their stagnating wages, turn to marijuana and to narcotics to dull their mental anguish. Thus they provide the Timarchs of the CIA/NSA and all the rest, with the funds they need to keep the laws from ever changing, to keep the social order continuously contracting, to keep the wealthy and the banking elite in complete control of the media, and to wage war against us. Without having a state of war, the CIA/NSA and their aristocratic friends in British Zion would be morally culpable for muder in their administration of the realms of Great Britain and the United States. But, because they are the elite, and they are at war with the populace, their murders, their malfeasance and their suppressions of the truth on any subject are allowed.

From the suppression of the original Thirteenth Amendment and the covert operations of Spanish slave-trading agents in the late 1840s, to the formulation of the War of Rebellion by the Rothschilds, to the frauds perpetrated on a weary people in the name of Reconstruction -- the goal of these bankers and their aristocratic allies has always been to suborn and overthrow the republican institutions here. At times they have worked with the Catholic Church and at times they have worked against it.

The creation of the 'income tax,' and the Federal Reserve System gave them control over our monies. The creation of the Food & Drug Administration gave them control over our sustenance and our medicines. The creation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation allowed them to freely consolidate a national agency into an international police force. The creation of the EPA and its insinuation into so many international treaties and protocols has given them control of the land itself. And thus, we are left to be landless middle-class indentures, servants on the Global Plantation. As soon as 'stem cell research' creates sellable human DNA patterns -- which can be digitally transferred anywhere in the world -- then we will finally be reduced to property, again, to slavery both in actual fact and by law.

Now the long-standing prohibitions on opiates, marijuana, peyote and various other kinds of mind-enhancing or mind-altering chemicals has established the basis of a never-ending war, which is precisely what a military aristocracy must have. The fact that the people of the States willingly send their daughters to be Grass Monkeys for the Congressmen and Senators that we pay, but who are owned outright by the Timarchs, is just another insult in the long and crowded list of injuries done to us all.

Conquering armies in the ages past always abducted the young women of a province and sold the homely ones into slavery, while keeping the most beautiful ones as 'prizes' for the officers and the bravest warriors. The Timarchy which controls this country cannot afford to be so brazen. The effect is largely the same, however, and the beauty of their plan is that we pay and pay. The helpless men of Congress do not have the cojones to buck this system, and we rarely get the real truth of the matter.

Ladies and gentlemen, friends and patriots, don't let your daughters grow up to be Grass Monkeys. They too may disappear. Then again, if Chandra Levy is really dead, she at least will never know the humiliations of slavery under the Autocrats of Timarchy here in the Clinton-Bush-Clinton era.

Titles Of Honor Prohibited Since 1819!!

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Articles In This Thread

Patriotlad -- Saturday, 25-Aug-2001 10:00:26
oliverhaddo -- Saturday, 25-Aug-2001 13:11:18
nolefturn -- Saturday, 25-Aug-2001 13:32:41
LoriLynn -- Saturday, 25-Aug-2001 16:47:50
Off Topic: Living Cells Act With "Tensegrity"
Dexter -- Saturday, 25-Aug-2001 13:33:56
Tension in the tethers
Terra -- Saturday, 25-Aug-2001 22:02:44

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