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Re: Questions For Patriot-820-DC

Posted By: Patriot820DC
Date: Sunday, 19-Aug-2001 16:45:28

In Response To: Questions For Patriot-820-DC (Patriotlad)

: Dear Friends, Patriots and Warriors of Truth: With more than

Q: Was Tim McVeigh implanted with a sophisticated bio-electric
: chip of some kind, one that either 'identified' his
: location, or was able to monitor his vital signs, as well?

A: Tim was convinced that he had been implanted with a micro-chip which served a dual purpose: it had recorded information on it about him personally and it was used in conjunction with a tracking device.

I informed him that since any such chip was fed information from a laser recording device that it seemed reasonable to assume that if he de-magnetized it that such action would likely erase the recorded data and make the device un-usable.

Q: Was Tim McVeigh subjected to 'brainwashing techniques' during
: his travels around the States of the Midwest, and if so --
: when was this conditioning done? Alternatively, was he

: simply a lonesome and disaffected veteran, pissed off at
: his lot in life?

A: first part... everyone is subjected to "brainwashing techniques" and yes I am quite sure that he was subjected to more than most...

second part... maybe lonesome ... disaffected is a very broad term... pissed off at his lot in life ???...well...I am quite certain that he missed the active lifestyle afforded by war.

Q: Was Tim McVeigh too stupid to look at the car he was driving,
: as he ostensibly made his escape from Oklahoma City, and
: see that it had no license plates? Or is the kind of
: 'mental dysfunction' that is now imprinted on a 'patsy,' a
: hapless Oswald? Was he not in possession of $2000 and a
: loaded pistol, when he was arrested by a State trooper in
: northern Oklahoma? Or was that whole story concocted, too?
: Why didn't McVeigh kill the trooper that day?

A: He was set to take the fall...afterall the group supported his plan instead of mine... if they had adopted my plan then I would have taken the fall... everyone should realize that... He knew he was to be caught ...that would ensure the story staying in the news... he was also promised that they would not let him die in there...

This should answer why he did not kill the trooper or resist.
I wasn't with him in OKC so I don't know what money he carried or what weapons he had with him.

Q: Was the Philippines-born wife of Terry Nichols a
: "Monarch" plant or just a nice-looking woman who
: was willing to become a mail-order bride? Where did she
: disappear to after his trial?

A: Mariffe Nichols wasn't an ugly woman by any standards... she was taken into witness protection custody by the FBI after the arrest of Terry... I don't know that she was a plant of any kind...Terry was awfully mean to her in a lot of ways and I was aware of at least one guy who thought she was " ripe for an affair" (before the bombing)

Where she is since the trial ... I have no idea nor do I care...

Q: Who was victim number 169? Was she an African-American woman
: dressed in military fatigues, and wearing U.S. issue boots?
: Was she, therefore, a federal employee or soldier who has
: never had her identity revealed? Or was she a member of the
: placement team which drove the truck around Oklahoma City
: all night, to confound the BATF and their radio-detection
: team? Was she sacrificed to insure the success of the bomb
: inside the building, or to create the story that the 'bomb'
: in the truck produced the damage?

A: ok... I chose the common method of referring to Tim as victim 169 in my earlier post... but... since you ask about the "extra leg" and that person is obviously the true victim # 169 ...
To the best of my knowledge and according to very trusted sources who helped to perform the action in OKC...
The extra leg belonged to either the Mexican national who helped to detonate the bomb which was contained in the three door stainless steel military style refrigerator that was taken into the kitchen area of the day-care center... or to his wife who followed him everywhere...
One thing is certain... neither one of them have been seen since

Q: What is the nature of the residual radiation left by the
: device which erupted inside of the A.P. Murrah building? Is
: it Tritium or is it Thorium? Was Nickel 57 used? Was the
: bomb known by a code name, Blue Death, or is that more
: disinformation?

A: Remember that I have stated all along that I was not 100% supportive of the action in OKC ... therefore... I was not privvy to a lot of the finer details... so... I do not have the answer to that question
...neither was I privvy to the information about specific time-frame for the event to take place and I was not told definitly that OKC was positively the chosen target...

There were discussions with me that posed a lot of things in a theoretical or rhetorical method and they were careful not to share specifics with me... besides... I had told them I did not want to know the specifics because I wasn't sure that I wanted to be associated with it... They wanted me with them... but... I objected to any action which would target what I perceived as being innocent persons... the others figured that if anyone worked for the Great Satan then they were not "innocent" and as far as their children were concerned... "Why allow the Great Satan's pyramid of faithful followers to grow ??? "

Q: With a bomb of that devastating power, why was it necessary to
: plant plastic explosives on the steel girders inside the
: Murrah?

A: I did not go assess the building... I don't know that the steel girders were planted with explosives... there was talk of planting explosives on the pillars... I am quite certain they succeeded at least in part in accomplishing that task because there was some talk about their activity had drawn some suspicious stares.

Q: Why didn't they lay this off on the Arabs, which was clearly
: the plan during The Great Arab Hunt of 1995? Why use a
: military man to kill Army and Air Force recruiters?

A: I was supposed to be the person to call in and take responsibility for the group... during the call I suddenly decided that I didn't want to associate myself with a group that took an action which I had spoken against during the planning of that action...
Because of my failure to complete the task set out for me to do ( I stopped at the part of naming the group responsible ) ...
a lot of rumours and fallicies have spread like wild-fire.
I take responsibility for many of the conspiracies that have spread because I decided that I didn't need to be any further involved than what I already was.

I'm sure the recruiters offices were considered insignificant when compared to the risk of exposure or failure to complete the "mission"

Q: Did you ever meet Alan G. Whicher of the Secret Service, or do
: you know Robert Goetzman (FBI), or Jim Cofield or Paul
: Coffee?

A: Why would I strive to remember names of persons who I might have met???.... sorry... I don't try to remember names and in a lot of cases it is convenient to forget...

I have spoken with some FBI agents as well as Secret Service agents... and numerous other investigators representing several diverse organizations.

Believe me that I have stated more in this " Post " then I would have revealed to any of " Them "

Q: What is the name of the secret faction inside of the FBI which
: has been trying to manufacture a civil war with the
: domestic militia movement since well before 1992? Are they
: not the inheritors of the anti-Black Panther movement and
: all of its dirty tricks? Where do they get their extra
: monies? Are they are war with the whole of the CIA, or just
: with the CIA/London Station and its apparatus of British
: and Zionist flunkies?

A: I'm not in the FBI

I am aware that there has been until very very recently a state of mistrust that extends very deeply into the security and intelligence levels of our country.
I have been told that the situation was so bad that agents were afraid to use words like; integrity, honor, patriotism, and trust.

I have recently been made aware that there is " new hope "
I will state emphatically that the word " righteousness " must always include such words.

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Questions For Patriot-820-DC
Patriotlad -- Sunday, 19-Aug-2001 14:56:08
Re: Questions For Patriot-820-DC
Patriot820DC -- Sunday, 19-Aug-2001 16:45:28
Rixon -- Sunday, 19-Aug-2001 18:54:44

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